一年级 n. first grade; first year (in school)。
活动 n. activity; exercise; task; play; operation; oper
bathe v. 洗澡,给(某人)洗澡;游泳,嬉水;用水清洗(尤指身体部位);(光线)洒满,
taki taki 这样地
tube n. (金属、塑料、玻璃等材料制的)管,管子;管状物;(装柔软物质的)软管;管状
passion n. 爱恋,情欲;激情,热情;酷爱,热衷的爱好(或活动等);盛怒,激愤;耶稣的受
食不知味 Something is in my mind, and nothing to eat
second harmonic generation 二次谐波产生:一种非线性光学现象,当光通过介质时,会产生频率为原始光频率的两倍的
为 prep. for; to; toward。v. support; stand for; do; a
blundering adj. 浮躁的;粗笨的;粗心的;愚蠢的v. 犯大错;笨手笨脚;摸索(blund
中 n. middle; center; inside; Zhong (a surname)。adj.
初步澄清 Preliminary clarification
scum n. 浮渣;泡沫;糟粕vi. 产生泡沫;被浮渣覆盖vt. 将浮渣去除掉
erasable adj. 可消除的;可抹去的;可删除的
噱头 adj. funny; catchy; eye-catching; amusing; comical