1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-05 17:53:21


break; turn; bend; disobey; violate; hard to pronounce; force sth. up or open; turn back


obstinate; pigheaded; stubborn

break v.打破(纪录);打断;开始;使破;使裂;使碎;损坏;使心碎;终止;断绝(关系、联系);(被)摧毁;削弱;(常指好天气)突变;弄坏;公布;透露;说出;破译;逃脱;弄破;坏掉;违犯;使流血;拍岸;稍停;把…换成零钱;(因激动)变调;变粗;变低;露出缝隙;强行终止

turn v.使转动;使旋转;转动;旋动(钥匙、把手、开关等);使变成;使成为;使改变方向;转向;拐弯;把…用于;利用;使用;致力于;开始从事;启用;转身;扭转(身体部位);赚得;获得(利润);达到(一定年龄或时间);翻转;翻动;把…翻过来;到达;超过;使松开;释放;以…为中心;围绕;转移(思考、处理、观察等的对象);求助于;求教于;使弯曲;使扭曲;指向;冲着;把…对准;改写;翻译;表演(身体旋转动作);使逆转;翻动(书、页);使反胃;使恶心;变酸;变质;驱赶;打发;放走;扭伤;折起;作呕;改变信仰;皈依;盘算;反复思考;(用车床车)削成;削出

bend v.(使四肢等)弯曲;折弯;使拐弯;弯曲;倾斜;使倾斜;偏向;将身体前倾;俯身;弯腰

disobey v.违抗;不服从;不遵守;抗命;违背指令;不听从指示

violate v.违反;违背;侵犯;亵渎;玷污;打扰;搅扰;扰乱;侵害;侵入;侵扰;冒犯;使人不得安宁

turn back vphr.折回;使折回;回转;往回走;返回;使返回;退回;阻止;使回到原处;使恢复原状;重新开始(做某事);对(某人/某事)置之不理;对(某人/某事)撒手不管;无法改变计划;无法收回成命;转身背对(某人或某物)

obstinate adj.顽固的;固执的;执拗的;难以改变的

pigheaded adj.顽固的;愚蠢的;固执的

stubborn adj.固执的;顽固的;执拗的;倔强的;顽强的;难对付的;难以消除的;难以驾驭的

  • 拗口

    hard to pronounce;awkward-sounding;speak with a lisp 说起话来别扭,不顺口

  • 脾气拗

    be a difficult person

  • 拗口令

    tongue twister 绕口令。由于有成串的类似的变化微小的音(主要是辅音)而难以发好音的词、短语或句子

  • 我想要更多照片, 于是两位老师互相讨论, 下一组造型成啥样?

    I need more pictures, so they discussed and practised for a while. What's the next?

  • 搂膝步成弓步时,两脚跟的横向距离保持约30厘米左右。

    Gongbu step into tears knee bend, about two feet of horizontal distance to about 30 cm.

  • 安娜想回罗马尼亚, 但尼高拉却宁愿继续向西行,道不同不相为谋,完场交便各行各路,各自与当地人交流交流.

    Ana wants to return, while Nicolae would rather forge on westward.

  • 维克多·亨利以前从未违过霍普金斯的意愿.

    Videor Henry had never before had a clash of wills with Hopkins.

  • 他们基本就跟之前一样打扮一下,造型,做做简单动作和脸部表情罢了。

    They basically primp and pose through the same humdrum motions they did before.

  • 渤海湾盆地经历了断陷和陷两个发育阶段,其间接受了巨厚的第三纪沉积。

    Basin development in Bobal Bay comprises two periods, i. e. rifting and depression, during which very thick Tertiary sequences deposited.

  • 其沉积—构造演化可划分为三个阶段:大陆边缘裂谷、弧后裂谷和陷盆地。

    Tectono -sedimentary evolution of the basin may be divided into three stages: continental margin rift, back-arc rift, and depression basin.

  • 这老头子脾气很.

    He is a difficult old fellow.

  • 界定了断陷盆地断-转型演化阶段是指断陷稳定期至坳陷初始期的过渡阶段。

    Difine that transitive stage of fault sag in fault basin is from the stable stage of fault subsidence to the initial stage of depression.

  • 子叫我立住的仅是一面黄士墙;

    In the col what makes me stop is only a wall, a yellow earthen one.

  • 它也只带去了一个灵魂确认的看睹,战阿谁可时自佑章锋理。

    Yet it takes but a souls glimpse of recognition and ones TRUTH will set you free.

  • 他分享的照片有猫咪在插花旁边造型,也有脑袋上顶着球保持平衡的,还有身穿星际迷航制服的。

    He has Shared pictures of the cats posing next to beautiful flower arrangements, perfectly balancing balls on their head and wearing Star Trek uniforms.

  • 辽河盆地东部凹陷北段新生代盆地具下断上的双层结构,是伸展和走滑联合作用的断陷盆地。

    Cenozoic East Sag of Liaohe basin consists of double structure and is a fault depression basin with extending and strike slipping.

  • 其沉积—构造演化可划分为三个阶段:大陆边缘裂谷、后裂谷和陷盆地。

    Tectono - sedimentary evolution of the basin may be divided into three stages: continental margin rift, back-arc rift, and depression basin.

  • 维克多?亨利以前从未违过霍普金斯的意愿.

    Victor Henry had never before had a clash of wills with Hopkins.

  • 他把金属丝成了一个U字形。

    He twisted the wire into a U shape.

  • 此前的科学家们只能设法构建出笔直或折结构.

    Previously scientists have only managed to make straight or kinked structures.

  • 随着谈判的继续深入,对于与萨利赫所达成协议的一些确切条款,在不同的反对团体中已经出现争

    As negotiations continue to sputter, there have been disputes amongst different opposition groups about the exact terms of an agreement with Mr Saleh.

  • 有缘无分的你我终究不过命运的拨弄.

    No points destined eventually fail to beat you and I fiddle with fate.

  • 应用趋势面地质分析方法,区别出三肇陷扶余、杨大城子油层两种不同的沉积环境。

    This article distinguishes two different sedimentary environments of Fuyu and Yang-dachengzi oil-bearing series in Sanzhao depression with geological analytical method of trend surface.

  • 民和盆地巴州陷的白垩系按其岩性、化石特征和沉积相自下而上分为大通河组、河口组和民和组。

    In terms of lithology, fossil records and sedimentary facies, the Cretaceous in the Bazhou depression, Minhe basin is subdivided into Datonghe, Hekou and Minhe Formation.

  • 晚渐新世—中中新世,盆地逐渐由断陷转为断,沉积范围不断扩大,整体处于海相沉积环境。

    During the period from Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene, the basin changed from rifting to depression, and the depositional area continued to expand in the Marine environment.

  • 这头小熊,身高七英尺,仪式上很投入,甚至还和新郎新娘一起造型拍照。

    The bear, which stands seven-foot tall, was very involved with the ceremony, even posing for photos with both bride and groom.

  • 这些地震相有规律地分布在陷的一定部位和地震层序中。

    These seismic facies follow a definite pattern of distribution in certain sections and seismic sequences.

  • 梅艳芳这种 [ 包颈 ] 性格,为她带来过不少不方便.

    This [ never give in ] character of Anita actually brought her lots of inconvenience.

  • 它太容易弯了。

    It bends too easily.

  • 这是个独一无二的重要的教训,我原来是个固执,强的人.

    It was a sorely needed lesson because I had an inveterate arguer.

  • 详细阐述了济阳坳陷断转换期的基本特征.

    The basic features of the transition stage are elaborated in detail.

  • 她说,这种类型的争是一种能遮掩由分离带来的痛苦的并显得自然的方法。

    This type of arguing is a natural way to mask the pain of separation, she says.

  • 本文介绍了济阳陷的六种地层油藏及其形成条件。

    This paper presents six types of stratigraphic oil pools in Jiyang depression and the conditions of their formation.

  • 赣北萍乐陷是对冲构造还是巨型构造窗?

    Is the Pingle depression a ramp faults zone or a huge tectonic window?

  • 柴达木盆地柴西南第三系为一套陷湖盆沉积地层,具备形成岩性圈闭的地质条件。

    The Tertiary in Qaixinan of Qaidam basin is a set of depressed lake basin sedimentary strata that have geologic condition forming lithologic traps.

  • 文中主要介绍了鸡西盆地东部条带,即鸡东陷的第三系地层层序划分特点、划分依据等。

    This text mainly introduces features and dividing basis of the third department geologic strata and so on.

  • 它必须被折和结束时,自行车倒了。

    It must have been kinked and snapped when the bike fell over.

  • 艾德·维斯特维克 在红毯上“造型”。

    Ed Westwick posed on the red carpet.

  • 这老头子脾气很

    He is a difficult old fellow.

  • 我对他那么慈爱, 从来不违他.

    I was so good to him; I never crossed him.

  • 他们基本就跟之前一样打扮一下,造型,做做简单动作和脸部表情罢了。

    They basically primp and pose through the same humdrum motions they did before.

  • 利用地热基础理论中的地球化学温标公式反演了陷内地温场基本特征和地热活动状况。

    The basic features of the geothermal field and the states of geothermal activity in the depression have been inversed by using the geochemical temperature scale formula.

  • 这个学生违父母的愿望, 出国一年后才返回学校.

    Flinging aside the wishes of his parents, the student went abroad for a year before returning to his university.

  • 各种方法之间或各种方法与起搏器出厂指标之间的起搏器反期值均无显著差异。

    There were no significant differences among the methods, as well as each method and manufacture values.

  • 他把金属丝成了一个U字形.

    He twisted the wire into a U shape.

  • “我知道林惇夫人的性子,霸道,”我喊叫,“可我不知道你甘心情愿听任她发作!”

    I knew Mrs Linton's nature to be headstrong and domineering, 'cried I;' but I didn't know that you wished to foster her fierce temper!

  • 前巴达拉胡地震反射构造层具有杂乱反射特征,它填充在陷底部;

    The pre-Badalahu layer on the bottom of the depression is characterized by chaotic reflections.

  • 详细阐述了济阳坳陷断转换期的基本特征.

    The basic features of the transition stage are elaborated in detail.

  • 按照盆地的形态特征和成因特点分成单断、地堑、陷三种类型。

    According to morphological and genetic features, the basins can be divided into three types: single fault, fault trough and sag.

  • 这个商人在谈判中犟固执。

    The trader was obstinate in the negotiation.

  • 根据生物标志物的对比,认为凝析油来自于构造东部的辽中陷内高熟的泥岩。

    According to the correlation of biomarkers, the condensate comes from the high mature mudstone in the Liao-zhong depression in the east of this structure.

  • 尔其返驾兮莫顽而两误﹒.

    You should go back immediately , ho , and don't get in trouble for both of us.

  • 赣北萍乐陷是对冲构造还是巨型构造窗?

    Is the Pingle depression a ramp faults zone or a huge tectonic window?

  • 这个商人在谈判中强固执.

    The trader was obstinate in the negotiation.

  • 乔治王子和父亲、祖父还有曾祖母站在一起,为人生第一张邮票好造型拍照片。

    Prince George poses for his very first postage stamp alongside his father, his grandfather - and the great-grandmother.

  • 那一段时间被称为反期。

    That bit of time is called a refractory period.

  • ]那个教训,使我受到极大的影响,我原来是个固执,强的人.

    It was a sorely needed lesson because I had been an inveterate arguer.


ǎo ㄠˇ

  • 弯曲使断,折:竹竿~断了。

ào ㄠˋ

  • 不顺,不顺从:~口。~口令。

niù ㄋㄧㄡˋ

  • 固执,不驯顺:执~。~不过他。

英语 to pull, drag, break off, to pluck (a flower); bent, warped; perverse, obstinate

德语 knicken (V)

法语 opiniâtre,têtu,entêté,rétif,difficile,désobéissant,plier en deux de manière à briser,défier,désobéir




(1) (形声。从手,幼声。本义:折断)

(2) 同本义 [break]

捣麝成尘香不灭,拗莲作寸丝难绝。——· 温庭筠《达摩支曲》



(4) 转折;弯转 [turn;bend]


(5) 另见 ào;niù



(1) 违反;不服从 [disobey; violate]

古心虽自鞭,世路终难拗。——· 韩愈《答孟郊》


(2) 不顺口,作旧诗时平仄不依常格 [hard to pronounce]



(3) 撬,扳 [force sth. up or open]

口如暴死人,铁石拗不开。——前蜀· 贯休《偶作》


(4) 另见 ǎo;niù





(形声。从手,幼声。 ǎo 本义:用手折断) 固执 [obstinate;pigheaded;stubborn]




(1) 向相反或不顺的方向扭转 [turn back]


(2) 另见 ǎo;ào



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of