1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-17 09:07:24


intestines; gut; bowel; sausage; heart; entrails



intestines n.肠;(intestine的复数)

gut n.肠道;(尤指动物的)内脏;消化道;(尤指大的)胃;肚子;肠线(用于制作弦乐器的弦);狭窄通道;狭道;隘路;狭水道;狭海峡

bowel n.肠道;最深处;中心;核心;内部

sausage n.香肠;腊肠;肉肠;火腿肠;<英>小家伙;小子

heart n.心;心脏;中心;核心;内部;内心;爱心;心形物体;勇气;情感;同情心;胸腔;要害;重点;(植物或物体的)中央部分;(艺术作品等的)灵魂;(问题、困难等的)本质;(棋盘游戏中的)红桃花牌

entrails pl-n.内脏;肠子;内部;内里;内腑

intestinal adj.肠的

  • 肠窥镜检查


  • 肠断

    very grieved 喻非常悲痛

  • 肠功能

    intestinal function

  • 肠腺炎

    enteradenitis; entero-adenitis

  • 肠穿孔

    intestinal perforation 许多肠道疾病的一个共同并发症,肠壁组织坏死、薄弱、破溃,肠内容外溢,可有剧烈腹痛、板状腹、腹膜炎、休克等表现

  • 肠吸收障碍

    intestinal malabsorption

  • 肠缝合术


  • 肠黏膜炎


  • 肠肥脑满

    idle rich with a fair round belly and a swelled head 大腹便便、肥头鼓脑的形象。也形容终日无所用心的庸夫。也叫脑满肠肥

  • 一种解释和壁通透性的差异有关。

    One explanation has to do with the difference in the permeability of intestinal walls.

  • 吃纤维对保持的健康很重要。

    Eating fiber is important for keeping your intestines healthy.

  • 过度服用会导致出血和脑出血。

    Overconsumption can cause bleeding in the intestines and the brain.

  • 目的是总结腹腔镜切除的护理经验。

    The objective was to conclude the nursing experience about enterotomy by celioscope.

  • 末端回充满坚硬细小的灰色结石.

    The terminal ileum is filled with firm, small, gray concretions.

  • 外科医生不得不切除他的一部分

    The surgeon had to remove a part of his intestines.

  • 这就为前和中的邻接部分提供了神经.

    This innervate the adjacent region of the fore and middle intestine.

  • 他甚至连火腿的塑料包都吃。

    He even eats the plastic bag of the ham.

  • 哈姆雷特当即拔出剑来把那个偷听者刺得穿破肚。

    Hamlet draws out the sword to come immediately to puncture that overhearer puts on the intestines to have diarrhea.

  • 在营养吸收中起着至关重要的作用。

    The intestines play a crucial role in the absorption of nutrients.

  • 这种情况有时称为“漏”。

    This condition is sometimes called a “leaky gut.”

  • 她在饭后感到里有剧烈的疼痛。

    She felt a sharp pain in her intestines after the meal.

  • 医生解释了是如何消化食物的。

    The doctor explained how the intestines work to digest food.

  • 这是一个感染的胃和

    This is an infection of the stomach and intestines.

  • 球菌是一种常见于道的细菌。

    Enterococcus is a type of bacteria commonly found in the intestines.

  • 贫穷使乡村困难重重,但炎症性病不在其列。

    Rural poverty brings many hardships; inflammatory bowel disease is not among them.

  • 胆结石梗阻可引起各种明显的临床征象.

    Obstruction of the ileum by stone leads to distinct clinical pictures.

  • 目的是观察屎球菌颗粒的疗效。

    The objective is to investigate the effect of enterococcus faecium granules.

  • 因为没有吃饱,我女儿叫我去给她买一种她最爱吃的火腿

    Because of not being full, my daughter asked me to buy a kind of her favorite ham sausage for her.

  • 阪崎杆菌的分型研究对流行病学调查、追踪和预防传播具有重要意义。

    Research on the typing of Enterobacter sakazakii takes an important role on epidemiological investigation, tracking and preventing transmission.

  • 这种药通过黏合内的脂肪降低胆固醇水平。

    This drug lowers cholesterol levels by binding fats in the intestine.

  • 如果功能不正常的话,这个部位总是一按就痛。

    This area is always tender to the touch if the intestines are not functioning properly.

  • 内蠕虫为什么会产生这样的效果呢?

    But why would intestinal worms have this effect?

  • 黏膜

    the viscid lining of the intestine

  • 消化道包括口腔、食道、胃和

    The alimentary canal includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines.

  • 油炸的和煮的鸡蛋是通过模型肽产品来衡量。

    Fried and boiled eggs were passed through the model gut and the peptide products measured.

  • 泌素是一种由上粘膜释放的激素。

    Enterogastrone is a hormone liberated by the upper intestinal mucosa.

  • 可以更快地恢复功能。

    May result in a quicker return of bowel function?

  • 他要了个长长的、意大利产的火腿

    He asked for a long Italian ham sausage.

  • 细胞的这种向里推进标志着原胚形成的开始.

    This pushing - in of cells marks the start of gastrulation.

  • 他肚中的辘辘饥似乎就是他的理由.

    The clamorous hunger in his belly seemed to justify him.

  • 易激综合症对女性比对男性影响更大。

    Irritable bowel syndrome seems to affect more women than men.

  • 女性比男性更易患易激综合征。

    Irritable bowel syndrome seems to affect more women than men.

  • 肽酶是由小壁的腺体分泌的.

    Erepsin is secreted by glands in the wall of the small intestine.

  • 胃痛和易激等症状都可能是癌的征兆。

    Symptoms such as stomach pains and irritable bowels can be signs of bowel cancer.

  • 弦现在是金属的,但在十六、十七、到十八世纪,它们是用猫或羊制作的。

    The strings are now metallic, but in the sixteenth, seventeenth to eighteenth century, they would have been made out of cat or sheep gut.

  • 我感觉它使我的胃、要分家了.

    It disunited my stomach and intestines.

  • 发酵涉及到膜亮丙酸杆菌的发展。

    The fermentation involves the development of Leuconostoc mesenteroides.

  • 结果表明,叶酸或亚叶酸可以保护隐窝中分化程度较低的细胞。

    The results suggest that folic acid or folinic acid can protect the less differentiated cells in the intestinal crypts.

  • 末端后形成肛管的上部.

    The terminal hindgut forms the upper portion of the anal canal.

  • 他小肚鸡,满脑子都是鸡毛蒜皮的事儿。

    He was petty-minded and obsessed with detail.

  • 如果功能不正常,这个部位碰一下就会感到疼痛。

    This area is always tender to the touch if the intestines are not functioning properly.

  • 这种物质不是通过掩盖猪的臭味,而是把它中和了。

    It’s not masking the chitlins' odor, but actually neutralizing it.

  • 鸡心,那儿,鸡肺,那儿,还有鸡冠、鸡

    The heart was there, the lungs, probably the comb and intestines as well.

  • 请给我一千克蒜.

    A kilogram of garlic sausage, please.

  • 蚓激酶在蚯蚓的生理盐水提取物中很容易获得,广泛分布于消化道的腔。

    Lumbrokinase was readily obstained in saline extracts of the earthworm, widely distributed in the entocoele of alimentary tract.

  • 回盲部和末端回常呈扩张面而不狭窄.

    The ileocecal valve and terminal ileum are usually dilated rather than stenosed.

  • 肝素可以从猪中提取而来。

    Heparin is derived from pig intestines.

  • 我厌烦她那小肚鸡的忌妒。

    I'm tired of her petty jealousies.

  • 尸检的主要发现是出血.

    A hemorrhagic gut was the predominant lesion at autopsy.

  • 虾仁洗净去泥,用纸巾抹去多余水份。

    Wash and devine the shrimps, dry them up with the kitchen towel.

  • 您的能适当地行动吗?

    Are your bowels acting properly?

  • 该研究小组在实验室中对小鼠组织取样。

    Working in the laboratory, the research team took samples of intestinal tissue from mice.

  • 我出去给她买她最爱吃的火腿去了。

    I went out to buy the ham sausage for her.

  • 最后,在你跑之前尽可能把排空。

    Finally, try to clear your system with a bowel movement before you run.

  • 弦现在是金属的,但在十六,十七,到十八世纪,弦是用猫或羊线制作的

    The strings are now metallic but sixteenth, seventeenth to eighteenth century they would have been made out of cat or sheep gut.

  • 莱纳德,这方面我不在行,不过我相信如果是邀请别人吃午餐,你最好不要说些运动的事。

    Leonard, I'm no expert here, but I believe in the context of a luncheon invitation, you might want to skip the reference to bowel movements.

  • 所有谷类早餐吉祥物都是男生,谷物早餐界完全"基""露露"啊。

    Not one cereal mascot is a girl. It's a total breakfast sausage fest.

  • 如果它直接穿而过,中间没有任何事情发生,它又会回到外面去

    If it passed directly through the tube and nothing happened to it, it would come out to the outside world again.

  • 为使其能进入并穿过细胞,上皮必须具有葡萄糖特异性的转运蛋白,使葡萄糖能够穿过细胞进入体内

    In order for it to get inside the cells and go through them there have to be transporters which specifically allow glucose to pass into the cell and then out into our body.



cháng ㄔㄤˊ

     ◎ 人或动物内脏之一,呈长管形,主管消化和吸收养分,分“大肠”、“小肠”等部:~子。~衣。肝~寸断。羊~小道。脑满~肥。

英语 intestines; emotions; sausage

德语 Darm (S, Med)





(1) (形声。从肉,昜( yáng)声。本义:人和动物消化器官之一)

(2) 肠子或肠子制成的食品 [intestine]。如:小肠;肥肠;香肠

(3) 内心,情怀 [heart]。如:心肠(用心;存心);肠肚(心思);肠荒(心慌意乱)



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of