1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-16 15:18:48
zhǐ kòng


accuse; charge; indict; arraign; impeach; prosecute




accusation; charge; indictment

accuse v.控告;指控;控诉;谴责;归咎于;指责;把…归咎于(某人或某事);对…提出指控

charge v.收费;索价;起诉;控告;指控;指责;使承担责任;充电;给…充电;猛攻;冲锋;向前冲;为(枪)装弹药;装填(枪炮等);赋予职责;委以重任;负载;加荷;(向某人)提出要求;(在盾牌或旗帜上)加上纹章标志;(将某事)归咎于;使充满(…情绪)

indict v.起诉;控告;指控;告发;正式对…提出罪名

arraign v.控告;指控;传讯;提讯;批评;谴责;指摘;责难;指责

impeach v.弹劾;控告;检举;质疑;怀疑

prosecute v.提起公诉;起诉;检控;控告

accusatory adj.指责的;控诉的;谴责的;责备的

accusation n.指控;控告;指责;谴责;起诉;诉讼;控诉;非难;告发

indictment n.起诉;刑事起诉书;控告;指控;控诉;谴责;指责;诉状;公诉;罪状陈述;对社会问题的强烈批评

  • 她的助手被警方指控犯有盗窃和欺诈罪。

    Her assistant was accused of theft and fraud by the police.

  • 她被指控企图蒙骗税务员。

    She is accused of attempting to cheat the taxman.

  • 事情出错时,他很快就指控别人。

    He was quick to accuse others when things went wrong.

  • 这些指控的内容模糊不清。

    The charges were vague and imprecise.

  • 对她的所有指控均已撤销。

    She was cleared of all charges against her.

  • 他被指控犯有谋杀罪。

    He was charged with murder.

  • 他被指控滥用秘密的政府行贿基金,金额达1,750万美元。

    He's accused of misusing $17.5 million from a secret government slush fund.

  • 这些指控含有政治因素。

    There is a political dimension to the accusations.

  • 他们指控她与父亲有乱伦关系。

    They accused her of an incestuous relationship with her father.

  • 他们被指控密谋策划谋杀。

    They were charged with conspiracy to murder.

  • 在调查取得的宣誓证词中对他们提出了指控

    The allegations against them were made in sworn evidence to the inquiry.

  • 他被前同事指控诽谤。

    He was accused of slander by his former colleague.

  • 她被指控意图谋杀丈夫。

    She has been charged with the attempted murder of her husband.

  • 他们指控他煽动政治动乱。

    They accused him of fomenting political unrest.

  • 她丈夫面临多项刑事的指控

    Her husband faces various criminal charges.

  • 他父亲会指控他没有尽孝。

    His father would accuse him of neglecting his filial duties.

  • 他将因毒品交易的指控受到军法审判。

    He is due to face a court-martial on drugs charges.

  • 选举舞弊的指控出现后,这次投票测验受到了广泛质疑。

    The poll was widely discredited after allegations of ballot rigging.

  • 她勇敢地站出来指控强奸犯。

    She bravely came forward to accuse the rapist.

  • 他们被指控规避税法。

    They are accused of circumventing the tax laws.

  • 他也许仍旧要面对刑事指控

    He may still face criminal charges.

  • 他们有证据来指控他。

    They have the evidence to charge him.

  • 官员们愤怒地回应了那些指控

    Officials reacted angrily to those charges.

  • 他们被指控隐瞒信息和强制交易。

    They have been accused of secrecy and high-handedness in their dealings.

  • 他被指控为英国间谍,入狱关押了5年。

    He was jailed for five years as an alleged British spy.

  • 避税的指控使他的清白形象蒙污。

    Accusations of tax evasion have tarnished his clean image.

  • 曾有过关于剽窃的指控

    There were accusations of plagiarism.

  • 科兹洛斯基先生被指控逃税。

    Mr. Kozlowski was charged with tax evasion.

  • 他们被指控组织并资助地下青年运动。

    They are accused of organising and financing an underground youth movement.

  • 伯德先生对贪污指控仍无动于衷。

    Mr. Bird remained unmoved by the corruption allegations.

  • 他被指控贩毒,被判10年徒刑。

    He was sentenced to ten years in prison on charges of drug trafficking.

  • 我不想被指控篡改证据。

    I don't want to be accused of tampering with the evidence.

  • 他们说这些指控与另一件欺诈案有关。

    They said the allegations related to an isolated case of cheating.

  • 但法律专家们不能肯定这一指控是否成立。

    But legal experts are not sure if such a charge can stick.

  • 在警察局,我被指控殴打他人。

    At the police station, I was charged with assault.

  • 她被指控教唆了小偷。

    She was accused of having abetted the thief.

  • 他拒绝对他的指控进行答辩。

    He refused to answer the charges against him.

  • 他被指控向客户敲竹杠。

    He was accused of soaking his clients.

  • 他们断然全盘否认了这些指控

    They totally and categorically deny the charges.

  • 这些指控让他感到深受冤枉。

    He felt deeply wronged by the allegations.

  • 他后来被指控挪用公款。

    He was later charged with embezzlement.

  • 她被指控是基于未经证实的指控

    She was accused based on unsubstantiated allegations.

  • 他被指控是一个男妓。

    He was accused of being a pimp.

  • 他被指控剽窃同事的成果。

    He was accused of plagiarizing his colleague's results.

  • 警方决定撤回对她的指控

    The police decided to drop the charges against her.

  • 他被指控绑架一名25岁的女子。

    He was charged with the kidnap of a 25 year-old woman.

  • 指控她曾威胁要挖出他的眼睛。

    He has accused her of threatening to gouge his eyes out.

  • 有些人指控税务稽查员使用了流氓手段。

    Some people accuse the tax inspectors of bully-boy tactics.

  • 律师将指控证人在法庭上撒谎。

    The lawyer will accuse the witness of lying in court.

  • 她勇敢地站出来指控他强奸罪。

    She bravely came forward to accuse him of rape.

  • 他们指控这家公司污染了这条河。

    They accuse the company of polluting the river.

  • 该公司否认了这些指控

    The company has denied the allegations.

  • 他们被指控阴谋反对国王。

    They were accused of conspiring against the king.

  • 他还被指控非法拥有火器。

    He was also charged with illegal possession of firearms.

  • 他将回巴黎来亲自回应这些指控

    He is returning to Paris to answer the allegations personally.

  • 现在小姐已经注意到,从来不能真正应对Comus对她的指控

    Now the Lady, it's been noted before, is never really able to respond to Comus' accusation of her hoarding.

  • 你是在指控我的叔叔大汗的兄弟有意谋反吗?我只是如实说出我所见的情况。

    Do you accuse my uncle, brother to the Khan, of treason? I only describe what I see, as I saw it.

  • 苏格拉底遭到指控,如我们所知,他遭到城邦指控腐蚀青少年思想,且亵渎众神,对吧?

    Socrates is charged as we will see by the city for corrupting the youth ! and impiety toward the Gods right?

  • 我想说我当事人受到的指控纯属诬告。

    I want to say my client has been wrongly accused.

  • 维克女士,已经通知了你的律师,来签署这份文件 你在这将确认一周前被逮捕归案后你所提供的有关你被指控的罪行的供诉。

    Ms. Vick, as your counsel was informed, by signing this document, you hereby verify the confession you provide today pertaining to the crimes you're accused of after your arrest one week ago.

  • 你可能会说,一位苏格拉底时代公民被指控的原因,可能是嘲讽和不被相信,或根本就不被信任,如果他试图,从理性或达观的立场来捍卫自己。

    So, what you might say is a Socratic citizen to do, he will either be accused of being ironic and not be believed or he will simply be disbelieved if he attempts to defend himself on rational or philosophical grounds.

  • 我们派往商贸联合委员会的代表遭到了美国政府代表的不公平指控与污蔑。

    Our delegation to the Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade was unfairly accused and defamed by representatives of the United States government.

  • 我并不喜欢将军这个人但这是个严重的指控,而且没有任何证据支撑。

    I'm not a fan of the general but that's a strong charge, and there's no proof to support it.

  • 指控你的不是我,是沃克总统。是啊,那个自尝苦果心怀怨愤的男人。

    I don't claim that. President Walker does. Oh, yes. A man made bitter by his own mistakes.

  • 例如在报纸上看到一宗谋杀宗,像美国这样的文化就会着重于报道,被指控为凶手的人的性格特点。

    For instance, if you look at newspaper reports about murders, in cultures like the United States the report tends to emphasize the personal characteristics of the person accused of the murder.

  • 多数的陪审团成员早就都认识苏格拉底,或至少听过这号人物,他自道,他们早就已经,有不利于他的主张,来自于那些前代的指控者。

    Many of the jurors would have known Socrates or certainly would have heard of him and he says would have had already an unfavorable opinion formed about him by this earlier generation of accusers.

  • 之后地检署会根据你的指控酌情考虑宽大处理的。可能包括一级谋杀的指控

    The DA's office will then consider leniency in any charges related to the case. Including first-degree murder.

  • 奥尼尔先生,我们仅仅是想请您撤销指控,我们绝对不会...

    All we're asking, Mr. O'Neal, is that you drop the charges, and we won't take this any...

  • 想必你们都知道,苏格拉底被人指控,以教唆雅典青年的罪名,被判处死刑,也许,罪名还包括,和青年们讨论哲学

    As I'm sure you know, Socrates was put on trial, condemned to death for corrupting the youth of Athens-- and perhaps, among other things, for arguing philosophy with them.

  • 你现在提出的这些指控就和你第一次见我时所说的一样都是胡扯。

    The allegations that you're making are just as ludicrous as they were the first time we met.

  • 与此类似,霍布斯认为妻子父母,也不能被迫去指控他们所爱的人。

    Similarly, he says, a wife or a parent cannot be coerced to accuse a loved one.

  • 他骗你,公诉人不能因为你不认罪就给你追加指控

    He's lying. The prosecutor can't add charges just because you won't take a plea.

  • 在故事里有两个罪犯,他们都被指控了 被分别关进了牢房,他们俩被单独提审,两人都知道如果他们不坦白,他们都要只需要坐一年牢

    Good, so in the standard story you've got these two crooks, or two accused crooks, and they're in separate cells and they're being interviewed separately--kept apart--and they're both told that if neither of them rats the other guy out, they'll go to jail for say a year.

  • 上次我们见面的时候是在副总统的办公室,你指控我靠操纵马修斯当上了副总统。

    Now, the last time we met, it was in the vice president's office, and you claim that I acquired that office by manipulating Matthews.

  • 苏格拉底如何回答这些指控,不只是以一种疏离的角度,虽然他持续让,自身的道德感或正直,凌驾法律之上?

    How does Socrates answer these charges of, in a way being not just an abstainer but he kept putting his own private moral conscience or integrity over and above the law?

  • 有趣,我们被你指控整天逼你们做不喜欢的事,结果一看,你对可怜的艾米也是这样。

    Ah, interesting. We're being accused of making you do things you don't like, and here you are, doing the same thing to poor Amy.

  • 我们愿意,法官阁下,但是我们以谋杀指控再次逮捕格兰特先生。

    We'd love to, Your Honor, but we're rearresting Mr. Grant on a murder charge.

  • 看到又怎么样?要我去法庭上指控兄弟会吗?

    What if I did? Does that mean I have to testify against the Brotherhood?

  • 会有人向他行贿请求他撤销对我的一切指控,如果他照做了,就会被逮捕。

    He will be offered a bribe to dismiss all charges against me. If he does, he will be arrested.

  • 现在,我们要你回到法庭上,继续这个案子,当检方休息的时候,请求撤销指控

    Now, we need you to go back in there and continue this case. When the prosecution rests, move for dismissal.

  • 我确实同意了指控,我以为是正义的指控

    I did approve the charges. I thought they were justified.

  • 指控弥尔顿频繁进出剧场,并频繁进出妓院。

    He accused Milton of frequenting playhouses, and also of frequenting . . . bordellos.

  • 您在这待着很危险。关于你的指控,贝尔法斯特人民会有意见。

    It's also very dangerous for you to be here. People in Belfast won't take kindly to your accusations.

  • 洛克则与Shaftsbury,Circle有关,该户后来也被迫流亡,因为被指控图谋反抗英皇;

    And Locke was associated with the Shaftsbury Circle who also was forced into exile after being accused of plotting against the English King.

  • 中华人民共和国不会受荒谬而未经证实的指控所胁迫。

    The People's Republic of China will not be threatened by derisive and unsubstantiated claims.

  • 法官阁下,这太卑鄙了,打着酒驾指控的幌子来...

    Your Honor, this stinks. This phony DUI charge was used as an excuse to...

  • 则苏格拉底做出了自抗的论点,你甚至会说他自抗的论点,强过法庭上指控者的论点。

    Here, Socrates makes the case against himself, you might say he makes the case against himself better than his accusers in the courtroom did so.


指控 zhǐkòng

[accuse;charge] 指责控诉



英语 accusation, a (criminal)​ charge, to accuse

德语 beschuldigen, anklagen , Anfechtung (S)​, Anklage (S)​, Anklagepunkt (S)​, Strafanzeige (S)​

法语 accuser


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of