1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-11 09:12:15
jīng xǐ


pleasantly surprised


amazing; thrilled; overjoyed


surprise; pleasant surprise; unexpected joy; wonderment

pleasantly surprised 惊喜;感到惊喜;惊喜地

amazing adj.令人惊叹的;惊人的;令人惊羡的;令人震惊的;引人注目的;了不起的;非凡的;极好的;精彩的

thrilled adj.非常兴奋的;激动的;极为激动的

overjoyed adj.极度高兴的;非常喜悦的;欣喜若狂的;兴高采烈的;喜出望外的

surprise n.惊奇;诧异;意外;惊讶;惊喜;意想不到的事物;出乎意料的事件;突然袭击;意外的发现;意外的结果;出人意表的做事方式;出奇制胜的策略

pleasant surprise n.意外惊喜;令人高兴的惊喜;令人愉快的意外;令人喜出望外的事情;令人惊喜的事;令人惊喜的人

wonderment n.惊讶;惊叹;惊异;好奇;惊愕;赞叹;惊喜;惊诧;惊骇

  • 我喜欢惊喜

    I like being surprised.

  • 她对考试成绩感到惊喜

    She was pleasantly surprised by her exam results.

  • 因为这是一个惊喜聚会。

    Because it's a surprise party.

  • 他的来访使我感到惊喜

    His visit gave me a pleasant surprise.

  • 你不断地给我同样的惊喜,年年如此。

    You keep on amazing me, year after year, the same old ways.

  • 他们瞒着她筹备了一个给她意外惊喜的聚会。

    Unbeknown to her they had organized a surprise party.

  • 姐妹们惊喜地发现西班牙国王曾经救过她们。

    The sisters were agreeably surprised to find out that the King of Spain had been their rescuer.

  • 对于《好日子》的影评毁誉参半,既有人表示不值一提,也有人觉得它带给人一定的惊喜

    The reviews for "On a Clear Day" ran the gamut from contempt to qualified rapture .

  • 我感到惊喜,因为它不仅仅是"谢谢"。

    I was pleasantly surprised because it went beyond just"thank you".

  • 那次惊喜聚会是简的主意。

    The surprise party was Jane's idea.

  • 让他惊喜的是他发现自己不再害怕了.

    He was pleasantly surprised to discover that he was no longer afraid.

  • 这些是我最喜欢的惊喜

    Those are the surprises that I like the most.

  • 他总能给我惊喜

    He never ceases to amaze me.

  • 你有过惊喜派对吗?

    Have you ever had a surprise party?

  • 好吧,继续,给我个惊喜

    Well, go on, surprise me.

  • 真是让人惊喜

    What a nice surprise!

  • 你要去斯洛伐克度暑假,我真的很惊喜

    I was really pleasantly surprised that you're going to spend your summer holiday in Slovakia.

  • 杰奎惊喜地获得了历史B。

    Jacqui was pleasantly surprised to get a B for history.

  • 这份惊喜礼物是感谢我们给予的帮助。

    The surprise gift is a thankyou for our help.

  • 接下来有了一个惊喜

    The next brought a surprise.

  • 他的来访使我感到惊喜.

    His visit gave me a pleasant surprise.

  • 给她个惊喜

    Give her a surprise.

  • 她对生日派对感到愉快地惊喜

    She was pleasantly surprised by the birthday party.

  • 每位准新娘都会惊喜地发现,婚庆中心提供全方位的一站式服务。

    A marvellous discovery for every bride-to-be, The Wedding Centre is the ultimate one-stop shop.

  • 这真是个大惊喜

    This is a big surprise.

  • 我们感觉我们可能会获得第三名,要是能比这个名次更好那就是意外的惊喜了。

    We felt we might finish third. Any better would be a bonus.

  • 真是个惊喜

    What a lovely surprise!

  • “ 啊呀, 糟糕. ” 她想, 她意识到自己把这个惊喜给破坏掉了.

    'Oops, that's torn it,'she thought, as she realized she'd ruined the surprise.

  • 这个消息让我们都很惊喜

    The news made us all pleasantly surprised.

  • 他总让我惊喜不断。

    He never ceases to amaze me.

  • 这突如其来的消息简直让我惊喜不已.

    The shock of the news quite took my breath away.

  • 她为她毫不知情的丈夫举办了一个惊喜聚会。

    She threw a surprise party for her unsuspecting husband.

  • 惊喜地望着他那副眉飞色舞的神情.

    I gazed in happy surprise at his animated expression.

  • 所以,你很惊喜吗?

    So are you surprised?

  • 我设计好的惊喜卻产生了适得其反的后果.

    The surprise I had planned backfired on me.

  • 他对朋友的突然到访感到惊喜

    He was pleasantly surprised by his friend's sudden visit.

  • 它是如此一个惊喜

    It was such a pleasant surprise.

  • 这本书没有让我失望,反而让我很惊喜

    This book didn't disappoint me; conversely, it pleasantly surprised me.

  • 这真是一个惊喜

    What a pleasant surprise it was!

  • 我们的惊喜不是比你的更好吗?

    Isn't our surprise finer than yours?

  • 我们对这个意外的好消息感到惊喜

    We were pleasantly surprised by the unexpected good news.

  • 我对生日礼物感到惊喜

    I was pleasantly surprised by the birthday gift.

  • 不要告诉他礼物的事,因为这是个惊喜

    Don't tell him about the present because it's a surprise.

  • 每个转折点都是一个惊喜

    Every turn is a surprise.

  • 既有不好的惊喜也有好的惊喜

    There are bad surprises and nice surprises.

  • 在最后一刻,我给了他们一个惊喜,说:“我们会带配偶。”

    At the last minute, I threw them a curve ball by saying, "We're going to bring spouses."

  • “多么惊喜呀!”卡罗琳讽刺地嘟囔。

    "What a surprise!" Caroline murmured sarcastically.

  • 多么令人开心的惊喜啊!

    What a pleasant surprise!

  • 低通货膨胀与低失业的同时出现是一大惊喜

    The conjunction of low inflation and low unemployment came as a very pleasant surprise.

  • 那是我曾感受过的最大惊喜

    It was the best possible surprise anyone could have given me.

  • 什么样的惊喜

    What kinds of surprises?

  • 他的蓝色大眼睛因惊喜睁得大大的。

    His big blue eyes opened wide in wonderment.

  • 有时我试着给家人一个惊喜

    I try to surprise my family sometimes.

  • 我帮你做了情人节晚餐,大惊喜

    Change of plans, I made you a special Valentine's dinner. Surprise.

  • 所以马,不像其他走直线的棋子,它会给你出其不意的惊喜

    So the knight, far from going on a straight course, surprises you.

  • 你说的惊喜是什么啊?

    Hey, so, what is the big surprise?

  • 她是个好女孩,作为她给了我个惊喜,她带了晚餐来。我们刚开始呢

    She's a great gal. She surprised me last night. She brought over dinner. It's brand-new.

  • 惊喜的,他们没有陷进去,没有对它感到很情绪化。

    Surprisingly, they did not go very involved, very emotional about it.

  • 其实美国的惊喜派对都很短,通常都“惊喜”,然后就“我好惊喜喔!再见”。

    No, actually American surprise parties are very short. It's usually, Surprise. And then, Oh my God, I'm so surprised, good-bye.

  • 你正在策划一场大型的惊喜聚会。

    You are making plans for a huge surprise celebration.

  • 真的是太奇妙了,一首诗可能,对作者和读者来说都是一个惊喜

    It's so amazing it can be equally surprising the poem to the person who was writing it and to the reading it.

  • 我要给你个惊喜,回家去打包吧。

    Have I got a surprise for you. Pack your bags.

  • 是的,我觉得是一个不错的惊喜

    Yeah? Well, you got a real nice surprise coming.

  • 那根本不算惊喜,如果我本来就知道你擅长给人惊喜,那我就会预计到有这个惊喜,然后就不会被你“惊喜到”。

    Well, that's not a surprise at all. I mean, if I knew you were good at surprises, I would have expected the surprise, and therefore not have been surprised.

  • 不为什么,那样真的会很惊喜

    No reason. That would just be a really big surprise, right?

  • 别告诉我未来会发生什么事,我比较喜欢惊喜

    Okay. Well, listen, don't tell us what's gonna happen though, 'cause I like to be surprised.

  • 并不是对死亡本质的什么让人惊喜的见地。

    It's not some deep surprising insight into the nature of death.

  • 这不是,你的第一个惊喜派对吧?

    This isn't your first surprise party, is it sir?

  • 你的父母说“哦!我们给你准备了一个惊喜!”

    And your parents say, "Oh! We have a big surprise!"

  • 但有时候,总有人给你惊喜

    Then sometimes people surprise you.

  • 现在还有另外一个惊喜哦!乔治和佩奇的朋友们都来啦!惊喜

    And now, there's another surprise. All of George and Peppa's friends are here. Surprise.

  • 天哪!你在英国吗?艾蜜莉惊喜吗?

    Hello. Hey. Oh my God. Ross, are you in England? Was Emily surprised?

  • 真是个惊喜维。奥拉,你好。

    So, this is surprising. Hi, Viola. How are you?

  • 还有最后一个惊喜哦,跟我来!

    There's one last surprise. Follow me.

  • 郝刻薄院长,意外的惊喜啊。

    Dean Hardscrabble. This is a pleasant surprise.

  • 我的猜测是九点的课时,不会是特别受欢迎的时间,但是可能你们会给我点儿惊喜

    My guess is that 9:00 is not going to be a tremendously popular time, but maybe you'll surprise me.

  • 相信我,那绝对会是一个惊喜

    That was a pleasant surprise.

  • 差点忘了,有个惊喜给你。

    Almost forgot. Got a surprise for you.

  • 可事实上是,我之前不知道,所以我"惊喜"的样子,你根本不该觉得惊喜

    But as it is, I didn't know, and therefore my surprise should be unsurprising.

  • 你希望是个惊喜的。天哪。

    You wanted it to be a surprise. Oh my God.

  • 当我对你们表示祝贺的同时,我也想提醒你,今年晚来的劳动节,并非是什么惊喜,第一个测试来的比较早,你们中的绝大多数在高中已经见过了。

    While at the same time as I say congratulations, I want to remind you that I think it comes as no surprise given the lateness of Labor Day this year that this first test came rather early and for many of you much of this material you had seen in high school.

  • 但我要告诉你们的是,那些研讨课的学生在推选小说时,有着令人惊喜的表现。

    But I will tell you, the students I had in that seminar did amazing things to push their choice of novel.

  • 解决问题的方式总能让人惊喜不已,我们的眼睛或思想可以看见一类解,但数学有时会告诉你还有新的解,你不能忽视它,而是解释这些不期而至的解,这只是一个简单的例子,由此你可以理解第二个解的意义

    So always amazing to us how we go into the problem, our eye or mind can see one class of solutions, but the math will tell you sometimes there are new solutions and you've got to respect it and understand and interpret the unwanted solutions, and this is a simple example where you can follow what the meaning of the second solution is.

  • 正的惊喜是,你知道我擅长给人惊喜后有多惊喜

    Well, the real surprise is how surprised you are that I'm great at surprises.


惊喜 jīngxǐ

[pleasantly surprised] 又惊又喜




免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of