1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-11 09:42:52
bǎo bèi


baby; treasure; treasured object; darling; honey; sweetheart; pet; sugar; my treasure; sweetie pie; gem; jewel; cowrie; good-for-nothing; queer character


treasure; cherish; hold dear; prize


dear; precious; beloved

baby n.婴儿;幼儿;宝宝;宝贝;心爱的人;初步成果;初步成就;小型版本;缩小版;幼稚的人;孩子气的人

treasure n.财宝;宝藏;珍宝;宝物;财富;珍品;心爱之物;珍视的人;宝贝

darling n.宝贝;心爱的人;心爱的动物;可爱的人;宠儿;备受宠爱的人;好人;乐于助人者;(Darling)达林(人名);(Darling River)达令河

honey n.蜂蜜;甜蜜物质;甜言蜜语;情人;爱人;宠儿;甜心;(爱称)亲爱的;宝贝

sweetheart n.情人;恋人;爱人;心上人;甜心;宠儿;(表示亲昵的称呼)亲爱的;特别可爱的人;私下达成的协议(尤指对某一方有利的)

pet n.宠物;宠畜;玩赏动物;宠儿;(昵称)亲爱的;宝贝;(Pet)佩特(人名)

sugar n.糖;食糖;糖份;糖果;一茶匙糖(量);一块方糖;宝贝;亲爱的(爱称);糖衣(比喻美化或掩饰某物的外表)

gem n.(经切割打磨的)宝石;宝物;珍宝;珍品;精品;精华;杰作;优秀的人;特殊的人;难能可贵的人(或物);得到很高评价的人;珍贵之物;美玉;<比喻>非常宝贵的东西;<比喻>独特而有价值的事物

jewel n.宝石;珠宝;首饰;宝石饰物;珠宝首饰;珍宝;珍品;瑰宝;珍贵之物;宝贝;钻石

cowrie n.宝贝贝壳;宝贝;货贝;海贝;贝壳

good-for-nothing adj.无用的;无价值的;无成就的;不中用的

cherish v.珍爱;重视;珍视;怀抱(情感);怀有(希望、梦想、好感);捍卫(权利、特权或原则);爱护;维护;抱有(信念、希望);秉持;温存;怀念;宠爱;抚育;钟爱

prize n.奖励;奖品;奖金;奖赏;(尤指)重要奖项;头奖;最高奖项;荣誉奖励

dear adj.亲爱的;珍贵的;珍视的;昂贵的;心爱的;珍重的;高价的;可爱的;宝贵的

precious adj.贵重的;珍贵的;宝贵的;受珍爱的;心爱的;(表示气愤)宝贝似的;珍稀的;道貌岸然的

beloved adj.深爱的;挚爱的;钟爱的;珍爱的;宠爱的;受喜爱的;深受喜爱的

  • 你见到我的钥匙了吗,宝贝

    Have you seen my keys, honey?

  • 来吧宝贝,出发吧!

    Come on baby, let's go!

  • 宝贝加油相信你是最棒的!

    The treasure refuels believed that you are best!

  • 你现在得醒了,宝贝儿。

    You have to wake up now, baby.

  • 是你吗,我的宝贝

    Is that you, my precious baby?

  • 她走过来搂着我。“可怜的宝贝,出什么事儿啦?”

    She came and put her arms around me. "You poor lamb. What's wrong?"

  • 宝贝,我要你好好的,加油!

    Baby, I want you to be great, come on!

  • 手里拿着宝贝,贴着他的胸。

    Treasure in hand, and against his chest.

  • 宝贝,加油,你是最棒的!

    Baby, come on, you are the best!

  • 她动不动就哭,而且神经紧张,总为她的小宝贝担心。

    She was weepy and nervy, anxious about her baby.

  • 我的漂亮小宝贝

    My beautiful little treasure.

  • 她是小宝贝!

    She's a little darling!

  • 嘘,宝贝,没事了。

    Hush, my love, it's all right.

  • 这些书仍然是我最珍爱的宝贝之一。

    These books are still among my most treasured possessions.

  • 他称宝丽来照相机是老天爷特意为他的工作赐予的宝贝

    He called the Polaroid camera a godsend to his work.

  • 他最珍爱的宝贝是他收藏的摇滚唱片。

    His greatest treasure is his collection of rock records.

  • 我抱歉宝贝,我不是故意的。

    I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean it.

  • 她说:“不对,乐高才是宝贝。”

    And she said, "No, the Lego is the treasure. "

  • 到这儿来, 我的宝贝们.

    Come here, my honeys.

  • 来吧,宝贝,再来一次!

    Come on, baby, do it one more time!

  • 我的宝贝儿!

    My dearest treasure !

  • 我们不知道宝贝儿子长大了会怎样。

    We wondered what the future would hold for our baby son.

  • 她的女儿是她心爱的宝贝

    Her daughter is very dear to her.

  • 来吧,宝贝,我们不要吵了。

    Come on, baby, let's not fight.

  • 来吧,宝贝,就是你。

    Come on baby it's you!

  • 他爱护这本古老的书,就像它是宝贝一样。

    He cherishes this old book as if it were a treasure.

  • 会作为最珍贵的宝贝传给儿女。

    And would pass it to his children as his chiefest treasure.

  • 快点,我的宝贝

    Hurry up, my precious baby.

  • “你还想要?”克莱尔吼道。“想都别想,宝贝。”

    "You want more?" roared Claire. "Forget it, honey."

  • 是它守护着我们的宝贝

    It's a protector of the treasure.

  • 我的小宝贝安稳地睡在白色的藤条摇篮里。

    My baby slept safe from harm in her white wicker bassinet.

  • 岩石说:“嗨,宝贝!你要去哪里?”

    The rock said, "Hi, baby! Where are you going?"

  • 你今晚做什么,宝贝儿?

    What're you doing tonight, babe?

  • 宝贝过来,跳进来。

    Come on baby, jump in.

  • “爸爸,我想和你一起去。”——“好吧,好吧,小宝贝。”

    "I want to go with you, Daddy."—"Now, now, sweetheart."

  • 嘿!宝贝爱我!嘿!是的。

    Hey! Baby loves me! Hey! Yeah.

  • 宝贝,来搂住妈妈的脖子。

    Come on baby. Throw your arms around Mom's neck.

  • 我没碰你那辆宝贝车!

    I didn't touch your precious car!

  • 鲁思,宝贝,你在吗?

    Ruth, lovey, are you there?

  • 这个小宝贝光着身子在沙滩上。

    The baby went naked on the beach.

  • 宝贝也会跟着掉下来。

    Baby will also come down.

  • 宝贝,请回家吧。

    Baby, please come home.

  • 我以这句话作为开场白:“宝贝,你看起来真是棒极了!”

    I opened by saying, "Honey, you look sensational."

  • 所以加油吧,宝贝

    So come on baby.

  • 圣诞快乐,我的宝贝

    Merry Christmas, my baby!

  • 她梦见了她的小宝贝

    She dreamed about her baby.

  • 我们在森林里,宝贝

    We're in the woods, baby!

  • 乔治,娜娜是个宝贝

    George, Nana is a treasure.

  • 当过兵的人大概是雇主们寻找的宝贝了。

    Ex-forces personnel could be the manna from heaven employers are seeking.

  • 若是珍惜的像宝贝一样,它也一样容易碎。

    If the same treasure as the treasure it as easy as broken.

  • 那辆轿车是个宝贝.

    That car is a honey.

  • 我很好。宝贝,你还好吗?

    I'm OK. Baby, are you OK?

  • 我们有大量长距离网带,多亏了局域网,就像我的宝贝,以太网,我们在本地有大量的带宽,那都在建筑物内部的,但是这儿有空白,在LAN之间有空白地带,即局域网,以及WAN,广域网。

    We have plenty of band with a long distance and thanks to local area networks like my own baby Ethernet, we have plenty of bandwidth in local area that was inside of buildings. But there is a gap, there is a gap between the LAN, the local area network, and the WAN, the Wide Area Network.

  • 有效了,喔,宝贝宝贝宝贝 喔,宝贝宝贝宝贝

    It worked. Oh, baby, baby, baby. Oh, baby, baby, baby.

  • 玩的开心,宝贝女儿。

    Have fun, baby girl.

  • 妈妈过来说 宝贝们该睡觉

    Then their mother came out and said, 'Time for kittens to go to bed.

  • 我爱你,妈。我也爱你,宝贝

    I love you, Mom. I love you too, sweetie.

  • 你热爱生活么,宝贝?是的。

    Do you like life, sweetheart? Yes.

  • 但那晚的晚些时候…好啊,宝贝

    But then, later that night... Yeah, baby.

  • 宝贝,你在胡说什么?我只是想说我爱你们,爸妈。宝贝

    Sweetie, what are you talking about? I just want to tell you that I love you, mom, and dad. Sweetie.

  • 我在,我在,我的小宝贝好吗?

    I'm here. I'm here. How's my little boy?

  • 真对不起。宝贝宝贝,不,小心肝。我知道我有问题,我好抱歉。

    I'm so sorry. Oh honey. Oh honey, no. Kelpcake. I know I've got a problem. I know I'm... And I'm so sorry.

  • 他们还以为自己捡到了宝贝

    They thought that they were getting good stuff.

  • 可怜的小劳拉,我的宝贝,我曾经把狄恩的一切都告诉过她,这时她几乎要哭了:“噢,我们不能让他就这么走“

    Poor little Laura, my baby, to whom I had told everything about Dean, began almost to cry."Oh, we shouldn't let him go like this.What'll we do?"

  • 给。我小时候也有一个茶叶罐,用来装我的宝贝。和这个不太一样。上面有西里尔文的字母。它跟着我去了集中营,后来却被偷走了。

    Here. When I was a little girl, I had a tea tin for my treasures. Not quite like this. It had Cyrillic lettering. I took it with me to the camp, but it got stolen.

  • 宝贝女儿,你干什么了?

    Baby girl, what did you do?

  • 我从外边看到过这里很多回,当时我要是知道这墙里有这么多宝贝,我早就把他们这儿的门闯破了。

    You know I saw this place from the outside, many times. If I know what treasures awaited within these walls, I would have broken down that door long time ago, I tell you.

  • 快啊,宝贝

    Come on,baby! Come on!

  • 他没事,把他放下,宝贝,过来。

    Okay. Okay honey, he's fine, he's fine, let's just put him down. Come here, Ben.

  • 两位发现了我的小宝贝。是啊,看着还行。什么叫还行?它简直了不起。

    Oh, I see you guys have found my little treasure. Yeah. It's okay, I guess. Okay? It's magnificent.

  • 宝贝,你喜欢吗?天呐,太美了。

    You like it, baby? Oh, my God, it's beautiful.

  • 看,是我老公,我的心肝宝贝

    Oh, look who it is, my husband. The apple of my eye.

  • 去吧,宝贝

    Do what you gotta do, baby.

  • 我的两个宝贝不见了。

    Two things dear to me have disappeared this evening.

  • 你的弟弟妹妹或者我的小宝贝们,可以画一些看起来,仅仅有点像家庭成员的画

    Your young brother or sister, or my little children, can draw pictures of family members that barely look like family members.

  • 你一直在找,却没有找到的宝贝,我倒是带来了。看吧,有了这件宝贝,就能永生!

    I, on the other hand, carry the treasure you sought but could never find. Behold the key to life everlasting!

  • 注意!“十步开外洛丽塔透过电话间的玻璃正用手,握着话筒,万分信赖的说着什么,她的目光扫到我,拿着她的宝贝转过身去,急忙挂上,一个戏剧性的夸张动作,走了出来。

    Look out!" Some ten paces away Lolita through a glass at a telephone booth, membranous god still with us, cupping the tube confidentially, hunched over it, slit her eyes at me, turned away with her treasure, hurriedly hang up and walked out with a flourish.


宝贝 bǎobèi

(1) [rare shell]∶贵重少见的贝壳

(2) [treasure]∶珍奇的东西

(3) 很有价值并当爱物保藏起来的东西


(4) 被认为是少有的或宝贵的人


(5) [darling]∶对亲爱者的昵称。心爱的人,多用于小孩儿

(6) [good-for-nothing or queercharacter]∶对人的谑称或蔑称。指无能或奇怪荒唐的人


(7) [cowrie]∶腹足纲前鳃亚纲宝贝科(Cypraeidae)宝贝属( Cypraea )海产螺类

贵重的物品。《文选.木华.海赋》:「岂徒积太颠之宝贝,与随侯之明珠。」《老残游记.第七回》:「你们家里那些书是些甚么宝贝?可叫我们听听罢咧。」蔽屣﹑废物﹑垃圾 2.孽种




英语 treasured object, treasure, darling, baby, cowry, good-for-nothing or queer character

法语 trésor, chéri, bébé


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of