1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-17 08:58:37


coax; keep in good humour; fool; humbug; kid; roar; clamour


roars of laughter; hubbub; uproar; horseplay

coax v.劝诱;哄骗;诱导;诱惑;巧妙处理;操纵;用温和手段使顺从

fool n.傻瓜;蠢人;受骗者;容易受欺的人;(旧时国王或王后豢养供人娱乐的)小丑;弄臣;戏剧中的愚蠢角色

humbug n.欺骗;虚伪;矫饰;骗局;诡计;花招;诡计;骗人的话;谎言;废话;鬼话;胡说八道;硬糖;(有条纹的)薄荷硬糖;假货;虚假的言行;骗人的把戏;欺骗行为;欺诈行为

kid n.小孩;儿童;少年;年轻人;小山羊;幼小的山羊;小山羊皮革

roar n.吼叫;吼叫声;怒号;大笑声;狂笑声;大喊声;咆哮声;轰鸣声;呼啸声

clamour n.吵闹;喧嚷;喧闹声;嘈杂声

hubbub n.喧闹;喧哗;喧嚣;喧哄;嘈杂;骚动;骚乱;混乱;纷扰;吵杂声;喧闹声;喧嚷声;嘈杂声

uproar n.喧嚣;骚动;吵闹;轰动;混乱

horseplay n.打闹;嬉戏;闹哄哄的玩耍;顽皮的恶作剧;粗暴玩笑;粗鲁的戏弄

  • 哄孩子睡觉

    lull a child to sleep

  • 哄抢

    noisily and panicly purchase 起哄抢购 noisily plunder 抢夺[财物]

  • 哄堂大笑

    the whole room bursting into laughter 形容满屋子的人同时大笑

  • 哄传

    (of rumours) circulate widely 纷纷传说

  • 哄笑

    (of many people)laugh together 起哄并大笑

  • 哄然

    roar 吵吵嚷嚷的叫喊声 boisterous 突然发作,冒出

  • 低声哼唱哄孩子入睡

    croon a baby to sleep

  • 哄动

    cause a sensation;make a stir 同时惊动很多人 gather together to create a disturbane 起哄 provoke;stir up 挑动;煽动

  • 哄闹

    bustle 众人同时喧闹

  • 他们不得不猫从树上下来。

    They had to coax the cat down from the tree.

  • 这次不要用你的甜言蜜语来我请你吃东西。

    Don't sweet talk me into treating you this time.

  • 彼得着奶奶再多给他些零用钱。

    Peter coaxed granny into giving him extra pocket-money.

  • 你这是我,我不信。

    You're kidding me, I don't believe it.

  • 母亲花了半个小时才把婴儿睡着了。

    It took the mother half an hour to get the baby off to sleep.

  • 孩子们总是能从父亲那里出钱来。

    The kids can always wheedle money out of their father.

  • 他用甜言蜜语她开心。

    He used sweet words to coax her into a good mood.

  • 她花了很长时间他去看医生。

    She spent a long time trying to coax him to see a doctor.

  • 他被下了舞台。

    He was booed off the stage.

  • 她摇动摇篮婴儿入睡。

    She rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle.

  • 她很会孩子。

    She knows how to handle children.; She has a way with children.

  • 休想我!

    Don't try to bullshit me!

  • 请安静点—我刚小孩睡着了。

    Can you be quiet—I've just put the baby down.

  • 孩子们去睡可不是容易的事。

    It was hard work getting the children off to bed.

  • 让别人你进去,坐上过山车。

    Have somebody coax you into it and get on.

  • 塔妮娅把孩子们得安安静静而又心满意足。

    Tania kept the children reasonably quiet and contented.

  • 他用糖果小孩安静下来。

    He used candy to coax the child into being quiet.

  • 他连带骗地设法进了办公楼。

    He managed to wheedle his way into the offices.

  • 我要设法从父母那里出些钱来。

    I'll try to wangle some money out of my parents.

  • 那个孩子总是会人,要的东西都能得到.

    That child can always get around you and get what it wants.

  • 父亲唱了一首歌女儿入睡。

    The father sang a song to his daughter to lull her to sleep.

  • Ehlers终于成功地把那只动物到了他身边。

    Ehlers eventually succeeded in coaxing the animal to him.

  • 我无法相信,他几句好听的话就得你为他效力!

    I can't believe you let him sweet-talk you into working for him!

  • 他连带骗地设法进了办公室。

    He managed to wheedle his way into the offices.

  • 她试图孩子吃蔬菜。

    She tried to coax the child into eating vegetables.

  • 她用花言巧语我把新大衣借给了她。

    She wheedled me into lending her my new coat.

  • 他曾试图把狗到他身边,但狗吓坏了,跑掉了。

    He had tried to coax (哄) the dog to him but, frightened, it had run off.

  • “快要到啦。”她着说。

    'Nearly there,' she coaxed.

  • 吃过午饭,她照看着博比,听他说话,他说说自己的事。

    After lunch, she watched, listened and coaxed Bobby into talking about himself.

  • 你真的没有干吧?你不是在我吧?

    You didn't really, did you? You're not having me on, are you?

  • 他用一块糖果来他发脾气的女儿。

    He conciliated his angry daughter with a piece of candy.

  • 你认为你可以直接走近他们然后开始他们么?

    Do you think you can just walk into their scene and coax them?

  • 孩子们把我得同意让他们去看电影了.

    The children wheedled me into letting them go to the film.

  • 这就好像母亲在哭闹的孩子。

    It's like a mother when the baby is crying.

  • 着那匹马让它再靠近了一点。

    She coaxed the horse into coming a little closer.

  • 他颠动着婴儿,他不再哭.

    He dandled the baby to make him stop crying.

  • 他们直到半夜才把婴孩睡着。

    They couldn't get the baby off till midnight.

  • 我在我们的孩子睡觉。

    I'm putting our child to sleep.

  • 这小姑娘得她爸爸给她买了一件新衣服.

    The little girl cajoled her father into buying her a new dress.

  • 在我离开他之前,我唱歌他入睡。

    Before I left him, I sang him to sleep.

  • 他尽力地那只狗,但它被吓到了,跑开了。

    He had tried to coax the dog to him but, frightened, it had run off.

  • 他的姑妈喊着她的名字,着他出来。

    His aunt then coaxed him out by calling his name.

  • 她总能得帕梅拉同意她晚睡一会。

    She could always sweet-talk Pamela into letting her stay up late.

  • 她唱着歌把孩子睡了。

    She sang the baby to sleep.

  • 你为什么不下床去把孩子睡着?

    Why don't you get out of bed and walk him until he goes to sleep.

  • 午饭后,她察言观色,着博比谈谈他自己。

    After lunch, she watched, listened and coaxed Bobby into talking about himself.

  • 经常抱怨我买有她。

    She always complain that i didnt coax her.

  • 你要是他,他就会帮你干活.

    If you sweeten him up he'll do the work for you.

  • “去找你的妈妈吧。”她着说。

    "To find your mother," she coaxed.

  • 马克斯总有法子把她顺了。

    Max could always get round her.

  • 不管吃的有多么少,他总是省下一点他的面包来他的宠物。

    However little there is to eat, he always saves a bit o' his bread to coax his pets.

  • 一个小时之后,我的助产士试着把我从浴盆里出来,但没有成功。

    An hour later, my midwife tried unsuccessfully to coax me out of the tub.

  • 得她同意带她去看电影.

    He coax her into let him take her to the cinema.

  • 亲爱的。亲爱的。我错过他们睡觉了吗?也就晚了一小时。

    Hi, baby. Hi, baby. Did I miss putting them down? Just by an hour.

  • 那你的义务是什么?给他我开心的机会啊。

    Then what's your job? Letting him make me happy.

  • 声明一下,我知道约翰尼·卡森是谁。他每天晚上我爸妈上床。

    For the record, I have heard of Johnny Carson. He tucked my parents into bed every night.

  • 嘿,瑞秋呢?她在爱玛睡觉呢,马上就过来。可能是因为要走了,她现在情绪有点激动。

    Hey. Where's Rach? She's putting Emma down. She'll be over in a second. It just hit her that she's leaving.

  • 我从出生就是这样。你不用假装我开心。

    I've lived with it my whole life. You don't have to pretend.

  • 给他们裹被,他们睡觉,喂他们吃奶。

    Swaddled them, rocked them, fed them at her own breast.

  • 啊,所有我们制造出来的噪音把宝宝亚历山大睡着了。他入睡的的速度可真快啊。

    All that loud noise has sent baby Alexander to sleep. He's really fast asleep now.

  • 我去她吧。我以为拉杰会来帮手呢。没来,他得上班。再说了,关于印度仆人的玩笑他的容忍是有限的,而我貌似已经把额度用完了。

    Oh, I'll get her. I thought Raj was helping you out. No, he had to work. Plus, he has a quota for the amount of Indian servant jokes he can tolerate, and, apparently, I filled it.

  • 那你想要我们干什么?我不知道。你们才是科学家。他们开心。

    So, what do you want us to do? I don't know. You're scientists. cheer them up.

  • 我花了两个小时才把她睡。你歇着,这回我来。

    It took me two hours to get her down. Oh, you, you relax, I'll take this shift.

  • "他们开心"?你到底知不知道科学家是干什么的?不,我们不需要人

    Cheer them up? Do you even know what a scientist is? No, we don't need to be cheered up.

  • 没有不用噪音就能亚历山大睡觉的方法呢?我们发现制造噪音是最好的方法了。

    Is there another way that doesn't use noise? We do find noise is the best way.

  • 首先,我要把宝宝亚历山大睡着。这就是宝宝亚历山大的房间。

    First, we'll put baby Alexander to bed. This is baby Alexander's bedroom.

  • 灯光把宝宝亚历山大吵醒了。没有关系,我们可以用吸尘器来她。我们还有小号呢。

    The light has woken baby Alexander. That's all right. I've got the vacuum cleaner. I've got the trumpet.

  • 莱纳德也常牺牲自己,你开心啊。他是我男朋友,这是他的义务。

    Leonard does thing he doesn't like to make you happy. Yeah, he's my boyfriend. Isn't that, like, his job?

  • 太舒服了。没错。我现在要妈妈上床睡觉了。好的。嗯嗯。

    That's so soothing. Yes, it is. I'm gonna put Momma to bed now. Okay. Mm hmm.

  • 可是,可您说……说什么?我跟你说过什么?你跟我说,“不要因为害怕,就放弃自己喜欢的事”。那个啊,那是你玩的鬼话,随便一说。

    But you told me... What? What? What did I say? Well, you know, "don't let fear stop you from doing the thing you love." Ah, come... that's just a bunch of stupid, corny...

  • 你们是在小孩子睡觉吧?

    That you're trying to get this little kid to take a nap?

  • 他把孩子好了。真够快的。他真会这孩子。对,他有天赋。

    Hey, he got her to stop. That was so fast. Oh, he's really good with her. Yeah, he has a gift.

  • 你歇着吧,我可以去她。不用了,华仔可以的,他能行。对吧,华仔。比什么时候都行。

    Well, you're... I can get the baby. No, Howie's got it. He's fine. Right, Howie? Never better.



hōng ㄏㄨㄥˉ

     ◎ 好多人同时发声:~传(chuán )。~动。


hǒng ㄏㄨㄥˇ

  • 说假话骗人:~人。~弄。~骗。
  • 用语言或行动逗人喜欢:~逗。~劝。~小孩儿。


hòng ㄏㄨㄥˋ

     ◎ 吵闹,搅扰:起~(故意吵闹扰乱,亦指开玩笑)。~场(指观众喝倒彩)。~抢。一~而起。

英语 coax; beguile, cheat, deceive

德语 betrügen, trügen

法语 duper,tromper,cajoler,cajolerie





(1) (形声。从口,共声。本义:许多人同时发声)

(2) 同本义 [roar]

游人哄笑观俳优。——· 孔平仲《上元作》

(3) 又如:哄笑;哄饮(聚众饮酒);哄伙(形容热闹,盛大);哄然;哄哄翕翕(潦潦草草;匆匆忙忙)

(4) 呵叱 [berate]






(1) 形容许多人大声笑或喧哗声 [roars of laughter]。如:哄咙(象声词);哄哄(嘈杂纷乱)

(2) 另见 hǒng;hòng






(1) 欺骗 [bamboozle;humbug;cheat]。如:哄脱(骗过);哄赚(欺骗);哄哄翕翕(哄说;欺骗);哄局(骗局)

(2) 逗引 [lull;coax]。如:哄婴儿一笑;哄孩子吃药;她很会哄孩子玩;哄动(挑动,逗引)

(3)[pass for;palm off as]


(4) 另见 hōng;hòng




閧、鬨 hòng


(1) 吵闹;喧嚣 [uproar]



(2) 又如:哄堂(喧笑声盛大,洋溢全堂);哄然(喧闹声盛大);哄堂大笑(全堂大笑)

(3) 另见 hōng;hǒng



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of