1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-08 14:38:16
zhì liú


retention; hold-up; stagnation; delay; backlog


detain; stop; hinder; defer; delay; strand; backlog; overstay

retention n.保持;(液体、热量等的)的保持;吸收和保持;保留;记忆力;记性;记忆保持;阻滞;滞留;潴留;留存;囤积;积聚;维持;保守

hold-up n.持枪抢劫;阻碍;阻滞;交通堵塞;延迟;耽搁;停顿

stagnation n.停滞;滞止

delay v.推迟;延迟;使拖延;拖延;使耽搁;耽搁;延期;减缓速度;延后;延迟发车(或起飞、开船等)

backlog n.积压的工作;未完成的事务;滞留物

detain v.拘留;耽搁;延迟;阻止离开

stop v.停止;阻止;使结束;结束;使停下;停下;暂停;中断;使中断;停止工作;停止运转;逗留;待;堵塞;止付;停付

hinder v.妨碍;阻挠;拖延;阻止;干扰;阻碍;延误;阻梗;制止;阻扰;阻挡

defer v.推迟;延期;延迟;延缓;展期;顺从;尊重;展缓;听从;遵从

strand v.使搁浅;使滞留;使困在某处;使无法脱身;使处于困境

overstay v.逾期停留;超时逗留;滞留过久;停留过久

  • 药品化学结构引起之立体障碍会降低滞留时间.

    Nevertheless , steric hindrance caused by chemical structure reduces the retention time.

  • 原来,是毒液的粘性使其滞留在导流槽里的。

    Turns out that the venom’s viscosity keeps it nestled in the groove.

  • 它们从小湖的几天到大湖的几百年不等;加州的太浩湖有700年的滞留时间。

    They range from a few days for small lakes up to several hundred years for large ones; Lake Tahoe, in California, has a residence time of 700 years.

  • 我在狱中被滞留了几个小时.

    I was detained for a few hours in jail.

  • “这将是该标准,将具有滞留在未来十年功率型,”他说。

    "It will be the standard and will have that type of staying power over the next decade," he said.

  • 在大气中滞留将近九年的地氟烷是最具危害的。

    Desflurane, which lasts for nearly nine years, has the most impact.

  • 新的请求传入并滞留在新的服务分类工作队列中。

    A new request comes in and stays in the new service class work queue.

  • 长时间的水分滞留会导致植物根部腐烂。

    Prolonged water retention can cause root rot in plants.

  • 所有主要机场现已重新开放,航空公司开始处理数千名滞留旅客。

    All major airports have now reopened and airlines are beginning to cope with the backlog of thousands of stranded passengers.

  • 由于交通堵塞,车辆在路上滞留了几个小时。

    Due to traffic congestion, vehicles were in retention on the road for hours.

  • 他注意到有很多唾液滞留在他的嘴里。

    He noticed a lot of saliva settling in his mouth.

  • 数千滞留车辆阻断了主干道路.

    Arterial roads are blocked by thousands of stranded vehicles.

  • 莫斯科的一家公司正在推销一种“睡眠箱”,即独立的、移动的里面带床的盒子,专门为夜间滞留的旅行者或那些需要小睡的人设计。

    A Moscow company is now marketing "Sleepboxes"—freestanding, mobile boxes with beds inside—for travelers stranded overnight, or those in need of a quick snooze.

  • 他的记忆力很好,信息滞留时间很长。

    He has a good memory, with long retention of information.

  • 他的目光滞留在她手指上的钻戒上。

    His eyes lingered on the diamond ring on her finger.

  • 多达百分之四十的学生逾签证期限滞留

    Up to forty percent of the students had overstayed their visas.

  • 我因一位朋友来访而滞留在办公室里。

    I have been detained in the office by a friend who called.

  • 这场罢工使成百上千的游客滞留在机场。

    The strike left hundreds of tourists stranded at the airport.

  • 因为生命无法倒流,也不会滞留于昨日.

    For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

  • 公司作为一个整体是滞留在腐朽心态的窠臼里的。

    Companies as a whole are stuck in the rut of an old mindset.

  • 大量细胞外液滞留于腹膜损伤区.

    Massive amounts of extracellular fluid may be sequestered in the area of peritoneal injury.

  • 我被重新安排到另一班航班上并且在芝加哥滞留了三个小时.

    I was rebooked onto another flight that a three - hour layover in Chicago.

  • 她咬着嘴唇; 瘦削的脸上滞留着犹豫不定的神色.

    She was chewing her lips; her round , thin face was frozen with uncertainty.

  • 气肿因空气滞留而引起的体组织的不正常的扩张.

    An abnormal distention of body tissues caused by retention of air.

  • 大部分难民滞留的地区暴露在风雨之中。

    The area where most refugees are waiting is exposed to the elements.

  • 他们昨晚会面,消除一切滞留的疑点.

    They met last night to clear up any lingering doubts.

  • 突然间很多申请被滞留在"正在处理"状态.

    Suddenly there are a lot more applications stalled in the ‘processing’ state.

  • 她因雾在布鲁塞尔滞留了好几个小时。

    She spent hours fogbound in Brussels.

  • 捕猎依努皮亚鲸鱼的猎人们为滞留的北极熊留下食物。

    A whale carcass left by Inupiaq whale hunters provides food for the stranded polar bears.

  • 我让我的木匠全职工作,但是一些重要的建筑材料滞留在海关了。

    I'm having my carpenters work full time, but some important building materials are being delayed at the customs.

  • 宫内节育器; 围绝经期; 滞留; 安全性。

    Intrauterine device (IUD); Perimenopausal period; Retention; Safety.

  • 滞留全班学生是不公平的.

    The detention of the whole class was unfair.

  • 因罢工滞留的旅客要耽搁很长时间。

    Strike-bound travellers face long delays.

  • 很多人滞留在酒店的酒吧。

    Most are being held in the hotel bar.

  • 虽然其脑摄取较低,但有较长的滞留时间。

    Although the brain uptake is lower for this compound, it has longer retention in brain.

  • 机场被迫关闭,造成游客滞留

    The airport had to be closed, stranding tourists.

  • 还有很多持旅游签证,逾期滞留

    Many others overstay their tourist visas.

  • 由于大雾,许多航班被迫滞留

    Due to heavy fog, many flights were forced into retention.

  • 这家酒店提供了行李滞留服务。

    The hotel offers a luggage retention service.

  • 该因素说明了吸附在固体上的气体及其在系统中的滞留量。

    This factor accounts for the gas adsorbed on the solids and its holdback in the system.

  • 货车在前往码头途中,遇上塞车,滞留数小时。

    The truck had been stuck in slow traffic for hours on its way to the port.

  • 保持正经仪表, 不可在景点滞留.

    Maintain decent instruments, can not be stranded in spots.

  • 那些没有航班而滞留在机场的人哀叹自己的运气不好。

    Those stuck at airports operating no flights bemoaned their luck.

  • 滞留在肠道的内细菌还消耗食物中的维生素B12.

    Bacteria in stagnant bowel consume dietery vitamin B 12.

  • 他们没赶上渡船,滞留在了岸上。

    They missed the ferry and remained onshore.

  • 我看不出要滞留在那城镇的理由.

    I saw no reason to tarry in that town.

  • 与亲戚们一味滞留下来天天无事可做等待领着出游相比, 这些简直就太小事一桩了.

    But compared to relatives waiting to be taken around town, these trials are not worth mentioning.

  • 我主人得了重感冒, 这感冒一直滞留在他的肺部.

    My master caught a bad cold, that settling obstinately on his lungs.

  • 药品化学结构引起之立体障碍会降低滞留时间。

    Nevertheless, steric hindrance caused by chemical structure reduces the retention time.

  • 普拉德霍湾以外的滞留北极熊。

    Stranded polar bears on Cross Island outside Prudhoe Bay.

  • 问:请介绍目前在埃及滞留中国公民情况。

    Q: Please update us on the Chinese nationals who are still in Egypt.

  • 现在有三百难民滞留在比瑞奥村。

    Three hundred refugees now live in Birao.

  • 普丽娅,什么风把你吹来洛杉矶?我本来要去多伦多,但我得在这滞留一天,企业并购。

    So Priya what brings you back to L.A.? I have a one-day layover on my way to Toronto. Corporate merger.

  • 今年据电视台报道,由于大雪造成的延误,在广东火车站滞留的乘客超过十万人。

    This year, Chinese television reported queues of up to 100,000 people at Guangdong train station when heavy snow caused delays.


滞留 zhìliú

[defer;detain;hinder;stop;be held up;be detained] 停留不动



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of