1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-12 09:09:39
hé huǒ rén


partner n.搭档;同伴;伙伴;合伙人;配偶;伴侣;情侣;舞伴;生意伙伴;同事;性伴侣;伙计;同行

  • 合伙人卷走了十万美元时,他才从发财梦中猛然惊醒.

    He was roughly awaked from his dream of making a fortune when his partner decamped with 100, 000 dollars.

  • 这些债务是由每个合伙人分别地承担的。

    The debts were severally incurred by each partner.

  • 我们需要一个新的合伙人来扩展业务。

    We need a new partner to expand the business.

  • 合伙人入伙合营

    Partner joins the company.

  • 去年一位合伙人退出后,这家企业就垮掉了。

    Last year the business went belly up after one of the partners resigned.

  • 他没有在选择合伙人上面磨磨蹭蹭。

    He did not dally over the choice of a partner.

  • 找到本地的合伙人可能不容易。

    Finding local partners might not be easy.

  • 他是我公司的合伙人

    He is my business partner.

  • 她是我在这个项目中的合伙人

    She is my partner in this project.

  • 当他的合伙人卷走了10万美元,布鲁克斯才从发财梦中猛然惊醒.

    Brooks was roughly awoken from his dream of making a fortune when his partner decamped with $ 100,000.

  • 他雇谁辞谁全听他的合伙人的一句话。

    He hired and fired people on his partner's say-so.

  • 合伙人不被邀请参加办公室聚会。

    Partners are not invited to the office party.

  • 合伙人纷纷退出我们公司。

    Partners are bailing out of our company.

  • 这个比例越高,合伙人赚的钱就越多。

    The higher the ratio, the more money the partners make.

  • 马丁已让他成为公司的普通合伙人.

    Martin has taken him into general partnership in his company.

  • 例如,你可能是公司的合伙人,你正在和一位同事一起做一个项目。

    For example, maybe you are a partner at your firm and you're working with an associate on a project.

  • 也许你是你公司的合伙人,你和一位同事正在共同做一个项目。

    Maybe you are a partner at your firm and you're working with an associate on a project.

  • 谨请注意我新合伙人的签名。

    We request your attention to the signatures of our new partners.

  • 合伙人入伙合营。

    Partner joins the company.

  • 不幸的是,他的合伙人都是些骗子,已卷款逃之夭夭了。

    Unfortunately, his partners were crooks and absconded with the funds.

  • 他们可能看不到商业合伙人的文化偏见。

    They may fail to see the cultural biases of their business partners.

  • 他被提升为经理,然后又成了公司的合伙人

    He was promoted to manager, thence to a partnership in the firm.

  • 没有合伙人的认可我什么也不能答应。

    I can't agree to anything without my partner's approval.

  • 协议规定了每个合伙人将获得的利润部分。

    The agreement specified the moieties of profits each partner would receive.

  • 每周五我必须和我的合伙人碰头.

    I have got to meet my partner every Friday.

  • 他的公司被霍格·鲁宾逊公司以350万英镑的价格收购,分给了五位合伙人

    His company was bought out by Hogg Robinson for £3.5m, divided between five partners.

  • 然而合伙人的透支率取决于你的信用等级。

    But Cahoot's overdraft rate depends on your credit rating.

  • 她声称多次升职都未被考虑,而那些比她资历差的白人男同事却已经晋升成为合伙人了。

    She claimed she was repeatedly passed over for promotion while less experienced white male colleagues were made partners.

  • 他们决定成为合伙人并共同创业。

    They decided to become partners and start a business together.

  • 如果她接受了,他们就会成为合伙人

    If she takes it, they will become partners.

  • 这座房子是在约翰的合伙人的指导下盖起来的。

    The house was built under the direction of John's partner.

  • 她现在心里倍感内疚:她既让富兰克林丢了面子,又让自己的合伙人损失了钱。

    She now felt doubly guilty; she had embarrassed Franklin and she had cost her partner money.

  • 你也许需要备一些有说服力的论据来说服一个合伙人以你的方式看问题。

    You may need to be armed with some forceful arguments to persuade a partner into seeing things your way.

  • 我们可以信任那家公司, 其合伙人都很可靠.

    We can trust that company; the partners are in ballast all right.

  • 但是你的合伙人对你如何经营公司不会有发言权。

    But your partners will have no voice in how you operate your company.

  • 从现在起你是我的合伙人了。

    From now on be my partner.

  • 银行不得不花钱买断200个前合伙人的多数股权。

    The bank had to pay to buy out most of the 200 former partners.

  • 她事事都听从她的合伙人的意见。

    She deferred to her partner in everything.

  • 合伙人 退伙

    Partner has left the company .

  • 银行不得不花钱买下过去200名合伙人手中的大部分股权。

    The bank had to pay to buy out most of the 200 former partners.

  • 然后,它会决定每个合伙人出庭的比例,并提供一系列支持该决定的论据。

    It then decides what percentage allocation to each partner would be in court and provides a series of arguments in favour of the decision.

  • 他是芝加哥一家律师事务所的合伙人

    He's a partner in a Chicago law firm.

  • 他现在是一家新房地产公司的合伙人

    He is now co-partner in a new property company.

  • 他把现款委托给一个生意合伙人投资一系列项目。

    He entrusted his cash to a business partner for investment in a series of projects.

  • 在这个僵尸世界里,他们才是你的终极强力合伙人

    In this zombie world of ours, they are your ultimate kickass partner.

  • 诉讼律师道格·维特拉诺做出了决定,推荐帕特里克担任第五任合伙人

    Doug Vitrano, the litigator, had made the fateful decision to recommend Patrick as the fifth partner.

  • 他和他的合伙人约定,要互通信息,毫无保留。

    He and his partner had made a bargain to tell each other everything.

  • 他有我所要找的合伙人具有的所有品质。

    He had all the qualities I was looking for in a partner.

  • 不管是否有时间谈论它,你的大部分工作都可能体现在我的风投合伙人的投资备忘录上。

    Whether or not you spend time talking about it, much of your work is likely to find its way into an investment memo for my partners.

  • 让我们将利润分配给所有合伙人

    Let's divi the profits equally among all the partners.

  • 作为合伙人,我们必须共同承担风险。

    As partners, we must share the risks together.

  • 合伙企业的优点是能够把合伙人的管理才能汇集在一起.

    The partnership has the advantage of pooling managerial talent.

  • 律师事务所的其余合伙人仍然在一起,被抵押贷款和钞票的束缚不情愿地绑在一起。

    The remaining partners in the law firm were still together, attached unwillingly at the hip by the bondage of mortgages and the banknotes.

  • 你想找什么借口都行,但这还是。我没找任何借口,不管要怎么做,那都由合伙人来定,而你不是合伙人

    You can rationalize it any way you want, but it would still. I'm not rationalizing anything. Whatever we do, it's a partner's decision. You're not a partner.

  • 合伙人的退休金取决于,他们留下的公司的繁荣程度,以及他们给公司带来的制度和文化,这些公司是非常,负责任而且受人尊敬的。

    The partners were dependent for their retirement on the prosperity of the firms they left behind and the customs and culture they left behind, and the places were much more responsible and honorable.

  • 为什么这些律师事务所的律师,医疗合伙人或者其他类似的机构,还有一起做作业的学生,当我们研究过这些策略和博弈后,为何这样的组合往往是收效甚微的

    Why is it that when we see these law partners, or medical partners, or whatever it happens to be, or students together on a homework assignment, why is it we tend to get inefficiently little effort when we start figuring out the strategy and working through the game?

  • 他在1854年给他的合伙人的信件中写道

    He writes this in 1854 to his partner.

  • 简单的合伙制企业,正常情况下是不需要缴税的,因为你是在以一个合伙人的身份来做生意,所以要对你征税而不是合伙制企业

    In a normal--in a simple partnership, the partnership would not be taxed because it's you doing business just as partners, so you are taxed but not the partnership.

  • 见过这位合伙人吗霍华德莱曼吗?没有,他是最年长的合伙人,偶尔才出现一次。

    Had you ever seen this partner? Howard Lyman? No. He's the oldest partner. He only comes in every now and then.

  • 例如,你是公司的合伙人,你和一位同事正在共同跟进一个项目。

    For example, maybe you are a partner at your firm and you're working with an associate on a project.

  • 比如有人想在市区买幢55层大厦,那么他会安排购买事宜并召集合伙人,也就是有限合伙人参与融资,这就是他们的运作模式

    Someone who buys a fifty-story building downtown and then, well, arranges to buy and gets partners -limited partners--to join in financing it; that's the arrangement.

  • 威尔l想让我参加查查网公司的会议。为什么?他想要个合伙人参加。

    Will wants me in the Chumhum meeting. Why? He wants a partner there.

  • 我认为我们有合伙人,我们都意识到了一些批评,不好意思,我们有合作者,大家都意识到了一些批评和指责,是,是的。

    Well, I think that Karzai parterner we have and we are all aware the criricize Excuse me. Yeah, Karzai's parterner we have. Everyone is aware the criticism. yeah,yes.

  • 你曾是顶尖律所的合伙人。没错,但自从那个丑闻之后我就找不到工作了。

    You were a partner in a top firm. Yes. And I can't get a job since the scandal.

  • 这个博弈的不同之处在于,从这个图上能很明显看到的,它与确实与合伙人博弈有所区别

    What is it that's different about this game from the... What's the obvious thing just looking at this picture that makes it different from the partnership game.

  • 我是这儿级别最高的合伙人。很快就不是了,我有多数票。你曾经有,你刚刚失去一票。

    I'm the ranking partner here. Not for long. I have the votes. You had them. You just lost one.

  • 我是个合伙人,你想开除我,你需要执行委员会的多数票,然后你需要正式合伙人投票。

    I'm a partner. You want to remove me, you need the majority vote of the executive board, and then you need a vote of the full board.

  • 那么,你是说不管是其他哪个合伙人离开,你都会一样地恨吗?

    So, you're saying that if I were any other partner leaving, you would hate me the way you do?

  • 监视,评判,我做合伙人还不到一年。

    The scrutiny, the judgment. I'm partner less than a year.

  • 你和你的合伙人,沃伦,巴菲特,多年来一直提醒现代衍生品市场中,存在的危险,that,you’,尤其是信用衍生品,利率掉期,货币互换和股票互换。

    You and your partner, Warren Buffett, have for years complained and warned about the dangers ve perceived in the modern derivatives markets, particularly credit derivatives, and also concerns about interest rate swaps, currency swaps, and equity swaps.

  • 投资博弈以及合伙人博弈,都是策略互补博弈

    So both the investment game and the game with... the partnership firm game are games with strategic complements.

  • 好的,你要参选这事不太说得通,在合伙人因贩毒而坐牢时参选。

    Good. It wouldn't make much sense. Running while your partner is going to jail for dealing.

  • 合伙人博弈中横轴表示付出的努力,现在横轴表示的是产量

    So in the partnership game we put efforts on these axis and now I'm going to put quantities on these axis.

  • 普通合伙人往往就是,合伙制企业的组织者

    The general partner is typically the organizer of the partnership.

  • 暂且就成为合伙人博弈吧

    So Partnership Game.

  • 也许你公司的合伙人交给你一个任务,并且指出

    Maybe a partner at your firms gives you an assignment and says,

  • 让我换个表达方式吧,这些企业合伙人,或者两个共同协作做作业的同学,他们是否实现了最优效率了呢

    So let me rephrase, are these people, are these pair of partners in the firm, or two students working on their homework assignments, are they working more or less than an efficient level?

  • 我是合伙人,我能增加...不过你到底是站在哪一边啊?

    I'm a partner, I'm adding va... Whose side are you on, anyway?

  • 有了普通合伙人,再找有限合伙人,你们以前没听说过DPP

    You have a general partner, then limited partners, and you don't hear about DPPs.

  • 这是一系列客观属性,和主观性格的结合,最终才能为大学基金找到合适的合伙人

    It's a combination of looking at kind of objective attributes and subjective characteristics and finding people who ultimately will be good partners for the University.

  • 那是谁?新合伙人,我正要回家,伊莱。只需要一小会儿。

    Who's that? A new partner. I was just heading home, Eli. This will only take a minute.

  • 普通合伙人要承担责任,有限合伙人则不需要承担责任

    The general partner takes on the liability; the limited partners don't have liability.

  • 再往前回顾一下,我们之前还讲过合伙人的博弈

    If you go back to the time before that, we talked about this partnership game.

  • 它与合伙人博弈不同,与投资博弈也不同

    It's different from the partnership game, it's different from the investment game.

  • 没错,你还曾是福&艾律所的合伙人,你丈夫是州长,你竞选过州检察官,我清楚。

    Yes, and you were partner at Florrick-Agos, and your husband is governor, and you ran for State's Attorney. I'm aware of it.

  • 它与合伙人博弈就不一样

    It's different from the partnership game.

  • 是我让它进展到这步,法官阁下 ,这些账单明确了合伙人和律师的工作时间。

    I brought it to this point... Your Honor, these are the bills segregating out hours based on partner and associate work...

  • 通常合伙制企业的问题是,合伙人具有无限责任

    The problem with partnerships, generally, has been that they don't have limited liability.

  • 合伙人博弈的最佳对策曲线是向上倾斜的

    In the partnership game the best response lines sloped up.

  • 我听说了,你的合伙人有麻烦,科蒂斯艾格斯。凯里艾格斯。

    I've heard about your partner's troubles. Uh, Curtis Agos. Cary Agos.

  • 然而,也有一种有限合伙制,其中包括两类合伙人,普通合伙人和有限合伙人,或者,通常会有多个有限合伙人

    There is something, however, called a limited partnership that has two kinds of partners: a general partner and a limited partner -or usually, many limited partners.

  • 什么压力?我的出资的那笔资金,我成为合伙人时作为首付给洛&加律所那15万。

    What tension? My capital contribution. The $150,000 I gave Lockhart/Gardner as a first installment when I made partner.

  • 而且没有未来,-大规模缩减,And,it’,对我们来说没什么用处,而且会造成一些,行动的失败,我知道一些,诚实正直的安德森合伙人,损失惨重。

    s not going in the future.-We are not going to get out of that, out of a lot of massive contraction. And massive contraction might cause some operations to perish. I knew some Anderson partners who were honest decent people who suffered terribly.

  • 这一切真是了不起,汤姆是个好合伙人,所以我很幸运。我才是幸运的那个。

    I'm impressed by what I've seen. Tom's a good partner, so I'm lucky. I'm the lucky one.

  • 由普通合伙人承担责任,而其他多个有限合伙人,则不需要承担责任

    There is a general partner who takes on the liability and the limited partners, who are many, are the participants who do not share the liability.

  • 下面我来画出函数图像,这与合伙人博弈的有点像

    What I want to do is I want to draw a picture, a little bit like we did for the partnership game.

  • 因为这一点,与合伙人博弈的情况一样,两者的情况是很类似的,合伙人博弈中最佳对策曲线的交点处,参与人1采用了回应参与人2的最佳对策,参与人2采用了回应参与人1的最佳对策

    Because at this point, as in the partnership game, which there was a similar thing, as in the partnership game where the best responses intersect is where Player 1 is playing a best response to Player 2, and Player 2 is playing a best response to Player 1.

  • 他是谁?我的合伙人,你的另一位律师。那个小子啊。

    Who's he? My partner, your other lawyer. Oh, the kid. Right.

  • 工作怎么样?你一定知道我现在是戈麦弗亚勒律所的合伙人了。

    So how's work? I'm sure you heard I made partner at Gotshal, Manges, Flom, Arps&LeBoeuf.

  • 戴安,大卫·李和达米恩想把你从管理合伙人的位置上踢下去。

    Diane? David Lee and Damian are trying to remove you as managing partner.

  • 想一下如果博弈中加入了合伙人会怎样

    So imagine what we're going to look at is a game involving a partnership.

  • 对啊,你做合伙人还不到一年,我可不需要更多关注了。

    Yeah, right, you're partner less than a year, and I certainly don't need any more attention.


合伙人 héhuǒrén

(1) [associate]∶与人合作经营一种企业、生意或参与同一活动的人,一起工作的人

(2) [partner]

(3) 与别人共同从事于任何活动的人

(4) 以赢利为目的共同经营某项营业而合伙的两人或多人中的一个

(5) 被认为类似于与他人具有共同的权利与义务的这种伙伴的人(如在一企业中)

(6) [partnership]∶由合伙组织结合在一起的

(7) [adjunct]∶一个与另一位合作或协助他执行任务或为他服务的人

(8) [fellow]∶同伙,作为共享者而与另一人联合的人



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of