1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-17 12:08:51


  • 这一年麦坤收获颇丰

    It had been a huge year for McQueen.

  • 尽管天气不好,捕鱼却一直收获颇丰

    Despite the poor weather the fishing has been pretty good.

  • 瑞德勒说,AIG股票当天上涨21%,T3的交易员收获颇丰

    AIG shares rose 21% for the day, and T3's traders did 'great,' said Mr. Redler.

  • 随着氮肥的使用,家里的玉米突然长的又高又壮,颗粒饱满,收获颇丰

    Enlarge With nitrogen, the family's corn crop suddenly grew much higher and stronger, and produced full ears and big harvests.

  • 我们曾在那水畔垂钓, 收获颇丰.

    We once fished in that shore, harvest quite abundant.

  • 这个收入颇丰的首席执行官自己拥有一辆豪华轿车.

    The highly paid CEO has his own limousine.

  • 玻国36个原住民族(包括一些人口区区几百的)将从新宪中获益颇丰

    The new charter will give sweeping rights to the country's 36 indigenous groups (some of whom number only a few hundred people).

  • 这家公司今年获利颇丰

    This company managed to earn profit this year.

  • 我会有意识地去选择,种一些更好的东西,收获颇丰

    I will consciously choose to plant something better. The results are truly spectacular.

  • 这家公司付的薪水颇丰.

    They pay good money in this company.

  • 查尔斯·狄更斯是英国十九世纪最伟大的小说家之一,国内外对狄更斯本人及其作品的研究成果颇丰.

    Charles Dickens is one of the greatest novelists in Victorian England.

  • 这些雇员中的很多人都收入颇丰.

    Many of these people get paid a lot.

  • 公司在这笔生意中获利颇丰

    The company made a healthy profit on the deal.

  • 饭店服务员“除”工资外,小费收入颇丰.

    The waiters get good tips and above their wages.

  • 奥巴马的两党峰会在医疗政策上收获颇丰

    Barack Obama's bipartisan summit on health policy accomplishes more than meets the eye.

  • 我的职业报酬颇丰厚。

    My line of work pays pretty well.

  • 你可能会有一份收获颇丰的新工作。

    You are likely to join a much yielding new job.

  • 右翼 市长约翰逊懒散滑稽,但是决策成绩颇丰,赢得众人称赞.

    The lazy right - winger of caricature has been a prolific and ecumenical policymaker.

  • 这些雇员中的很多人都收入颇丰.

    Many of these people get paid a lot.

  • 之前它认为设计云技术就足够了,到目前为止,甲骨文的这个豪赌收获颇丰

    It's extravagant bet that designing the cloud's technology is enough has paid off so far.

  • 总之, 我在纽约度过了一段愉快的时光,收获颇丰.

    Allall, my time in New York was fun and rewarding.

  • 呼吁的成果颇丰,收到了大批毛毯、药物和衣服。

    The appeal produced a rich harvest of blankets, medicines and clothing.

  • 结果,我发现收获颇丰,书中关于沉默、倾听、祈祷和敬畏等的佳句俯拾皆是。

    As a result, I have pages and pages of quotes-about silence, listening, prayer and awe.

  • 如今,利润颇丰的旅游业遭到了破坏。

    Today, the lucrative tourism industry has been decimated.

  • 城市虽小,但在这里,你一定会感受颇丰

    Small as the city is, you have many things to appreciate here.

  • 这离不开信用评级机构的“宽容”:证券评级业务让它们获利颇丰

    They could do this only with the blessing of credit-ratings agencies, which made a profitable business out of rating these securities.

  • 公司可以将一种利润颇丰的商品与另一种利润较低的商品捆绑销售。

    A firm that enjoys fat profits on one good may "bundle" it with another on which margins are lower.

  • 快递生意也是受益颇丰

    Delivery businesses are also benefiting.

  • 孔子一生著述颇丰.

    In his life, Confucius wrote and edited a number of books.

  • 尽管天气恶劣,却渔获颇丰

    Despite the poor weather the fishing has been pretty good.

  • 我们进展不错,报酬颇丰,所以我从不认真考虑存在的危险。

    We were making good progress, and getting well paid, so I never really considered the dangers.

  • 微笑,不费成本,却创造颇丰

    It costs nothing, but creates much.

  • 我和韦斯利为了硬币找遍海滩,斩获颇丰

    Wesley and I would scour the beaches looking for COINS. We were very successful at it.

  • 回报颇丰,该银行表示。

    The returns have been impressive, the bank says.

  • 现在,在这些溪流中捕鱼会收获颇丰

    Now, fishing is pretty good on these streams.

  • 然而在今天, 他们获利颇丰.

    Nowadays, however, they are rather profitable.

  • 去年Acciona通过变卖股份给一个意大利能源公司Enel而获利颇丰

    Acciona made a hefty profit by selling on to Enel, an Italian energy firm, last year.

  • 快递生意也是受益颇丰

    Delivery businesses are also benefiting.

  • 这场经历,让我收益颇丰,让我自信了许多,也提高了自己英语能力。

    "I benefited a lot from this experience, gaining more confidence and improving my English skills," he said.

  • 迪恩在那里爬来爬去,战果颇丰.

    Well , Dean kept crawling around in there and accomplished a lot.

  • 国际经济一体化使英国在低价格,低利率及更多财富方面受益颇丰

    International integration has brought Britain huge gains in the form of lower prices and interest rates and greater prosperity all round.

  • 我们曾在那水畔垂钓, 收获颇丰.

    We once fished in that shore, harvest quite abundant.

  • 借助男性白人的支持,他在白人中斩获颇丰,非裔自是不在话下。

    He did well among whites, thanks to his support from white men. He won African-Americans.

  • 股票经纪人通过股票交易获利颇丰.

    Stockbrokers benefit a lot from the stock exchange.

  • 创建一个遵循这些原则的国际互联网站获益颇丰

    Much could be gained by creating an international network of websites committed to such principles.

  • 有时,这项战略收益颇丰

    At times, this strategy has paid off big.

  • 股票经纪人通过股票交易获利颇丰.

    Stockbrokers benefit a lot from the stock exchange.

  • 中国药厂获利颇丰却疏于监管。

    China's pharmaceutical industry is lucrative but poorly regulated.

  • 这些结盟成效颇丰.

    These alliances are paying off.

  • 对铝及其他商品的需求旺盛,这让生产商获利颇丰

    One is that booming demand for aluminium and other commodities has kept all manufacturers profitable.

  • 饭店服务员除工资外,小费收入颇丰.

    The waiter get good tips over and above their wages.

  • 英国首先在北海开采石油,后来很多拉美国家也开始开采石油了,当然俄罗斯采油收入也是颇丰

    Britain anyway started producing oil in the North Sea; lots of countries in Latin America started looking and finding oil, and of course, russian oil started being very, very profitable.

  • 两周前,威尔金斯辞去了收入颇丰的技术职务,创建了一个慈善组织,名叫OTPS。

    Two weeks ago, Wilkins left a lucrative job in the tech sector to found a new charity called O.T.P.S.


颇丰 pōfēng

[rather good] 足够大而多



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of