1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-26 14:52:47
xiǎo chǒu


clown; jester; buffoon; fool; merry-andrew; a contemptible wretch; harlequin; figure of fun

clown n.小丑;丑角;滑稽演员;幽默者;开玩笑的人;行为可笑的人;笨蛋;蠢货

jester n.弄臣;宫廷小丑;滑稽演员;逗乐者;爱开玩笑的人

buffoon n.小丑;滑稽可笑的人;嘲弄者;愚弄他人的人

fool n.傻瓜;蠢人;受骗者;容易受欺的人;(旧时国王或王后豢养供人娱乐的)小丑;弄臣;戏剧中的愚蠢角色

harlequin n.丑角;滑稽角色;哈勒奎角色;(蝴蝶等昆虫的)花斑;多彩图案

figure of fun n.笑柄;笑料;被嘲笑的人;取笑对象

  • 我们在派对上扮小丑吧。

    Let's be clowns at the party.

  • 小丑用滑稽动作逗观众发笑.

    The clown tickled the audience with his funny actions.

  • 我见她打扮得像个小丑,把我笑得直不起腰来.

    I just curled up when I saw her dressed as a clown.

  • 棕色的小丑在哪里?

    Where's the brown clown?

  • 小丑向孩子们做鬼脸.

    The clown grimaced at the children.

  • 马戏团的小丑善于踩着高跷走和跑.

    Circus clowns are experts at walking and running on stilts.

  • 你看那些滑稽的小丑.

    Look at those funny - looking clowns.

  • 孩子们看到小丑时大笑。

    The kids boff when they see the clown.

  • 你能够看到海龟,许多小丑鱼,还有一些鲨鱼。

    You'll be able to see turtle, lots of clownfish, and some sharks.

  • 贝芙令她大笑,用她常用的扮小丑手法。

    Bev made her laugh, the way she was always clowning around.

  • 小丑们在哪儿呢?

    Where are the clowns?

  • 小丑与观众见面。

    The clown meets the audience.

  • 他与约翰·贝鲁西和比尔·默里在全国讽刺作品表演会上一起扮演小丑

    He clowned with John Belushi and Bill Murray in National Lampoon shows.

  • 他在马戏团里当小丑

    He works as a clown in the circus.

  • 看那儿!是一个小丑

    Look, there! It's a clown.

  • 别像个小丑一样。

    Stop being a clown.

  • 他一边穿, 一边象个学生似的蹦蹦跳跳地扮演起小丑来.

    While dressing, he capered and clowned like a schoolboy.

  • 格拉斯的小说充斥着稀奇古怪的人物:丑陋的怪人、小丑、邋遢的人以及侏儒。

    Grass's novels are peopled with outlandish characters: grotesques, clowns, scarecrows, dwarfs.

  • 小丑在马戏团里表演。

    The clown performs in the circus.

  • 这个小丑的表演非常滑稽。

    The clown's performance was very funny.

  • 我长大后要在马戏团里当小丑

    I'm going to be a clown in a circus when I grow up.

  • 人家说他是一分流氓气, 三分小丑气.

    He was one part blackguard, people said, and three parts buffoon.

  • 演出前,小丑们化装。

    Clowns made up before the show.

  • 那男孩儿是个小丑

    The boy is a clown.

  • 小丑的滑稽表演逗得我们哈哈大笑.

    We were all highly amused by the comedian's antics.

  • 我是一个快乐的小丑

    I'm a happy clown.

  • 晚会上我们把汤姆装扮成小丑.

    We disguised Tom as a clown for the party.

  • 给这个小丑全身上下都涂上颜色。

    Colour this clown, up and down.

  • 然后小丑出场了。

    Then a clown appeared.

  • 他看上去像个小丑

    He looks like a clown.

  • 他们都打扮成小丑

    They were all dressed as clowns.

  • 那个小丑开着一架玩具车。

    The clown drove a toy car.

  • 我左边是个小丑

    There's a clown on my left.

  • 小丑一出现在舞台上, 观众们个个笑得前俯后仰.

    The moment the clown appeared on stage, the audience folded up.

  • 这个小丑看起来很伤心。

    The clown looks sad.

  • 小孩对滑稽的小丑咯咯笑。

    The tot giggled at the funny clown.

  • 小丑进了城, 狗儿们就要出来狂吠.

    When the clown comes into town, the dogs come out to howl.

  • 小丑同时抛接三个球。

    The clown juggled three balls at once.

  • 我以前在马戏里最爱看小丑.

    I used to like the clowns best at the circus.

  • 那一夜,白色小丑崩溃了。

    The night the white clown snapped.

  • 你有没有看见我的小丑

    Did you see my clown?

  • 小丑逗得孩子们笑作一团.

    The clown had the children in hysterics.

  • 要不扮成一个搞笑的小丑

    How about a funny clown?

  • 有穿着各种服装的小丑

    There were clowns in all imaginable garments.

  • 小丑一开始看起来活泼有趣。

    The clown looks lively and funny at first.

  • 如果我们不制止那些小丑们,他们一定会把我们搞垮的.

    If we don't stop them, these clowns are going to break us.

  • 小丑让大家笑得很开心。

    The clown made everyone laugh happily.

  • 这些是什么?小丑鞋?

    What are these, clown shoes?

  • 小丑有很响的喇叭。

    The clowns had loud horns.

  • 谁把小丑邀请来教室的?

    Who invited the clown to the classroom?

  • 这些小丑表演得很滑稽。

    These clowns gave a very funny performance.

  • 小孩们很喜欢小丑

    Kids love clowns very much.

  • 小丑在表演前给自己化妆。

    A clown paints his face before a performance.

  • 看看这个好玩的小丑

    Look at the funny clown!

  • 如果想吃卷卷,我还不如点盘小丑的假发呢。

    If I wanted curls for dinner, I'd order a clown wig.

  • 谁要化妆?我,谢谢。你们想被化成什么?我要当小丑。但是佩奇,你的小丑服装在哪?好吧,那你来当小丑

    Who wants makeup? Me please. What does everyone want to be? I want to be the clown. But Peppa, where is your clown costume? OK, you'll be the clown.

  • 孩子们,孩子们。对不起,妈妈。下一个是谁?我是小丑

    Children. Children. Sorry, Mummy. Who's next? I'm a clown.

  • 我很讨厌那样,我不想当小丑的,真的好古怪。你是说真的吗?

    I hate it. I don't want to be a clown. It's so weird. Oh, are you serious?

  • 看,大象艾米丽用照片和鸡蛋耍把戏。最后,请看小马佩德罗,他是个小丑

    See Emily Elephant juggle potatos and an egg. Now last look at Pedro Pony, he is a clown.

  • 佩奇找到了一个大礼帽。小狗丹尼找到了一条斑点泳裤和一个假胡子。佩德罗找到了一个小丑的服装。

    Peppa has found a top hat. Danny Dog has found some spotty trunks and a stick on mustache. Pedro has found a clown outfit.

  • 我知道你很喜欢这样,但我不希望你成为那种伤害别人的小丑

    I know that you love this, but I don't want you to be the type of clown that hurts people.

  • 好了,听我说,没什么大不了,但今天早上我带莉莉去上儿童小丑学校。

    Okay, look. It's no big deal, but I took Lily to a junior clown college this morning.

  • 电光火石之间就想出那么美丽的一个谎言,那丫头绝对不是小丑,她会成为一名律师的。

    Coming up with a lie like that in the moment, that girl is no clown. She's gonna be a lawyer.

  • 我不想伤害他的感情,我心想如果我是个糟糕的小丑,他就会让我放弃的。

    I didn't want to hurt his feelings. So I figured if I was a bad clown, he'd want me to stop.

  • 你给她一件小丑背心和一辆可笑的三轮车,给她两天时间,让她破你们两周都没破的案子?

    Look, you gave her a clown vest, and a three-wheeled joke-mobile, and two days to solve a case you guys haven't cracked in two weeks?

  • 我们还不如穿小丑服,至少它们有讽刺相关性。

    We'd be better off with clown outfits. At least they'd be satirically relevant.

  • 莉莉,别忘了你的背包,这是什么?小卡,小丑道具?

    Lily, don't forget your backpack. Whoa, what's this? Cam, clown supplies?

  • 下一个是谁?我是小丑

    Who's next? I'm a clown.

  • 很抱歉,大爸,但我不想再当小丑了。为什么啊?你明明很喜欢啊。

    I'm sorry, daddy, but I think I want to stop being a clown. Oh, but why? You loved it.

  • 你的新男友是个小丑吗?怎么可能,如果我有幸能跟有车一族约会,我早告诉你了。

    Oh, you're dating a clown? Please, you know I would have told you if I was dating someone who had a car.

  • 而可能有时候,我想,“喔,今天我想打扮成一个小丑,然后我就这么做了。”

    and then one day I'll be like, "Oh, I want to dress like a clown today, so I will."

  • 你非常了解我希望把我们的孩子培养成一个小丑

    You knew going in that I wanted to raise our child as a clown.

  • 我是小丑,来表演一个吧。瑞贝卡,你为什么扮成胡萝卜?我喜欢胡萝卜。恐龙。有一只可怕的恐龙。

    I'm a clown. Do something funny. Rebecca, why are you dressed as a carrot? I like carrots. Dine saw. A scary dinosaur.

  • 这是谁呀?我是一个海盗,这下你害怕了吧?我是一个巫婆,我能把你变成青蛙。我是小丑

    Who have we here? I'm a pirate. Shiver me timbers. I'm a witch. I can turn you into a frog. I'm a clown.

  • 我和他们除了都是小丑“,都是爱尔兰人之外没什么区别。

    I felt we had nothing in common but "motley," our Irishness.


小丑 xiǎochǒu

[clown;buffoon;knave;merry-andrew] 戏剧或其他文娱表演中的丑角,滑稽演员或喜剧演员;特指杂技表演中扮得稀奇古怪的丑角


后比喻举止不庄重、善于逗趣的人。如:「他是办公室里的小丑,一天到晚闹笑话! 」

英语 clown

德语 Hanswurst (S)​, Jongleur (S)​, Komödiant (S)​, Possenreißer (S)​, Scherzkeks (S)​, Witzbold (S)​

法语 bouffon, clown


国庆节 n. National Day。

菠萝 n. pineapple。

妈妈 n. mother; mom; mum; mommy; mama; ma。

饺子 n. dumpling; jiaozi。

听音乐 listen to music。

活动 n. activity; exercise; task; play; operation; oper

十二 num. twelve。

小丑 n. clown; jester; buffoon; fool; merry-andrew; a c

筷子 n. chopsticks; chopstick。

餐厅 n. restaurant; dining room; dining hall; mess hall

介绍 v. introduce; present; recommend; brief; profile;

棕色 adj. brown; dark。n. brown。

蜡笔 n. crayon; pastel; wax crayon。

面条 n. noodles; noodle。

畜禽 n. livestock; poultry; farm animals; domestic anim