1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-25 17:12:33
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Cantonese; Cantonese language

Cantonese adj.广东的;广州的;粤语的

  • 精通英语, 粤语和国语.

    He can speak English, Mandarin and Cantonese fluently.

  • 他喜欢看粤语电影来提高他的语言技能。

    He enjoys watching movies in Cantonese to improve his language skills.

  • 文章主要讨论粤语中的“把”字句的弱位状态.

    This article discusses the weak condition of the ba - sentences in Cantonese.

  • 所有运动课程将以粤语为主要沟通语言.

    Cantonese will be the main language used in the course.

  • 比如唐诗用粤语读起来押韵和发音都比普通话好。

    Tang poetry, for example, rhymes and sounds much better when read in Cantonese than in Mandarin.

  • 广州的学生会因为说粤语而受罚,老师也必须通过普通话考试。

    Students in Guangzhou have been penalized for speaking Cantonese, and teachers must pass a Mandarin proficiency exam.

  • 语言:标准汉语或普通话,以及粤语、上海话等。

    Languages: Standard Chinese or Mandarin, and many more, including Cantonese and Shanghaiese.

  • 许多澳门人能流利地讲葡萄牙语和粤语

    Many Macanese speak both Portuguese and Cantonese fluently.

  • 愤怒情绪在粤语网友中扩散.

    Outrage spread among Cantonese internet users.

  • 英文 、 粤语 及 普通话熟练.

    Good command of English, Cantonese & Mandarn.

  • 其中包括粤语流行天王刘德华和黎明。

    The others include Cantopop Heavenly Kings Andy Lau and Leon Lai.

  • 我正在学习粤语

    I am learning Cantonese.

  • 我的奶奶只说粤语,所以我正在努力学习。

    My grandmother only speaks Cantonese, so I am trying to learn it.

  • 你能教我一些粤语词汇吗?

    Can you teach me some Cantonese words?

  • 在香港,很多人都会说粤语

    In Hong Kong, many people speak Cantonese.

  • 现在你应该知道怎么用粤语拜年了吧?

    Now do you know how to say greetings in Cantonese?

  • 另一方面,粤语确实比普通话更接近古代汉语。

    On the other hand, it is true that Cantonese bears more resemblance to classical Chinese than Mandarin.

  • 例如, 在客家话 、 闽南语和粤语中能发现许多共用词汇.

    For instance, common vocabulary found in Hakka, Min and Chinese languages.

  • 对外来者而言,当地的粤语口音也显得很古怪难懂。

    The Cantonese accent also seems strange to outsiders.

  • 在广州一个居民小区,一只会说英语、普通话和粤语的鹦鹉成了明星。

    A parrot that can speak English, Putonghua and Cantonese dialect has become a star attraction at a community in Guangzhou.

  • 用国、粤语两种语言为游客、团体提供咨询 、 导游服务.

    The center offers consultation & guide service to tourists in Mandarin or Cantonese.

  • 我喜欢听粤语歌曲。

    I like listening to Cantonese songs.

  • 课程简介: 前体条件是粤语三年级.

    Class description : Prerequisite : Traditional Chinese level 3.

  • 粤语(广东话)安息日学上午11:00开始在联谊厅举行.

    Cantonese Chinese Sabbath School begins at 11:00 am in the Social Hall.

  • 公园的官方沟通语言为英语和中文(普通话和粤语)。

    The park's official communication language is English and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese).

  • 精通国语 、 粤语 、 上海话及英语.

    Proficient in Chinese ( Mandarin ), Cantonese, Shanghai dialect and English.

  • 关淑怡为她的专辑“迷失在黑夜”录制了粤语版。

    Shirley Kwan recorded a Cantonese version for her album "Lost in the Night".

  • 粤语有59个元音,普通话23个,前者是后者的两倍多。

    Cantonese has 59 vowel sounds, twice as many as Mandarin's 23.

  • 您要国语唱片还是粤语唱片?

    Do you want them in Mandarin or in Cantonese?

  • 粤语有9个音调,普通话四个。

    Cantonese also has nine tones, compared to Mandarin's four.

  • 世界上最难学的方言绝对有粤语

    Cantonese is one of the world's most difficult dialects to learn.

  • 主日聚会以粤语、英语及普通话分三堂崇拜.

    Our Sunday worship services are conducted separately in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.

  • 由于这些原因,粤语被认为更丰富和更专业。

    For these reasons, Cantonese is considered by some as richer and more specific.

  • 如果期望用粤语读取,后端系统就不应该用英语生成错误消息。

    The back-end system should not generate the error message in English if it is expected to be read in Cantonese.

  • 我打算学西班牙语,可能也学香港粤语.

    I plan to study Spanish and maybe Cantonese soon.

  • 虽然粤语是孙的母语,他仍然在国会说服他的同乡放弃粤语

    Though Cantonese was Sun's mother tongue, he still persuaded his countrymen in the Congress to give up Cantonese.

  • 他说粤语说得非常流利。

    He speaks Cantonese very fluently.

  • 粤语者更佳.

    Cantonese speaking is a plus.

  • 我曾经把粤语看作一种方言.

    I used to think of Cantonese as a dialect.

  • 她能流利地说粤语和普通话。

    She can speak both Cantonese and Mandarin fluently.

  • 这家餐厅的菜单有英文和粤语两种版本。

    The restaurant menu is available in both English and Cantonese.

  • 双语教学的语言包括韩语、粤语、汉语、俄语和西班牙语。

    that teach in immersion programs that are Korean, Cantonese, Mandarin, Russian and Spanish.

  • 与中国众多地区不同,香港人说粤语,他们对自己的文化,语言,尤其是饮食有着强烈的自豪感。

    Unlike much of mainland China, people in Hong Kong speak Cantonese and are fiercely proud of their culture, language, and especially their cuisine.





吹笙 Blowing sheng

粤语 n. Cantonese; Cantonese language。

成功的 mix. blest; made。adj. successful; prosperous; triu

数学 n. mathematics; math; maths。adj. mathematical。

圣诞老人 Father Christmas; Santa Claus。

强迫 v. force; enforce; exact; compel; pressure; oblige

百度 n. Baidu。mix. baidu。

二人世界 n. lovers' world; two people's world — the world o

胸罩 n. brassiere; bra。

线圈比较器 Coil comparator

英语 n. English; Anglophone。adj. English; English-langu

采取行动 take action。

文山会海 idiom an overload of paperwork and meetings; exces

和风细雨 as gentle as a breeze and as mild as a drizzle—in

雪上加霜 idiom add insult to injury; make things worse; com