1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-12 14:09:19
shōu huò


harvest; reap; gather; gain; crop; acquire; earn; obtain; collect; gather in the crops


harvest; gain; crop; reap; acquisition; ingathering

harvest n.收获;收成;收割;收获季节;收获期;捕获量;收获量

reap v.收获;收割(庄稼);割取(谷物);获得;取得;得到

gather v.聚集;集合;采集;积累;推测;推断;收紧(布料);蓄积;增加;拢紧(衣服等);凝聚;逐渐发展;聚拢(力量或资源);招募(支持者或成员);吸引(注意或兴趣);收获(庄稼);理解;领会;(通过观察或信息)得出结论;(云层)聚集;(暴风雨)酝酿

gain v.获得;得到(好处);取得;增加;增长;赢得;(从…中)受益;(从…中)获益;增值;(经过努力)到达;增进;博得;增添

crop n.庄稼;作物;(谷物、水果等一季的)收成;丰收;收割物;一批;一系列;短发;剪短的头发;平顶发型;嗉囊(鸟类的食物储存部位);一季的产量;

acquire v.获得;取得;买到;学到;习得;收购;赢得;培养;养成(习惯);掌握(技能);吸收(知识)

earn v.赚;赚得;挣得;获得;赢得;得到(尊重、名声等);招致;引起;生息;获利

obtain v.获得;得到;取得;获取;存在;通用;流行;盛行;沿袭;获得认可;合乎习俗

collect v.收集;采集;聚集;集合;汇集;收藏;搜集;(重新)集中(思想等);使(自己)镇定下来;收(欠款);收到;领取;积聚(光、能或热);募捐;聚积;赢得;获得;(把东西)收拾好;收起来;收走;接走;打起(精神);鼓起(勇气);(平面上)积满

acquisition n.(知识、技能等的)获得;习得;学得;(金钱、财物等的)获取;获得物;购买;添置;增添物;收购;购置的产业

ingathering n.收获;收入;收集

  • 大暑是一个收获的季节。

    Great Heat is a season of harvesting (收割) .

  • 我快三十一岁了,该是我在工作中的付出收获成果的时候了。

    I'm nearly 31 and it's about time I had something to show for my time in my job.

  • 教师跟随业界的管理人员实地学习,常常会很有收获

    It is often helpful for teachers to shadow managers in industry.

  • 尽管天气不好,捕鱼却一直收获颇丰。

    Despite the poor weather the fishing has been pretty good.

  • 中年时,他曾写道:“播种已过,现在是收获的季节了。”

    At middle age, he wrote, "The sowing is behind; now is the time to reap."

  • 他们以潜水、鱼叉捕鱼或收获贝类为生。

    They made a living as divers, spearfishing or harvesting shellfish.

  • 农民们在秋天收获庄稼。

    The farmers harvest crops in the fall.

  • 战争收获甚微,公众的耐心日渐消磨。

    War has achieved little, and public patience is wearing thin.

  • 收获期间下雨了。

    It rained during the harvest.

  • 各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果。

    Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor.

  • 有了名气就容易收获爱情和金钱。

    Fame can be a shortcut to love and money.

  • 农民在夏天收获牛油果。

    Farmers harvest avocados in the summer.

  • 我们在秋天收获柚子。

    We harvest shaddock in the autumn.

  • 他把先前检查过的那些口袋又查了一遍,毫无收获

    Uselessly, he checked the same pockets he'd checked before.

  • 这家公司正开始收获长期投资的回报。

    The company is just starting to reap the rewards of long-term investments.

  • 长期大雨后收获的熟瓜,其甜度应低于其他熟瓜。

    Ripe melons harvested after a prolonged period of heavy rain should be less sweet than other ripe melons.

  • 农民在秋天收获谷物。

    Farmers harvest grains in the fall.

  • 我花在图书馆的时间很有收获

    My time spent in the library was very productive.

  • 我们常去图书馆,收获不小.

    We benefited through our visit to the library.

  • 公司正在收获他们的投资回报。

    The company is now reaping the rewards of their investments.

  • 这次葡萄的收获季节比往常晚。

    The vintage was later than usual.

  • 现在农民可以收获比以前更多的水稻。

    Now farmers can harvest more rice than before.

  • 十月份是收获的季节。

    October is the season of harvest.

  • 1991年巴西收获了2800万袋咖啡豆,这是4年来的最大收成。

    Brazil harvested 28 million bags of coffee in 1991, the biggest crop for four years.

  • 我们觉得我们可能得第三名。任何更好的结果都是意外收获

    We felt we might finish third. Any better would be a bonus.

  • 它使农民每小时能收获175磅绿色蔬菜。

    It enables farmers to harvest 175 pounds of green vegetables per hour.

  • 对渔民来说,这也是收获的季节。

    It is also harvest season for fishermen.

  • 这交易是他们进军美国市场的首次重大收获

    This deal is their first major inroad into the American market.

  • 把它完整地听下来后还是没多少收获

    Listening to it in its entirety is also fairly unrewarding.

  • 农民在收获季节里十分忙碌。

    Farmers are extremely busy during the harvest.

  • 但真正的收获来自收益和工作实践。

    But the real gains come in benefits and work practices.

  • 她在图书馆待了一个下午,颇有收获

    She spent a profitable afternoon in the library.

  • 2.36亿公吨创纪录的谷物收获

    a record grain harvest of 236m tonnes

  • 一分耕耘, 一分收获.

    The more ploughing and weeding, the better the crop.

  • 没有什么收获是微不足道的。

    No gain is too slight to bother with.

  • 他过了一个有收获的周末。

    He spent the weekend profitably.

  • 可以说1932年是该实验室最有收获的一年。

    Arguably, 1932 was the year of greatest achievement at the Laboratories.

  • 坚持下去,你永远都无法预料会有什么样的收获

    Hang in there and you never know what you might achieve.

  • 它使小规模的农户每小时收获175磅的绿色蔬菜。

    It enables small-scale farmers to harvest 175 pounds of green vegetables per hour.

  • 参观者们被拉来帮助挖土豆和收获

    Visitors were roped in for potato picking and harvesting.

  • 埃及在意大利收获了两场平局。

    Egypt drew two of their matches in Italy.

  • 秋天是收获果实的季节。

    Autumn is the season to harvest fruit.

  • 最初,中秋节是父母在收获季节后弥补与孩子失去的时间的一种方式。

    Originally, Trung Thu came about as a way for parents to make up for lost time with their children after the harvest season.

  • 农民们在秋天收获土豆。

    Farmers harvest potatoes in the fall.

  • 收获节几乎在每种文化中都能找到。

    The harvest festival can be found in almost every culture.

  • 收获期间下雨了.

    It rained during the harvest.

  • 庄稼收获时,物价应该稳定下来.

    Prices should even off when the crops are gathered.

  • 农民在夏末收获啤酒花。

    Farmers harvest hops in late summer.

  • 这一发现是他们主要研究中的附带收获

    The discovery was incidental to their main research.

  • 如果我们想要有所收获的话,就必须善用时间、努力工作。

    If we want to reap a harvest, we have to make the best of time and work hard.

  • 你打盹,你收获

    You snooze, you gain.

  • 坚持下去,你永远无法知道会有什么样的收获

    Hang in there and you never know what is achievable.

  • 将已收获过的黄瓜、西红柿和其他作物的秧蔓割下,制成堆肥。

    Cut down and compost spent cucumbers, tomatoes and other crops.

  • 然后所有的收获都是她们的。

    and then the benefits are down to them.

  • 在东海的暖水里,海带在冬天生长。及春,她们将被挂在竹竿上晾干,以备收获

    In the warm waters of the East China Sea, the kelp is grown through the winter, and then in spring hung to dry on bamboo poles before being harvested.

  • 也许这都无所谓,我们用最基本的动机得到了数之不尽的收获

    Maybe it doesn't matter that we have accomplished so much for the basest of reasons.

  • 问题出在盔甲新涂层上,得换根线了,昨晚有收获吗?

    It's this new layer of armor. I'll just have to rewire. So, last night was productive?

  • 对我来说,这些机会是意外的收获,我也从中受益匪浅。

    For me, those were opportunities that came unexpectedly and which I was able to take advantage of.

  • 从这儿到君临,他这种货色多着呢,你能赚好一大笔,我们收获就很不错。

    And there's plenty of him between here and King's Landing. You could do well for yourself. We certainly have been.

  • 收获最佳的学习经验。

    and have the most positive educational experience possible.

  • 但作为一个国家,我们有理由对我们所得到收获感到骄傲,这正是我们的辛勤工作和牺牲的体现。

    But as a country, we have every right to be proud of what we've got to show for it.

  • 还没,好难喔,翻这本书也没收获

    No. This is so hard. I went through this whole book and found nothing.

  • 学得真棒!再接再厉哦!一分耕耘,一分收获

    Great work! Keep it up. No pain, no gain.

  • 你觉得人们会有什么收获呢?

    Can you see anything that people came out with?

  • 真是太糟糕了,但跟孩子们一起,肯定也有收获吧。常会被小孩咬。

    That's too bad. But still, working with kids, it must be rewarding. You get bit a lot.

  • 你们在学这门课的过程中,都可以和我分享的收获

    That's something you can be telling me about as you get through the course.

  • 上课还不够,你们在分组作业里面将收获更多。

    The lectures, not enough, you'll get a lot more in sections.

  • 这些展开的绵延不断的网是用来晾晒收获的海藻的。

    These magnificent expanses are immense nets spread out in the sun, which are used to dry the harvests.

  • 现在我试图在古巴做同样的工作,但现在收获还不大。

    I am by the way at the moment trying to do the same thing in Cuba, with absolutely no success.

  • 它们会通过互联网向公众免费开放,这样全世界的人都能从耶鲁的课程中有所收获,我们要做的。

    They will be made available free to the public via the internet, so this is a way of allowing the world to benefit from what we all do at Yale.

  • 我觉得说的差不多了,你们可以根据课程大纲,来看每周会将什么内容,在每次课之前看看阅读任务是什么,这样才能在课上有更多收获

    So I think that's enough, you can follow along with the syllabus and see sort of what the topics are each week, what the reading assignment is to do before the lecture in order to get the most out of the lecture.

  • 另一种是具有务农者特色的,他们献上的是春天里收获的第一颗大麦粒。

    The other would be characteristic of agriculturalists: it would be an offering of the very first barley that would be harvested in the spring.

  • 但是今年,里约奥运收获的67枚奖牌和147枚残奥会奖牌让在白金汉宫举行的奥运健儿欢迎会变的欢愉和热闹。

    But the 67 medals at this year's Games in Rio and 147 at the Paralympics meant that the GB medallists' reception at Buckingham Palace was a crowded and happy event.

  • 你在生活实际上是一无所获,你以为自己有所收获

    You're not actually getting the things out of life you thought you were getting.

  • 在《出埃及记》第23章,你会看到有法令告诫你不要,欺压外人,因为你自己也是外人,也有法令告诫你,在安息日不要劳作,随后将收获的庄稼赠给穷苦之人,和有需要的人吃,告诫你守安息日。

    And so in Exodus 23, you're going to have a law that tells you not to oppress a stranger because you were a stranger. It tells you to not plow your land in the Sabbath year immediately following that to let the poor and needy eat from it. It tells you to observe the Sabbath day rest.

  • 因为只有当你讲出来,然后别人帮你纠正错误,你才会有所收获

    because it's only by saying it and being corrected that you're going to learn.

  • 也就是说,你可以有所收获,所以你完全可以说,好吧。

    That is to say, you really can get someplace, and so you're entitled to say, "Well, okay.

  • 但同时,你可能会想“哦,也是,尽管比较曲折,但是我也比预想的收获了更多“

    Yet at the same time, you probably thought "Oh, yeah, well, I did come out pretty much in the place I expected to come out in despite the roundabout way of having gotten there."

  • 你能收获很多知识,还能结识许多好朋友。

    and you learn so much and meet so many nice people.

  • 我想从教学大纲中,挑几段来讲一下,逐字的阅读虽然没趣,但是你也应该在某些点注意一下,你跟你同学相比最终如何,而是当第12周的时候相比第0周2,你的收获如何。

    So I wanted to take a few excerpts from the course's syllabus since it's not an interesting document to walk through line by line, but something you should read at some point very is not so much where you end up relative to your classmates 2 but where you end up in week 12 relative to yourself in week 0.

  • 您只需投资6千块就可以收获6万。

    Your profit on a mere $6,000 investment would be upwards of $60,000!

  • 他对主人解释:,我知道你不是个努力的人,你收获不是你播种的。

    And so he explains to the master: I knew thou was't an hard man which reapest where thou sowedst not and gatherest where thou strawest not.

  • 因为读和写会给你的生活带来两种收获

    Because reading and listening is going to give you two captures in your life.

  • 我觉得这会有很大的益处的,通过最低限度地阅读PDF文档,大家会收获很多经验。

    I think it's hugely helpful to show up having read the PDF minimally so you actually get as much out of this experience as possible.

  • 一个有趣的现象是,学生们报告称,该课程带给他们,最大的收获之一就是,借此机会认识了,全公司的人,而今后,他们会继续加深了解。

    And an interesting piece of data is that the students reported that one of the primary values that they got out of the course was the opportunity to get to know people throughout the company that it would take them years to get to know on their own.

  • 因此,关于这节课的收获我有一个大体的想法。

    So, that's a sense of what I want to accomplish in these lectures.

  • 我不仅仅收获了这些美妙的故事,还收获了重要的记忆,知道了在那时,集体于他意味着什么。

    Now I have not only these great stories but this very important memory of what that community meant to him at that time.

  • 泰德和其他的加州番茄种植者每年能收获将近一千三百万吨番茄。

    Ted and his fellow California tomato growers produce close to 13 million tons of them every year.

  • 但是你可以免费理发,还能收获不错的发型。

    But you get it for free and you get nice hair.

  • 欢迎回来,威尔,希望这次对我们这个神秘之地的访问能让你收获更多。

    And welcome back, Will. I hope this visit to our sanctum will prove more fruitful.

  • 他的书让人欲罢不能,读他的书不仅能,在文学批判方面有所收获

    He's a page-turner, and his extraordinary brilliance as a critic is really just part of the experience of reading him.

  • 如果你想要什么东西,这在今天的法国仍然是事实,去当地的贵族那里绝无收获,就像是你在十八世纪的时候说,"嘿,小子,如果我有一所学校就再好不过了"

    If you wanted something, and this is still true in France today, it doesn't do any good to go to the local notable, like you did in the eighteenth century and say, "hey,monsieur,the little guy, it would be great if we had a school."

  • 成年学者会有很多收获,只要教育体系能够,提供一个环境,在这里,存在大量的工作,但能够建立友谊,还能创建人际关系,并且之后在学习环境外,也能利用到这种关系。

    The adult learner gets tremendous value if the educational institution is able to provide the environment where a lot of working takes place, where friendships are made, where connections are made and can be used outside later beyond the confines of the educational environment.

  • 那是到目前为止我最大的收获

    That's probably been something I've learned the most,


收获 shōuhuò

(1) [harvest;crop]∶收取成熟的农产品


(2) [results;gains]∶比喻获得成果或得到的战果






免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of