1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-07 10:32:41
xué tóu


funny; catchy; eye-catching; amusing; comical


gimmick; stunt; selling point; ploy; tricks meant to deceive

funny adj.滑稽的;有趣的;好笑的;令人发笑的;诙谐的;奇怪的;奇特的;古怪的;异常的;难以解释的;难理解的;蹊跷的;不寻常的;反常的;疯疯癫癫的;令人不安的;不正当的;非法的;可疑的;<口>耍花招的;欺骗的;不诚实的;鲁莽无礼的;小病的

catchy adj.朗朗上口的;悦耳易记的;吸引人的;有魅力的;易引起兴趣的

eye-catching adj.引人注目的;醒目的;吸引人的;显著的;耀眼的;突出的;抢眼的

amusing adj.有趣的;娱乐性的;引人发笑的;令人愉快的;幽默的

comical adj.滑稽的;可笑的;有趣的;诙谐的

gimmick n.噱头;花招;把戏;诡计;手法;诀窍;促销手段;特殊装置;骗人的玩意儿

stunt v.阻碍生长;限制发展;遏制;进行特技表演;表演惊险动作

selling point n.卖点;优势特点;推销要点;吸引顾客之处

ploy n.策略;手段;手法;计谋;花招;伎俩;消遣;诡计;战术

  • 他在加州讲演,又非常成功,用的噱头也是模仿丑角的滑稽.

    He tried lecturing in California again with great success in the style of zany inconsequence.

  • 它只不过是个过眼云烟的噱头或露天市场上的景点。

    It was no more than a passing gimmick or a fairground attraction.

  • 真爱还是宣传性噱头,阿汤哥又要结婚了?

    True love or publicity stunt,Tom Cruise is getting married again?

  • 所有这一切都是营销噱头 吗 ?当然.

    Is this all marketing hype? Of course.

  • 企业需要手机版网站——它们不仅仅是噱头

    Companies need mobile websites - they are no longer mere differentiators.

  • 全靠广告噱头奏效, 她成功初登好莱坞,人所共知.

    With the help of some advertising stunts, she successfully made her proverbial debut in the Hollywood.

  • 这当然只是噱头,不过也确有目的:向世界展示,即使最穷的国家也能缓解贫困与饥饿。

    The occasion was a stunt, of course, but had a serious purpose: to show that even the poorest places can mitigate poverty and hunger.

  • 现在各昆曲剧团试图演出有噱头的剧目来争取关注。

    Now Kunqu troupes are trying to grab attention with provocative shows.

  • 你没有意识到这会是一个很棒的公关噱头

    You didn't realize it was going to be a great PR stunt?

  • 这次运动虽然大搞噱头,但也有其严肃的一面。

    The campaign was gimmicky, but it had a serious side to it.

  • 这个新的博客也许如预期的那样,能够使政府更加亲近民众,或者,它最终只不过是一个聪明的政府的公关噱头

    The new blog may bring the government closer to the people, as intended; or it may turn out to be no more than a clever public-relations stunt.

  • 你的妻子是怎么看待这个小小的噱头的?

    How did your wife feel about this little stunt?

  • 他在加州讲演, 又非常成功, 用的噱头也是模仿沃德的.

    He tried lecturing in California, again with great success, in the Ward style of zany inconsequence.

  • 也有人认为云技术不过是个噱头,因为它实际采用的是早已存在的计算机技术。

    Others believe it is hype, as it USES long established computing technologies.

  • 会议开始,先是每周必不可少的“噱头. ”

    The meeting opened with the regular weekly'stunts. "

  • Graham说:“我不支持耍假日噱头伎俩。”

    "I'm not a fan of the holiday-inspired gimmick ploys," says Graham.

  • 他愤世嫉俗地将慈善活动斥为宣传噱头

    He cynically dismissed the charity event as a publicity stunt.

  • 而梦境,当然只是电影惯用的一个噱头

    Dreams, of course, are a fertile subject for moviemakers.

  • 攀登教堂钟楼是“绝妙”的宣传性噱头.

    Climbing up the church tower a fine publicity stunt.

  • 在那部影片大胆的宣传噱头中,他把自己的汽车撞向一辆过路的卡车。

    In a bold promotional stunt for the movie, he smashed his car into a passing truck.

  • 究竟简单仅仅是一种噱头,抑或是真的有能让事情变得简单的方法?

    Is this all just hype or is there actually something to this simplicity thing?

  • 然而这些只是噱头的营销传播的神话.

    However these are just marketing gimmicks that propagate the myth.

  • 有机食品是不是真的比基因改造过的食品更健康?或者那仅仅是个广告宣传的噱头

    Is organic food actually healthier than genetically modified fare, or is it all just hype?

  • 泰勒的律师说,控方的要求只不过是一个宣传的噱头

    Taylor's lawyers say the prosecution's request is nothing more than a publicity stunt.

  • 我认为搞个老外火炬手实在是为了噱头

    I believe the whole thing of foreign torchbearers is just for show.

  • 然而, 抛开所有这些噱头不说, 该片的销量还是相当可观的.

    Putting all the hoopla aside, however, the results were quite solid.

  • 这次的熊猫捐赠是否只是噱头呢?

    Or was the panda donation a gimmick?

  • 如果海报上写着“类人猿独特的掠夺性展示-阿拉伯狒狒”我们只会对这个“噱头”一笑置之。

    If a poster says "A unique show with predatory apes – hamadryas baboons" we will just smile to this "promotional gimmick".

  • 提防噱头

    Watch out for gimmicks.

  • 乐队扮作披头士乐队作为宣传噱头

    The band dressed up as the Beatles as a publicity stunt.

  • 它是确有其用,还是新闻噱头

    Is it for real or is it just hype?

  • 软件界面简单而友好,除了搜索功能,这个软件没有花里胡哨的噱头

    The interface is simple and user-friendly – one doesn’t need unnecessary things when just searching for something.

  • 如果排除掉叙事的噱头和奇异的情境,《合金装备2》的游戏性毫无疑问地超越了前作。

    Removed from the narrative stunts and bizarre situations, the gameplay in Metal Gear Solid 2 is, without a doubt, superior to that found in the original adventure.

  • 在我看来,这是个政治噱头。大家知道我是个政治家,因此会注意到这些事情。

    I saw a political stunt. You see, I'm a politician, and I notice these things.

  • 硅谷来访似乎像一个噱头,但其却是预见性的。

    The Silicon Valley visits seemed like a stunt, but they were prophetic.

  • 我要说的是,如果这是一个宣传噱头,就未免相当的尴尬了。

    I'll say this, if it's a publicity stunt, it's a pretty embarrassing one.

  • 我才不要让一个政治噱头搅了我的好梦。

    I wasn't ready to let a political stunt interfere with my beauty sleep.

  • 这完全是个宣传噱头

    It was all a publicity stunt.

  • 为了给电影制造噱头以吸引眼球,他把汽车猛地撞向一辆驶过的卡车。

    In a bold promotional stunt for the movie, he smashed his car into a passing truck.

  • 你搞那些装疯卖傻的噱头,对你,还是对你的观众有好处?

    Is that zany approach an advantage for you or for your viewers?

  • 4.又一个噱头吗?中国摇滚歌手汪峰在浪漫的曲调中,让一架载有钻戒的白色无人机飞进求婚现场。

    Another stunt?Chinese rocker Wang Feng sent a white drone carrying a diamond ring flying in,accompanied by romantic music.

  • 攀登教堂钟楼是绝妙的宣传性噱头.

    Climbing up the church tower was a fine publicity stunt.

  • 我意识到,理想的美是一种噱头

    I realised ideal beauty is a racket.

  • 真正的爱情是不讲究热闹、不讲究排场、不讲究繁华,更不讲究噱头.

    A true love is what doesn't forfor extravagance forand moreover for hokum.

  • 新的博客可能只不过是一个聪明的公关噱头

    The new blog may turn out to be no more than a clever public-relations stunt.

  • “老实说,我认为它有点噱头的味道,”他说。

    "To be honest I think it's a bit of a stunt," he says.

  • 仅在两个月后,我又看到了另一个政治噱头

    Barely two months later, I saw another political stunt.

  • 金融机构也往往以预期收益率为噱头.

    Financial institutions are also often expected yield of gimmicks.

  • 不要摆噱头!

    None of your tricks!

  • 但是她对于从濒危动物提取iPS细胞是个噱头的说法不屑一提。

    But she dismisses the notion that iPS cells from endangered animals are a gimmick.

  • 我不得不问:你的妻子是怎么看待这个小小的噱头的?

    I have to ask:How did your wife feel about this little stunt?

  • 她们似乎都是陌生人,但是很有可能它们都是在搞噱头

    They appear to be strangers but it is possible that they are in on the stunt.

  • 噱头,是的,我说这是噱头。查理,容我说...汤姆,请说说,你什么意思?

    A stunt. Yes, I'm calling it a stunt. Charlie, if I may… Tom, please, what are you implying?

  • 正式申明下那"神经兮兮的理论"是贝尔特拉姆·福尔所做研究的简要概括,他于1948年通过精心设计的实验结论性地证明占星术只不过是伪科学的噱头

    For the record, "that psychotic rant" was a concise summation of the research of Bertram Forer, who in 1948, proved conclusively through meticulously designed experiments that astrology is nothing but pseudo-scientific hokum.

  • 每天有70%的人来登录,并且要保持这一状态,靠得不是噱头和花招。

    Facebook It's that 70% of the people come back to the site everyday and making sure that that remains, not just because we're doing some gimmicky thing.

  • 可以,但用另一种方式还击,这个人...他都是搞噱头,很肤浅,上杂志封面,玩推特,别玩他的游戏。

    Fine, but fight back in a different way. This guy is... He's all spotlight and surface, and magazine covers and Twitter. Don't play his game.


噱头 juétou

(1) [hokum]∶滑稽,也指滑稽的话或举动


(2) [trick]∶花招;鬼点子


噱头 xuétóu

(1) 〈方〉

(2) [words or act meant to amuse or to excite laughter]∶笑料


(3) [tricks meant to deceive]∶花招


(4) [funny]∶滑稽




英语 amusing speech or act, jokes, antics, funny, amusing, Taiwan pr. [xue1 tou2]

德语 Faxen machen, Trick (S)​

法语 drôlerie


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of