1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-08 14:40:31
fèng xì


crack; gap; seam; break; leak; slit; interstice; chink; aperture; slot; crevice

crack n.裂缝;裂纹;破裂;(突然的)爆裂声;噼啪声;(可听到响声的)重击;猛击;俏皮话;(尤指挖苦人的)玩笑;讽刺;尝试;挑战;令人愉快的经历;精彩的表演;高品质的可卡因(俗称);难题;难关;(精神的)不正常;怪人;疯子;<口>片刻;瞬间;<非正式>股沟;窄缝;破解码;好时光

gap n.缝隙;空隙;裂缝;间隔;间断;间隙;差距;分歧;隔阂;断层;空白;开口;缺口

seam n.矿层;煤层;岩层;接缝;裂缝;缝隙;裂痕;(衣物的)缝线;缝合线;(物体表面的)接合线

break v.打破(纪录);打断;开始;使破;使裂;使碎;损坏;使心碎;终止;断绝(关系、联系);(被)摧毁;削弱;(常指好天气)突变;弄坏;公布;透露;说出;破译;逃脱;弄破;坏掉;违犯;使流血;拍岸;稍停;把…换成零钱;(因激动)变调;变粗;变低;露出缝隙;强行终止

leak v.漏;渗漏;泄露;漏出;透露(秘密、信息);走漏

slit n.狭长的切口;狭缝;裂缝;缝隙;长而窄的口子;窄开口;细长裂口;

interstice n.空隙;裂缝;间隙;缝隙

chink n.裂缝;裂隙;裂口;弱点;漏洞;(通过裂缝的)一缕光;一束光;(金属或玻璃相碰的)撞击声;叮当声;(Chink)中国佬

aperture n.(尤指摄影机等的光圈)孔径;光圈(摄影);开口;孔洞;缝隙

slot n.(组织、团体等中的)位置;职位;时间;时间段;空档;空位;狭槽;(投放或插入东西的)窄缝;扁口;狭缝;狭长孔;槽口;插槽

crevice n.裂缝;缝隙;(岩石或墙壁的)裂隙;裂口

  • 她试图通过狭窄的缝隙摇摆过去。

    She tried to shimmy through the narrow gap.

  • 他们会透过那扇经风吹日晒的老木门的缝隙向外看。

    They would look out through the cracks of their weather-beaten door.

  • 《新时代》杂志说:“它们必须从它们曾经爬过的地方,从肮脏的缝隙里迅速跑回来。”

    "They must scurry back through the grimy crevices from where they had crept," says the New Times.

  • 石灰岩上有许多缝隙,故而树根能从岩洞顶部长出来。

    The limestone is sufficiently fissured for tree roots to have breached the roof of the cave.

  • 杂草从铺石路面的缝隙中长出来。

    Weeds grew through the cracks in the paving.

  • 当德克萨斯州奥斯汀的一座桥修复时,工程师在桥底沿长度添加了小缝隙

    When a bridge in Austin, Texas was repaired, engineers added small gaps running along the length of its bottom.

  • 他挤过了栅栏上最狭窄的缝隙

    He squeezed through the narrowest gap in the fence.

  • 哥伦布最非凡的成就在于他重新弥合了原始大陆的缝隙

    Columbus's signal accomplishment was to reknit the seams of Pangaea.

  • 那张纸掉在桌子和墙壁之间的缝隙里。

    The paper had fallen down between the desk and the wall.

  • 她透过窗帘的缝隙注视着他们。

    She watched them through a slit in the curtains.

  • 两栋建筑之间的缝隙变宽。

    The gap between the two buildings widens.

  • 窗帘上的缝隙

    a chink in the curtains

  • 如果你把手指放到底部的缝隙中间,这里你需要小心弹簧,把东西分开,就是这样。

    If you put your fingers between the crevice at the bottom, and here's where you gotta watch out for the spring, pull the thing apart and that's it.

  • 他的脚被卡住在缝隙里。

    His foot got wedged in the gap.

  • 它不可能在岩石下面,因为下面没有缝隙

    It can't be under the rock itself, because that sets solid on the ground.

  • 用水泥填充缝隙以加固墙壁。

    Fill the gaps with cement to strengthen the wall.

  • 透过缝隙,他能看见日光。

    Through the aperture he could see daylight.

  • 光穿过门下的缝隙照射进来.

    Light shone through a slit under the door.

  • 他们把窗户的缝隙封起来,不让寒风吹进室内.

    They sealed up the cracks in the window to stop the icy wind from blowing in.

  • 当两个异型连接子连接时,也称为异型缝隙连接通道。

    When two heteromeric connexons join, it is also called a heterotypic Gap Junction channel.

  • 她透过窗帘的缝隙窥视。

    She peeped through the crack in the curtains.

  • 阳光穿过帐篷顶的缝隙洒在这个传统的蒙古包。

    Sunlight enters a traditional ger through gaps in the roof.

  • 他透过帘子之间的缝隙偷看。

    He peered through a chink in the curtains.

  • 我的邻居通过篱笆墙的缝隙窥探我。

    My neighbour spies on me through a crack in the fence.

  • 幼虫钻进了地板的缝隙里。

    The larvae burrow into cracks in the floor.

  • 在白云的缝隙当中关进了几只羊。

    Who pens a few sheep in a gap of cloud.

  • 坐在电影院里,我不得不从我前面两个高个头中间的缝隙里去看电影。

    Sitting in the theatre, I had to look through the opening between the two tall heads in front of me.

  • 月光穿过云层缝隙照射下来。

    The moonbeam breaks through rifted clouds.

  • 我觉得那些让光线照射透过的缝隙更有趣些。

    I'm more interested in the cracks that let the light shine through.

  • 你有一个曲面,上面没有缝隙

    You have a surface and there is somehow no gaps in it.

  • 他挤压通过栅栏的狭窄缝隙

    He squeezed through the narrow gap in the fence.

  • 雨从屋顶缝隙中漏入.

    The rain is leaking in through a crack in the roof.

  • 从铺路石缝隙间长出的植物恰好营造出乡间农舍花园小径的感觉。

    Plants growing out of cracks in paving strike the right note up a cottage-garden path.

  • 不一会,冷削的雨点透过缝隙砸了下来。

    Then there was the rain, sharp and cold, lashing at them through the cracks.

  • 缝隙连接的接线图和突触的接线图非常不同。

    The wiring diagram for the gap junctions is quite different from that of the synapses.

  • 他们将继续用公平来掩盖他们的缝隙

    They will continue to paper over their cracks with fairness.

  • 接着是一个大厅,铺着漂亮的石头地板,缝隙里长着杂草。

    A large hall came next, with a beautiful stone floor and grass growing in the crevices.

  • 将楔子插入缝隙以固定它。

    Insert the wedge into the gap to hold it in place.

  • 你知道为什么上帝创造了手指之间的缝隙吗?

    Do you know why God created gaps between fingers?

  • 我想要的并非一个缝隙市场。

    I don't want to make a niche product.

  • 除草剪刀;专门用于修剪缝隙角落里的青草。

    Grass shears are specially made to trim grass growing in awkward places.

  • 第一个预测模型沿着地震断层,即地壳中的裂缝,寻找所谓的地震缝隙

    The first prediction model looks along earthquake faults, those cracks in the Earth's crust, to find what are known as seismic gaps.

  • 他试图挤压通过狭窄的缝隙

    He tried to squeeze through the narrow gap.

  • 他们将火炉放在屋子中间,堵上了窗户的缝隙

    They place the stove in the middle of the house, and stem the gaps in the window.

  • 而外面的世界,你所能看见的就只是透过房顶缝隙射进来的阳光。

    All you see of the outside world is the sunlight beaming through the cracks in the roof.

  • 记得牙齿间的缝隙吧?

    Remember the gaps between the teeth?

  • 他们会透过那扇经受风吹日晒的老木门的缝隙向外张望。

    They would look out through the cracks of their weather-beaten door.

  • 那个人透过缝隙向里偷看。

    The man peeped in through a crack.

  • 如果把板壁之间的缝隙用墙纸糊上, 就看不出来了.

    If we paper over the spaces between the wallboards, they won't show.

  • 阳光穿过树冠穹顶的缝隙洒下。

    Sunlight streams down through gaps in the towering vault.

  • 冷空气从窗户缝隙中渗进来。

    Cold air seeps in through the window gaps.

  • 月光穿过云层缝隙照射下来.

    The moonbeam breaks through rifted clouds.

  • 地板是有缝隙的裸板。

    The floor was draughty bare boards.

  • 这个缝隙大约只有0.1微米那么宽

    The gap could be about one ten-thousandths of a millimeter wide.

  • 在神经元之间,在一个神经元的轴突,和另一个神经元的树突之间,有一个细小的缝隙

    Between any neurons, between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another, there's a tiny gap.

  • 这个极小的缝隙,这个缝隙就叫做突触,当神经元产生神经冲动后,轴突会释放出能够穿透缝隙的化学物质

    This infinitesimal gap-- and this gap is known as a synapse-- and what happens is when a neuron fires, an axon sends chemicals shooting through the gap.

  • 如果你把手指放到,底部的缝隙中间,这里你需要小心,你剥开就会发现这个了。

    If you put your fingers between the plastic opening at the bottom, and here's where you gotta watch out for the spring, pull the thing apart and that's it.


缝隙 fèngxì

(1) [seam]∶接合处


(2) [crack;crevice;fissure;chink;slit;slot]∶裂开的狭长的空处




免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of