1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-21 10:23:54


few; little; less; slim; young; junior


decrease; reduce; diminish; lack; be short of


less; seldom; rarely


few; minority; young people; youngsters


sub-; under-

few pron.寥寥无几;几乎没有;极少数

little adj.小的;微小的;少量的;短暂的;不足的;轻微的;年幼的;幼小的;不重要的;次要的;短小的;矮小的;低微的;微不足道的;稍微的;有点儿的;小型的;小规模的;小巧的;小范围的;小程度的;小幅度的

less adj.较少的;更少的;(little的比较级)

slim adj.苗条的;纤细的;细长的;微小的;少量的;机会渺茫的;紧身的;狭窄的;不足的;瘦削的;简洁的;精简的

young adj.幼小的;年幼的;年轻的;新生产的;新创立的;成立不久的;新近组成的;新兴的;新近的;比实际年龄显小的;年轻人的;具有年轻人特点的;富有朝气的;无经验的;不成熟的

junior adj.年轻的;较年轻的;资历较浅的;级别较低的;下级的;初级的;次要的;三年级学生的(美国高中或大学);次级的;低级的;晚辈的;(用于比较两个同名人物的资历或年龄)小

decrease v.降低;缩减;(使大小、数量等)减小;降低;缩小;减轻;减缓;下降;减退;削减;减弱

reduce v.减少;降低;缩减;减轻;简化;缩小(尺寸、数量、价格等);减轻体重;节食;使变弱;使还原;使恢复原状;使(脱臼的关节、折断的骨头等)复位;<古>攻克;征服

diminish v.减少;减小;降低;缩减;削弱;减弱;轻视;贬低;贬损;缩小(某人或某物的)重要性;使显得不重要

lack n.缺乏;不足;缺少;短缺;匮乏;欠缺

be short of vphr.缺乏;缺少;不足;短缺;不够

seldom adv.偶尔;很少;难得;不常;罕见;不频繁

rarely adv.很少地;不常;罕见地;罕有;难得;非常地;异常地;出色地;极度地;异乎寻常地;超常地

minority n.少数;少数人;少数群体;少数民族;少数成员;少数派;少数党;未成年;未到法定年龄;未成年身份;未成年状态;少数意见;较小份额;次要地位

young people 年轻人;青年人

youngsters n.年轻人;(youngster的复数)

sub- prefix表示“下面的”;“底下的”;“次级的”;“低于标准的”;“次要的”;“辅助的”;“附属的”;“近似”;“几乎”;“接近”;表示“分支”;“子”;“次级分部”;“再”;“二次的”;“低于”;“次于”;“亚于”;“逊色于”;“资助”;“支持”;“补助”

under- prefix不足;在……之下;低于;未达到;在……下面

  • 少礼

    leave out excessive courtesy 套语 请别人不必拘于礼节 称自己礼貌不周到

  • 少刻

    in a while 不多时;一会儿

  • 少驻

    stay a short time 短暂停留。“少”同“稍”

  • 经水涩少

    scanty menstruation

  • 少安无躁

    be patient 少:略微。稍微耐心点,不要急躁 亦作“少安毋躁”

  • 少间

    soon 过一会儿;隔不多时 be better 指病稍好 gap 一点空隙

  • 少不了

    cannot do without 短不了;不能缺少 be unavoidable;be bound to 不可避免的

  • 少而精

    concise;be condensed and concentrated;less but better;fewer and better 排除一切多余,避免铺张

  • 少见多怪

    consider sth. remarkable simply because one has not seen it before;commend excitedly out of ignorance 见闻少,遇事容易感到奇怪。多用以嘲讽别人孤陋寡闻

  • 少许

    a little 一点点;少量

  • 少顷

    in a moment 一会儿;片刻

  • 少时

    after a little while 过了不大一会儿;不多时

  • 月经过少

    hypomenorrhea; oligomenorrhea; scanty menstruation; spanomenorrhea; scanty menstrual flow

  • 少陪

    if you'll excuse me 因有事须提前离开,不能陪伴、招待客人等

  • 少迭

    a moment;a short while 片刻;一会儿

  • 少数民族

    national minority 多民族国家中人数最多的民族以外的民族,如中国指汉族以外的民族

  • 喝咖啡,抽烟,饮食均衡。

    He cut down on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet.

  • 年自杀很是由于突然发生不幸而作出的冲动反应。

    Adolescent suicide is rarely an impulsive reaction to immediate distress.

  • 我比以前吃得多了。

    I eat lots less than I used to.

  • 将会有更的人。

    There will be fewer people.

  • 镇子里只有很人知道全部实情。

    In the town very few know the whole truth.

  • 天气不好可能是人来得的原因。

    The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.

  • 我见所有朋友都比以前了。

    I see less of any of my friends than I used to.

  • 十个月来他严格坚持无脂肪盐饮食。

    For ten months he adhered to a strict no-fat low-salt diet.

  • 我尽量得罪人。

    I try to offend the least amount of people possible.

  • 鲁宾逊咖啡屋里的人正在变,但也只是渐而已。

    The crowd in Robinson's Coffee-House was thinning, but only by degrees.

  • 绝对不能比4英尺再了。

    Four foot should be seen as an absolute minimum.

  • 我认为会有更的汽车。

    I think there will be fewer cars.

  • 树木会更

    There will be fewer trees.

  • 有人劝他抽烟、喝啤酒。

    He was advised to smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less beer.

  • 该地区的消费者经济窘迫,在奢侈品上的开销比以前了。

    The region's hard-pressed consumers are spending less on luxuries.

  • 树木将会更

    And there will be fewer trees.

  • 它的热量比普通的冰淇淋25卡路里。

    It has 25 calories less than ordinary ice cream.

  • 街上车辆很

    Little traffic was to be seen on the streets.

  • 当你用油烹饪时,要尽可能放。

    When you use oil or fat for cooking, use as little as possible.

  • 不过,我会养更的宠物,因为我的空闲时间会更

    I'll have fewer pets, though, because I'll have less free time.

  • 现在我们要担忧的事一些了。

    We have less to worry about now.

  • 你可以从单点菜单上点菜,点多点随你意。

    You could choose as much or as little as you wanted from an à la carte menu.

  • 具体点说,那意味着花些钱。

    In practical terms , it means spending less.

  • 这个城市道路上的车辆从来就没过,甚至晚上也不例外。

    The traffic in this city never lets up, even at night.

  • 即使是很笑的福特,有几次也笑出声来。

    Even Ford, who seldom smiled, laughed out loud a few times.

  • 将会有更的树木,环境将会处于极大的危险中。

    There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great danger.

  • 图形用户界面的目标是呈现给用户尽可能的决定点。

    The goal of a GUI is to present the user with as few decision points as possible.

  • 成功的女政治家之又

    Successful women politicians are few and far between.

  • 他被要求烹调时放香料和大蒜。

    He was asked to tone down the spices and garlic in his recipes.

  • 食品应允许快速流通,受限制。

    Food should be allowed to go through immediately with fewer restrictions.

  • 年来,我们见面的次数越来越

    Over the last few years, we have met less and less.

  • 这个城市的电话亭越来越了。

    There are fewer telephone booths in the city.

  • 无形贸易盈余比报道所称的2亿英镑。

    The invisible trade surplus was £200 million lower than reported.

  • 他被要求支付的钱与他的薪水相比是的。

    The money he'd been ordered to pay was minimal in relation to his salary.

  • 金钱对于幸福并非必不可

    Money is not essential to happiness.

  • 这个城市的付费电话越来越了。

    Pay phones are becoming fewer in this city.

  • 有子女家庭比无子女家庭的人均开销相对地

    Families with children spend proportionally less per person than families without children.

  • 城内停车场虽,但都设在关键地方。

    The parking areas in the town are few, but strategically placed.

  • 这么的工资让人怎么活呀?

    How can anyone live on such a miserable wage?

  • 在法庭讼案中,他们提出和解费数额太

    In court filings, they argued that the settlement was inadequate.

  • 主观因素介入愈,愈能作出恰当的判断。

    People who are less subjectively involved are better judges.

  • 这个慈善机构得到的关注太了,需要更多的帮助。

    It is a Cinderella of charities, and needs more help.

  • 因为不怎么懂意大利语,她很和人交往。

    Since she knows little Italian, she keeps to herself.

  • 他们犯了个大错,认为他们可以用相对的军队占领边界。

    They made the big mistake of thinking they could seize its border with a relatively small force.

  • 他喝咖啡和吸烟都比以前了,饮食也均衡了。

    He cut down on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a balanced diet.

  • 卡伦反对说,他职员,将无法应付增多的工作。

    Cullen objected that his small staff would be unable to handle the added work.

  • 往来车辆是乡村生活的一大好处。

    Lack of traffic is one of the blessings of country life.

  • 选举制度是维持议会民主所必不可的。

    Elections are essential for the sustenance of parliamentary democracy.

  • 他已经知会他的朋友,尽量向记者透露消息。

    He had primed his friends to give the journalists as little information as possible.

  • 那位收银员搞错了,找给了他钱。

    The cashier made a mistake and short-changed him.

  • 出席的人数比预期的要

    The numbers attending fell short of expectations.

  • 我盼她尽量干。

    I'm anxious for her to do as little as possible.

  • 他的声音在最后几句话中逐渐变了。

    His voice tailed off in the last few sentences.

  • 柜台的售货员给我找了零钱。

    The clerk at the counter gave me too little change.

  • 驾车的实际花费比10年前要

    In real terms the cost of driving is cheaper than a decade ago.

  • 我想这些国家或多或,都试着控制石油风险,但他们根本无法达到有效边界。

    I think that these countries are somewhat trying to manage this oil risk but they can't yet get onto the frontier.

  • 羞涩一点,点眼神交流。

    You know, be a little shy, don't make too much eye contact.

  • 邀功,是我做了正确的选择。

    Don't try to get in on that. I did the right thing.

  • 他在向读者介绍一种不同于这首诗里,直白的线状叙述的界限,或多或已经容许他,显露出的设想有所不同的先见之明。

    He's introducing the reader to a mode of vision different from the vision typically permitted him from within the poem's more or less straightforward, linear, narrative boundaries.

  • 因为如果你想进行这个反应,你总可以找到一定的条件,来或多或实现这个反应。

    Because you're going to run it and you'll probably find conditions under which you can run it more or less to completion.

  • 人们不是丢失了一条木腿,就是缺胳膊腿的。

    People are always losing a wooden leg and having parts of their limbs fall off.

  • 看吧,事情那么多,时间却那么

    I know. Yeah, see, there's so much to do and I have so little time to do it in.

  • 其实这很常见,语言是属于大家的,虽然这让语言了一些浪漫的意味。

    It's conventional--that is to say, it belongs in the public sphere to all of us, and there's perhaps a certain sort of Romantic loss in that.

  • 这里的煤所含的硫磺比其它地方的,产生的废气也,使得河谷煤田成了煤田之王。

    This stuff has a lot less sulfur than the coal mined elsewhere, so it burns cleaner, making the powder river basin the new king of coal.

  • 来,我们上同一所高中。

    Okay, that doesn't help me, because we went to the same high school.

  • 因此这些细胞它们会,它们拥有的潜能就会比较

    So if I got these two cells they would be less they would have less potential than these.

  • 但是就兼职和短期工而言,工作似乎没变,可能还更多了。

    But there seems to be as much, if not maybe a bit more work in terms of part-time and short-term jobs.

  • 为什么不是更?,为什么不是梦于真理?

    Why not "less"? Why isn't "dream" less than the truth?

  • 你那些能真正赚钱的邪恶计划得可怜

    With far too few of your sinister plots actually turning a profit.

  • 根据2009年匹兹堡大学的研究,发现与单身女子相比,女生若有长期且稳定的感情,会比较快入眠,夜间醒来次数也比较

    A 2009 study from the University of Pittsburgh found that women in long-term, stable relationships tend to fall asleep more quickly and wake up fewer times during the night, than women who are single or in unstable relationships.

  • 好,但想像更多灯火,一点砖瓦,还有鲜花蜡烛。

    Okay? But imagine a lot more lights, okay? And you know fewer bricks, and flowers, and candles.

  • 此情况下的总产出,比完全竞争情况下的要,但比垄断情况下的要大

    Total quantity being produced is less than would be produced under perfect competition, but more than would be produced under monopoly.

  • 有些天你可能很忙,没有时间吃东西,你的食物摄入就比平时

    There will be days when you're very busy, you don't have time to eat and your food intake is lower then normal.

  • 好像了几张点券,盒子里还有吗?应该都拿出来了,里面没有了。

    Yeah, I seem to be a few tickets short. Are there more in the box? Hmm, I think I got them all. Nope, they're not in there.

  • 了,太迟了,Benji!

    Too little, too late, Benji.

  • 它的平均价电子能是,5。2电子伏,那比11电子伏要得多。

    Its average valence electron energy is 5.2 electron volts, which is a heck of a lot less than 11.

  • 那么我们将会看到更的屏蔽,这意味着将会感受到更大的有效核电量。

    So what we're going to see is less shielding, which means that it will actually feel a higher z effective.

  • 现在它们的选课人数比较,如果你们还需要一门人文学科,这些都是很可贵的沟通密集型课程。

    It is underpopulated right now, so if you are still shopping for a humanities subject, this one bears the precious CI-H designation.

  • 如果你开始分离这些气体,整个系统所具有的可能的状态就会变,你强加了一个特定的条件。

    If you start segregating the gases, there are fewer possible configurations that because you're forcing a particular set of circumstances.

  • 比如癌症,你可以在这下面看到,只占了3.7%,比现在多了

    If you look at cancer, for example which is down here, only 3.7% of deaths, much smaller then the number today.

  • 变得更加自立,更依懒他们,不论是他们自己,还是家庭成员的评估都是如此。

    They became more self-sufficient, less dependent on other people as rated by themselves and as rated by their family members.

  • 这里有各种各样的人,要学习的东西也太多太多,但睡眠又太

    Everyone here is very different. So many many things to learn. Always very little sleep.

  • 然后我们会讲生活中的应用程序,比方说压缩文件——,把大量的数据分解使其更易管理;,并占用尽量的磁盘空间。

    We transition to actually real world applications later on like a compression-- how do you take a huge amount of data ; and actually whittle it down into something more manageable; something that uses less of your disk space.

  • 这部影片武打情节多,和前一步刚好相反

    It has a lot of plot and no action, so it's the other way around.

  • 每过一辈,孩子都会一点,你们注意到了吗?是的,我注意到了。

    Each generation is having fewer and fewer kids. Have you noticed? Oh, I have, sir.

  • 建立这个网站只耗费了几周的时间,甚至更

    I mean, it took me like a couple of weeks there, even less, putting together the site.

  • 来,休想像伦敦那次,把我抛下。

    Oh please, you are not gonna ditch again like you did with London.

  • 我回到桌位上,双手拿着我的黑咖啡,和一杯双倍浓度无咖啡因泡沫的穆哈咖啡,其实不是无咖啡因的。

    I just come back with my black coffee and my double espresso mocha latte skinny frothed, except it isn't espresso.

  • 看起来几乎不怎么像我们,但我们可以或多或的,找到些和我们相似的地方

    It didn't look very much like us at all, but we could sort of see the resemblance in a vague kind of way, right?

  • 我冒了那个险,知道现在,研究这些的人还是之又,我并不在乎别人的看法。

    Well, I ran the risk and even now, it's what people look scarce I don't care.

  • 还记得在这个离子中,在原子核周围,抵消它吸引力的电子更

    Remember in the ion, we're going to have less electrons around to counteract the pull from the nucleus.

  • 然而,一八七二年仅仅巴黎的人口普查,就了一万名鞋匠

    Yet, when they did the census of 1872 in Paris alone there were 10,000 less shoemakers than there had been before.

  • 打从他上太空,就没"来"过。

    Like he's been doing since he got here.

  • 映入她的眼帘,虽然她对于收音机的了解,比对南加州的还要,不过这两者都有一种,如同象形文字的意味,有一种隐蔽的,想要沟通的意图。

    Though she knew even less about radios than about southern Californians, there were to both outward patterns a hieroglyphic sense of concealed meaning, of an intent to communicate.

  • 因此我们期望的越,得到的也就越,所以我们该怎么办?

    And therefore we expect less, and therefore indeed we get less. So what did we do?

  • 2010年,有项研究调查29对情侣,发现比较和另一半发生冲突的女生,晚上睡得比较好。

    A 2010 study of 29 couples, found that women who had fewer negative interactions with their partners during the day, also slept better at night.

  • 料子那么,效果却那么大。

    I mean, it's amazing how much they can do with so little material.

  • 而如果有效核电量更高,原子核的束缚也就更紧,我们不得不输入更多的能量来打出一个电子,这就是第二种情况,所需要输入的,能量更的原因。

    If we have a higher z effective, it's pulled in tighter, we have to put in more energy in order to eject an electron, so it turns out that that's why case 2 is actually the lowest energy that we need to put in.

  • 挪威的人口比英国的要得多,而且他们在北海拥有大量的石油。

    Norway has a much smaller population than the UK and they have a lot of oil up there in the North Sea.

  • 来了,谢尔顿。我是接“来什么”还是该停止装傻了?

    Stop it, Sheldon. Do I say "stop what?" or just throw in the towel?

  • 我同意,中国的控制权越越好。

    I agree with you. The less control the Chinese have, the better.

  • 是啊,现在参与投票的人越来越,看起来投票人对政治体系相当冷漠。

    Sure, voter turnout has been dropping, and it might appear that voters are apathetic about the political system.

  • 我要一小杯咖啡,“还要一杯双倍浓度无咖啡因泡沫的穆哈咖啡“,除非店员弄错了。

    " "I'll have a small coffee please " and a double espresso mocha skinny frothed" except the barista makes a mistake.

  • 这里托克维尔当然或多或是站在自己,作为一名法国贵族的角度来发表评论的

    Now, Tocqueville was of course responding from his own kind of French aristocratic heart, to some extent.

  • 绝对比一个“棒球场”

    Okay, it is definitely less than a ballpark.



shǎo ㄕㄠˇ

  • 数量小的,与“”相对:多~。~量。~许。
  • 缺,不够:缺~。减~。
  • 不经常:~有。~见。
  • 短时间:~等。~候。~顷。
  • 丢,遗失:屋里~了东西。
  • 轻视:“且夫我尝闻~仲尼之闻而轻伯夷之义者,如吾弗信,今我睹子之难穷也”。


shào ㄕㄠˋ

  • 年纪轻或年轻人:~年。~女。~壮(年轻力壮)。
  • 古代辅佐长官的副职:~傅。~保。
  • 次级的:~校。~将(jiàng )。
  • 姓。


few, less, inadequate

德语 wenig (Adj)

法语 peu,quelque,manquer de,jeune





(1) (会意。小篆从小,丿( piě)声。本义:不多)

(2) 同本义 [few;little;less]





险以远,则至者少。——· 王安石《游褒禅山记》


(3) 又如:少一时(少时,过一会儿);少可(少,至少;稍好,稍愈);少冗(较忙);少甚么(少甚末,少是末,少甚。有的是,不少,不希罕);少才(小聪明);少年(不几年);少好(少而精);少言寡语(谓平时说话不多);少说(说少一点);少气(气不足)

(4) 薄弱 [weak]


(5)“小” [small]


武王崩, 成王幼少。——《淮南子·汜论》






(1) 短缺,距原来的要求还差 [lack;be deficient;be short of]

理无专在,而学无止境也,然则问可少耶?——· 刘开《问说》


(2) 又如:少不的(免不了,少不了);少裆无系(缺衣少穿);少欠(欠下);少熟(欠收,减产);少下(欠下;少欠);少如(少于;比…少);少条失教(没规矩,无教养)

(3) 使少,减少;削弱 [reduce;weaken]


(4) 又如:少其力(削弱它的力量);看看少不少人;这里肯定少了几个字;羊群里少了几只羊;少废话;少给我装蒜

(5) 轻视,看不起 [look down;belittle;dispise]


(6) 又如:相少(相互轻视)



(1) 稍稍,稍微 [a bit;a little;slightly]







(3) 又如:少款(稍稍款洽,指交谈渐投机);少憩(略事休息);少罄(稍尽);少杀(稍差些);少停(多一会儿);少可(略微好些);少沮(略有收敛);少苏(稍有缓解);少怠不究(稍加放松没有追究);少需(稍待);少恶(稍感不适);少杀(稍衰;稍差);少息(稍事休息);少差(稍为好转)

(4) 一会儿 [in a moment;a little while]

少焉,月出于东山之上,徘徊于斗、牛之间。——· 苏轼《前赤壁赋》

(5) 又如:请少候;少歇(休息片刻);少一时(待一会儿);少安(稍安);少停(一会儿);少息(不久)






(1) 年幼,年轻 [young]





而少时之岁月为可惜也。——· 袁枚《黄生借书说》


(2) 又如:少妇;少少(年幼;年幼者);少主(幼小君主);少长(年少和年长的人);少亡(夭亡);少友(小友。年长者对年轻友人的称呼);少日(年少之时);少成(指年少时养成的习性);少成若性(自幼形成的习惯好像天性一样);少好(年轻美貌)

(3) 小,不大 [small]


(4) 如:少吏(小吏);少腹(小腹)

(5) 次序在后的 [later]


(6) 又如:少房(妾);少母(儿子称父亲的妾);少姑(古代妻称夫的庶母为少姑);少妻(妾);少子(最小的儿子)



(1) 幼年 [young]


(2) 又指动植物之幼小者

此犹禽鹿,少则驯育,则服从教制;长而见羁,则狂顾顿缨,赴蹈汤火。——三国· 嵇康《与山巨源绝交书》

(3) 年轻人。与“老”相对 [young man]

五陵年少争缠头,一曲红绡不知数。——· 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》

(4) 又如:一家老少三代;男女老少;少色(少年的气色);少年子(古称青年人)

(5) 年轻时期 [young period]

自谓少时用心于学甚劳。——· 宋濂《送东阳马生序》

(6) 副职;辅佐 [deputy]。如:少正(古代官名。为大官的次官);少府(古官名。秦、汉相沿均为“九卿”之一。东汉时掌管官中服御诸物、宝物、珍膳等等);少内(汉代掌宫中财物的官吏);少公(唐代县尉的别称);少尹(明、清时州县辅佐官如县丞、典史、吏目等的别称);少使(汉宫中女官名)。今又指军衔在同等级中较低的。如:少将;少校;少尉

(7) 少爷 [young master of a rich family]。如:阔少;恶少;少东人(少东家,奴仆对家主儿子的称呼);少君(对别人儿子的尊称)

(8) 姓。如:少昊五帝(少昊:传说中东夷族的首领。五帝:黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、唐尧、虞舜);少正卯((公元前?—前496)春秋时鲁国大夫。王充说他与孔子同在鲁国讲学,曾是孔子的竞争对手。近代学者徐复观考证,少正卯非孔子所杀);少西(复姓);少施(复姓)

(9) 另见 shǎo



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of