1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-06 12:11:30


corpse; remains; cadaver; carcass; dead body

corpse n.尸体;遗体;死尸;尸首;残骸(比喻用法)

remains pl-n.遗迹;遗体;遗骸;残骸;遗骨;残余;剩余物;剩饭菜;残留物;古迹;古代遗物;历史遗物

cadaver n.尸体;死尸

carcass n.动物尸体;动物躯干;躯壳;(尤指供食用的)畜体

  • 尸布


  • 尸解

    become celestial 指修道者遗弃形骸而成仙,为道家用语

  • 尸蜡

    adipocere 长期埋葬或沉浸于潮湿环境中的动物尸体的脂肪和肌肉经化学变化而产生的主要由脂肪酸和脂肪酸钙组成的一种蜡样或油脂质的浅褐色物质

  • 尸碱中毒

    ptomaine poisoning

  • 尸居余气

    dying;with only a little breath still left in the body 余气:残存的一点气息。像死尸一样躺着,尚存一口气。指人行将死亡 [listless]:以形容人暮气沉沉,碌碌无为

  • 尸变

    corpse suddenly set up 一种迷信的传说,说是在灵床上的尸体会在某种情况下突然复活起来又叫“诈尸”

  • 尸骸

    skeleton of a corpse 即“尸骨” corpse 指尸体

  • 尸居龙见

    hide like a dead body and appear like a dragon 静如尸而动如龙

  • 尸白

    white;cadaverous 像死尸一样苍白

  • 尸体

    carcass;corpse 人或动物死后的躯体

  • 尸首

    [dead body]尸体

  • 尸骨

    skeleton of a corpse 尸体腐烂后留下的骨架 ,又称“尸骸”

  • 尸谏

    death remonstration 臣子以死来规劝君主

  • 尸位

    hold down a job without doing anything 指占着职位却不做事

  • 尸横遍野

    [a field littered with corpses]形容被杀死的人极多

  • 谁其之?

    Who was the man directing it?

  • 亡者复生现在能够正确检测到你背包中的尘.

    Raise Dead now properly detects the presence of Corpse Dust in your inventory.

  • 甚至有些狗在主人还没死的时候,已经迫不及待准备挖洞埋了。

    Some dogs don't even wait until their masters die to dig in.

  • 这栋白墙灰瓦的建筑是一座存所,有18位具体被安放在冷冻的棺材里。

    The white and grey tiled building is a corpse hotel, its 18 deceased guests tucked up in refrigerated coffins.

  • 那个年轻人的碎被警察发现了。

    The young man's dismembered body was found by the police.

  • 沟渠里一具发胀的浮

    a bloated body floating in the canal

  • 刚刚说到力度要对,要保留完是有原因的…

    We mentioned that the strength must be right to preserve an intact corpse is with a purpose. . .

  • 一只手从布下露出来垂向地面,这是老人的手。

    A hand projected from beneath the winding sheet and hung near the floor. It was that of the old man.

  • 茫茫沙海,一望无际, 乌云蔽日, 横遍地.

    Across an endless sea of sand, under an obscured sun , is a corpse - strewn battlefield.

  • 胎儿检显示非特异性自溶现象.

    Necropsy of the fetus reveals autolysis which is nonspecific.

  • 这个团队将到达一个有不祥之兆的地方,和当地的一个以毁坏所有人物品为乐的食鬼较量。

    The team would arrive in a foreboding spot, to take on a local ghoul ruining things for everyone else.

  • 而正当本尼结束对这个磅秤的谋杀,站着看它的残时,斯特伦·克夫人走到门廊。

    And now out comes Mrs. Strunk onto her porch, just as Benny completes the murder of the scale and stands looking down at its scattered insides.

  • 鬼跟跑,猫跟鬼跑。

    Devil follow corpse, cat follow devil.

  • 沿着小路走向一个小山岗,穿过一处湍急的溪流,再次越过这个小溪,然后走过一处绵羊的残败骨。

    The path leads up a hill, across a fast-moving stream, back across the stream, and then past the carcass of a sheep.

  • 她描述了横街头、令人毛骨悚然的一幕。

    She described a nightmarish scene of dead bodies lying in the streets.

  • Lingenfelser说这个男性海豚宝宝的体将被送往国家海洋渔业实验室进行验。

    He said the body of the male calf was being sent to a National Marine Fisheries laboratory for a necropsy.

  • 曾设计了一种电热化池.

    An electrically heated septic tank has been developed.

  • 古罗马战场曾横遍地.

    The ancient Rome battlefield was a scene of great carnage.

  • “ 我认为法律把人分也太厉害了点.

    'It's hard in the law to split a man, I think.

  • 挖土时块涌出地面,事实暴露出来——也就是说,人们发现了她丈夫的毒瘾。

    As the dirt is dug up and the body parts start to surface, the facts are coming to light-that is, people are finding out about her husband's addiction.

  • 检最终认定孩子死于婴儿猝死综合征。

    An autopsy eventually ascribed the baby's death to sudden infant death syndrome.

  • 医生想用床单权作裹布.

    The doctor wanted the sheet for a shroud.

  • 他是一个食鬼,还是一个吸血鬼呢?

    Is he a ghoul or a vampire?

  • 不再需要尘。

    Raise Dead - No longer requires a corpse or dust.

  • 别这么从,查尔斯。

    Don't be so wet, Charles.

  • 李东青下令找到奶奶,活要见人死要见。 。

    Li Dongqing ordered to find grandma, live to see people die to see corpse.

  • 然而,随着时间过去,加上晚上极低的温度,幸存的希望似乎越来越渺茫。遗体,由彩色的布裹起,堆在城里。

    But with time passing and nightfall bringing freezing temperatures, the chances of survival seemed to be dimming, and bodies, wrapped in colorful shrouds, piled up in the city.

  • 在灌木丛中发现了一具无头男.

    The headless torso of a man was found in some bushes.

  • 我先要加倍报应他们的罪孽和罪恶。因为他们用可憎之玷污我的地土,又用可厌之物充满我的产业。

    And first I will recompense their iniquity and their sin double; because they have defiled my land, they have filled mine inheritance with the carcases of their detestable and abominable things.

  • 这些残骸能够维持十年,构建出一个生态系统,将鲸的沉作为深海生物的一片“绿洲”。

    The remains (残骸) can last (持续) for ten years and build an ecosystem called a whale fall an "oasis (绿洲) " of life in the deep sea.

  • 解剖台上躺着亨利·阿姆斯特朗的裸,被一锹砍下的头颅满是血污和泥土。

    Stretched naked on a long table lay the body of Henry Armstrong, the head defiled with blood and clay from a blow with a spade.

  • 正面玻璃已被炸毁的巨大水族馆里,产自异国的鱼类已沉缸底。

    Exotic fish lay dead on the bottom of a huge aquarium whose glass front had been blasted away.

  • 敌人横遍野.

    The field was strewn with enemy dead.

  • 对我来说,那具一一体既奇怪而又庄严。

    A strange and solemn object was that corpse to me.

  • “ Corp spend ”(捞费)来自于去年的一个问题。

    "Corpspend" was derived from the issue last year.

  • 拿其的,必不洁净到晚上,并要洗衣服。

    Anyone who picks up their carcasses must wash his clothes, and he will be unclean till evening.

  • 她接着将他的体肢解,把几块碎藏进了地窖。

    She then dismembered him, hiding parts of his body in the cellar.

  • 1961年,美国威廉•卡斯尔执导的电影《猎者》就谎称有两个版本的结局。

    In 1961, American film director William Castle’s horror film Mr Sardonicus allegedly had two endings.

  • 刑警们把体装进了一个运袋。

    Detectives placed the corpse in a body bag.

  • 警方相信凶手杀死刘晨后驾驶其蓝色05年陆虎揽胜四轮驱动越野车到河边弃

    Police believe Mr Liu was killed then driven to the river in his blue 2005 Range Rover Sport 4wd.

  • 一年多来,他躺在医院的病床上,像一具活

    For over a year he lay in his hospital bed, a living corpse.

  • 检结果发现她死于窒息。

    A post mortem examination found that she died from asphyxiation.

  • 对世人而言,我还只是介于傻瓜和行之间的某种东西。

    To men I am still something between a fool and a corpse.

  • 检的主要发现是肠出血.

    A hemorrhagic gut was the predominant lesion at autopsy.

  • (本意指狼人)——狼人还是吸血鬼?

    Vrykolakas—Werewolf or Vampire?

  • 许多体成排的放置在袋中或用毯子盖着,以方便人们搜寻失踪的亲人。

    Dozens were placed in body bags or covered by blankets, laid in rows so people could search for their missing relatives.

  • 她解开一个袋,露出一具捐赠给研究用的体。

    She unzips a body bag to reveal a cadaver, donated for research.

  • 犹大人来到旷野的望楼,向那大军观看,见横遍地,没有一个逃脱的。

    When the men of Judah came to the place that overlooks the desert and looked toward the vast army, they saw only dead bodies lying on the ground; no one had escaped.

  • 在“花”开花的时候,人们排队去看(和闻)这种花。

    People line up to get a look (and a whiff) of corpse flowers when they bloom.

  • 我以为藏是很简单的事情,事实证明我错了。

    I thought this would be easy but it isn't.

  • 因为我里面涉及到了妓女、强奸、滥用毒品和恋癖,

    because I deal with prostitution and rape and drug abuse and necrophilia,

  • 你没有杀死她,然后碎吧,屋里的味道不是臭,对吧?

    You didn't kill her and chop her up, that's not what we're smelling, right?

  • 以前这里闻起来简直就是化粪池,或者是化池。

    It used to smell like the place poop comes to die. Or death comes to poop.

  • 其实已经化成了一滩泥了,我们大可以在这缅怀烂成泥的教授,也可以一同为一个空出来的终身教职庆祝,我会选择后者。

    And turned into a puddle of goo. Now, we can either sit around and cry over spilt professor, or we can rejoice in the knowledge that a tenured position has just opened up. I choose to do the latter.

  • 阿里不哥应该受千马践踏弃草原,任其腐烂。

    Ariq should be trampled by 1,000 horses and left on a steppe to rot.



shī ㄕˉ

  • 死人的身体:~体。~骸。僵~。借~还魂。
  • 〔~位〕空占着职位而不做事,如“~~素餐,“~~误国”。
  • 古代祭祀时,代表死者受祭的人。

英语 corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44

德语 Radikal Nr. 44 = Leichnam, Leiche, Körper (S)

法语 cadavre





(1) (象形。小篆字形,屍像卧着的人形。本义:祭祀时代表死者受祭的人)

(2) 同本义 [person on behalf of the dead]






(3) 神主牌,以木为之 [a spirit tablet]


(4) 又如:载尸以行(载着神主牌而行)





(1) 陈尸示众,陈列 [put a corpse in display]






(2) 又如:尸谏(陈尸以谏)

(3) 立神像或神主 [erect a spirit tablet]


(4) 担任;承担 [bear]


(5) 执掌,主持 [hold]


(6) 又如:尸盟(主持盟会);尸祭(主祭)

(7) 在其位而无所作为 [be in a state of inertia]


(8) 又如:尸位旷职(占据职位而不做事);尸玩(玩忽职守);尸素(居位食禄而不尽职);尸禄素餐(空食俸禄而不尽其职,无所事事);尸职(尸位,失职);尸居(安居而无为)

(9) 列阵 [arrange formation]




(1) 尸体 [corpse]






(2) 又如:验尸;五马分尸;尸灵(尸首;灵柩);尸格(尸单。验尸单);尸以祝之(立尸而祝祷之,表示崇敬);尸皮子(尸皮。对衣服的贬称);尸灵横骨(方言。尸体);借尸还魂;尸车(载尸柩的车子);尸身(尸体);尸丧(尸体失落);尸葬(埋葬尸体)



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of