1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-16 10:04:42
bǐ huà


strokes; stroke

strokes n.中风;敲;打;击;打击;轻抚摩;捋;击球;杆;(stroke的复数)

stroke n.中风;击球(动作);(网球、高尔夫等的)一杆;(书写或绘画的)一笔;(音乐的)一拍;(发动机的)冲程;(钟表的)报时;轻抚;摩擦;(对毛发的)轻扫;划水动作

  • 我用粉笔画一个简单的图。

    Let me draw a quick picture in chalk here.

  • 我用画笔画画。

    I use a paintbrush to paint.

  • 他们不用彩笔画画。

    They don't draw with markers.

  • 可以绘制这些路径,并设置笔画宽度或填充。

    These paths may be drawn, and subsequently stroked or filled.

  • 因为它不再使用图画,而是单一的尖笔画,它们看上去就像三角形或楔形物。

    This was because pictures had been replaced by neatly incised single strokes ending in a small triangle, or wedge.

  • 这幅画是小孩用蜡笔画的.

    The picture had been crayoned by a child.

  • 是谁擦去脸颊上的花生酱和墙上的蜡笔画,还会把鞋带打结以防摔倒?

    Who wipes peanut butter off a cheek and crayon off the wall and knots an untied shoelace to avoid a likely fall?

  • 简化字体就是减少原来字体的笔画

    Simplified characters were created by decreasing the number of strokes to write.

  • 这会给你的文字增加弯曲笔画的效果.

    This will give your text a curvy stroke effect.

  • 用浓黑色的毡笔画出你孩子的轮廓。

    Draw your child's outline with a heavy black marker.

  • 玩小朋友的玩具和手工艺品: 黏土 、 手指画 、 蜡笔画.

    Play with children's toys and crafts: clay, finger - paint , crayons.

  • 涂颜料要厚,笔画要匀。

    Apply the paint thickly in even strokes.

  • 他用红笔画出三角形.

    He outlined the triangle in red.

  • 这个字的笔画数是多少?

    How many strokes does this character have?

  • 题词很新,笔画刻得深深的。

    The inscriptions are fresh and deep grooved.

  • 他用神奇画笔画了金子。

    He painted gold with the magic paintbrush.

  • 用不同颜色的毡头笔画草图,以免搞混。

    Use different colours of felt pen on your sketch to avoid confusion.

  • 用黑色毡头笔画出基本轮廓(见图4)。

    Draw the basic outlines in black felt-tip pen (see fig. 4).

  • 自动完成功能根据用户通过IME输入的文字笔画来预测单词。

    The AutoComplete feature predicts the word based on the strokes the user enters in the IME.

  • 你最好用这些蜡笔画一幅画。

    You had better draw a picture with these crayons.

  • 我用一只黑色铅笔画一出舞台默剧。

    I draw a stage mime with a black pencil.

  • 不同的笔画宽度会产生不同粗细的线条。

    Different stroke widths produce lines of different thicknesses.

  • “王”字的笔画有四个.

    The character 王 has four strokes.

  • 现在让我们复习一下湿粉笔画的步骤。

    Now let's review the steps of wet-chalk drawing.

  • 每个汉字都由一定的笔画组成。

    Each Chinese character is composed of a number of strokes.

  • 这个汉字有很多笔画

    This Chinese character has many strokes.

  • 他用炭笔画她的半身像.

    He took off her head and shoulders in charcoal.

  • 我用你们生产的笔画了些东西在我朋友脸上.

    I used your pen to draw on my friend's face.

  • 真小型大写的笔画比例较为美观.

    The strokes of true small capitals are of better proportion.

  • 到目前为止,我们只谈到了笔画路径。

    So far, we have only talked about stroking paths.

  • 我用水彩笔画了一幅图。

    I draw a picture with markers.

  • 传统汉字的笔画有着丰富的意义和历史。

    The strokes of traditional characters have their own rich meaning and a long history.

  • 笔画是以“工”为特点的中国画画体,教师在工笔画教学中,应梳理历史,阶段教学。

    This paper expounds on the teaching methods of claborate-style painting in five aspects.

  • 他用红笔画出五角形.

    He outlined the pentagon in red.

  • 校长允许我们在操场的人行道上练习湿粉笔画,那将是我们的工作室。

    The principal has allowed us to practise our wet-chalk drawing on the playground sidewalk, which will be our studio.

  • 简化字体就是减少原来字体的笔画

    Simplified characters were created by decreasing the number of strokes to write.

  • 但是对于计算机来说,它仅仅是一些笔画

    But to a computer it's all just brushstrokes.

  • 与此形成对比的是,同一个学生用画笔画了一幅令人惊叹的风景画——如此逼真,几乎可以闻到沁人心脾的河水,听到鸟儿的啁啾。

    By contrast, the same student used a brush to make a breath-taking landscape painting—so vivid that one could almost smell the refreshing rivers and hear the chirping birds.

  • 书法的笔画简化到八种不同的笔画模式.

    These stroke patterns are reduced to eight different strokes in calligraphy.

  • 因为这两字笔画都是横平竖直.

    Because these two character stroke is horizontal even vertical.

  • 用唇笔画口红有什么好处?

    What is good way to apply lipstick by using a lip liner?

  • 他用蜡笔画画。

    He draws a picture with his crayons.

  • 这样可以更好地判断笔画是水平的、垂直的还是对角的。

    That gives it a better sense of whether a stroke was intended to be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.

  • 各以三笔画一双前肢.

    Form each of the two claws in three strokes.

  • 汉字是由不同的笔画组成的,笔画是组成方块字的各种形状的点和线,它是汉字形体的最小单位.

    Each character consists of various strokes formed by different dots or lines as the basic components.

  • 它们被用来勾勒图形以显示边界,就像你在铅笔画中使用实线一样。

    They were used to outline figures to show boundaries just like you might use solid lines in a pencil drawing.

  • 各以三笔画一双前肢.

    Form each of the two claws in three strokes.

  • 她用铅笔画出房屋前的山的轮廓图。

    She pencilled the rough outline of the mountain in front of her house.

  • 我用紫色的记号笔画了星星。

    With a purple marker, I drew stars.

  • 小说的封面选自一幅著名的粉笔画

    The cover of the novel is taken from a famous chalk drawing.

  • 我们的祖先在描绘人类形象时,通常会把人画成粗线条的简笔画;但假如要画人的面部,几乎所有的眼睛都是非常突出的,睁得又大又圆。

    When our ancestors drew humans, they would often draw them as stick figures, but if they drew a face, then the eyes were almost always very prominent—very open and wide.

  • 萨金特用长而颤巍巍的笔画抄录了数据.

    In long shaky strokes Sargent copied the data.

  • 我经常把书上的重点用英光笔画出来。

    I usually draw a line under key points in the textbook with a highlighter.

  • 笔画最粗的部分几乎都是垂直的。

    The thickest part will be (mostly) totally vertical.

  • 可以在彩色陶器上用毛笔画图。

    The writing brushes can be used to draw the pictures on painted potteries (陶器).


笔画,笔划 bǐhuà,bǐhuà

[strokes of a chinese character] 组成汉字的点、横、直、撇、捺等




免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of