1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-16 15:25:04
pīn yīn


Pinyin; phonetic transcription


phoneticize; spell; combine sounds into syllables

Pinyin n.汉语拼音

spell v.拼写;拼出;(短时间)替换;接替;导致;意味着(通常指坏事);短暂休息;(尤指)短时间的工作(或活动);具有…的显著特征;预示

  • 支持手写输入和识别。要使用手写功能,您需要安装微软拼音输入法。

    Supports handwriting input and recognition. You need to install any input Method Editor (IME) to use the handwriting feature.

  • 在手机应用如此普遍和全球一体化的时代,我们用拼音与世界交流。

    In the era of mobile phones and globalization, we use Pinyin to communicate with the world.

  • 说明:组拼音游戏,游戏编程源码,很好的参考,有需要的就下载吧。

    Group of Pinyin game, game programming source code, a good reference, there is a need to download it.

  • 汉字内码查询.提供机内码,国标码, 区位码的相互转换. 不能计算拼音.

    To provide opportunities within the code , GB code , the location code conversion.

  • 拼音的出现不是为了取代汉字,相反,它是汉字的帮手。”周有光说。

    "Pinyin is not to replace Chinese characters; it is a help to Chinese characters," Zhou says.

  • 我正在学习汉语的拼音

    I am learning the pinyin for Chinese.

  • 你能帮我写下这个字的拼音吗?

    Can you help me write the pinyin for this character?

  • 拼音是基础,没有他们的阅读和你的孩子会遇到问题的学习阅读。

    Phonics are the foundation of reading and without them your child will have problems when learning to read.

  • 有些人仍然更喜欢威妥玛拼音系统而不是拼音

    Some people still prefer the Wade-Giles system over Pinyin.

  • 课文给出繁、简体字 、 拼音及英译文.

    The textbooks include Simplified Chinese , Traditional Chinese , Pinyin, and English.

  • 她今天学习了自然拼音1 - 1这本教材的一半。

    She learns half of the phonics 1-1 textbook.

  • 按照计划,我女儿今天学习完了自然拼音的第一本教材。

    According to plan, my daughter finish learning the first book of the phonics today.

  • 你搞研究搞晕头了吧,一下子拼音, 一下子洋文的.

    You yi si , I mean , the head icon is interesting.

  • 我爱你、几个字拼音加起来就是你对我的感情。

    I love you, a few words Pinyin add up is your feelings for me.

  • TXT有 WINPY.MB转换得来,用于拼音输入和汉字拼音对照.

    TXT have come for the Chinese phonetic alphabet input and control.

  • 他们读写拼音十分困难,所以我一遍又一遍地教他们。

    It is difficult for them to write and read pinyin, so I taught them over and over.

  • v拼音采用整句技术, 真正的字词句无缝输入.

    V alphabet used zhengju technology, the real ziciju seamless importation.

  • 他写拼音时,把隔音符号给忘了.

    He forgot the syllable - dividing marks when he was writing down pinyin.

  • 她会读汉字,但更喜欢用拼音

    She can read Chinese characters but prefers using Pinyin.

  • 因为我发现你的来信使用的是拼音

    Because I discover you of what letter use pronounce.

  • 拼音虽说极其简单,却意义深远。

    Is very simple but had a significant purpose.

  • 如何彻底删除XP系统里的微软拼音输入法?

    How to delete XP system of Microsoft pinyin input method?

  • 原因五:(罗马式)拼音方案太多且都让人精疲力尽.

    Because there are too many romanization methods and they all suck.

  • 学习拼音时,首先要掌握声母。

    When learning pinyin, you must first master the initial consonants.

  • 所学音标是拼音 、 耶鲁音标或国语注音?

    Did you study Pinying, Yale or Mandarin Phonetic system?

  • 小孩子们在学校里学拼音

    Children learn pinyin in school.

  • 说明:易语言取拼音带声调源码,应用程序编程源码,很好的参考资料。

    Easy language Pinyin with tone from the source, application programming source code, a good reference.

  • 我喜欢使用拼音输入法。

    I like to use the pinyin input method.

  • 错误的拼音使人读起来特别吃力.

    Misspelling is a strain to read.

  • “我不是拼音之父,我是拼音之子。”周有光这样说到。

    "I'm not the father of pinyin - I'm the son of pinyin," says Zhou.

  • 我们在这里用“拼音”,因为“拼音”是汉字的中文拼写方式。

    We use "pinyin" here because "pinyin" is the Chinese spelling way for the characters.

  • 汉语对孩子来说并不容易,因为汉语既有字形要学,又有拼音要学。

    It's not so easy for them to learn Chinese, because Chinese have both Chinese Characters and pinyin.

  • 汉字或拼音永远也不可能成为英语的竞争者,毕竟英语已经统治了四百多年。

    Chinese characters or pinyin will never be a competitor to English.

  • 拼音引入之前,威妥玛拼音系统被广泛使用。

    The Wade-Giles system was widely used before Pinyin was introduced.

  • 拼音是中文初学者的有用工具。

    Pinyin is a useful tool for beginners in Chinese.

  • 汉语拼音中的“i”是一个前元音。

    The "i" in Pinyin is a front vowel.

  • “直映拼音”让 5-7 岁的儿童轻松快速掌握拼音.

    Zhiying pinyin can help children aged 5 - 7 master pinyin easily and quickly.

  • 1958年,中国语言学家周有光和他的团队设计了拼音

    In 1958, pinyin was designed by Chinese linguist Zhou Youguang and his team.

  • 用歌曲来教孩子们拼音书写.

    Language Arts Songs that Teach English Grammar , Punctuation, and Spelling.

  • 有一个简单的办法就是用拼音输入法,这是一种用来将汉字转化为拉丁字母的音标系统。

    One shortcut is to use pinyin, a phonetic system used to transliterate Chinese words into the Latin alphabet.

  • 汤姆的拼音课本就在他眼前。

    Tom's spelling-book fell under his eye.

  • 包括GBK所有 汉字的拼音,可区分多音字, 可添加自定义词组.

    Including all Phonetic in GBK, Recognizing polyphonic words and creating new phrases.

  • 其实最重要的是,‘拼音.com’仍然是件挺酷的事儿。

    "At the end of the day, 'pinyin something dotcom' is still the cool thing," he said.

  • 先从拼音开始,配以相应的图画 、 文韵文, 生动优美的表情达意.

    It uses pictures, songs, and games to motivate kids to learn Chinese.

  • 下面是我在拼音教学中的几点具体做法。

    My a few particular way in phoneticize education is below.

  • 这时,汤姆的拼音课本跃入他的眼帘.

    Tom's spelling - book fell under his eye.

  • 用户只要输入拼音,就能得到规范的文字。

    The user should input phoneticize only, can get normative written language.

  • 然后我给你一个包含1万4千单词的超大文本,就跟前段时间那位,有抱负的医学预科班的学生一样,我想让你在最短时间内实现拼音检查。

    And then we hand you 140,000 English words in the form of a big text file much like our aspiring pre-med students in recent months, and we challenge you to implement the fastest spellchecker possible.




英语 phonetic writing, pinyin (Chinese romanization)​

德语 Lautschrift, Transkription, Umschrift (S, Sprachw)​, in Umschrift , Lautschrift schreiben (V, Sprachw)​, transkribieren (V, Sprachw)​

法语 transcription phonétique


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of