1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-14 17:10:55
guāng guài lù lí


bizarre and motley; grotesque and variegated; fantastic and colorful; strange and gaudy; weird and wonderful


bizarre and motley; grotesque and variegated; fantastic and colorful; strange and gaudy; weird and wonderful

  • 如果我用光怪陆离的梦,来掌控整个世界。

    If I use these awful dreams... to control this world.

  • 光怪陆离的剧情让我们公务员丈二和尚摸不着头脑。

    This bizarre episode left us civil servants scratching our heads.

  • 我并未在那些只适用于化装舞会上取乐的光怪陆离的假面后寻找你。

    I did not look for you behind the spangles of a tinsel vizard only suitable for an amusing masquerade.

  • 而这意味着我们仍然没有看到我们光怪陆离的星球家园的全貌。谢谢。

    And that means we don't yet have the full picture of our weird and whimsical home planet. Thank you.

  • 集市的景象光怪陆离,纷然杂陈.

    The bazaar was a kaleidoscope of strange sights and impressions.

  • 光怪陆离的剧情让我们公务员丈二和尚摸不着头脑。

    This bizarre episode left us civil servants scratching our heads.

  • 还有光怪陆离的大饭店,这些建筑看起来好像是从时光机器里搬到拉斯维加斯的。

    And then there are those otherworldly hotels, the buildings that look as if they 've been transported to Vegas in a time machine.

  • 第五,戏剧创作中爱情生活的光怪陆离

    Fifth, the dramatic creation in the love life of the bizarre.

  • 他穿着光怪陆离的晨衣, 闷闷不乐地吸着烟斗.

    He was robed in a wonderful dressing gown, and puffing his pipe in gloomy silence.

  • 他说我们就只能寒暄。这些年,那些光怪陆离的场景。

    He said that we can only greetings. Over the years, those strange scenes.

  • 他有一种隐晦曲折、光怪陆离的表达方式。

    He had such a fanciful, pictorial way of saying things.

  • 走进琉璃饰品,就走进了一片光怪陆离、缤纷夺目的艺术世界。

    Walking nearer these articles, you will find yourself placed in a bizarre and motley, multicolored and dazzling arts world.

  • 陌生粗糙和光怪陆离的纽约很快就激发了我的雄心壮志。

    New York City, while unfamiliar, rough, and strange, quickly validated my notions of ambition.

  • 出于“葬送三个时代”的需要,老舍以特有的幽默语言尖锐地讽刺与嘲笑了那些光怪陆离的丑类;

    Out of the need of ruining three eras , Lao She satirized and laughed at those bizarre and motley gang of scoundrels sharply with the peculiar humorous language;

  • 这个世间光怪陆离,谁也不知道下一秒要发生什么事情.

    The retail sales of our company are down due to the change of seasons.

  • 他们开心地看着舞台上的表演,显然,面对这些光怪陆离的幻觉,你已经快疯了,他们无所谓。

    They're all happily following the on-stage action, apparently oblivious to the bizarre optical illusion taking place before their very eyes.

  • 我们制作科学秀时,遇到了一些光怪陆离的事,必须得分享一下。

    While we make episodes of SciShow, we come across facts that are so weird and ridiculous that we have to share them.

  • 数不尽的离奇念头, 光怪陆离的幻象, 奇异的声响,一齐向她袭来,使她感到恐惧.

    Bizarre thoughts, weird visions, and strange voices perplexed and terrified her.

  • 摄影师和那些光怪陆离的名誉

    The paparazzi and the fame

  • 他穿着光怪陆离的晨衣,闷闷不乐地吸着烟斗。

    He was robed in a wonderful dressing gown, and puffing his pipe in gloomy silence.

  • 他的明星魅力和简朴在这个如此光怪陆离和奢侈浮华的城市中显得是那么令人诧异。

    His superstardom and simplicity seem surprising in a city so consumed by flash and showiness.

  • 读小说,我们仿佛置身于一个光怪陆离的神话或童话世界,增添了无限的乐趣。

    In reading this novel, we feel as if located in the grotesque mythical or fairy world and derive boundless joy from it.

  • 好莱坞的光怪陆离非常适合他。

    The weirdness of Hollywood suits him well.

  • 光怪陆离的现代建筑纷繁出现的表象下,人们却始终对传统建筑文化保存着一份特有的感情。

    Under the bizarre and motley numerous and complicated representation that appears of modern architecture, people are keeping a peculiar emotion to the culture of traditional building all the time.

  • 我们透过光怪陆离的游仙外壳,希望能挟取其精神内质,追寻到其沉潜的生命价值。

    Through the grotesque and gaudy fairyland excursion, we hope that we can get its spiritual essences and find its inside life values.

  • 他有一种隐晦曲折 、 光怪陆离的表达方式.

    He had such a fanciful, pictorial way of saying things.

  • 这些烟圈出自他那带鸦片味的香烟头,形成各种光怪陆离的涡状花纹而袅袅上升.

    The wreaths of smoke curled up in such fanciful whorls from his opiumtainted cigarette.

  • 撒哈拉发现的光怪陆离的新恐龙.

    PHOTOS : Bizarre New Dinosaurs Found in Sahara.

  • 那是一种光怪陆离的杂拌儿。

    It was a singular pell-mell.

  • 岩分四层五洞天,岩口光亮宽敞,各种钟乳石垂挂,在阳光辉映下,五彩缤纷,光怪陆离

    Rock is divided into four layers, five cave, stalactites hanging Iwaguchi Hikaruryospacious, variety, colorful, bizarre in the sun shine.

  • 它不是一幅明信片上的风景画,而是色彩的光斑,令人头昏目眩、光怪陆离的迷幻灯光表演。

    It is. not a postcard landscape but a series of colorful splashes, a blinding psychedelic light show.

  • 这个科技世界既精妙绝伦又有些光怪陆离

    A world of technology that is wonderful, whimsical and a tiny bit weird.

  • 本来只可以说有一点奇异的东西,现在都变得光怪陆离.

    Those whom Nature had depicted as merely quaint became grotesque.

  • 他们把墙上涂抹得光怪陆离

    They splashed the wall with different colours.

  • 他说我们就只能寒暄。这些年,那些光怪陆离的场景。

    He said that we can only greetings. Over the years, those strange scenes.

  • 在好莱坞电影业光怪陆离的诱惑之下有前途的年轻演员.

    Hopeful young actors and actresses dazzled by the glamour of hollywood.

  • 花哨的坎肩上配搭着一些光怪陆离的玻璃钮扣。

    It was imaginative waistcoat with exceedingly fanciful glass buttons.

  • 花哨的坎肩上配搭着一些光怪陆离的玻璃钮扣.

    It was imaginative waistcoat with exceedingly fanciful glass buttons.

  • 于是,许多光怪陆离的戏剧不时在梦中展开。

    And so the many bizarre dramas of the dream world unfold.

  • 他决定通过光怪陆离的颜色来赋予那些树木热烈的外观。

    He decided to give the trees a livelier look through psychedelic colors.

  • 客岁本人持续几回莽撞的闯进了古堡,被光怪陆离恐怖的魔鬼打得落花流水。

    Last year I hid for several times, into the castle of various terrible beats the devil.

  • 这架庞大的残骸,使她的新婚生活更变得象梦一般光怪陆离.

    This stupendous fragmentariness heightened the dream - like strangeness of her bridal life.


光怪陆离 guāngguài-lùlí

[bizarre and motley;be grotesque in shape and gaudy in colour] 形容奇形怪状,五颜六色




免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of