1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-12 09:01:24
cài pǔ


menu; cookbook; recipe book; cookery book; bill of fare

menu n.(列出可供选择的食物和饮料)菜单;饭菜;菜肴;(计算机界面中的一系列命令或选项)选单

cookbook n.食谱;烹饪书籍;菜谱集;料理书;烹饪教程

recipe book n.食谱

cookery book n.烹饪书;食谱书;菜谱书;烹调书;烹饪指南

bill of fare n.菜单;菜谱;节目单;饮食单;饭单

  • 《鱼,无需怀疑》一书介绍了13种罗非鱼菜谱

    Fish Without a Doubt includes 13 tilapia recipes.

  • 鸫鸟是受保护的物种,在菜谱上是找不到的。

    Thrushes are a protected species so you will not find them on any menu.

  • 服务员给我们带来了菜谱

    The waiter brought us the menu.

  • 依照菜谱中份量和质量的标准烹调食品.

    Prepare food in accordance with portion and quality standards specified in recipes.

  • 在烹饪法中,菜谱提供原料的列表,并就如何将这些原料混合到一起提供一些说明。

    In the kitchen, the recipe provides a list of ingredients and some instructions on how to mix those ingredients together.

  • 辛纳屈的妈妈答应寄来菜谱

    Mama Sinatra has promised to send the recipes.

  • 这些菜谱中的许多配料如今已经很少使用了。

    Many of them use ingredients unavailable in today's society.

  • 菜谱提供了有关使用模式及其实现所必需的资产的指南。

    The recipe provides guidance for using patterns and the assets necessary for their implementation.

  • 菜谱上的各种用料都增加一倍,就够八人吃了.

    If you double all the quantities in the recipe it'll be enough for eight people.

  • 侍者送来了菜谱.

    A waiter brought the menu.

  • 好处:大多数意式沙拉菜谱包括了各种新鲜蔬菜。

    The upside: Most pasta-salad recipes include a variety of fresh vegetables.

  • 妙用时令蔬菜的菜谱

    recipes that make imaginative use of seasonal vegetables

  • 上面菜谱中的你喜欢吃多少就吃多少。

    Eat as much as you like of the above food items.

  • 该研究将菜谱定义为包含四种或四种以上配料的主菜。

    The research defined a recipe as a main course dish containing four or more ingredients.

  • 每种菜谱都具体规定了所用鸡蛋的大小。

    Each recipe specifies the size of egg to be used.

  • 请注意,菜谱本身就是资产。

    Note that the recipe itself is an asset.

  • 这家餐厅的菜谱上有很多素食选项。

    There are many vegetarian options on the menu of this restaurant.

  • 照着菜谱做饭时你总是忍不住加上自己的配料。

    You have a hard time following recipes without adding your own ingredients.

  • 省略菜谱中放盐这一步。

    Omit the salt in this recipe.

  • 现在可以下载菜谱了。

    We can now download the recipe.

  • 菜谱 、 名片 、 店名、广告等.

    Menu, card, store name and advertisement etc.

  • 尽量将盐从你的菜谱中剔除。

    Remove salt from recipes whenever possible.

  • 菜谱所使用的SOA模式与业务层相关。

    The SOA patterns used by the recipe are relevant to the business tier.

  • 尽管这个菜谱看上去很长,其实做起来很快。

    Although this recipe looks long, it is actually very quick to prepare.

  • 在这么重要的场合最好不要尝试以前从未做过的新菜谱

    It's best not to try a new recipe for the first time on such an important occasion.

  • 这些菜谱中的很多都是添加了不少调料。

    Many of these recipes are highly flavoured.

  • 好吧, 现在, 你什么都不要说, 这次我根据菜谱.

    Okay, now, before you say anything, I followed the recipe this time.

  • 模式菜谱提供了有关指定模式的使用、组织以及相互关系的文档。

    The pattern recipe provides documentation on the use, organization and interconnection of the specified patterns.

  • 上面菜谱中的你喜欢吃多少就吃多少.

    Eat as much as you like of the above food items.

  • 菜谱定期更换,而且每天都有特色菜供选择。

    The menu changes regularly and there are daily specials to choose from.

  • 就此来说,菜谱就是一个模板。

    In this sense a recipe is a template.

  • 给您菜谱,请问先来点咖啡还是茶?

    Waiter: Here is the menu. Would you like some coffee or tea first?

  • 菜谱中有道菜是 “ 孪生龙虾--45美元. ”

    Among other items , the menu listed " Twin Lobsters - $ 45. "

  • 我们找出了你喜欢的几个菜谱.

    We've searched out some of your favourite recipes.

  • 你只是过来打探我和我的菜谱的。

    You only came to spy on me and my menu….

  • 这个特殊的菜谱处理如何应用和使用一系列soa模式。

    This particular recipe deals with how to apply and use a series of SOA patterns.

  • 登陆一些美食网站,找些新菜谱

    Browse gourmet cooking websites for new recipes.

  • 我们在餐厅看了菜谱

    We looked at the menu in the restaurant.

  • 这道菜谱要把牛排放到白葡萄酒、大葱和骨髓酱里,我不确定为什么这本书会自己就翻到这一页来。

    I'm not certain why this recipe for steak in a white wine, shallot, and bone-marrow sauce is where the book naturally opens to.

  • 我们将结合一个参考示例来说明可以如何使此菜谱

    We use this recipe with a reference example to show how the recipe can be used.

  • 这里重置表单以便让用户输入新的菜谱

    In this case, I reset the form so that the user can enter another recipe.

  • 给我菜谱看一下

    I'd like to see the menu.

  • 这个特殊的模式菜谱使用SOA模式实现和优化服务。

    This particular pattern recipe USES SOA patterns to implement and optimize services.

  • 图5显示了如何从此菜谱访问和导入用例模型。

    Figure 5 shows how to access and import the use case model from the recipe.

  • 它介绍了不同地方的传统菜谱

    It introduces recipes (菜谱) for traditional dishes from different places.

  • 你能推荐一下菜谱上的招牌菜吗?

    Can you recommend the signature dishes on the menu?

  • 营养搭配均衡的菜谱旨在不必忍受饥饿的前提下帮您每天减掉一磅体重。

    The nutritionally balanced menus are designed to help you lose up to a pound a day without hunger pangs.

  • 值得注意的是,这些菜谱有一样是做不到的:魔力。

    There is one notable thing these recipes are not: magic.

  • 你可以在一道菜或者某人在准备那道菜的照片旁边放上一份家族菜谱

    You could put a family recipe next to a picture of the dish or someone preparing it.

  • 他们正在设计新的菜谱

    They are designing a new menu.

  • 这些菜谱中很多都添加了极浓的调味料。

    Many of these recipes are highly flavoured.

  • 本文对菜谱、模式和可重用资产进行了逐一说明。

    This has been a whirlwind tour of recipes, patterns, and reusable assets.

  • 我们有客饭菜谱.

    We have got a set menu.

  • 现在,你可以缩小搜索结果的范围,使其仅仅显示菜谱

    Now you can narrow your search results to show only recipes.

  • 菜谱可以替代一个或多个模式。

    Recipes have the ability to substitute one or more patterns.

  • 好,让我们回过头看看我们的菜谱

    OK. Let's go back and think about our recipes.

  • 毛豆。你没加毛豆。让我找找菜谱

    Edamame. I'm pretty sure there's edamame in it. Let me find the actual thing.

  • 一个传统的菜谱实际上是,建立在一小堆的原材料,和一个好厨师,或者好厨子之上的,我要说,根据那堆原材料,可以创造出无数的美味佳肴来。

    A traditional recipe actually is based on a small set of primitives, and a good chef with, or good cook, I should say, with that set of primitives, can create an unbounded number of great dishes.

  • 我要在我爸到来之前找到菜谱。哈罗德·霍道夫著名的南瓜派。

    I have to find this recipe before my dad gets here. Harold Waldorf's famous pumpkin pie.

  • 所以你可以先把这个做好备在一边,所以这个菜谱很实用。

    Yeah. So you can cook this really and then you can keep it to one side. So it's really useful.

  • 还有,你应该从这个课堂上拿走的是,学会如何设计菜谱,如何构建菜谱,如何在Python语言的模式中设计东西。

    And what you should take away from this course is having learned how to design recipes, how to structure recipes, how to do things in modes in Python.

  • 我还打印了一些晚饭的菜谱我想亲自下厨。

    And I also printed out some recipes for tonight. I thought I'd cook for us.

  • 那个... 玛戈今天在干嘛呢?她跟她的学习小组要通宵学习。通宵吗?泡菜秋葵汤菜谱 嗯 ,我刚跟她通过电话。她下周有生物期末考试。怎么了?

    What's Margot up to tonight? She's at a study group all night. Wait, all night tonight? Yeah, I just got off the phone with her. She's got a bio final next week. Why?

  • 你有菜谱吗?因为这绝对少了点什么。我也许但我绝对相信菜谱里没有大麻。

    Do you have the recipe? Because I'm definitely forgetting something. Yeah, I might but I can definitely tell you there's no pot in it.

  • 就算在真实的菜谱当中,你也需要做一些比如加糖之类的事情。

    Even in real recipes, you have things like, if needed, add sugar.


菜谱 càipǔ

(1) [menu]∶推荐菜肴种类、价格的纸单

(2) [cookbook]∶详细介绍烹调技艺的书



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of