property n. 所有物,财产;地产,房地产;房地产股票(或投资)(properties);
soft palate 软腭:硬腭后部的褶皱,部分分隔口腔和咽部。
顺序 n. sequence; order。adv. sequentially。adj. sequenti
惊喜 phr. pleasantly surprised。adj. amazing; thrilled;
monster n. 怪兽,怪物;残忍的人,恶魔;小恶棍,捣蛋鬼;巨大的东西,庞然大物;难以驾驭
黑名单 n. blacklist; blocklist。
肠 n. intestines; gut; bowel; sausage; heart; entrail
董事长 chairman/president of the board。
线圈 n. coil; winding。
拼音 n. Pinyin; phonetic transcription。v. phoneticize;
拗 v. break; turn; bend; disobey; violate; hard to pr
哄 v. coax; keep in good humour; fool; humbug; kid; r
旅游 v. travel; tour; journey。n. travel; trip; tour; jo
wine jar 网络 酒坛子。埕。
升值 v. revalue; gain; climb; appreciate; strengthen。n.