1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-14 10:15:48


middle; center; inside; Zhong (a surname)


middle; central; medium; intermediate; average


hit; strike; shoot; win (a prize, lottery); be hit by; be affected by; be infected with; be right in (the middle)

middle adj.中间的;中部的;居中的;中立的;中性的;中位的

center n.中心;中心区;中枢;中线;核心;中央;焦点;集中点;活动中心;中心地带;中心位置;中心点;(体育)中锋;(政治)中间派

inside n.内部;(道路或跑道拐弯处的)内侧;里面;内情;内幕;内部职位;内圈;靠墙侧;离大路较远的一侧

central adj.中心的;中央的;位于中心的;近中心的;枢纽的;中枢的;核心的;关键的;首要的;主要的;基本的;必不可少的;集权的

medium n.媒介;传播工具;介质;手段;途径;溶剂;培养基;中间状态;中等程度;平均水平;调解者;通灵者;灵媒;材料

intermediate adj.中间的;中等的;中级的;过渡的;(两地、两物、两种状态等)之间的;介于两者之间的

average n.平均数;平均值;一般标准;常规水平;均摊费用;海损平均;降低;均减

hit v.打;击中;击打;撞击;攻击;冲击;按;访问(网站);(灾难、疾病等)侵袭;袭击;(尤指商业或娱乐产品)大受欢迎;走红;(尤指毒品)产生效果;产生不良影响;(尤指在感情上)伤害;使痛苦;使突然想起

strike v.击;撞;打;罢工;突然想到;突然意识到;突击;袭击;进攻;(疾病、灾难等)侵袭;让(某人)觉得;引起(强烈感情);达成;达到;行进;(时钟)敲响;发现;铸造;冲制;删除;踢球;击球;使处于(特定状态);摆出(姿态);照在…上;弹奏;奏出;划(火柴); 击出(火星);拆除(帐篷、帆等);生根;附着;急拉钓线把鱼钩住

shoot v.拍摄;射击;(使朝某方向)冲;奔;扑;射;飞驰;射杀;发射;射门;开(枪或其他武器);打猎;射伤;剧痛跳窜;突然把…投向;(在整场比赛中)击出…杆;玩;打(某种游戏)

be affected by 受到影响;被影响;受影响

be infected with phr.感染

  • 中策

    the second best plan 胜于下策但不及上策的计策或方法

  • 在保释中

    be out on bail

  • 中层干部

    middle-level cadres 指机构、组织、阶层等在中间的一层或几层负责的干部

  • 食物中下毒

    poison the food

  • 中草药

    Chinese herbal medicine 中国的由草本植物制成的药物

  • 长短得中

    be of moderate length

  • 中产阶级

    middle bourgeoisie;middle class 中等资产阶级,在中国指民族资产阶级

  • 在审阅中

    under review

  • 中餐

    Chinese meal;Chinese food 中国风味的餐食菜肴

  • 就中调停

    mediate a dispute

  • 中部

    central section 中心地区(部分) middle 中间部分

  • 中表

    cousin;cousinship;cousinhood 古代称父之姐妹所生子女为外兄弟姐妹,称母之姐妹所生子女为内兄弟姐妹。外为表,内为中,合而称之“中表”

  • 肥瘦得中

    be of appropriate weight

  • 中丞

    an official's name 官名。即“大中丞”,见该条

  • 中波

    medium wave 指波长在100-1000米(频率从300-3000千赫)之间的电磁波,主要依靠地波传播;用于短距离无线电广播、无线电测向等

  • 处于急难中

    be in grave danger

  • 在排演中

    in rehearsal

  • 中常

    average;middling 一般;中等

  • 中立法

    law of neutrality; neutrality law

  • 中奸计

    fall into sb's trap

  • 中班

    midwatch 船舶值班的班次,从午夜到上午四点 middle shift 从下午到半夜的工作班次 the middle class in a kindergarten 幼儿园里由五周岁至六周岁的儿童所编成的班级

  • 中饱

    batten on money entrusted to one’s care;embezzle;line one's pocket with public funds 侵吞经手的钱财

  • 躲在草丛中

    hide in the grass

  • 在修理中

    be under repair

  • 在树丛中

    among the trees

  • 中大衣

    medium-length overcoat

  • 中长期贷款

    medium and long term loans

  • 浸在血泊中

    be drenched in blood

  • 掐人中

    pinch the philtrum

  • 中层

    mesosphere 位于平流层顶和中层顶之间的大气层,距地面高度约在50-85公里之间 middle-level 指机构、组织、阶层等中间的一层或几层 middler ∶属于中间的分组、部分或级别的人

  • 中垂

    sagging 中部成弓形下垂(如受压后的船中部下垂)

  • 中支纱

    medium-count yarn

  • 中鹄

    hit the target

  • 中脑炎


  • 画面一只狐狸正被一群猎狗撕咬得肠子外流。

    It shows a fox being disembowelled by a pack of hounds.

  • 冷水生物的基础代谢速度要低很多。

    Basal metabolism is much lower for creatures in cold water.

  • 合同规定了交货日期。

    A delivery date is stipulated in the contract.

  • 他们在二十八学校。

    They in No. 28 Middle School.

  • 大脑动脉包埋5例。

    Middle cerebral artery embeded in 5 cases.

  • 那座废弃的建筑在城市看起来像一个怪物。

    The abandoned building looked like a monstrosity in the middle of the city.

  • 据我所知,他在报道毫不留情地批评了初审法官。

    I gather his report is highly critical of the trial judge.

  • 这些服装有很多出自世界顶级时装设计公司。

    Many of the clothes come from the world's top fashion houses.

  • 糖在饮食到处可见。

    Sugar is ubiquitous in the diet.

  • 如果天气适宜,会有更多的人被吸引到骑自行车的行列来。

    More people would be attracted to cycling if conditions were right.

  • 不用说,所有这些都是从电台报道采集来的二手材料。

    All this, needless to say, had been culled second-hand from radio reports.

  • 成本包括运费。

    The cost includes transit.

  • 将会裁员160人的消息在该团体掀起了一阵骚动。

    News of 160 redundancies had sent tremors through the community.

  • 她在事故受了重伤。

    She suffered extensive injuries in the accident.

  • 他在电影扮演硬汉。

    He plays the tough guy in the movie.

  • 小鸡们在尘土啄食。

    Chickens pecked in the dust.

  • 我的传呼机在会议响了。

    My pager went off in the middle of the meeting.

  • 道格拉斯29岁,是个技术不错的拳击手,在以前的比赛发挥不太稳定。

    Douglas was a 29-year-old journeyman fighter, erratic in his previous fights.

  • 这些衣服很多都把顾客的姓名牌缝进衬里

    Many of the garments have the customers' name tags sewn into the linings.

  • 平足会在家族遗传。

    The condition of flat feet runs in families.

  • 她把花瓶的花插好。

    She arranged the flowers in a vase.

  • 小船在港湾颠簸。

    Tiny boats bobbed up and down in the harbour.

  • 孩子们在从小学到初的过渡期可能会遇到困难。

    Children may face difficulties during the transition period from primary to middle school.

  • 事故,车顶没有遭到损坏。

    The roof of the car was not damaged in the accident.

  • 纬度地区的气候变化非常明显。

    The climate change in the middle latitude regions is very noticeable.

  • 她喜欢在辩论获胜。

    She loves to win an argument.

  • 我们在语言教学非常强调交际教学法。

    We have a very communicative approach to teaching languages.

  • 沟渠积满了淤泥。

    The ditches had filled up with mud.

  • 电极被浸没在液体

    The electrodes are immersed in liquid.

  • 转播可能出现断。

    There may appear to be discontinuities between broadcasts.

  • 这条河流入湖

    The river drains into a lake.

  • 幼虫钻进地板的裂缝

    The larvae burrow into cracks in the floor.

  • 漆树调味料经常用于东菜肴

    Sumac is often used in Middle Eastern cuisine.

  • 同时,把碗置于微沸的水上,将白巧克力放入碗使其熔化。

    Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water.

  • 恐龙湾的化石嵌在坚硬的砂岩

    The fossils at Dinosaur Cove are embedded in hard sandstone.

  • 在减肥过程保持饮食的营养相对均衡是明智的。

    It makes sense to eat a reasonably balanced diet when slimming.

  • 她在竞赛获得头奖。

    She won first prize in the competition.

  • 萨拉在日记倾吐心事。

    Sara confided to her journal.

  • 在行驶那个婴儿睡了。

    During the drive, the baby slept.

  • 在纪录片《与恐龙同行》可以看到最新的、更加生动的电脑特效技术。

    Recent, more dramatic use of CGI was seen in "Walking With Dinosaurs".

  • 他们从纸堆拿出一沓一沓的纸,整理好并放入信封

    They took sheets of paper off piles, collated them and put them into envelopes.

  • 众所周知,雷恩的墓志铭写道,大教堂本身就是他的纪念碑。

    As Wren's epitaph famously declares, the cathedral itself is his monument.

  • 纬度地区通常有四个季节。

    The middle latitude regions usually have four seasons.

  • lamb的b不发音。

    The 'b' in lamb is not pronounced.

  • 此事正在调查

    The matter is under investigation.

  • 滑鼠键用于开启此讯息。

    A middle click always opens this message.

  • 我们自己发现我们自己迷失在森林

    We found ourselves lost in the middle of the forest.

  • 他们的4个人去寻求帮助了。

    Four of them had gone off to find help.

  • 在幻想世界我们同他们在决赛对阵。

    In dreamland we play them in the final.

  • 原剧本没有那句台词。

    That line isn't in the original script.

  • 有几个提案州议会正在讨论

    Several proposals are under consideration by the state assembly.

  • 他在战斗阵亡。

    He was killed in combat.

  • 坦克陷入了烂泥

    The tank became bogged down in mud.

  • 计划的细节还在制定

    The details of the plan are still being worked out.

  • 双方都从会谈获益。

    Both sides have benefited from the talks.

  • 民数记》,详细描述了,犹太人在荒野40年的生活,在放置约柜的帐幕旁边安营扎寨。

    The book of Numbers recounts the itinerary of the Israelites throughout the 40 years of their wanderings and encampments around the sacred tabernacle.

  • 你的实习生不穿内裤就来上班,还在工作把裙子撩起来。

    Your intern comes to work sans panties. And lifts her dress up in the middle of work.

  • 在科林·斯威尼的又一场闹剧你还有空过来拜访,我印象深刻。

    You had time for a visit in the middle of this new Colin Sweeney mess. I'm impressed.

  • 地心引力也在变化

    The gravity of our planet is changing too.

  • 人们很开心地看到,从某种程度上伊瑟尔可能,没有在他的论点完全承认,但是毫无疑问,论点并没有期望的违背。

    People enjoy that in ways that Iser may not be fully acknowledging in this argument, but there's no question that it doesn't involve the violation of expectations.

  • 那你一只海豚在太空做什么?

    So what's a dolphin doing out here in the middle of space?

  • 植物缺乏某些物质,特别是脂溶性维生素,那些只能从肉类和必需氨基酸获得

    The plants can be deficient in certain things, especially fat soluble vitamins that come from meat and from essential amino acids.

  • 他是前两卷书最引人注目的角色,当然,也可以认为是这首诗最引人注目的。

    He's without question the most compelling figure, certainly, in the first two books and, I think, arguably in the entire poem.

  • 我们是梦想的梦想者。

    We are the dreamers of dreams.

  • 在桥梁建设我们十分清楚地了解,在造桥的过程会遇到什么问题,以及如何克服这些问题

    In bridge building we're well advanced in understanding what are the problems with building bridges and how do we overcome them?

  • 我推导出了,从每一个离子对抽出阿伏加德罗常数,再把它们放在一起在一列,这个系统的能量就变得更负。

    I have shown that by taking Avogadro's number of individual ion pairs and putting them all together in a line, the system's energy became more negative.

  • 我现在要强调的是,叶芝在工作感到了激情,就如他在历史感受到的一样。

    What I want to stress now is that Yeats sees passion at work in the same way in history.

  • 那个女人的白天是在,天真无知的善意度过,可她的夜晚却是在,声嘶力竭的争论度过。

    That woman's days were spent In ignorant good will, Her nights in argument Until her voice grew shrill.

  • 我们都知道,在当今的经济环境,你是否上过完整的大学、社区学院或参加过职业培训直接关系到你能否跻身产阶级。

    We know that in today's economy whether you go to a four-year college, a community college or a professional training program, some higher education is the surest ticket to the middle class.

  • 昨晚枪的是你的人。

    It was your man who got shot last night.

  • 他提到离子百分数,是指一根键,并非一个分子

    He said that the percent ionic character, and this is within a bond, not for a compound, for a covalent bond.

  • 试想 一個名為杰克的人站在一辆火车卡間在稳定状态下移动。

    Imagine a man named Jack, standing in the middle of a train carriage, traveling at a steady speed.

  • 顺便提一下,在一家盈利性公司,我们需要这样理解,这是个在法律明文昭示的概念

    Now incidentally, in a for-profit corporation-- this is how to understand this, this is a concept that is enshrined in law.

  • 或者从记忆存储器取出一个结果,在类似的操作运行,再插回到存储器

    Or take this value out of memory, run it through some other simple operation, stick it back in memory.

  • 我们在今天的阅读发现自己,《论出版自由》,在英国革命,也就是有时被称为清教改革,的过程

    We find ourselves in today's reading, Areopagitica in the middle of the English Revolution, sometimes called the Puritan Revolution.

  • 一场不会醒来的睡眠

    A sleep from which she will never awaken.

  • 德里达,我说过,他相信有一种无缝的网,存在于论述或推论,我们在论述是处于同一水平线的。

    Derrida, as I said, believes in a kind of seamless web of discourse or discursivity. We are awash in discourse.

  • 不知道,还是有点怪,他上次的做爱乱求婚的事,我们还没缓过来。

    I don't know, it's still kind of weird. We haven't really recovered since he proposed to me in the middle of sex.

  • 我希望大家今天都能抽空,坐下来,等待奇迹,发生在您的写作,或者您的精神生活

    And I encourage all of you to take a moment today to perhaps sit and let something happen to your own writing or your own spiritual life.

  • 她破坏了正在进行的婚礼。

    Wait a minute. She just made a scene in the middle of the ceremony.

  • 在她的书有许多关于身体肿胀、变形和膨胀的想象,一些评论人从她的自传找到了解释。

    There's a lot of imagery of swelling, of distortion and distention of the body that some critics point to her biography to explain.

  • 此外,质粒存在于自然界,质粒是在微生物发现的,它们也赋予了微生物一些生物学特性

    Again, these plasmids occur naturally in nature; they were discovered particularly in micro-organisms have plasmids that confer biological properties onto them.

  • 首先我们有这句“迷茫深夜,轻舟的导航人“,并且这个导航人在明喻,体现为从诗句之外向内眺望。

    First we have the "Pilot of some small night-founder'd Skiff," and the pilot stands ab extra, from outside, in the simile.

  • 我在描述《创世纪》第一章试图做的是,在这个故事,邪恶并不是一种实体的存在。

    So, one of the things I've tried to claim in describing Genesis 1 is That in this story evil is represented not as a physical reality.

  • 所以温度是强度量,你可以通过,除以系统物质的摩尔数,来从广延量导出强度量。

    So the temperature is intensive, and you can make intensive properties out of the extensive properties by dividing by the numberof moles in the system.

  • 对于只为一种精灵,意思是局部的,只有这个函数,这个脚本才可以用这个变量,这个变量为全部精灵而创建,意思是这个变量是全局的。

    For this sprite only, means local, only this function, only this script can use this variable, make this variable for all sprites, meant it was global.

  • 结果是我们不会实际运用它,那样我们在化学,将要在图识别它很久。

    It turns out we won't really using it, needing to identify it on the graph so much in chemistry.

  • 除了在毒药以及有机合成的容器,你可能还会在我们更熟悉的,东西找到它们,比如杏仁。

    Other than just in poisons and in organic synthesis shells, you might also find them in some things we're more familiar with, such as almonds.

  • 我从来没有那种关系,也没那种感受,在主题乐园,你忽然欲火烧。

    I've just never had a relationship with that kind of passion, you know, where you have to have somebody right there in the middle of the theme park.

  • 但这个实验有一个很有趣的地方,在本科生做这个实验,很容易就得出这个结果,而在四岁小孩和猴子,同样能得到这个结果。

    What's particularly interesting is you get this effect easily with undergraduates but you also get it with four-year-olds and with monkeys.

  • 记得当我问你们在《在路上》关于美国的特性,还有在那里到底有没有什么东西,在《在路上》

    Remember, when I asked you about the specificity of America in On the Road, and I asked you to think about whether there was anything there at all?

  • 我好像闻到了一点巧克力的味道。狐狸弗雷迪有一个嗅觉非常灵敏的鼻子。找到了。狐狸弗雷迪在一个水盆找到了一个彩蛋。

    I think I can smell chocolate. Freddie fox has a very good sense of smell. Yes. Freddie fox has found a chocolate egg in the middle of a bird bath.

  • 所以你可以做选择,你可以选择在接下来四年继续当国务卿,重树形象,或选择因为在东办砸了事连勃兰登堡的协议都谈不成而被载入史册。

    So you have a choice. You can redeem yourself as Secretary of State over the next four years, or go down in history as a fluke, who bungled the Middle East and couldn't even close the deal in Brandenburg.

  • 接下来,如果回到实际的氯化钠晶体,你们做同样的计算,但是是在三维

    And then, if you go the real sodium chloride crystal and you do this same calculation but in three-dimensions.

  • 我生命最重要的发现。

    The most important discovery of my life.

  • 假设我们不知道,将会在怎样的经济环境生存,而生命又会有怎样的意外发生。

    Suppose we don't know what economic circumstances we'd be born into and what kind of contingencies we'd have in life.

  • 我们最不希望看到的就是总统深陷城市战火。还有伦敦的市民们。

    That's the last thing we need. The president in the middle of an urban battle. Or the citizens of London.

  • 在第二首诗“从我的写作来看“,诗人也是第一人称,夜晚在书桌前被打扰。

    In the second poem here, "I Looked Up From My Writing," the poet, the first person, is being interrupted at his desk at night.

  • 我都不知道他名是什么。是帕特里克。帕特里克,肖恩·帕特里克·亨特,我要嫁给他!小鹿乱撞!

    I don't even know his middle name. It's Patrick. Patrick. Shawn Patrick Hunter. I wanna marry him! Fuzzy!

  • 如果你往间拍打揉面,就像现在一样,因为你给它一些击打,葡萄干的水分就开始挥发出来。

    If you pat and pour into the middle, what's happening now is because you're giving it some aggression, the moisture from those sultanas are beginning to release.

  • 让它们把糖放进茶杯

    Tell them to put the sugar in the teacup.

  • 为了在当今变革的经济形势打造更强大的产阶级,我们需要不断的斗争。

    To build a stronger middle class in today's changing economy we've got to keep fighting.

  • 我用“束缚“这个词当然是因为在,当然是因为在那个显而易见被束缚着的妇人。

    I'm using the word "stuck," of course, because the Lady had been stuck so famously and so prominently in Comus.

  • 在这首诗,弥尔顿回顾了《科玛斯》哥哥的斯奥迪斯,似乎是在验证斯奥迪斯正确与否。

    In Lycidas, Milton looks back at the Elder Brother's theodicy, and it's almost as if he's attempting to test its validity.


zhōng ㄓㄨㄥˉ

  • 和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。
  • 在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。
  • 性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。
  • 表示动作正在进行:在研究~。
  • 特指“中国”:~式。~文。
  • 适于,合于:~看。

zhòng ㄓㄨㄥˋ

  • 恰好合上:~选。~奖。~意(会意,满意)。
  • 受到,遭受:~毒。~计。
  • 科举考试被录取:~举。~状元。

英语 central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain

德语 Mitte, Zentrum, Mittelpunkt ,treffen (V)

法语 milieu,centre,central,intérieur,parmi,moitié,frapper juste,être frappé par




(1) (指事。甲骨文字形,中象旗杆,上下有旌旗和飘带,旗杆正中竖立。本义:中心;当中,指一定范围内部适中的位置)

(2) 同本义 [center]







天门中断。——· 李白《望天门山》

中通外直。——· 周敦颐《爱莲说》

中轩敝者。——· 魏学洢《核舟记》



(3) 内,里面。与“外”相对 [among;between;inner;within]





中有冯三保者、精技击。—— · 徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》

事变中起。——· 周容《芋老人传》


(4) 半;中途;半中腰 [half]



(5) 方位名。泛指一个地区内或一个时期内,中间;居中 [in the middle;be placed in the middle]

晋太元中, 武陵人捕鱼为业。—— 陶渊明《桃花源记》


(6) 指宫禁之内。亦借指朝廷 [court]


公来自中,天子所倚。——· 韩愈《祭董相公文》


(7) 内心 [heart]



(8) 中国的简称 [China]


(9) 中国的本地人、居民或其后代 [Chinese]


(10) 内脏 [internal organs]


(11) 中介人 [go-between]






(1) 中等 [medium;intermediate]


中家以上。——· 方苞《狱中杂记》


(2) 〈方〉∶成,行,好 [all right]



(3) 容易 [easy]

我是家丫头, 家媳妇,我的钱不中骗。——《醒世姻缘传》

(4) 合适,适当 [suitable;proper]

之计中, 之计过矣。——《战国策·齐策二》

余观君疏于世故,而谋国无不中。——· 叶适《袁声史墓志铭》

(5) 不偏不倚,正 [right]



(6) 通“忠”。忠诚[honest]




(7) 另见 zhòng






(1) 正对上;射中,正着目标 [fit exactly;hit]




射者中。——· 欧阳修《醉翁亭记》

中而轻发。——· 徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》



(2) 受到;遭到 [be hit by;fall into;hit home]

欲中守法。——· 高启《书博鸡者事》

前番我兄误中你的诡计,在 青龙山上,被你伤了十万大兵。——《说岳全传》


(3) 造谣;中伤 [slander]





(4) 合于;符合 [tally with;accord with]






(5) 考取;录取 [pass an entrance examination;enroll]



(6) 得到 [get]





(1) 满,充满 [full]



(2) 通“仲”。位居第二的 [second]





(3) 另见 zhōng



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of