1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-26 19:19:02
jiǎo zi


dumpling; jiaozi

dumpling n.饺子;团子;汤团;水果馅点心

jiaozi n.饺子

  • 他们甚至会包中国饺子、唱中国歌曲。

    They can even make Chinese dumplings and sing Chinese songs.

  • 她建议教我包饺子

    She suggested teaching me to make dumplings.

  • 有两家供应饺子和鸡肉汤面的餐馆。

    They have two restaurants that purvey dumplings and chicken noodle soup.

  • 这家粮店把面粉加工成面皮供包饺子用.

    The grain store processed flour wrappers for Chinese dumplings.

  • 我记得,我们谈论的是饺子皮。

    I remember. We talk about dumpling skins.

  • 他们吃了饺子和一些水果。

    They ate dumplings and some fruit.

  • 春节一定要吃饺子

    For Spring Festival, dumpling is a must.

  • 我最喜欢的食物是饺子

    My favorite food is dumpling.

  • 它们是一种饺子

    They're a kind of dumpling.

  • 我会在厨房里站在妈妈脚边,看她包饺子

    I'd get under my mother's feet in the kitchen, watching her make dumplings.

  • 回到家,我看到婆婆正在煮饺子

    Back home, I see mother-in-law is boiling dumplings.

  • 春节,人们通常吃饺子或汤圆.

    People usually eat dumplings or sweet dumplings on Spring Festival.

  • 他们学会了包饺子,打中国功夫和剪纸。

    They learned to make dumplings, play Chinese kung fu and do paper cutting.

  • 这天,爸爸教我包饺子

    One day, my dad taught me to make dumplings.

  • 他们有很多不同的食物,像饺子、点心等等。

    There's a lot of different foods they have like dumplings, dim sum and so on.

  • 我很想吃饺子.

    I feel like having some dumplings.

  • 你想要哪种饺子

    What kind of dumplings would you like?

  • 我一眼就看见那个带记号的大钱饺子.

    I spotted the marked dumpling at first sight.

  • 在中国,除夕晚上吃饺子的风俗很盛行.

    In China the custom prevails in eating dumplings on New Year's Eve.

  • 说着,就把所有的饺子碗拿起来摇晃,晃来晃去,就把那碗有大钱饺子的放到了母亲跟前.

    She stood up and shook the bowls one after another while shifting hers with my mother's.

  • 拿一块饺子皮。

    Grab a dumpling skin.

  • 我们来办个饺子派对吧!

    Let's do a dumpling party!

  • 他们没有在做饺子

    They are not making dumplings.

  • 饺子,也被称为中国饺子,是中国北方节日必吃的食物。

    Jiaozi, also known as Chinese dumplings, is a must-have during holidays in Northern China.

  • 说着,我就拿起了一块饺子皮。

    Then, I picked up a piece of dumpling skin.

  • 我在吃饺子——一种饺子

    I am eating jiaozi — a kind of dumpling.

  • 这家餐馆的饺子很好吃。

    The dumpling in this restaurant is very delicious.

  • 令我们惊讶的是,我们没有找到她饺子的照片。

    To our surprise, we didn't find any pictures of her dumplings.

  • 她已经把饺子馅和好了。

    She had already mixed the stuffing for the dumplings.

  • 许多的食物,如粽子、月饼和饺子等有与节日有关。

    A lot of traditional food such as Zongzi, moon cake and dumplings are associated with festivals.

  • 女主人端上一大碗热气腾腾的饺子.

    Our hostess served up a large bowl of steaming hot dumplings.

  • 今天下午,我妈妈准备包饺子作为晚餐。

    This afternoon, my mother prepared to make dumplings for dinner.

  • 芳草鸡肉饺子

    chicken with herb dumplings

  • 她已经把饺子馅和好了.

    She had already mixed the stuffing for the dumplings.

  • 在奥利里的推荐下,他们首先点了意大利饺子

    On O'Leary's recommendation, they started with tortellini.

  • “ 媳妇, 快包饺子,过年! ”

    " Daughter - in - law , let's start making dumplings for the Festival! "

  • 饺子是龙的耳朵。

    Dumplings are dragon's ears.

  • 一会儿, 全家就围在一起开始包饺子.

    In no time, all had gathered around the table to make dumplings.

  • 饺子和甜米团是什么?

    What do dumpling and sweet rice pudding mean?

  • 他们那里有两家供应饺子和鸡肉汤面的餐馆。

    They have two restaurants that purvey dumplings and chicken noodle soup.

  • 牛肉胡萝卜饺子,谢谢。

    Beef and carrot dumplings, please.

  • 饺子尝起来味道很好。

    The dumpling tastes really good.

  • 你不会有任何问题找到米饭、面条或饺子

    You won't have any problem getting rice, noodles or dumplings.

  • 人们在煮饺子的时候会把一个硬币藏在饺子里面。

    People hide a coin in one dumpling while they cook dumplings.

  • 我正在吃饺子——一种带馅的面团。

    I am eating jiaozi – a kind of dumpling.

  • 寄宿家庭总是吃饺子、米饭和美味的菜肴。

    The host family always had dumplings, rice and delicious dishes.

  • 我喜欢饺子和包子, 还有一样, 就是烧饼.

    I like jiaozi and baozi, and one more thing, shaobing.

  • 她会在一些饺子里放上象征物。

    She'd put tokens in some dumplings.

  • 我喜欢饺子、鱼和橙汁。

    I like dumplings, fish and orange juice.

  • 饺子是中国的传统食物。

    Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food.

  • 吃到大钱饺子了! ”

    She got the good - luck dumpling! "

  • 第三步是擀饺子皮。

    The third step is rolling dumpling skin.

  • 嗨,简!太棒了!饺子很好吃。

    Hi, Jane! Great! Dumplings are very delicious.

  • 我真的很想念家乡的饺子、米饭和美味的菜肴。

    I really miss the dumplings, rice and delicious dishes from home.

  • 是的,饺子是必不可少的。

    Yes, dumpling is a must.

  • 啊,我可是绞尽脑汁了。华馆提供了39.95美金的情侣特典套餐。蛋卷啊,饺子啊,数不清的炒菜,最后你还能和门口硕大的大理石马合影留念。

    Yeah, I am pulling out all the stops. There's a $39.95 lover's special at P.F. Chang's. Egg rolls, dumplings, bottomless wok, and you get your picture taken on the big marble horse out front.

  • 你要吃最后一只饺子吗,谢尔顿?

    Do you want the last dumpling, Sheldon?

  • 我给你留了个饺子。你对我的关心真叫人感动,等你明天载我去看牙医我再好好报答你。

    I saved you a dumpling. Oh, your concern for me is touching. It will serve you well when you take me to the dentist tomorrow.

  • 饺子是一种真正的艺术,折皱包得越多的点心师傅就越好。

    Folding is a real art. The more folds, the better the dim sum chef.

  • 太好了!在死胡同里,我们可以把他包饺子

    Excellent! It's in a cul-de-sac. We can box him in.

  • 那就不是饺子了,当你把它切开以后就是开口的小三明治了。

    Then it's no longer a dumpling. Once you cut it open it is, at best, a very small open-faced sandwich.

  • 好有粘性!是的。这是一个好饺子馅的特征。是吗?是的。

    See how sticky that is! Oh, yeah. That's a sign of a good dumpling filling. Yeah? Yeah.

  • 看你们几个人不错告诉你我的办法,我给你们上四个饺子

    You're nice boys. Tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to bring you the four dumplings.

  • 接着是小麦淀粉外皮,半透明的饺子皮。就这么一直搓。

    Next, a wheat starch skin, the translucent dumpling wrap. Just rolling it.

  • 他们不就是把你的饺子蒸了一下嘛,算了吧,拜托,换个新话题。

    So they steamed your dumplings. Get over it. New topic, please.

  • 当我送上来的时候也许我绊一下,碰掉一个饺子,你们什么都不知道。我知道。

    When I'm walking over to the table, maybe I get bumped, one of the dumplings fall to the floor. No one has to know. I'll know.

  • 不行,如果吃饺子吃饱了,就要再减一道菜。不准减菜。多出来的就打包好了。

    No. If we fill up on dumplings, we need to eliminate another entree. No eliminations. If we have extra, we'll just take the leftovers home.

  • 新年,中国有句老话,就是:饺子就酒,越喝越有。哦,真的。

    You know, there is a saying in Chinese for the New Year. It's actually... Oh, great.

  • 我是饺子。没错。

    I'm the dumplings. Yes, you are.

  • 虾饺就是广东话的“虾子馅饺子”。

    Haa gaau. It's the Cantonese name for prawn dumpling.

  • 就是边吃饺子边喝酒,吃喝越多就越富有。这聚会对我们胃口。是的。白酒,白酒。

    Meaning a dumpling with Baijiu, the more you eat or drink, the richer you will be. It sounds like our sort of party, dude. It does. Baijiu, Baijiu?

  • 首先他要做饺子馅,一种叫虾饺的传统饺子

    So he's gonna make the dumpling filling first, of a dumpling called "Haa gaau", the traditional Dumpling.

  • 有很多各种各样的食物,像饺子、中式点心……

    There's a lot of different foods they have like dumplings, dim sum...




国庆节 n. National Day。

菠萝 n. pineapple。

妈妈 n. mother; mom; mum; mommy; mama; ma。

饺子 n. dumpling; jiaozi。

听音乐 listen to music。

活动 n. activity; exercise; task; play; operation; oper

十二 num. twelve。

小丑 n. clown; jester; buffoon; fool; merry-andrew; a c

筷子 n. chopsticks; chopstick。

餐厅 n. restaurant; dining room; dining hall; mess hall

介绍 v. introduce; present; recommend; brief; profile;

棕色 adj. brown; dark。n. brown。

蜡笔 n. crayon; pastel; wax crayon。

面条 n. noodles; noodle。

畜禽 n. livestock; poultry; farm animals; domestic anim