1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-09 13:02:02
fān yì


translate; interpret; render; transpose


translation; interpreter; translator; rendering

translate v.翻译;解释;阐释;转化;转换;转变;(信息、数据等)转码; 平移;迁移;使迁移;晋升;使晋升

interpret v.解释;阐释;说明;诠释;口译;翻译;演绎;表演;呈现;理解;解读;表达(情感、意图等);演奏(乐曲);演出(角色);对…进行艺术处理

render v.提供;给予;呈现;呈献;表现;翻译;演绎;描绘;使成为;使变得;导致;熬制(脂肪);抹灰;提交;报告;递交;回报;(通过非法或秘密手段)引渡;(计算机图形)渲染;粉刷

transpose v.转置;互换;置换;变换;转变;移位;换位;调换;转移;交换位置;使(乐曲)变调;移调;使掉换顺序;改变顺序

translation n.翻译;译文;译本;译作;转换;解释;转译;平移(数学中的一种几何变换)

interpreter n.口译员;翻译员;解释者;解码器;解释程序;程序解释器;传译者;演绎(音乐、戏剧中人物等)的人

translator n.翻译者;译员;翻译工作者;翻译程序;翻译设备;翻译机;语言转换器

rendering n.翻译;描绘;粉刷;呈现;提供;交付;(抹在墙上的)一层灰泥

  • 这本指南正被翻译成好几种语言,准备在圣诞节前后出版。

    The guide is being translated into several languages for publication near Christmas.

  • 我不懂希腊语,于是迪娜主动给我翻译

    I don't speak Greek so Dina offered to translate for me.

  • 在你们的合同中已确定要翻译这本书.

    The book being translated is provided for in your contract.

  • 她的工作是科技翻译

    She works as a translator of technical texts.

  • 这些女孩们等着埃施先生来翻译

    The girls waited for Mr. Esch to translate.

  • 这些翻译是在一本医学词典的帮助下完成的。

    The translations were carried out with the assistance of a medical dictionary.

  • 他用词典来翻译这段文字。

    He used a dictionary to translate the text.

  • 女孩们等待埃施先生作翻译

    The girls waited for Mr Esch to translate.

  • 有些作品经翻译后流传不广。

    Some writing travels badly in translation.

  • 出版商正在为她的小说找一位中文翻译.

    The publisher are looking for a Chinese tranlator for her novel.

  • 他觉得用翻译法教学生比较好.

    He believed in the students being taught on the translation method.

  • 我在改编的时候,我用尽量忠实于原文的方式把一种含义翻译为另一种。

    When I adapt something I translate from one meaning to another as faithfully as I can.

  • 请将这段文本翻译成英文。

    Please translate this text into English.

  • 她对语言的热爱使她倾向于从事翻译工作.

    Her love of languages inclined her towards a career as a translator.

  • 这些指令被翻译成二进制代码,这是计算机容易处理的一种形式。

    The instructions are translated into binary code, a form that computers can easily handle.

  • 名字的字面翻译是“墙”。

    A literal translation of the name Tapies is "walls."

  • 她擅长翻译英语小说。

    She is good at translate English novels.

  • 我完全不懂意第绪语,所以请他翻译

    I couldn't read or understand a word of Yiddish, so I asked him to translate.

  • 后来他和儿子迈克尔合作,把一个有关食品生产的文本翻译成英语。

    Much later he collaborated with his son Michael on the English translation of a text on food production.

  • 诗歌一经翻译总会失去某些东西。

    Poetry always loses something in translation.

  • 把划线句子翻译成中文。

    Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.

  • 很多诙谐的成分都在翻译中丢失了。

    Much of the wit is lost in translation.

  • 他很快把那个俄国人所说的话翻译给我们听.

    He quickly interpreted to us what the Russian was saying.

  • 所有的合同都经过翻译,以避免公司间发生任何误解。

    All contracts are translated to avoid any misunderstanding between the companies.

  • 原文的反语用法在翻译中丢失了。

    The irony is lost in translation.

  • 此书在翻译过程中丢失了一些原意。

    The book loses something in translation.

  • 当一部书被翻译成另一种语言后,所有那些语言上的精妙之处就都丢失了。

    When a book goes into translation, all those linguistic subtleties get lost.

  • 我的工作包括德语翻译

    My work involves translating from German.

  • 我能阅读西班牙语,但不能翻译成西班牙语.

    I can read Spanish but can't translate into it.

  • 你能翻译这个句子吗?

    Can you translate this sentence?

  • 他家人为他起的广东话绰号翻译过来意思是“永远坐不住”。

    His family's Cantonese nickname for him translates as Never Sits Still.

  • 他逐字逐句地翻译这段文字.

    He translated the passage literally.

  • 考试包括一篇作文和一篇即席翻译

    The exam consists of an essay and an unseen translation.

  • 他们擅自指定由我担任口头翻译

    They volunteered me for the job of interpreter.

  • 你能为我翻译这封信吗?

    Can you translate this letter for me?

  • 你能帮我翻译这份文件吗?

    Can you translate this document for me?

  • 翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国文学原著的美妙之处。

    You can't really appreciate foreign literature in translation.

  • 在20世纪20年代,人们开始将他的作品翻译成英文。

    In the 1920s, people began to translate his works into English.

  • 她讲不了几句英语,所以她的孩子们得给她翻译

    She couldn't speak much English so her children had to interpret for her.

  • 卡达莱的书只有一小部分被翻译成了英文。

    Only a small number of Kadare's books have been translated into English.

  • 我需要把这本书翻译成英文。

    I need to translate this book into English.

  • 《人类的命运》,被翻译成16种文字,可能是他的代表作。

    "Man's Fate," translated into sixteen languages, is probably his masterpiece.

  • 他能把英语翻译成阿坎语。

    He can translate from English to Akan.

  • 他被安排在新华通讯社当翻译.

    He was placed in Xin Hua News Agency as a translator.

  • 这些文件已被送往沙特阿拉伯进行翻译

    The papers have been sent to Saudi Arabia for translation.

  • 翻译时设法把握住原文中难以捉摸的风韵.

    Try to catch the elusive charm of the original in translation.

  • 这个句子翻译错了。

    The sentence had been wrongly translated.

  • 我们需要翻译这份文件。

    We need to translate this document.

  • 她法语娴熟,足以翻译小说.

    She was skilled enough in French to translate a novel.

  • 把濒危语言翻译成母语。

    Translate endangered languages into mother languages.

  • 你能帮我翻译这段法文吗?

    Can you help me translate this French passage?

  • 诗歌大多翻译不好。

    Most poetry does not translate well.

  • 顺便说一下,斯拉夫字母到拉丁,的翻译还没有得到同意,所以你们会看到门捷列夫的名字,拼写成不同的方式。

    By the way,the Cyrillic to Latin translation has not been agreed upon, so you will see Mendeleev's name spelled many different ways.

  • 霍华德将为艾米丽担任手语翻译,同时负责记笔记。不,他不觉得这样做很傻逼。

    Howard is here to interpret for Emily, and to take notes. No, he doesn't think it's stupid.

  • 他用的其实是德语“快乐的“一词的英文翻译,而那个词则来自尼采写的“快乐的科学家“这个标题。

    He is using the English translation of the German word frohlich from Nietzsche's The Gay Science.

  • 这些文本几乎无法由现代人翻译,除非由历史学家或专家指导,比如我。

    And these texts almost defy interpretation by a modern person, unless you have guidance from a historian and expert like moi.

  • 这好像还不够,在他晚年的时候,他又回到了对经典的研究,翻译了荷马的《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》

    And as if this were not enough, near the very end of his life, he returned to his classical studies translating all of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey.

  • 我看着这些原版书,但是我也不懂他们真正什么意思,除了它们翻译过来的意思,所以我干嘛费劲去用俄语?

    Yes, I see them in the text just as anybody else does, but since I don't really know what they mean except by means of the translation, why should I use them?

  • 研究结果证实人类细胞所能完成的,翻译后修饰非常复杂

    It turns out that the kinds of post-translational modifications human cells are able to do are very complicated.

  • 那怎就被翻译成了直接的最后通牒?

    And how did that translate into a direct ultimatum?

  • 翻译:桃金娘银,傲骨临风 时间轴:波多 校对监制:atlayao,yank123,梁良,为什么在座的,包括我自己,都想要研究古希腊

    Why are you here? That is to say, why should you, we, all of us, want to study these ancient Greeks?

  • 这里我声明了一个变量,然后我把那个幻灯片上的公式,用键盘上的字符翻译成了,浮点数值。

    C So here I'm declaring a variable called c, and I'm pretty much translating the formula from the slide using the characters on my keyboard to a floating point value.

  • 在文艺复兴时期的意大利,人们开始编写保单,我看过其中一份,刊登在《风险和保险杂志》上,他们翻译了一份文艺复兴时期的保单,但是很难理解那份保单到底想说什么

    In Renaissance Italy they started writing insurance policies-- I read one of the insurance policies, it's in the Journal of Risk and Insurance-- and they translate a Renaissance insurance policy and it's very hard to understand what this policy was saying.

  • 只可惜约会的时候,虽然非常愉快,但他的翻译碍手碍脚。不。

    Yeah. Except for, you know when you're on a date and you're getting along really great, but the guy's translator keeps getting in the way. No.

  • 有人问我,如果他们买了这本书的早期版本,你们找到这本书早期版本的翻译,关于这些问题的数字。

    Some people asked me, if they bought the earlier version of the text, you can find the translation to the earlier version of the text on these question numbers.

  • 它以时间状语开篇,但不幸的是,它常被翻译为“开始的时候“,这暗示着接下来它将会为你展示,大量关于宇宙起源的描述。

    The chapter begins with a temporal clause which is unfortunately often translated "In the beginning," which implies that what follows is going to give you an ultimate account of the origins of the universe.

  • 洛&加律所的翻译吗?他不是恐怖分子。

    The translator at Lockhart/Gardner? He is not a terrorist.

  • 弗罗斯特给我们的困难是翻译,是使人不发问这样的问题,“他到底要说什么“

    The problems that Frost poses are problems of interpretation, - problems that provoke you to ask not, "what does he mean exactly?

  • 有一位学生把积极心理学初级课本,翻译成日语。

    One person actually took the primer in positive psychology and she translated it into Japanese.

  • 你好,哈罗德。你好,格罗夫斯女士,今天又在扮谁呢?莎拉·库克,联合国翻译

    Hello, Harold. Hello, Ms. Groves, and who might you be today? Sarah Cook, U.N. translator.

  • 那些题非常有趣我,还从来没有把克林贡语翻译成古梵文呢。小心,很容易上瘾的。

    The puzzles were really fun. I've never had to translate Klingon into ancient Sanskrit before. Well, careful, it's addictive.

  • 你能不能当翻译的女伴,这样我们想独处的时候,你们两个可以离开?

    And could you come and be the translator's date? So that when we, you know, it's time for our alone time, you two could split off.

  • 你可以弄明白它是怎么说的,怎么用的,怎么翻译的。

    you can understand how it's said, how it's used and how the translation actually comes across.

  • 学生们可以在陪他们去看病,做他们的翻译

    And they would do things like translate at the doctor's office,

  • 你允许的话,我现在有话要说。你能赏光替我翻译吗?

    With your permission, I will speak now. You would honor me by translating.

  • 一位主人要把他的财富分给他的仆人们,财富是以钱币的形式来分配的,钱币在英语中翻译成了天资。

    A master distributes his wealth to his servants and the wealth is distributed in the form of a coin, and the name of the coin is translated in English with the word talent.

  • 是的,显而易见,有很多东西都在翻译中遗失了。

    Right. There is clearly, a great deal that is lost in translation.

  • 中文有个词语形容它,春运,翻译过来就是春节迁徙。

    The Chinese have a phrase for it, Chunyun, which translates as spring migration.

  • 然后是希伯来书,翻译得更好点的话,应该是,犹太人书。

    Then you get to The Epistle to the Hebrews, or,in what a better translation would be, The Letter to the Jews.

  • 你没听到"翻译成人话"么,哈罗德?5K信号塔相当于把人放进微波炉里了。

    Did you not hear the part about English, Harold? The 5K cell towers could microwave people.

  • 丹尼.马华特,他是阿拉伯语翻译英语的翻译,为军方工作直到他被控与塔利班勾结。

    Danny Marwat. He's an Arab-American translator who worked for the military until he was accused of collaborating with the Taliban.

  • 还有想要,你知道,想当翻译的人,还有……

    or people who are getting involved in, you know, wanting to be translators and...

  • 作为一个翻译,当你听到这样的音律你会怎么做?

    What can you do with sound as interpreters?

  • 他也是这样讲的,关键是,在1840年代还得给他找个翻译

    And he did. But the important thing is that they had to have a translator for him in the 1840s.

  • 当然这个名字是要被翻译成英文的,然后他们就把名字改成,英文翻译改成什么来着

    And of course it was translated into English with that title, and then they changed it to-- what did they change it to in English?

  • 创世纪》第3章第7节,很关键,却很少被正确的翻译,很多翻译都是,她看到了智慧果,吃了它。

    Genesis 3:7 is a very critical verse and it's rarely properly translated Most translations read like this: "She took of its fruit and ate.

  • 所以这个命令,在这里的第二个-,你们谁能快速地把它翻译成,英语来说明这是干什么的吗?,请说?

    - So this commands, number two here -- can someone just quickly translate into the English what it is doing for us? Yeah?


翻译 fānyì

[translate;interpret] 用一种语言文字来表达另一种语言文字

翻译 fānyì

[interpreter] 从事翻译的人






免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of