拼音 n. Pinyin; phonetic transcription。v. phoneticize;
小丑 n. clown; jester; buffoon; fool; merry-andrew; a c
仔 n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。
infrastructure n. 下面结构;永久性军事设施;基础设施,基础建设
blow job 吹喇叭
舀 v. ladle out; spoon out。
hammer n. 锤子,榔头;(拍卖用的)木槌;链球;击铁;音槌;锣锤v. (用锤子)敲击;
初步澄清 Preliminary clarification
performance n. 表演,演出;工作情况,表现;(投资的)业绩;执行,履行;麻烦,苦差事(a
breakdown n. (汽车或机器的)故障,损坏;(关系的)破裂,(系统的)瘫痪;精神崩溃,(健
核 n. nucleus; core; kernel; stone。v. check; verify;
哩 n. mile; a formal word in Chinese; a particle, exp
光怪陆离 idiom bizarre and motley; grotesque and variegated
国庆节 n. National Day。
订婚 v. be engaged; engage; betroth; be betrothed to; p