1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-06 12:05:05


nucleus; core; kernel; stone


check; verify; examine; inspect; audit; scrutinize; nucleate


nuclear; central; core

nucleus n.核;细胞核;核心;中心;原子核;(社会、政治组织的)核心团体

core n.果核;果心;中心部分;最重要的部分;核心;精髓;要点;骨干;核心成员;[计]磁心;内存储器;[核]活性区;堆芯;[电] 芯线;铁芯;芯体;(Core)科尔(人名)

kernel n.(思想或主题的)核心;中心;要点;精髓;谷粒;麦粒;(坚果或子粒的)仁;核

stone n.石头;石料;石块;小石块;石子;碎石;宝石;钻石;种子;核;果核;[医]结石;英石(英制重量单位);(Stone)斯通(人名)

check v.检查;核对;核实;制止;控制;阻止;勾选;标记;对账;(在国际象棋中)将军;(因发现问题而)停止;暂停;(在扑克牌游戏中)不下赌注

verify v.核实;证实;查证;验证;证明;确认真伪;确证;证明…属实;确认…的正确性;核准

examine v.检查;审查;调查;仔细观察;诊察(病人);对…进行考试;测试;(尤指在法庭上)审问;讯问;评估;分析;(仔细地)检验;考察;考查;测验(某人)

inspect v.检查;审查;仔细查看;视察;检阅

audit n.审计;(关于财务、质量或标准的)审查;查账;检查;稽核

scrutinize v.仔细检查;详细审查;细阅;细读;彻底分析;认真研究;精细地检验;详尽调查

nucleate adj.有核的;成核的;具核的;有细胞核的

nuclear adj.核能的;原子能的;原子核的;核武器的;核动力的;[物]核子的;[生]细胞核的

central adj.中心的;中央的;位于中心的;近中心的;枢纽的;中枢的;核心的;关键的;首要的;主要的;基本的;必不可少的;集权的

  • 核弹头

    nuclear warhead 指装有核裂变物质或核聚变物质的弹头

  • 核均势

    nuclear parity

  • 冻结核

    freezing nucleus

  • 次生胞核

    secondary nucleus

  • 民用核材料

    nuclear materials for civilian use

  • 核储备

    nuclear stockpiles

  • 核磁共振

    nuclear magnetic resonance;缩写 NMR 在静磁场中,从某些特征频率的射频场吸收能量的大量原子核显示出的现象 magnetic resonance ∶由于空间量子化的结果,原子对于某些分立的辐射频率的响应

  • 美国核学会

    American Nuclear Society (ANS)

  • 核攻击

    nuclear attack

  • 核对

    collation 对比的行动;常指周密、细微详尽的比较;比较性的详审;根据比较而作出的详尽整理 对书籍或散页文稿的校勘;亦指对于一本书的文献学的描述,即用一个公式中的不同符号描述该书的大小、帖码、页码等情况

  • 核反应

    reaction 引起原子核变化的过程(如铀-239蜕变成镎和一个电子以及两个重氢核结合成氦核)

  • 核钻地弹

    nuclear bunker buster

  • 反冲核

    recoil nucleus

  • 核查

    check 核对审查

  • 核冻结

    nuclear freeze

  • 核反应堆

    nuclear reactor 在其中引发并控制裂变材料的链式反应的装置(如为了产生动力用热或从铀生产钚)

  • 国家核安全局

    National Nuclear Safety Administration

  • 核计

    assess;calculate 审核计算

  • 核电站

    nuclear power plant 同“核电厂”

  • 核膜

    nuclear membrane 各种解释成为一种有机体的物理结构的核的边界,或可看见的界面,或胶体的相界 karyotheca 细胞核的膜

  • 核定

    check and ratify;appraise and decide 核查确定

  • 核碰撞

    nuclear collision

  • 核电厂

    nuclear power plant 将核能转换为热能,用以产生供汽轮机用的蒸汽,汽轮机再带动发电机,构成了产生商用电力的电厂

  • 核尘埃

    nuclear fallout

  • 形变核

    deformed nuclei

  • 凝华核

    sublimation nucleus

  • 核爆炸

    nuclear explosion 指能量由核裂变或核聚变所产生的一种爆炸

  • 核讹诈

    nuclear blackmail 指凭藉核武器的优势威胁恫吓(别国)

  • 例如,最新的 iPhone 6s 拥有双处理器,还可以很好地放进口袋。

    The latest iPhone 6s, for example, has a dual-core processor and fits nicely into your pocket.

  • 最后,它配有双处理器和高性能显卡,可以畅通无阻地玩网络游戏、观看视频。

    Finally, with the dual-core processor and high-performance video card, it can be unimpeded when you play online games and watch videos.

  • 细胞是指具有细胞的细胞。

    A karyocyte is a cell that has a nucleus.

  • 在50年代,灾难似乎是件很有可能发生的事。

    A nuclear holocaust seemed a very real possibility in the '50s.

  • 不把果取出来,那个小孩就不会吃这水果.

    The child refuses to eat this fruit without first picking out the stones.

  • 美国国务卿约翰·克里星期四与美国参议院议员就伊朗协议进行了首次公开辩论。

    Secretary of State John Kerry debated with members of the U.S. Senate Thursday in the first publichearing on the Iran nuclear deal.

  • 升级的威胁依然存在。

    The threat of nuclear escalation remains.

  • 示威者认为,切尔诺贝利电站泄漏事故清楚地表明他们的反运动是正确的。

    Anti-nuclear protesters regarded the Chernobyl accident as a clear vindication of their campaign.

  • 然后去再将李子加工成糊状。

    Then stone the fruit and process the plums to a puree.

  • 我们讨论的是概率,但我们说的是最可能的半径,离原子更远。

    We are talking about probability, but what we're saying is that most probable radius is further away from the nucleus.

  • 科学家们研究了原子的结构。

    Scientists studied the structure of the nucleus.

  • 将胡萝卜、卷心菜切成细丝并给苹果去

    Finely shred the carrots, cabbage and cored apples.

  • 细胞已经从卵细胞中移除。

    The nucleus is removed from the egg cell.

  • 他们加入了一系列当地的反和反种族隔离团体。

    They linked up with a series of local anti-nuclear and anti-apartheid groups.

  • 把橄榄的果肉切下来,然后去除果

    Cut the flesh from the olives and discard the stones.

  • 梅子里面有

    Plums have stones inside.

  • 原子是原子的中心部分。

    The nucleus is the central part of an atom.

  • 尽管巴基斯坦再三保证停止其项目,但事实却并非如此。

    Despite repeated assurances to the contrary, Pakistan has not ended its nuclear programme.

  • 她咽下了一粒梅,几乎哽死.

    She swallowed a plum - stone and was almost chocked.

  • 物理学家们对原子进行了实验。

    Physicists conducted experiments on the nucleus.

  • 重水之所以重是因为水中氢的重量是普通氢的两倍(它的原子中有一个质子和一个中子,而不仅仅是一个质子)。

    Heavy water is heavy because the hydrogen in it weighs twice as much as ordinary hydrogen (it has a proton and a neutron in its nucleus, instead of just a proton).

  • 苹果是在苹果肉吃完后剩下的部分.

    An apple core is the part of an apple left after the flesh has been eaten.

  • 军事研究和研究得到了公共资助里最大的份额。

    Military and nuclear research have received the lion's share of public funding.

  • 星期四美国国务卿约翰·克里与美国参议院议员就伊朗协议进行了首次公开辩论。

    Secretary of State John Kerry debated with members of the U.S. Senate Thursday in the first public hearing on the Iran nuclear deal.

  • 中子是原子的组成部分之一。

    A neutron is one of the components of an atomic nucleus.

  • 监察员被派去参观址并实条约的遵守情况。

    Inspectors were sent to visit nuclear sites and verify compliance with the treaty.

  • 将梨削皮去

    Peel the pears and remove the cores.

  • 科学家在细胞中发现了蛋白。

    Scientists discovered nuclein in the cell nucleus.

  • 它很容易提取,因为它是在细胞之外、叫做线粒体的结构里被发现的少量基因之一。

    It is easily extracted, because it is one of a handful of genes found outside the cell nucleus, in structures called mitochondria.

  • 原子由质子和中子组成。

    The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons.

  • 把籽和果弄掉,将果肉切成小方块。

    Remove the seeds and stones and cube the flesh.

  • 在一个原子的内,中子和质子聚合在一起。

    Neutrons and protons are bound together in the nucleus of an atom.

  • 这种金属赋予地球特有的磁场,在地球的历史上发挥了极其重要的作用。

    This metallic core gives Earth its characteristic magnetic field, which has played an extremely important role in the history of our planet.

  • 将芒果削皮、去、切丁。

    Peel, stone and dice the mango.

  • 轰炸最可怕的方面是辐射.

    The most terrifying aspect of nuclear bombing is radiation.

  • 皮诺乔一眨眼就吃了一个梨,正要把梨扔掉,杰佩托却抓住他的胳膊。

    Pinocchio ate one pear in a twinkling and started to throw the core away, but Geppetto held his arm.

  • 尾状是大脑的重要部分。

    The caudate nucleus is an important part of the brain.

  • 电子绕着原子的旋转。

    The electron orbits the nucleus of an atom.

  • 运行费用的计算因其他燃料费用的下降而出现了偏差。

    The arithmetic of nuclear running costs has been skewed by the fall in the cost of other fuels.

  • 我们参与反活动,保护动物,以及维持和保护我们的生态系统。

    We're involved in anti-nuclear activity, conservation and protection of animals and protection and support of our eco-system.

  • 杏仁从大脑的许多部分接收信息,包括负责检索记忆的区域。

    The amygdala receives input from many parts of the brain, including regions responsible for retrieving memories.

  • 她洗了樱桃并去了

    She washed and stoned the cherry.

  • 在切尔诺贝利泄漏灾难发生以后,她开始投身政界。

    She became involved with political causes after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

  • 这些中有仁.

    These stones contain kernels.

  • 挑起攻击最终是不值得的.

    It would not prove worthwhile to instigate a nuclear attack.

  • 多角体病毒感染是这些不同物种共有的一个因素。

    Nuclear polyhedrosis viral infection is one factor these disparate species share.

  • 为了释放电子,必须使电子高速旋转而足以摆脱它们的原子

    To free electrons, something has to make them whirl fast enough to break away from their nuclei.

  • 美国国际集团是一家保险保人机构。

    AIG is an organization of insurance underwriters.

  • 首先,这些武器应当只在遭受袭击后反击时才使用。其次,这些武器的拥有必须是一种临时的应急手段。

    First, the weapons should be intended for use only in retaliation after a nuclear attack. Second, the possession of the weapons must be a temporary expedient.

  • 它配有一个四 CPU,一个独立 2G 显卡,一个 500G 硬盘和15.6英寸屏幕。

    It has a four-core CPU, an independent display card of 2G, a hard disk of 500G and a screen of 15.6 inches.

  • 中子可以在原子中找到。

    A neutron can be found in the nucleus of an atom.

  • 美国总统布什将很快通知俄罗斯,美国将退出1972年禁止测试导弹防御系统的条约。

    US President Bush will soon give Russia notice that the United States is withdrawing from the 1972 nuclear treaty that bans testing of missile defense systems.

  • vine fruit是有和无葡萄干的通称。

    'Vine fruit' is the generic term for currants and raisins.

  • 印象派绘画的模糊图像似乎会刺激大脑的杏仁

    The blurred imagery of Impressionist paintings seems to stimulate the brain's amygdala.

  • 细胞 DNA 成功地从一只1.3万年前的鸸鹋蛋壳和一只巨大的恐鸟蛋壳中被提取出来了。

    Nuclear DNA was successfully extracted from a 13,000-year-old emu eggshell and a giant moa eggshel.

  • 磁共振成像分析,摇头丸确实可以增强这两块区域的链接。

    But MRI analysis has shown that MDMA actually increases communication in these regions.

  • 应用电脑断层扫描,正电子发射断层扫描,以及功能性磁共振成像,等成像技术的研究,表明不同的心理活动,会导致不同大脑区域的激活

    Studies using imaging techniques like CAT scans, PET, and fMRI, illustrate that different parts of the brain are active during different parts of mental life.

  • 进一步的,被认为是,原子主要质量所在的地方,和整个原子线性尺度相比,具有很好的线性尺度“

    Further, the nucleus is assumed to be the seat of the essential part of the mass of the atom, and to have linear dimensions exceedingly small compared with the linear dimensions of the whole atom."

  • 整个制造流程从细胞内开始。

    This process starts in the nucleus.

  • 嗯,太好吃了。你可以猜猜我们是怎么处理这些苹果的?

    Delicious. And can you guess what we do with the apple cores?

  • 这是近代物理学自成功分裂后的最大发现。

    This is the greatest advance in modern physics since the splitting of the atom.

  • 没错。把苹果扔到堆肥里喂虫子。乔治真是聪明呀。而虫子们也非常的聪明。

    That's right. The apple cores go into the compost for the worms. Clever George. And clever wiggly worms, too.

  • 其它还有什么呢?,4倍的猪的数量加上两倍的鸡的数量,考虑到它们不是住在反应堆旁的。

    Four times the number of pigs plus two times the number of chickens, assuming they're not next to a nuclear reactor, is 56.

  • 所以印度和巴基斯坦之间,不太可能,出现对抗了?

    So it's unlkely that there will be a nuclear confrontation ? between India and Pakistan?

  • 细胞中的酶找到正确的DNA部分,再制造这些指令的备份,叫做信使RNA。

    Enzymes in the nucleus find the right section of DNA, then create a copy of these instructions, called messenger RNA.

  • 如果我们看到这个构型,我们所说的是,所有的内层,都是电子。

    If we look at this configuration, what we say is all of the electrons in these inner shells are what we call core electrons.

  • 他表现如何啊?想象一下"兴登堡"号飞艇爆炸加上切尔诺贝利泄漏加上三里岛泄漏再加上《电子世界争霸战2》。

    Oh. How'd he do? Well, picture the Hindenburg meets Chernobyl meets Three Mile Island meets Tron 2.

  • 赫胥黎说过,一个美丽的理论,被丑陋的事实所抹杀,坍塌,真是科学的悲剧。

    It's Huxley that said woe to the slaying of a beautiful theory by an ugly fact, nuclear collapse.

  • 与在一个功能性磁共振成像试验中一样,我们告诉迈克去仔细看人脸和其他东西。

    And again in one of the functional magnetic insonance image experiments, we could ask Mike to examine faces verse other things.

  • 某种程度来讲,如果我们对你进行,功能性磁共振成像扫描,观察你的实时活动,通过观察你的大脑活动模式,我们可以看出你是想到了音乐,还是想到了性

    To some extent, if we put you in an fMRI scanner and observed what you're doing in real time, by looking at the activity patterns in your brain we can tell whether you are thinking about music or thinking about sex.

  • 我愈不像人类,愈能够领悟宇宙万物的知识,量子物理、应用数学,细胞的无限潜能。

    It's like the less human I feel all this knowledge about everything; quantum physics, applied mathematics, the infinite capacity of a cell's nucleus.

  • 包含了一个单独的电子轨道,一个带正电荷的

    And, it involves a single electron orbiting a positively charged nucleus.

  • 我要是搞丢了两个30兆吨级的武器,肯定会有后果。

    If I misplaced a couple of 30 megaton nukes, you can bet there'd be consequences.

  • 当然这也跟印度的,军事实力相关,还有其工业。,非常。。。,-印度有炸弹。

    which of course has relationships to India's sort of...armaments and its newclear industry... rather... -India has newlear bombs.

  • 加拿大磁共振医疗设备,的人均使用量,只有美国的一半,在英国,也有一个政府医疗体系,只有美国的四分之一资金。

    The MRIs per capita is about half of that of United States, in Britain, which also has a government health program, there is only about a fourth in the United States.

  • 也就是说,当他们认为自己能挣到钱时,伏隔会活动起来。

    That is to say, when they think they are going to make money, the nuclues accumbens activates.

  • 哈,就像是那些经历过爆炸的人也会出毛病。

    Ha! That's like saying the people near the nuclear explosion didn't do so well.

  • 没错。把苹果扔到堆肥里喂虫子。乔治真是聪明呀。

    That's right. The apple cores go into the compost for the worms. Clever George.

  • 还有一些类型的细胞称为巨细胞,生成有凝血作用的血小板,在你的循环系统受损时形成止血屏障

    Some form what are called megakaryocytes which become platelets, which are responsible for clotting, for forming a barrier if your circulatory system gets injured so you don't bleed.

  • 莱丽,解释一下铀在裂变时的角色。我不知道。就你这样还能威胁到我啊。

    Riley, explain the role of uranium in nuclear fission. I don't know. Yeah, you're a threat.

  • 自1998年后通过磁共振研究我们知道大脑可以被改变。

    We know our brain today can actually change through MRI studies since 1998.

  • 虽然在中间有个节面,我想要指出的是,只有节面在间轴,或者键轴上时,我们才叫它π轨道。

    So even though we see a nodal plane down the center, I just want to really point out that it's only when we have a nodal plane in the internuclear or the bond axis that we're calling that a pi orbital.

  • 信使RNA离开细胞去执行它的命令。信使RNA到了一个糖体。

    The messenger RNA leaves the nucleus to carry out its orders. The messenger RNA travels to a ribosome.

  • 这个糖体解读来自细胞的指示。

    This ribosome reads the instructions from the nucleus.

  • 你可以从一个出发,看向另一个,中间没有零平面,没有节点,什么也没有。

    You can start from one nucleus and go to the next nucleus, and there are no zero planes, no nodes, nothing.

  • 我想指出的是,电子和价电子,之间的区别。

    And I want to point out the difference between core electrons and valence electrons here.

  • 比如,如果我分离出一个髓系细胞,它就能生成红细胞,巨细胞和嗜中性粒细胞

    For example, if I isolated this one called the myeloid cell, it's capable of forming red blood cells, megakaryocytes and neutrophils.

  • 见鬼,他的名字配写在黑板上,马斯登,马斯登根据分析得出,的半径,这是卢瑟福,插一句,创造了这个术语。

    Heck,he deserves to have his name on the board, Marsden So, Marsden concluded by his analysis that the radius of the nucleus, and this is Rutherford, by the way, coining this term.

  • 当你把两个轨道合在一起,并在间轴上有相互作用时,就形成了sigma键。

    And a sigma bond forms any time you have two orbitals coming together and interacting on that internuclear axis.

  • 通常是应用现代的成像技术来进行研究,比如电脑断层扫描,正电子发射断层扫描技术,以及功能性磁共振成像,正如我之前所说,这些技术可以让你看到大脑的活动区域

    Typically, these are recent imaging methods like CAT scan and PET scan and fMRI which, as I said before, show parts of your brain at work.

  • 有一种试验叫做功能磁共振成像。

    An experiment called functional magnetic resonance imaging as illustrated here.

  • 接着就是掠夺者的入侵。我们走投无路,使用了武器

    Then came the invasion.We did what we had to do. We used the nukes.

  • 由高档材料制作而成有高密度的盔甲防护,藏着上膛的武器,还有发着光的武器。

    The material is a blend of taffeta and high density body armor. Fully armed and loaded. And they glow. That's nuclear.

  • 发生战争我也会来。你在忙吗?

    Well, a nuclear war would do it too. Busy in there?

  • 她对这个分子,二氟脱氧胞嘧啶苷怎么抑制酶很感兴趣,要做这些研究。

    So, she is interested in how this molecule, gemcitabine, inhibits an enzyme. So, to do those studies, she needs to know a lot of the stuff on this list.

  • 因此,当我们考虑一个键的长度的时候,这就应该是我们的键长,这是合理的,因为体系会在间距达到这一距离时,能量到达最小值。

    So, when we think about a bond length, this is going to be the length of our bond here, that makes sense because it's going to want to be at that distance that minimizes the energy.

  • 这就是我们得到的结果,在作出选择时,受试者的伏隔活动越多,他们就越有可能选择“股票。

    And that's essentially what we saw people have more nucleus accumbens activation priority choice " they are more likely to choose that stock.

  • 金融学中的理论,数学理论,能帮助我们构造金融工具,金融工具就像发动机,或者反应堆一样,都是复杂的工具

    We have theories--mathematical theories-- that lead us to devise financial structures, which are complicated devices just like engines or nuclear reactors.

  • 五年前,我护送一个物理工程师离开中东,有人在敖德萨附近打爆了我的车胎。

    Five years ago I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran, somebody shot at my tires near Odessa.

  • 告诉你们这些就是给你们点概念,假如你们把他横切切开,不能从角度上展示,但它还是会保留几分哑铃的形态,以及在两之间的节面。

    And just to give you a sense, if you do a cross-cut of this, you cannot show it from this angle, but it should really be sort of a dumbbell shape with the nodal plane in between the two nuclei.

  • 嗯,太好吃了。你可以猜猜我们是怎么处理这些苹果的?呃。虫子,虫子!

    Delicious. And can you guess what we do with the apple cores? Wiggle, wiggle.

  • 而我们就能更清楚地看到这些,如果我们画出,能量随间距的变化曲线。

    And we can actually better visualize this if we plot how that energy changes as a function of internuclear distance.

  • 细胞装有我们的DNA。那是一幅告诉我们细胞怎么制造我们身体所需的一切东西的蓝图。

    The nucleus contains our DNA, the blueprint that tells our cells how to make everything our bodies need to function.

  • 双原子意味着它是两个原子,它由两个原子组成,同意味着这两个原子时相同的原子。

    Diatomic mean it's di atomic, it's made up of two atoms, and homonuclear means that those two are the same atoms.

  • 我们上次,讲到了我们,已经讨论过同双原子分子,也就是有相同原子和的分子。

    So where we had left off with was we'd fully discussed up to the point of considering homonuclear diatomic molecules, so molecules that both have the same nucleus.



hé ㄏㄜˊ

  • 果实中坚硬并包含果仁的部分:桃~。杏~。
  • 像核的东西:~细胞。~酸。~心(中心)。结~。
  • 指原子核、核能、核武器等:~潜艇。~试验。~战争。~武器。
  • 仔细地对照、考察:~定。~计。~实。~算。~查。
  • 翔实正确:其文直,其事~。


hú ㄏㄨˊ

  • 义同“核(hé)”,用于某些口语词,如“杏核儿”。

英语 seed, kernel, core, nut; atom

德语 Ribosomen ,Gestein, Kern (S)​,Kern..., kerntechnisch (S)​,untersuchen, nachprüfen (V)




(1) (形声。从木,亥声。本义:果核)

(2) 同本义 [pit;stone]





贻余核舟。——· 魏学洢《核舟记》



(3) 原子核的简称 [atomic nucleus]


(4) 有核的果实 [fruit contained pit,stone or seed]


(5) 核心;中心 [core]


(6) 出现在积分方程中积分号下的已知函数 [kernel]




(1) 查对;审查 [check]






(2) 另见







免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of