1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-15 13:55:09


bald; hairless; bare; bald; blunt



bald adj.无毛的;秃顶的;秃头的;光秃的;光滑的;直截了当的;直率的;简单明了的;不加赘述的

hairless adj.无毛的;秃头的

bare adj.赤裸的;裸体的;裸露的;未覆盖的;光秃秃的;空的;简陋的;简单的;基本的;仅仅的;勉强的;最少的;刚好足够的;无遮蔽的;没有保护的;清晰可见的

blunt adj.钝的;迟钝的;不锋利的;率直的;不客气的;直言不讳的

monk n.僧侣;修道士;(Monk)蒙克(人名)

  • 秃子

    baldhead;baldpate 即秃头 方 秃疮

  • 秃脑袋

    bald head

  • 秃顶

    bald head;bare 头顶脱发,也指头顶无发的人

  • 秃笔

    be bald without brush;with poor writing ability 笔尖脱毛而不合用的毛笔,比喻不高明的写作能力

  • 秃头

    bald or shaven head 头发全部剃掉或脱落了的头 a bald headed person 指脱光头发的人

  • 文章开头有点

    The essay seems to start unexpectedly [unsatisfactorily].

  • 的枣树也是很有意思的!

    Bald bare stem of the jujube tree is also very interesting!

  • 脑袋,刮得快。/轻活干得快。

    A bald head is soon shaven.

  • 他注意到自己在变,当他看到枕头上有更多的头发时。

    He noticed he was balding when he saw more hair on his pillow.

  • 我头顶明显地开始变了。

    I am starting to bald noticeably .

  • 她的手指甲都被咬了。

    Her fingernails are bitten to the quick.

  • 我开始头了。

    I'm going bald.

  • 灼热的阳光直射到他那光光的顶上。

    The sun beat down on his bald pate.

  • 他戴了一顶草帽,以防止开始变的头被晒伤。

    He wore a straw hat to keep his balding head from getting sunburned.

  • 蒲辣柳儿想到了财宝。

    Boulatruelle thought of the treasure.

  • 她担心自己在变,正在寻找治疗方法。

    She is worried about balding and is looking for treatments.

  • 戴尔跟她说:“我是高个,身材不错,头有点。”

    Dale had said to her, "I'm tall and pretty well built, little balding on top."

  • 文章开头有点 .

    The essay seems to start unexpectedly [ unsatisfactorily ] .

  • 马拉说所有太空猴都把头给剃了。

    Marla says now all the space monkeys are shaving their heads.

  • 蒲辣柳儿高兴得迅速从树上连爬带滚而下。

    Boulatruelle, with the rapidity of joy, dropped rather than descended from the tree.

  • 这些年来他的前额已经有点了。

    His hairline had receded slightly over the years.

  • 你住在纸街5123号,现在那里满是你那群剃了头,用碱液烧了指纹的信徒。

    You live at 5123 NE Paper Street which is currently teeming with your little disciples shaving their heads and burning their skin off with lye.

  • 让那些倾向于拔睫毛或是把一些地方拔了的患者宽慰的是,这种病症是有治疗方法的。

    People who pull out their eyebrows or give themselves bald spots might be relieved to know that the condition is treatable.

  • 鹰在高空翱翔。

    Buzzards soar overhead at a great height.

  • 头剃得快.

    A bald head is soon shaven.

  • 由于它的原因斑头皮,尤其是在第一阶段,它有时被称为现货头。

    Because it causes bald spots on the scalp, especially in the first stages, it is sometimes called spot baldness.

  • 我这支笔不行, 得找个笔杆子.

    I'm no good at writing; you'll have to find someone who is.

  • 铅笔了.

    The pencil is blunt.

  • 蒲辣柳儿有一天傍晚第一次见到的那个人,就是冉阿让。

    The man seen one evening for the first time by Boulatruelle, was jean Valjean.

  • 这棵树了。

    The tree is leafless [defoliate].

  • 河周围的山已经变了。

    Many hills alongside the river have become bald.

  • 我的父亲在三十岁出头时开始变

    My father started balding in his early thirties.

  • 铅笔了。

    The pencil is blunt.

  • 男人吧不是罪。

    Nothing wrong with a man going bald.

  • 演员帕特里克·斯图尔特早就头了,为此他还很得意。

    The actor Patrick Stewart is a long-time baldy and proud of it.

  • 他顶前若掉了头发,他不过是顶门,还是洁净。

    If he has lost his hair from the front of his scalp and has a bald forehead, he is clean.

  • 他尝试了不同的洗发水来防止变

    He tried different shampoos to prevent balding.

  • 那些鼻乌鸦笨拙地飞向它们的巢。

    The rooks flew clumsily towards their nests.

  • 宽阔的肩膀,着头,留着个胡须,身形很尖锐,眼睛有神。

    Broad-shouldered, balding, with a trim mustache, sharp features, piercing eyes.

  • 这棵树 了.

    The tree is leafless [ defoliate ] .

  • 不要试图在头或是的地方梳头发。

    Don't try to comb hair over the bald or thin patch.

  • ,变聋,发疯等。

    Go bald (deaf, insane, etc)

  • “有五百万人患有斑症,”她指出。

    "Over five million people have alopecia areata," she pointed out.

  • 如要你想玩弓,那么你要知道在弓规则里瞄和其它装备都是禁止使用的。

    Archers that want to shoot barebow in events are not allowed to use sights and many other equipment options.

  • 蒲辣柳儿不懂这一点,这是他的错误。

    Boulatruelle committed the error of not comprehending this.

  • 他的头顶四周长着一圈灰白的头发.

    A band of gray hair encircled his bald dome.

  • “见鬼,”蒲辣柳儿想,“我会再找到他的。”

    "By the deuce," said Boulatruelle, "I'll find him again."

  • 我不想变,我才二十八岁。

    I don't want to go bald, I'm only twenty-eight.

  • 她认为它现在太大,太了。

    Tha' thinks it's too big an' bare now.

  • 一只鼻乌鸦,发出寂寞又焦虑不安的声音,从她头顶孤独地飞过。

    Way above her a solitary rook cawed its way home - a lonely, troubled sound.

  • 他的头四周长着一圈灰白的头发.

    A band of grey hair encircled his bald dome.

  • 有人说我了,我的属性不是,所以我不是子。

    Another objection, someone says I'm bald, but my propertiedness is not bald therefore I'm not identical to my propertiedness.

  • 史蒂夫:我是这么想来着,可是我实在忍受不了节目中这个老头说话那么大声。

    Steve: I've tried, but I can't stand the bald man talking so loudly in the program.

  • 他说,天选之鸟鼻乌鸦是特别聪明的。

    He says that rooks, the chosen birds, are considered to be particularly intelligent.

  • 在许多家庭中可能是一种遗传状况。

    Balding can be a hereditary condition in many families.

  • 涉及整个头皮头发损失。

    Alopecia Totalis involves hair loss over the entire scalp.

  • 他个头不高,顶,留着八字胡。

    He was short and bald and had a moustache.

  • 蜷缩在轮椅上的是一个又老又的瘦弱女人。

    Huddled in a wheelchair was an old, balding, emaciated woman.

  • 蒲辣柳儿本来就习惯走弯路,这回他却错误地向前直走。

    Boulatruelle, accustomed to taking crooked courses, was on this occasion guilty of the fault of going straight.

  • 表演就是他会放走大鹰,然后它们飞回来找他,还有鹳,诸如此类的。

    You know, he sends the eagles off and they come back to him, storks and that kind of thing.

  • 欢迎你,忽伦,起来吧。

    You are welcome, Khutulun. Rise.

  • 他表示,当性别差异,放到政治支配的位置时,发与多发间的区别无关。

    Gender differences, he says, are no more relevant when it comes to positions of political rule being bald and being hairy.


tū ㄊㄨˉ

  • 没有头发:秃顶。
  • 山无树木,树木无枝叶:~树。山是~的。
  • 鸟羽毛脱落,物体失去尖端:~鹫。~笔。~针。
  • 表示不圆满、不周全:文章的开头写得有点~。

英语 bald

德语 unverblümt ,glatzköpfig (Adj)​,kahlköpfig (Adj)​,Tu (Eig, Fam)

法语 chauve,nu



(1) (象形。从人,上象禾粟之形。本义:头顶无发)

(2) 同本义 [bald;hairless]






齿危发秃。——· 袁枚《祭妹文》


(3) 山无草木[bare]


(4) 不戴帽、不穿鞋 [bare]


(5) 脱落,脱光[come off;bald]


(6) 物体失去尖端,不锐利 [blunt;without a point]







免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of