拗 v. break; turn; bend; disobey; violate; hard to pr
sometimes naive 有时候天真:形容某人在某些情况下缺乏经验或判断力,表现得过于天真幼稚。
inspiration n. 灵感;启发灵感的人(或事物);鼓舞人心的人(或事物);(突然想到的)好主意
安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i
永垂不朽 adj. immortal; everlasting。n. immortality; eternal
滞留 n. retention; hold-up; stagnation; delay; backlog。
神父 n. father; priest; cloth; churchman; man of God of
菜谱 n. menu; cookbook; recipe book; cookery book; bill
雾里看花 idiom see things through a fog; have a blurred vis
corporation n. 社团,公司,法人(团体);市政当局
秃 adj. bald; hairless; bare; bald; blunt。n. monk。
兼容性 compatibility。
keep it real 保持真实:指保持真实、真诚的态度或行为,不虚伪或做作。
采取 v. adopt; take; assume; employ; resort; carry out;
adequately adv. 充分地,足够地;适当地