1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-17 12:13:04
kòng sù


accuse; charge; arraign; sue; prosecute; bring an action against; prefer charges against; take legal action against; lay charges against


accusation; charge; complaint

accuse v.控告;指控;控诉;谴责;归咎于;指责;把…归咎于(某人或某事);对…提出指控

charge v.收费;索价;起诉;控告;指控;指责;使承担责任;充电;给…充电;猛攻;冲锋;向前冲;为(枪)装弹药;装填(枪炮等);赋予职责;委以重任;负载;加荷;(向某人)提出要求;(在盾牌或旗帜上)加上纹章标志;(将某事)归咎于;使充满(…情绪)

arraign v.控告;指控;传讯;提讯;批评;谴责;指摘;责难;指责

sue v.控告;起诉;请求;恳求;追求;索赔;向(法院)申请;寻求法律救济;追求权利或索赔;正式提出请求;祈求;求爱;向…求爱;求婚;向…求婚

prosecute v.提起公诉;起诉;检控;控告

accusation n.指控;控告;指责;谴责;起诉;诉讼;控诉;非难;告发

complaint n.抱怨;埋怨;不满;诉苦;怨言;牢骚;控诉;投诉;控告;抗议;申诉;控诉状;不平之词;(尤指不严重、常影响身体某部位的)疾病;病症

  • 随着公共卫生的结构性问题越来越难以忽视,对政府过度保护的控诉便失去了效力。

    As the structural nature of public health problems becomes harder to ignore, the complaint about over protective government loses potency.

  • 她的敌人们控诉她犯下叛国罪。

    Her enemies were accusing her of treason.

  • 但法院真的如人们控诉的那么有罪吗?

    But is the court really guilty as charged?

  • 他罗列了一切可能的罪恶, 控诉自己.

    He catalogues every possible sin, and accuses himself of all.

  • 如今两人都著书提出他们的控诉,并给出解决办法。

    Both men have now written books laying out their indictments, and offering solutions.

  • 她不能控诉我说我表示过一点虚伪的温柔。

    She can not accuse me of showing one bit of deceitful softness.

  • 它们是我们不义行为的控诉者。

    They stand as accusers of our unrighteousness.

  • 第二天他们被控诉为异端。

    The next day they were accused heretics.

  • 控诉他的同事在工作中欺骗他。

    He accuse his colleague of cheating him at work.

  • 然而,威廉姆斯的案件控诉这家赌场明知他“无法自拔地沉溺于赌博”,仍有意地“诱使”他“违背自己的意愿,参与赌博”。

    Nevertheless, Williams's suit charges that the casino, knowing he was "helplessly addicted to gambling", intentionally worked to "lure" him to "engage in conduct against his will".

  • 他们控诉农场主们雇佣枪手去骚扰乃至杀害他们。

    They accused ranchers of employing gunmen to harass and even kill them.

  • 某甲控诉某乙受贿,而某乙反诉某甲诽谤.

    Mr. A charged Mr. B with bribery and Mr. B countercharged Mr. A with slander.

  • 这些控诉都来自于学生家长或者学校方面。

    This accusation can come from students, parents or school authorities.

  • 他们竟蛮横地提起控诉.

    They had the insolence to file a complaint.

  • 我们在此地控诉谁呢?

    Whom are we accusing here?

  • 她不能控诉我说我表示过一点虚伪的温柔。

    She cannot accuse me of showing a bit of deceitful softness.

  • 通常这些指控中包含了对于撒旦崇拜的控诉

    Often the accusations included charges of Satanism.

  • 控诉公司歧视女性员工。

    She accuse the company of discriminating against female employees.

  • 令许多人惊讶的是,该控诉已通过了几个司法阶段。

    To the surprise of many, the complaint has passed through several judicial stages.

  • 他们控诉政府没有采取足够的措施来保护环境。

    They accuse the government of not taking enough measures to protect the environment.

  • 控诉他神智不清,以为他竟然造出这样虚幻不实的世界。

    You but accuse Him of insanity, to think He made a world where such things seem to have reality.

  • 这些活动人士控诉雅培公司在穷国为其药品超额收费。

    The activists complain that Abbott is overcharging people in poor countries for its drugs.

  • 第二天他们被控诉为异端。

    The next day they were accused heretics.

  • 后来,她开始私下在卧室直截了当地控诉他。

    Then she tried blunt accusation in the privacy of their bedroom.

  • 别这样,你在控诉我么,“这个座位吗?”

    Don't give this. You are charging me. "this seat?"

  • 这是证券化的一种失常,无法构成对其本身的一种控诉

    That was a perversion of securitisation, rather than an indictment of it.

  • 请看一看,你们是否看得出控诉人的正义动机.

    See if you can distinguish a just motive for this prosecution.

  • 戴维斯先生断然否认了那些控诉

    Mr Davies has emphatically denied the charges.

  • 这是你对自己提出的最大的控诉了.

    That is a heavy charge which you bring against yourself.

  • 六年内共收到35次控诉使用手机的安全警告。

    It received 35 safety alerts blamed on phones over six years.

  • 替自己申辩,就等于控诉自己。

    He who excuses himself accuses himself.

  • 每天我知道有新的控诉

    Everyday, I hear of a new lawsuit.

  • 威尔士以小偷小盗和持续取回财产的抗辩而被控诉

    Wilson is charged with petit theft and resisting recovery of property.

  • 他们还设立贸易法庭以直接听取该委员会的控诉.

    They also established a Commerce Court to hear appeals directly from the Commission.

  • 过去,对警察的控诉经常因为缺乏证据而搁浅。

    In the past, complaints against the police have often foundered because of a lack of evidence.

  • 控诉他的邻居偷了他的自行车。

    He accuse his neighbor of stealing his bicycle.

  • 我们将控诉违犯者.

    We shall proceed against transgressors.

  • 我能够把这场控诉立即平息下去的.

    I could have this indictment quashed in no time.

  • 她不能控诉我说我表示过一点虚伪的温柔.

    She can not accuse me of showing one bit of deceitful softness.

  • 原告控诉被告欺诈他.

    The complainant accused the defendant of cheating him.

  • 他们控诉报纸将匪盗行为传奇化.

    They charged that the press is romanticizing gangsterism.

  • 如果货物质量不好,则理应向制造商提出控诉.

    If goods are not well made you should complain to the manufacturer.

  • 市民中的几位领导人物就市议员滥用公款对他们提出控诉.

    Several leading citizens have lodged complaints against the city councilors for their mishandling of public money.

  • 他对 Gran 前后不一致的态度,以及之后他对她的控诉,成为那个时代中一段被普遍认可为事实的历史,将她压得喘不过气来。

    The wavering views he voiced about Gran and how he wrote her out of what would become a definitive popular history of the era, crushed her.

  • 来访者控诉道,“终其一生,我都悲伤难抑。

    The caller complained, “I’ve been sad all my life.

  • 这个记者控诉官员们隐瞒真相。

    The journalist accuse the officials of hiding the truth.

  • 原告控诉被告欺诈他。

    The complainant accused the defendant of cheating him.

  • 然后警察把嫌疑犯带到警察局,并正式记下了嫌疑犯的名字和对他提出的有关控诉

    Then the police take the suspect to the police station, where the name of the person and the charges against him are formally listed.

  • 警察把嫌疑犯带到警察局,并正式记下了嫌疑犯的名字和对他提出的有关控诉

    The police take the suspect to the police station, where the name of the person and the charges against him are formally listed.

  • 于伊丽莎白·克莱恩在对“快时尚”三年的控诉,《过度着装》一书中描述的狂热世界而言,这种自上而下的时装业概念已经太过时或格格不入。

    This top-down conception of the fashion business couldn't be more out of date or at odds with the feverish world described in Overdressed, Elizabeth Cline's three-year indictment of "fast fashion".

  • 巴特勒 当然 是坚决主张控诉柯帕乌的.

    Butler, of course , was strong for Cowperwood's prosecution.

  • 他这是讽刺我吗?非也,他是在控诉无能的美国教育系统。

    Is that sarcasm? No, it's an indictment of the American education system.

  • 克里斯控诉艾丽西娅福瑞克询问她的第一次性经历,所以我想知道你是如何回答的。我没有回答。

    Chrissy charged in her complaint that Alicia Florrick asked her how she lost her virginity, so I'm just asking, what was the answer? I didn't answer.

  • 剧中,亚里斯多芬尼斯将苏格拉底,描绘成是一名调查员,这是第一项控诉的部份,他调查上天下地的事物,能让无力的辩论转强。

    Here Aristophanes presents Socrates as an investigator and this is part of the first charge remember an investigator of the things aloft and the things under the earth and who makes the weaker argument the stronger.

  • 他统治下的人民,为了脱离统治,便向上帝控诉他的罪行。

    The people in the city cry out to the gods. They want relief from him.

  • 柏拉图的语录《苏格拉底自辩篇》,《理想国》和《克里托篇》,以最广泛的解释看来,不仅试图响应,亚里斯多芬尼斯的控诉,同时还捍卫着,哲学的目标是价值与功绩。

    Plato's dialogues, the Apology as well as the Republic and the Crito are in the broadest sense of the term, an attempt not only to answer the charge against Aristophanes but also defend the cause of philosophy as something of value and merit.

  • 上校。我撤销控诉。那么本案驳回。

    Colonel. I withdraw the charges. Then this case is dismissed.

  • 尽管如此,这首诗却对这种原始的,毫无理性的控诉进行了维护。

    The poem nonetheless harbors this wonderfully primitive and irrational accusation.

  • 我来谈一下《云》,这是出讽刺苏格拉底的喜剧,因为那是苏格拉底指称,矛头指向他的最初控诉的一部份。

    Let me just say something about the Clouds this comic play this satire on Socrates because it is part of that initial accusation that Socrates says is leveled against him.

  • 这一对学校黑暗面的控诉,应该给成年人们敲了一记警钟,尤其是那些在探讨,为什么会有科罗拉多可伦拜枪杀案这样的事件。

    And in that emphasis on the dark side of schooling, should give pause to adults who were looking for an understanding of why something like Columbine comes about.

  • 虽然要我们读完整篇文章有点荒谬,因为诗人的自传幻想太无拘无束了,这个作品有弥尔顿式的嗜好,和弥尔顿式的焦虑控诉及刺激因素。

    And while it would be ridiculous for us to read the entire mask as the poet's own completely unfettered autobiographical fantasy, a Miltonic set of interests and a Miltonic set of anxieties charging and fueling this work.

  • 因此,赫西奥德对他们进行控诉,称他们为"纳贿的巴赛勒斯们",复数形式的,就像荷马史诗中的"王者们"一样

    So, Hesiod complains about them and calls them bribe swallowing basileis, crooked ones, plural; kings as in Homer.


控诉 kòngsù

(1) [appeal;state]∶申诉;陈述


(2) [accuse;condemn]∶向有关机关或公众陈述受害经过、受害事实



法律上指被告于民事上侵害他人权益或刑事上的违法行为,请求法院或检察署予以救 济或制裁的诉讼行为。


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of