1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-11 14:38:38
shén fù


father; priest; cloth; churchman; man of God of the cloth





father n.父亲;爸爸;神父;创始人;奠基人;养父;继父;父辈;保护人;先驱;开拓者;父代;天父;祖先;先辈;前辈

priest n.神职人员;牧师;神父;祭司;司铎;教士;宗教领袖;礼拜仪式主持人;宗教仪式执行者

cloth n.织物;纺织品;布料;布;一块布;(尤指)一块抹布;抹布;一块桌布;桌布;有专门用途的布;(用于特定活动的)布制品;帆布;(总称)帆;衣料;(某一行业或职业的)专门服装;制服;教士服;教士的职业

churchman n.神职人员;(男)圣职人员;教士

fr. abbr.法国(France);法郎(Franc);星期五(Friday);方济各会士(Franciscan);框架(Frame)

priestly adj.神职人员的;牧师的;像神职人员的;与宗教礼仪相关的

  • 他接受培训成了一名天主教神父

    He had trained to be a Catholic priest.

  • 这就是关于神父代﹒佩奈兰达的回忆。

    This is the memory of Father DePeneranda.

  • 你好。我是欧康纳神父

    Hello. I'm Father O'Connor.

  • 惠特克神父看起来心情非常好。

    Father Whittaker appeared to be in a jovial mood.

  • 史蒂芬·利神父为死者主持了临终圣礼。

    Father Stephen Lea administered the last rites to the dying men.

  • 他去年接受任命为神父

    He was ordained (as) a priest last year.

  • 家人请来神父与他们呆在一起。

    The family called their priest, to be with them.

  • 他们的精神领袖被称为神父或牧师。

    Their spiritual leaders are called priests or ministers.

  • 他再也没私下去向波特神父忏悔。

    He never went to Father Porter for confession again.

  • 丹尼回到神父的房子时显得极为焦虑不安。

    Danny returned to Father's house in a state of intense agitation.

  • 他死前向神父忏悔。

    He confessed to the priest before he died.

  • 他向神父坦陈了自己的罪孽.

    He confessed his sin to the priest.

  • 他临终前向神父忏悔.

    He confessed to the priest before he died.

  • 告诉我这逻辑性,神父

    Show me the logic, Father?

  • 神父说他要到这条路前面的教堂。

    The priest said he was on his way to his church up the road.

  • 隔着教堂墓地的停柩门,康米神父望到一畦畦的卷心菜。

    The lychgate of a field showed Father Conmee breadths of cabbages.

  • 这个村庄的神父非常受人尊敬。

    The father of this village is highly respected.

  • 我们向神父寻求建议。

    We sought advice from the father.

  • 神父祝圣了面饼和葡萄酒。

    The priest blessed the bread and wine.

  • 神父庄重地念了最后的祷文。

    The priest intoned the final prayer.

  • 神父在他上方画了个十字。

    The priest made the sign of the cross over him.

  • 他受训成为了一名天主教神父

    He had trained to be a Catholic priest.

  • 罗恩神父以沉默来逃避。

    Father Rowan took refuge in silence.

  • 康米神父从胸前掏出一封信来,递给布鲁尼·莱纳姆,并指了指拐角处的红色邮筒。

    Father Conmee gave a letter from his breast to Brunny Lynam and pointed to the red pillarbox at the corner.

  • 现在不要再含糊其辞了;因为瞧你,神父先生,你要是不把他叫出来——孩子在哪儿?

    Now palter no more; for look you, holy sir, an' thou produce him not—Where is the boy?

  • 神父在教堂中举行大弥撒。

    The priest celebrated High Mass in church.

  • 那是神父,安德鲁神父

    Tis the priest, Father Andrew!

  • “最好先问一下神父,”他低声说。

    "Better ask the priest first," he murmured.

  • 球随后被拿到教堂,由神父施加祝福。

    The ball is then taken to the church and blessed by the priest.

  • 神父每天早上都会祈祷。

    The father prays every morning.

  • 数百名神父被逐出教会。

    Hundreds of priests have been removed.

  • 神父帮助了很多有需要的人。

    The father helped many people in need.

  • 神父在亮光下皱起了眉头,一脸疑惑。

    The priest frowned into the light, his face puzzled.

  • 切斯特顿以其以布朗神父为主角的侦探故事而闻名。

    Chesterton is known for his detective stories featuring Father Brown.

  • 神父在教堂里主持了今天的弥撒。

    The father led the mass at the church today.

  • 布鲁克贝格尔神父认为,是知识分子们抛弃了美国时,他道出了故事的部分真相。

    Father Bruckberger told part of the story when he observed that it is the intellectuals who have rejected America.

  • “但你不是神父,”我说道。

    "But you are not a priest, " I said.

  • 有一天,代﹒佩奈兰达神父在监督这门课。

    One day Father DePeneranda was in charge of this class.

  • 他在1982年被任命为天主教神父

    He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1982.

  • 我们做这种事需要神父吗?

    Do we need a priest for that sort of thing?

  • 神父为她傅油。

    The priest anointed her with oil.

  • 奥伯龙神父学院俱乐部里实实在在满是风度翩翩的年轻男子。

    Father Auberon's Academy Club positively heaved with dashing young men.

  • 于建荣(音译)是教区的神父

    Yu Jianrong is the parish priest.

  • 格雷格神父: 那么马修神父呢?

    Father Greg Pilkington: Well, what about Father Matthew?

  • 我想就一件有关良心的事征求您的建议,神父

    I would like your advice on a matter of conscience, Father.

  • 神父吟诵赐福词.

    The priest intoned the blessing.

  • 惠特克神父似乎心情非常好。

    Father Whittaker appeared to be in a jovial mood.

  • 我和任何人一样都对神父充满敬意。

    I've got as much respect for the cloth as the next man.

  • 朝圣者准备参与第六十二届默里亚巴德玛丽安圣殿的朝圣之旅,对此穆尔塔克·皮亚拉(Mushtaq Pyara)神父表示担忧。

    Father Mushtaq Pyara expressed concern as devotees prepare for the 62nd pilgrimage to the National Marian Shrine in Mariamabad.

  • 他向神父忏悔他犯了罪.

    He confessed to a priest that he had sinned.

  • 他塑造了一个喝威士忌喝得烂醉的天主教神父

    He portrays a whisky-sodden Catholic priest.

  • 女孩:神父,我有罪。

    Girl: Father, I have sinned.

  • 我准备那样做了,谢谢,神父,这是个很好的建议。

    Oh, I plan to. Thank you, father. It was very good advice.

  • 你是谁?Dugan神父去哪了?

    Who are you and where's father Dugan?

  • 这个神父已经退休了,但他应该还在主持驱魔活动今天过后你们会需要的。

    And this priest is retired, but I think he still does exorcisms, which you'll need after today.

  • 我也不想总是改时间,可是当地产经纪人就得周末上班,就像神父和莱斯利·斯塔尔一样。

    I hate that we keep rescheduling that, but being a realtor man means working on sundays, like priests and Lesley Stahl.

  • 天主教堂会雇佣以为天主教神父,主持天主教的弥撒。

    A Catholic church would hire a Catholic priest to perform Catholic Mass.

  • 你不能实现生日愿望的,是吗?我是神父,不是鬼怪。

    You don't grant birthday wishes, do you? I'm a priest, not a genie.

  • 有一个爱尔兰的神父,叫圣•布兰登...... 圣•布兰登?神父布兰登?

    And there's also an Irish priest, Saint Brandon... Saint Brandon? Father Brandon?

  • 神父说,我将为他祈祷,但是如果他能出拳猛击,那将会很有帮助,小面上说,这就是马基雅维利。

    He said, "I'll pray for him but if he can punch it'll help." In a small respect, that's Machiavelli.

  • Dugan神父,我怕是再也好不起来了。

    Father Dugan, I don't see any way that I am ever going to be okay.

  • 宽恕我,神父,我有罪,我已经很久没有忏悔过了。

    Bless me, father, for I have sinned. It's been a while since my last confession.

  • 还有灵车司机和神父,但他可以咒那个死人不得超生。

    Or the limo driver, or the priest, and he can get the dead guy damned for all eternity.

  • 那属于一般大众类型吗,存在于民主之中吗;,或是存于那些得体且富有的,如贵族,战士或甚至是神父中;,如同神权政治吗?

    Is that type the common man ? is it found in democracies; those of acquired taste and money as in aristocracies; the warrior; ? or even the priest as in theocracies?

  • 第一位是普林斯顿长老会的神父

    The first is Peter Hazelrigg.

  • 好的,很有意思对于一个校园神父来说,各种户外活动,应该不是其工作的一部分,-是这样的。

    Right. Well it's interesting as a chaplain on campus, outdoor pursuits of any sort are really not part of the job description as such. -Right.

  • 我犯了些错,神父,是不可饶恕的罪孽。

    It's just, I've done something, father, and I'm afraid that it's unforgivable.

  • 他是谁?我是卡拉巴索斯神父。他是希腊正教的神父。你们是希腊正教的信徒。

    Who is this? I am Father Kalebasous. He's Greek Orthodox. As are you.

  • 抱歉,如果不是Dugan神父,我是不会说的。不行,咱们走。

    Sorry. If it's not father Dugan, I'm not doing this. No, let's go.


神父 shénfù

(1) [father;priest]∶神甫

(2) [honest official]∶尊称贤明的地方官吏。如东汉汝阳太守鲍德,南阳太守宋登,《后汉书》本传中皆有神父之称



英语 Christian priest or clergyman, (spiritual)​ father

德语 Priester

法语 prêtre, père (religion)​


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of