1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-08 14:36:11
jiān róng xìng


compatibility n.和睦相处

  • 这些文件格式之间没有兼容性

    There is no compatibility between these file formats.

  • 电磁兼容性好, 全功能智能保护,适用于各种用途 高档 音箱.

    Electromagnetic compatibility is good, full - featured intelligent protection for various uses high - end speaker.

  • 这种附加安全也导致不稳定及兼容性问题.

    The extra security also led to instability and compatibility problems.

  • 遵守并执行有关数据安全 、 浏览器兼容性, 以及残疾人使用方便等方面的工业标准.

    Complies with industry standards for data security, browser compatibility, and accessibility.

  • 不过,那些都不是我们要谈论的兼容性

    However, that's not the compatibility we're talking about.

  • 它叫做图灵兼容性

    It's called Turing compatibility.

  • 他们正在测试新软件的兼容性

    They are testing the compatibility of the new software.

  • 如果您不需要这种兼容性,则应该禁用它。

    If you don't need this compatibility, you should disable it.

  • 这个WSDL的扩展点也可能造成兼容性的问题。

    This extensibility point of WSDL can also cause compatibility issues.

  • Ubuntu的兼容性和整合。

    Compatibility and integration of ubuntu.

  • 标准HPGL语言格式, 速度极快, 对软件兼容性更强.

    Standard HPGL language format, high speed, and better software compatibility.

  • 兼容性使系统在任何硬件上都便于使用。

    The compatibility makes the system usable with any hardware.

  • 人们经常谈论两种兼容性

    People often talk about two kinds of compatibility.

  • 工具能够确保“即插即用的兼容性”。

    The tooling would ensure "plug in compatibility".

  • 使用这个指导原则来找到你们的材料的化学兼容性.

    Use this guide to find the chemical compatibility for your materials.

  • 设置动作的版本兼容性

    Set version compatibility for actions.

  • 这说明了新版本的应用程序兼容性

    This illustrates the application compatibility with the new version.

  • 为什么存在二进制不兼容性

    Why is there binary incompatibility?

  • 名称中的版本号保证了未来的兼容性

    A version number in the name guarantees compatibility in the future.

  • 请在使用前确定您浏览器的兼容性!

    Use the following parameters to specify how alignments are scored.

  • 我使用不同的浏览器来测试我的网站兼容性

    I use different browsers to test my website's compatibility.

  • 打破向后兼容性引起了争议。

    Breaking backwards compatibility has been controversial.

  • 因此,要权衡考虑方便性和兼容性

    The trade-off is one of convenience versus compatibility.

  • 右击文件,在“属性”里选择“兼容性”选项卡。

    Right-click on the file, go to Properties, then click the "Compatibility" TAB.

  • 兼容性角度看,这一点非常关键。

    From a compatibility standpoint, this is critical.

  • 摘要电磁兼容性设计是机动式指挥自动化系统的重要环节.

    EMC design is one of the important link of the maneuverable C ^ 4 I.

  • 本教程注意到了这种不兼容性

    Such incompatibilities are noted throughout the tutorial.

  • 这个应用程序的兼容性使它非常受欢迎。

    The compatibility of this application makes it very popular.

  • 此代码的兼容性非常好。

    This code is very compatible.

  • 他们希望在添加新功能的同时保持向后兼容性

    They want to add new functionality while maintaining backward compatibility.

  • 该系统模型具有兼容性、容易部署及良好的可扩展性等特点.

    The system has compatibility and better expansibility it can be deployed easily.

  • 维持和原始模式的向后兼容性

    Maintain backward compatibility with the original schema.

  • 但是NEA决定吸引更多LP进入, 体现其兼容性.

    But NEA decides to attract more LP to enter, reflect its compatibility.

  • 是否启动端口20来传递数据.关闭这一项兼容性更好.

    Make sure PORT transfer connections originate from port 20 ( ftp - data ).

  • 这个软件包的最大特点就是兼容性强.

    The greatest feature of this software package is its compatibility.

  • 实时注意客户FTP上的兼容性列表 和 质量警报.

    Monitor daily customer FTP site for Compatibility Matrix & Quality Alerts.

  • 指令集、兼容性,等等。

    Instruction Sets, Compatibility, Etc.

  • 我们需要确保新设备的兼容性

    We need to ensure the compatibility of the new device.

  • 这些文件格式之间的兼容性很差。

    The compatibility between these file formats is poor.

  • 因为它拥有跨平台的兼容性

    There, you have compatibility across the board.

  • 主干版本通常意味着向后兼容性不再被保证。

    DHH: Major versions usually indicate that backwards compatibility is no longer guaranteed.

  • ALSA提供了与OSS类似的兼容性.

    ALSA provides OSS compatibility which worked out - of - the box for me.

  • 开发人员设法确保实现向后兼容性

    The development laboratories work very hard to ensure backward compatibility.

  • 最后作者研究了自动抄表通信系统的可靠性 、 安全性与电磁兼容性 ( EMC ) 问题.

    At last, the security and electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) of ARMS are discussed.

  • 答案同样是因为向后兼容性

    Again, the answer lies in backward compatibility.

  • 发行版之间的向后兼容性

    Backward compatibility between releases.

  • 将文档转换为文本格式以提高兼容性

    Convert the document to a txt format for compatibility.

  • 但遗憾的是,向后兼容性是个问题。

    Unfortunately, backward compatibility is an issue.

  • 验证组合可以确保参与组合的服务的兼容性

    Verifying composition ensures the compatibility of services that participate in the composition.

  • 他们在讨论系统升级的兼容性问题。

    They are discussing the compatibility issues of the system upgrade.

  • 更新驱动程序可以提高系统的兼容性

    Updating the drivers can improve the system's compatibility.

  • 要确保向前兼容性,您不希望修改客户机应用程序。

    To ensure forward compatibility, you don't want to modify the client application.

  • 我们需要测试新硬件的兼容性

    We need to test the compatibility of the new hardware.

  • 这种通信方法具有兼容性好和成本低等优点.

    This communication technology has the advantage of good compatibility and low cost.

  • 女人的鼻子则对主要组织兼容性复合体 (MHC) 分子特别敏锐,这是用来抗病的分子。

    A woman's nose is particularly attuned to MHC molecules, which are used to fight disease.

  • 它叫做图灵兼容性

    It's called Turing compatibility.

  • 不用重新更换页面,因为页面上的东西一直在变化;,在学期即将结束时我们会学习如何实现这些动态的东西,还有Ajax对于浏览器兼容性的贡献。

    Things are moving and changing ; without the whole page reloading; when we looked towards the end of the semester Ajax enabled websites much like the ones we all use today.


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of