1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-26 14:44:55
jiè shào


introduce; present; recommend; brief; profile; unveil


introduction; presentation; referral; recommendation; intro; orientation


introductory; presentational

introduce v.介绍;把…介绍(给);推出;提出;推行;开始;创设;引见;引入;引进(动物或植物);导入;植入;插入;主持(节目);使尝试;使初次了解;使开始了解;作为…的开头;作为…的开端;提议讨论;将(法案)提交讨论

present adj.当前的;现存的;现在的;即时的;当下的;现行的;现代的;目前的;出席的;在场的;在座的

recommend v.推荐;建议;劝告;提倡;介绍;赞扬;举荐;使显得吸引人;使受欢迎;使诱人;把…托付给;把…交托给

brief adj.简短的;简洁的;简明的;短暂的;短时间的;简要的;扼要的;简短而清晰的;短促的;短小的

profile n.轮廓;外形;形象;剖面图;配置文件;侧面;侧影;用户档案;个人资料;简介;概述;概况

unveil v.揭幕;公开;揭露;展示;披露;透露;揭示;揭开(秘密或未知之物);去除遮盖物;向公众透露;宣布;首次展出

introduction n.引言;序言;导论;介绍;(正式的)引见;序曲;前奏;开场白;序幕;引入;导入;推广;推行;初级读物;初次投入使用;初次经历;新采用的事物;新引进的事物

presentation n.展示;演示;报告;演讲;演出;(戏剧等)上演;描述;表述;授予;颁发;提交;出示;(婴儿分娩时的)先露部位;(胎儿的)临产胎位;产式;公开展示会;发布会;介绍会;展示会

referral n.转诊;推荐;介绍;转介;参考;引用

recommendation n.推荐;建议;推荐信

intro n.引言;序言;开场白;前奏;导语;开场音乐;开场视频;简介;介绍

orientation n.目标;定位;定向;方向;朝向;(个人的)基本信仰;态度;观点;倾向;(岗前、学前、课前等的)情况介绍;培训;适应;熟悉

introductory adj.介绍的;引言的;序言的;入门的;引导的;初步的;基础的

presentational adj.表象的;直觉的;演出的;描述性的

  • 还没人介绍我们。我叫尼罗·沃尔夫。

    We haven't been introduced. My name is Nero Wolfe.

  • 最好通过私人介绍寻找施工人员。

    It's best to find a builder through personal recommendation.

  • 现在我可以介绍我的家。

    Now I can introduce my home.

  • 作为引言,我先来介绍一下故事的背景。

    By way of introduction , let me give you the background to the story.

  • 他作了自我介绍

    He introduced himself.

  • 导游简要地介绍了那个遗址的历史。

    A guide gives a brief talk on the history of the site.

  • 这本小册子介绍如何申请职位。

    The leaflet explains how to apply for a place.

  • 这份传单介绍了如何向银行意见调查官投诉。

    The leaflet explains how to complain to the banking ombudsman.

  • 只有你的家庭医生才能把你介绍给外科医生。

    Only your family doctor can refer you to a surgeon.

  • 伊莱恩十分害羞地做了介绍

    With considerable shyness, Elaine performed the introductions.

  • 介绍了他的新娘。

    He introduced his new bride.

  • 我们一开始先进行自我介绍

    We started off by introducing ourselves.

  • 我很荣幸来介绍我们的特约演讲人。

    It gives me great pleasure to introduce our guest speaker.

  • 主人伊恩把我们介绍给了其他客人。

    Ian, our host, introduced us to the other guests.

  • 我们近60%的订单来自于回头客和熟人介绍

    Nearly 60% of our bookings come from repeat business and personal recommendation.

  • 这则广告介绍一款男士香水。

    The advertisement is for a men's fragrance.

  • 我给你介绍一下新车,你感兴趣吗?

    Can I interest you in a new car?

  • 我会把你介绍给主持人。

    I will introduce you to the presenters.

  • 向班级介绍你的家庭。

    Introduce your family to the class.

  • 决定你将以什么顺序介绍

    Decide in what order you will introduce.

  • 这些薄薄的小册子介绍了一系列服务和设施。

    The slim booklets describe a range of services and facilities.

  • 她总对别人介绍我是她的姐姐。

    She always introduces me as her big sister.

  • 这些笔记的目的是作为对这门课程的介绍

    The notes are intended as an introduction to the course.

  • 请互相问好并介绍自己。

    Please greet and introduce each other.

  • 我可以向别人介绍我的家人。

    I can introduce my family to others.

  • 这个节目介绍全国各地的风俗习惯。

    The programme was about customs in different parts of the country.

  • 他借酒壮胆,走上前去向她作自我介绍

    Emboldened by the wine, he went over to introduce himself to her.

  • 她故作轻松地做了自我介绍

    She introduced herself with studied casualness.

  • 我们还没有被介绍到。我叫尼罗·沃尔夫。

    We haven't been introduced. My name is Nero Wolfe.

  • 参观酒窖前,游客们先观看了有声的视频介绍

    Visitors are shown an audio-visual presen-tation before touring the cellars.

  • 我可以互相介绍我的朋友。

    I can introduce my friends to each other.

  • 电影制作人将在放映时到场介绍他们的作品。

    The film-makers will be present at the screenings to introduce their works.

  • 那个男人在下一站也下了车并作了自我介绍

    At the next stop the man got off too and introduced himself.

  • 她把我介绍给托拜厄斯爵士和克拉克夫人。

    She introduced me to Sir Tobias and Lady Clarke.

  • 大家相互介绍之后交谈就开始了。

    Introductions were made and the conversation started to flow.

  • 这本小册子详细介绍这家旅馆。

    The brochure should give you a good idea of the hotel.

  • “下面,闲话少说,让我来介绍一下我们的赞助人。”

    "And now, without further ado, let me introduce our benefactor."

  • 制作人将出席电影放映礼介绍他们的作品。

    The film-makers will be present at the screenings to introduce their works.

  • 他对照片里的人一一作了介绍

    He explained who each person in the photo was.

  • 他在聚会上介绍我认识了一位希腊姑娘。

    He introduced me to a Greek girl at the party.

  • 我来介绍一下我的妻子。

    Can I introduce my wife?

  • 在下一站那个男人也下了,并介绍了他自己。

    At the next stop the man got off too and introduced himself.

  • 有人给我们作了介绍,我挨着他坐下了。

    Someone introduced us and I sat next to him.

  • 福克斯走向前,用马来语向他表示欢迎,并把他介绍给了杰克。

    Fox stepped forward, welcomed him in Malay, and presented him to Jack.

  • 她领着我四处看了看,将我介绍给每个人。

    She showed me round and introduced me to everybody.

  • 《尼泊尔概况》是一本全面介绍该地区的旅游指南。

    The Rough Guide to Nepal is a comprehensive guide to the region.

  • 教授为我们扼要介绍了这门课程。

    The professor previewed the course for us.

  • 你如何介绍你的朋友?

    How do you introduce your friends?

  • “请原谅我礼数不周,”她平静地说。“我忘了自我介绍了。”

    "Forgive my manners," she said calmly. "I neglected to introduce myself."

  • 梅利娜被草草地介绍给了男士们。

    Melina was perfunctorily introduced to the men.

  • 女主人介绍了他们。

    The hostess introduced them.

  • 本书旨在全面介绍这所大学。

    The purpose of the book is to provide a complete guide to the university.

  • 然后向全班介绍他们。

    Then introduce them to the class.

  • 把马克斯和威利介绍给蒂娜。

    Introduce Max and Willy to Tina.

  • 我们已经介绍认识了。

    We've already been introduced.

  • 但是由于我们刚刚开始介绍它,因此让我们回到课堂讲义来解释一下,为什么这个是正确答案。

    But we've just introduced it, so let's go back to the class notes and explain why this is the correct answer.

  • 让我向你们介绍一下自己,然后说明,为什么你们要继续听我说以及为什么,你们要相信我的政治或宗教立场,“

    Let me give you an account of myself and let me establish the reasons why you need to go on listening to me and why you should believe my position on this or that political or ecclesiastical topic."

  • 我不懂,为什么霍华德不直接把你介绍给那人呢?

    I don't understand, why doesn't Howard just introduce you to the guy?

  • 不过在此之前,我来介绍一下我的合作律师,威尔.加德纳,将要参审。

    But before I do, let me introduce my co-counsel Will Gardner, joining the case.

  • 我想讲的清楚一点,并且我,还会给大家介绍一个做这个的工具。

    I want to make it a little more explicit, and I want to show you a tool for doing that.

  • 我还要求你们以被试的身份去参加实验,下个星期我会给你们,一份关于要求的介绍

    And there's also an experimental participation requirement, and next week I'll hand out a piece of paper describing the requirement.

  • 所以我们正如我提议的那样思考这些事情,我们已经介绍过了德曼想让我们了解的东西。

    So as we think about these things as I suggest, we've already introduced what de Man drives home to us.

  • 接着我为大家概要地介绍了,一些基本的心理学知识,介绍了弗洛伊德和斯金纳的学说。

    And then we moved to some general introductions to some foundational ideas in the study of psychology, Freud and Skinner.

  • 就此而论,这个比喻中,关于伽利略的介绍开始有了点意义。

    It's in this light that the introduction, I think, of Galileo in this simile starts to make a little more sense.

  • 所以 我只是简单介绍几类,免疫系统试图抵御的潜在外来侵略者

    So, just an introduction to the classes of potential foreign invaders that our immune system tries to defend us against.

  • 第二件事,有些新人我得介绍一下,我就不介绍了,因为我不在乎。

    Number two. There are some new recruits with us I should introduce, but I'm not going to because I don't care.

  • 我们四周打探一下,看看能不能找到一个不错的姑娘,然后介绍你认识。

    We'll nose around, see if we can find a nice girl, and then introduce you.

  • 你们一边写一边听我说,我来简单地介绍一下这门课

    So while you're filling that out, let me tell you a little bit about what we're going to be doing here.

  • 自我介绍下,我叫甘道夫,灰袍甘道夫。我听说过你。

    I should introduce myself. My name is Gandalf. Gandalf the Grey. I know who you are.

  • 我正要介绍给你们的这个设备将会引发整个工业界的一场革命。

    The device I'm about to introduce to you is gonna revolutionize an entire industry.

  • 抱歉,你说什么?这次采访是为了介绍你,跟我讲讲枪击事件。

    I'm sorry. What? The interview is to introduce you. Tell me about being shot.

  • 让我们继续来介绍其他几个功能,以便我们最终能开始写程序,那样可以打印图表或与用户交互,打游戏之类的。

    So let's go ahead and introduce a couple other capabilities so that we can finally start writing programs that maybe print out charts or interact with the user, play games, or the like.

  • 请两位先做个自我介绍吧,诸如你们读几年级,从何而来,在普林斯顿学什么专业等。

    And why don't we just start by you introducing yourselves a little bit about like what year you are, where you're from and what you're studying in Princeton.

  • 因此,我的选择是那个故事的中间,的那篇奇怪的介绍,在48页和49页。

    So, my choice for this is that odd introduction in-between the two stories, and this is on 48 and 49.

  • 我最近读到一篇,介绍《创世纪》的文章,进一步印证了这个解释。

    I was just reading recently a scholarly introduction to Genesis that very much argues and develops this interpretation.

  • 晚上好,施惠国,由于很多人不认识我,我得介绍下自己。

    Good night. Panem. For those of you who don't know me, please allow me to introduce myself.

  • 下面我想分类介绍一下,单线保险公司,最大的一类是财产保险公司

    I want to talk about certain kinds of monoline insurance companies that-- the biggest--one category is property and casualty.

  • 好的,那么我们已经经历了,是我们已经介绍了共价键,我们已经想出了一种定量的方法来。

    OK, so what we've gone through today is we've introduced covalent bonding, and we've figured out a way to quantify it.

  • 我们每次介绍一个,新的编程概念的时候,就会和以前讲的联系起来,就和我们介绍防卫性程序设计一样。

    As every time we introduce a new programming concept, we'll relate it back, as we have been doing consistently, to defensive programming.

  • 来吧,我跟你介绍一下你即将开始的新生活。

    Come. Let me introduce you to the possibilities of your new life.

  • 先生们,请容我介绍爱丽丝·金斯利小姐,金斯利小姐,这是董事会。

    Gentlemen, might I introduce Miss Alice Kingsleigh. Miss Kingsleigh, the board.

  • 本课不仅介绍,新约文学,还会介绍其他文献的历史,可以追溯到基督教早期100年左右的时期。

    This is a course that introduces you to the New Testament literature, but also the history of other material from the very first one hundred years or so of early Christianity.

  • 我想介绍两个研究-,先说第一个再说第二个,关于环境。

    And I want to share with you couple of studies-- I'll share one study and then another later-- about the environment.

  • 来吧,我来介绍你们认识一位咱们学校的主要捐款人。

    Come on, let me introduce you to one of the university's leading donors.

  • 你好,鸡蛋,你要介绍我们认识吗,莱丽?

    Hello, egg. You gonna introduce us, Riley?

  • 我很自豪地向你们,还有全世界介绍个人计算的未来之星

    So I am proud to introduce to you, and the world, the future of personal computing.

  • 阿诺德。不,让我来介绍一下,德洛丽丝,来见见伯纳德。

    Arnold. No. Let me introduce you. Dolores, meet Bernard.

  • 他会介绍我们吗?我想他现在根本就看不到我们。

    Is he gonna introduce us? I think we're just blurry shapes to him now.

  • 我很高兴地向你们介绍iPod。

    I'd like to introduce you to the iPod.

  • 在转去介绍,其他更实际有趣的知识前,我先让大家注意一个小细节。

    Well, let's just give a teaser of some of the details before we move on to actual interesting functionality.

  • 噢!你该向我介绍你的新女朋友。

    You're gonna have to introduce me to your new girlfriend.

  • 本课程,是向你介绍我关于这门课程的想法的,是我所谓的,整体的课程。

    The class, is to introduce you to my thinking about the class, is what I call it, integrated class.

  • 我将要更详细地谈那个观点,更多地介绍那个观点,这也是接下来两周里的内容

    I'm going to say more about that view, a fair bit more about that view, over the next couple of weeks.

  • 我会介绍一下课程的流程,我会谈谈课程网页,欢迎大家登录访问

    I'm going to talk about some class logistics and I'll talk about the course website which you're welcome to visit.

  • 在这堂课的前半部分,我将告诉你们一些关于这门课的事,介绍几个如果你选择这门课,就将在这学期里考虑的问题。

    In the first half of class, I'm going to tell you a little bit about the class and introduce some of the questions that we will think about over the term if you stay in this course.

  • 我们一酒泯恩仇了,伊莱想要弗兰克·朗度介绍艾丽西娅。

    Oh, we had our detente drink. Eli wanted Frank Landau to introduce Alicia.

  • 我曾在核心闪电战上说,我想做的意见事情就是介绍一些东西,出于化学,也高于化学,所以,我们看看巴德对命名法是怎么说的。

    I said at the core blitz that one of the things I'm going to try to do is introduce some things from beyond chemistry. So, let's see what the Bard had to say about nomenclature.

  • 让我先给你们介绍一下,我们这个学期课程的主要话题。

    So, let me introduce you to some of the topics we are going to be covering in chemistry this semester.

  • 让我来介绍毕瑞兄妹,他们在2岁时被诊断为脑瘫。

    Let me introduce you now to the Beery twins, diagnosed with cerebral palsy at the age of two.

  • 也许我们大家都听说过,我会简单介绍一下,那就是所谓诠释循环。

    It's what we probably all have heard about and something that I will briefly try to describe, what's called the hermeneutic circle.

  • 到时候,我们再来分析《拖运车托尼》,为了介绍应用理论的问题。

    We will revert, as others revert to Lycidas, to Tony the Tow Truck for the purpose of introducing questions of applied theory.

  • 天哪,吉儿。天哪,瑞秋。天哪,介绍一下吧。

    Oh my God, Jill. Oh my God, Rachel. Oh my God, introduce us.

  • 我将对文化素养政策进行,简明扼要的介绍,其也是信息政策进程的一部分。

    This is my concise, short, summary version of literacy policy, which is part of information policy processing.

  • 这是叶芝创作生涯的,大致的介绍

    This was the kind of generalized story of Yeats's career.

  • 我想最好的解释,就是通过介绍研究中心的一些项目。

    And I thought the best way to illustrate some of that Was to talk a little about some of the projects.


介绍 jièshào

(1) [introduce]∶沟通使双方相识或发生联系


(2) [recommend]∶引入;推荐


(3) [brief]∶使了解






国庆节 n. National Day。

菠萝 n. pineapple。

妈妈 n. mother; mom; mum; mommy; mama; ma。

饺子 n. dumpling; jiaozi。

听音乐 listen to music。

活动 n. activity; exercise; task; play; operation; oper

十二 num. twelve。

小丑 n. clown; jester; buffoon; fool; merry-andrew; a c

筷子 n. chopsticks; chopstick。

餐厅 n. restaurant; dining room; dining hall; mess hall

介绍 v. introduce; present; recommend; brief; profile;

棕色 adj. brown; dark。n. brown。

蜡笔 n. crayon; pastel; wax crayon。

面条 n. noodles; noodle。

畜禽 n. livestock; poultry; farm animals; domestic anim