1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-13 14:46:15
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blacklist; blocklist

blacklist n.黑名单;禁止名单;制裁名单

  • 除“黑名单”之外,所有的故事都完成了。

    All stories except Blacklist got done.

  • 或许,航空公司更应该将不称职的父母列入黑名单

    Perhaps they should add inept parents to the list.

  • 它通常具有否定含义(黑名单、黑色幽默、“黑死病”)。

    It usually has a negative connotation (blacklist, black humor, 'black death').

  • 他们被传唤到到议会的反美活动委员会前并被列入了黑名单

    They were called before the House Un-American Activities Committee and blacklisted.

  • 亨利被列入警察分局的黑名单.

    Henry is on the black list at the police station.

  • 哦, 糟了,催缴单又来了. 我可能会被列入黑名单.

    Oh, no . They send me another notice. Maybe I'll get blacklist.

  • 被家庭教师协会列入黑名单也许是你收回你宝贵时间的最简单的方式。

    Getting blacklisted from the PTA is one of the easiest ways to recoup some of your precious time.

  • 那么你会上禁止教书工作的黑名单的.

    Then you're going to be blacklisted for teaching jobs.

  • 2000年,OECD将35个避税港列入黑名单

    In 2000 the OECD blacklisted 35 tax havens.

  • 学校决定将考试作弊的学生列入黑名单

    The school decided to blacklist students who cheat on exams.

  • 黑名单:在这种方法中,黑名单中的所有字符都会从输入中过滤掉。

    Blacklisting: in this approach, all characters in the blacklist are filtered out from the input.

  • 配置黑名单服务规则的异常列表.

    Configure an exception list to the blacklist service rules.

  • 白名单和黑名单——这个理论非常简单。

    Whitelisting and blacklisting-the theory is very simple.

  • 新设计不会被列入黑名单

    That redesign is not going to be on this list.

  • 一旦你的邻居被拉进黑名单,你也无法幸免。

    If your neighbor ends up in a blacklist, you will too.

  • 这就是黑名单的力量。

    Such is the power of the Black List.

  • 他被公司列入了黑名单

    He was put on the company's blacklist.

  • 一位政府官员透露说,他们被列入了秘密黑名单

    A government official disclosed that they were on a secret blacklist.

  • 史密斯先生在拖延付款的黑名单上,所以支票未兑现之前别发货。

    Don't release the goods until the cheque has been cleared, Mr. Smith is on our blacklist of slow payers.

  • 但与此同时,他们把伊拉克从黑名单上去掉。

    But at the same time they took Iraq off the black list.

  • 这个网站因为违规被加入了黑名单

    This website was added to the blacklist for violations.

  • 他们因 极右 观点而被列入黑名单.

    They were blacklisted because of their extreme right - wing views.

  • 当然 谁也不承认黑名单的存在.

    The existence of a black list , of course , was not admitted.

  • 黑名单上的产品对环境有巨大的负面影响.

    The blacklisted products placed a great negative impact on the environment.

  • 但为什么这次是“老实巴交”的椅子被列入黑名单呢?

    So why is the humble chair being blacklisted?

  • 许多公司将被抓到偷窃的员工列入黑名单

    Many companies blacklist employees who have been caught stealing.

  • 政府机构将宣传非法活动的网站列入黑名单

    The government agency blacklists websites that promote illegal activities.

  • 如果你不遵守规则,他们可能会将你从论坛黑名单中除名。

    If you don't follow the rules, they might blacklist you from the forum.

  • 她被列在这家公司的黑名单上.

    She was on the company's blacklist.

  • 一个可爱的小裸猪被送进黑名单

    A lovely little naked pig was sent onto the black list.

  • 因在1969年被判拥有大麻,他已被列入黑名单

    He has been blacklisted since being convicted of possessing marijuana in 1969.

  • 邮件规则允许用户选择黑名单

    Mail Rules allowed users to select blacklists.

  • 从音乐库中列出黑名单

    Blacklisting of tracks from the music library.

  • 大多数信贷机构都有一份为期15年的黑名单,以有效阻止破产者得到贷款。

    Most credit agencies run a 15-year blacklist effectively barring bankrupts from receiving credit.

  • FATF最近也将它黑名单上的最后个国家缅甸除却。

    The FATF recently removed Myanmar, the last country on its blacklist.

  • 对付它的常用反击方法是 建立 refback 站点的黑名单

    The general defense against this is blacklists of refback sites.

  • 此版必须刻盘, 虚拟光驱软件已被列入黑名单.

    You have to burn this release, since virtual drives are blacklisted.

  • 商务部尚未具体说明哪些汽车和鸡肉产品被列入了黑名单.

    It did not specify what automobile and chicken products could be blacklisted.

  • 她担心自己会被政府列入黑名单

    She is worried that she will be put on the government's blacklist.

  • 黑名单所面临的最大的挑战就是要确保所有危险的字符都包含在名单中。

    The biggest challenge with blacklisting is to ensure that all dangerous characters are listed.

  • 他们决定将那些不守规矩的客户列入黑名单

    They decided to put those unruly customers on the blacklist.

  • 修正了在黑名单模式中圈位淘汰赛中圈数的错误.

    Corrected number of laps in Knockout race event in Blacklist 15.

  • 被列入黑名单使得美国企业很难在那里发挥作用。

    Blacklisting would make it hard for American firms to function there.

  • 在垃圾邮件过滤中使用的白名单和黑名单的基本原理是非常简单的。

    The fundamentals of the white and blacklists used in spam filtering are very simple.

  • 可以考虑使用一个数据库或者前端,以允许用户更新白名单和黑名单

    Consider using a database or a front end to allow users to update the whitelists and blacklists.

  • 在2004年, 辛巴威在黑名单上排名第三, 仅次于伊拉克和古巴.

    For 2004, Zimbabwe placed third on the list, behind Iraq and Cuba.

  • 石油部的反应将十分明确, 中石化将被列入黑名单.

    The reaction of the ministry will be clear, Sinopec will be blacklisted.

  • 这个应用程序可以帮助你创建一个黑名单

    This app can help you create a blacklist.

  • 歌星克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉也被列入了黑名单.

    Aguilera was also in Blackwell's fashion hall of shame.

  • 加拿大维多利亚的费尔蒙特皇后酒店将尼克·伯奇尔列入黑名单,其中至少有一部分责任要归咎于海边的海鸥。

    It's the seaside birds that deserve at least part of the blame for getting Nick Burchill blacklisted at the Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria, Canada.

  • 公司决定将该供应商列入黑名单,因为他们多次延迟交货。

    The company decided to blacklist the supplier due to repeated delays.

  • 你可以把杰瑞枢纽站加到谢尔顿·库珀的火车玩具店黑名单里了,我打死都不会再去了。今晚不顺吗,凯西·琼斯?

    Well, you can add Jerry's Junction to the list of train stores Sheldon Cooper will never set foot in again. Rough night, Casey Jones?

  • 你为什么只猜女人啊?我是达尔顿·特朗勃,被列入黑名单的编剧,在浴缸里创作。我有点担心去年他的传记电影出来后很多人都会弄这个打扮。

    And why are you only guessing women? I'm Dalton Trumbo, blacklisted screenwriter, wrote in a bathtub. I'm a little worried that because of the movie, a lot of people will have this costume.

  • 你想榜上有名就继续说啊,对了,谁有看到我的黑名单

    You wanna be on my list too? Keep talking. Has anyone seem my list by the way?

  • 他们就会因此被开除或列入黑名单。这样一来,其他的大学也会因为这个而不接纳他们。

    they will be expelled and blacklisted. So other institutions won't accept them for it.




免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of