1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-25 17:10:21


blest; made


successful; prosperous; triumphant

blest adj.受祝福的;幸福的;快乐的

made adj.制成的;制作的;生产的;加工的;定制的;…制的;拼成的

successful adj.成功的;达到预期目标的;取得成果的;有成就的;效果显著的;受欢迎的;赚钱的;盈利的;事业有成的;成绩卓越的

prosperous adj.繁荣的;富裕的;兴旺的;成功的;昌盛的;富有的;生意兴隆的

triumphant adj.胜利的;大获全胜的;欢欣鼓舞的;凯旋的;成功的;喜悦的;得意洋洋的;兴高采烈的;昂首阔步的;耀武扬威的;高奏凯歌的


blest; made; successful; prosperous; triumphant

  • 大卫什么时候成为成功的作家?

    When did David become a successful writer?

  • 他被看成是近代最成功的总统。

    He was regarded as the most successful president of modern times.

  • 即使是成功的水上飞机最终也未能盈利。

    Even the successful flying boats proved, in the end, uneconomical.

  • 勤奋工作是成功的基础。

    Hard work is fundamental to success.

  • 公司正向你提供分享其成功的机会。

    The company is offering you the chance to share in its success.

  • 成功的秘诀是诚实和公平交易。

    The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing.

  • 缺乏信心是阻碍成功的心理因素。

    Lack of confidence is a psychological barrier to success.

  • 我们都曾经相信工作是成功的关键。

    We all believed that work was the key to success.

  • 布鲁斯·里奥克的勃勃雄心是他们新近成功的主要原因。

    Bruce Rioch's driving ambition is the main reason behind their new-found success.

  • 我就是因为努力工作才成功的

    I only succeeded through hard work.

  • 就军事角度看,这次行动是成功的

    The operation was considered a success in military terms.

  • 作为一个成功的乐队,影响乐队的成员展示了不少惊人的能力。

    Well known as a successful band, the Impact members show quite a few striking abilities.

  • 弗格森也许正在回味他成功的喜悦。

    Ferguson should be basking in the afterglow of his successes.

  • 我相信自己有成功的天分。

    I believe I have the talent to make it.

  • 他工作极其努力,这就是他成功的关键。

    He works extremely hard and therein lies the key to his success.

  • 人们认为这次活动是成功的

    The event was accounted a success.

  • 她在利用自己成功的机会拼命捞好处。

    She is milking her success for all it's worth.

  • 她是一位成功的艺术家。

    She is a successful artist.

  • 总的来说,公司这一年是成功的

    On balance, the company has had a successful year.

  • 加斯是美国历史上最成功的音乐家之一。

    Garth is one of the most successful musicians in American history.

  • 值得指出的是最成功的公司价格最低。

    It is worth noting that the most successful companies had the lowest prices.

  • 你会不断练习并且会成功的

    You'll keep on practising and you'll be successful.

  • 他成为了一名成功的演员并开始写戏剧。

    He became a successful actor and began to write plays.

  • 预料到费迪南德在本赛季如此成功的人并不多。

    Not many expected Ferdinand to be such a success this season.

  • 这次出行被认为是成功的

    The tour was adjudged a success.

  • 看到你成功的样子真是令人高兴。

    It's good to see you looking so prosperous.

  • 什么使韩干成为一名成功的画家?

    What made Han Gan a successful painter?

  • 这是一个成功的音乐会。

    It is a successful concert.

  • 普遍认为这次会议是成功的

    The general opinion is that the conference was a success.

  • 成功的关键在于他擅长逻辑思维。

    The key to his success is his logical mind.

  • 总的看来,这个项目是成功的

    Taken overall, the project was a success.

  • 他们未来成功的预兆不祥。

    The omens for their future success are not good.

  • 他神态轻松潇洒,给人成功的印象。

    He looked relaxed and elegant and had the patina of success.

  • 我们确实有获得成功的机会。

    We have a real chance of success.

  • 成功的秘诀在于诚实和公平交易。

    The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing.

  • 任何成功的经理都非常有价值。

    Any successful manager is worth his weight in gold.

  • 我希望我的孩子成为一个成功的人。

    I want my child to be a successful person.

  • 成功的女政治家少之又少。

    Successful women politicians are few and far between.

  • 我们从不把成功的系列节目拒之门外。

    We never close the door on a successful series.

  • 成功的宣传活动需有出奇制胜之处。

    A successful campaign should have an element of surprise.

  • 这次手术成功的可能性是50%。

    The operation has a fifty-fifty chance of success.

  • 仔细计划是成功的诀窍。

    Careful planning is the secret of success.

  • 评论家和观众都认为这次演出是成功的

    The show was rated (as) a success by critics and audiences.

  • “袜铺”是20世纪80年代商业成功的范例之一。

    Sock Shop was one of the high-street success stories of the 80s.

  • 他的反对反而刺激她坚定了取得成功的决心。

    His opposition acted as a goad to her determination to succeed.

  • 我们想知道你是如何变得如此成功的

    We want to know how you've become so successful.

  • 1986年发行的《勇于冒险》是一张风格更为统一也更为成功的专辑。

    "Daring Adventures" from '86 is a far more cohesive and successful album.

  • 真正让这本书大获成功的是它精美的设计。

    What really makes the book are the beautiful designs.

  • 你认为她是靠什么成功的

    What do you put her success down to?

  • 成功的商人们总有一种成见。

    There's always been a stereotype about successful businessmen.

  • 选错俱乐部也许会限制你成功的机会。

    The wrong choice of club might limit your chances of success.

  • 我妈妈年轻时曾经是个成功的时装销售员。

    In her younger days my mother had been a successful fashionwear saleswoman.

  • 成功的关键在于从一开始就要准备充分。

    The key to success is to be ready from the start.

  • 格芬对成功的渴望似乎永无止境。

    Geffen has a hunger for success that seems bottomless.

  • 良好的培训计划是企业成功的先决条件。

    A good training programme is one of the conditions for successful industry.

  • 在我看来循环观点,也是不成功的

    So it seems to me "The argument from recycling," as I call it, is not successful either.

  • 我愿意支持渴望成功的人,你自己就是个例子。

    I like to back people who want to succeed. Take yourself as an example.

  • 恩,当革命成功的时候,所有人都,然后他们说出姓名住址,并问道,"为什么不奖赏我,或者至少承认下我当时在场呢"

    Well, when revolutions are victorious everybody rushes and they give their name and their address and, "why don't you reward me, or at least pay attention to the fact that I was there?"

  • 我现在的生活阶段对我更重要的是,将我所学到的成功的知识传递下去,而不是自己追寻成功。

    I'm now at a stage in my own life in which it is much more important to me to pass along what I've learned about how to be successful than to seek more success for myself.

  • 它实际上成功的增加了X的值,因为在这个地方,X不是main中的范围。

    It does, in fact, successfully increment X, because at this point in the story, X was not scoped to main.

  • 另一方面,没有能够很好利用新想法,来发展自身获得成功的公司的确不在少数。

    On the other hand, there's a higher percentage of companies that don't sort of let me say make it.

  • 这种方式,已经为许多种疫苗使用,乙型肝炎疫苗是最成功的,但问题是该从哪里获得这些蛋白质呢

    Well, this is an approach that's been used in a variety of vaccines, most successfully with Hepatitis B, so the problem is where do you get these proteins?

  • 好像唯一交易成功的只有子弹,出什么岔子了呢?

    Looks like the only thing they traded were bullets. What went wrong?

  • 我怕我吃了这个药以后,可能会丧失那些让我在我的领域里如此成功的特质。

    I'm afraid if I take this, I might lose that special, unique something that makes me so successful in my field.

  • 这将是美国成功的秘密,他们个人成功的秘密,这个国家成功的秘密。

    And that will be the secret to American success, to their indivisual success and to their country's success.

  • 最好的方式有了宏伟的梦想,加上许多的决心肯定会在生活中获得成功。我相信这个办法适用于所有人。但成功的生活是什么样子的?

    Having big dreams, plus embracing reality, plus having lots of determination will bring you a successful life. I believe this formula is true for everyone. But what does a successful life look like?

  • 比如,他是事业上更成功的那一方,当我们开始的时候,我并不知道这个

    Like, you know, he was the more successful one when we started out. No, I didn't know that.

  • 她对我很糟糕,凯特。乔茜,这个身材窈窕又成功的女人,你真的那么崇拜她吗?

    She was terrible to me, Kate. Josie, this skinny, successful woman that you admire so much?

  • 这些法则让我从一个普通的长岛来的中学小孩变成传统意义上非常成功的人。

    These principles took me from being a very ordinary middle class kid from Long Island to becoming very successful as judged by conventional measures.

  • 棉花业的兴盛是如何的成功,如何的重要,奴隶制的传播,与棉花业的兴盛,以及权利的扩散之间有什么关系

    How successful was the cotton boom, how important was the cotton boom, what is the relationship between the spread of slavery, the spread of cotton, and power?

  • 这就是,公司或机构成功的原因。

    That is the way in which corporations, institutions succeed.

  • 她曾写过一本很成功的著作叫作《大不列颠人》,在其中她探讨了英国人民族认同感的形成

    She made an argument in her very successful book called Britons, the construction of British identity.

  • 他知道托马斯是唯一一个能偷取成功的人。

    He knew Tomas was the only person to pull off a plan like this.

  • 这不是一个仅仅靠自我奋斗而成功的人。

    This is the opposite of a self-made person.

  • 特别地,在开始我们会关注脊髓灰质炎病毒,那是又一个成功的故事,但又与发现疫苗的过程不尽相同

    In particular, we're going to focus in the beginning, on polio virus, which is another great success story, but where a very different approach to vaccine development was used.

  • 靠自己奋斗而成功的人的对立面。

    of the story of a self-made person.

  • 享受成功的滋味吧,莱丽,是甜的哦。

    Enjoy the taste of success, Riley. It's sweet.

  • 不是他们的智商,智商对导致他们长期成功的因素没有影响。

    It was not their IQs that made no difference whatsoever to their long-term success.

  • 如果你属于这种人,别灰心,你会成功的

    If you're in that category, don't panic, you're going to get it.

  • 如果上帝想要让谁拥有圣人弗兰西斯一贯,成功的个性来做这项在新约里的工作的话,他会选出人来的,可以确定。

    If God had wanted somebody with Saint Francis's consistently winning personality for the job in the New Testament, He'd have picked him, you can be sure.

  • 所以要很投入,这也是布朗最好和最成功的运动之一,就这样。

    so it's a big commitment and one of Brown's best and most successful sports, so, yeah.

  • 您在学术界,行政管理层,都取得了巨大的成功。,您曾在多所美国名校执教。

    You really had a remarkable success in academics, in the administrative... You've taught at great universities across the country.

  • 但这个研究方法也有问题,在那些不太成功的国家里,数据并不充分,这是个问题

    There's a problem with that and the problem is that countries that are less successful don't keep data--that's a problem.

  • 这不是普遍的方法,但我通过它取得了成功。成功让我能遇见更加成功的人,看他们怎么想。

    This is not the normal way of being, but through this approach, I became very successful. And being successful enabled me to meet extraordinarily successful people and see how they think.

  • 怎么才能当个成功的力学家,并能解决所有的力学问题呢

    What does it require to be a successful mechanic, to do all the mechanics problems?

  • 利西达斯的身体最终愈合了,被救赎了,这样弥尔顿就得以--或许是成功的,证明了上帝待人之法。

    To the extent that Lycidas' body has been recovered, that it's been redeemed, Milton is able -- perhaps successfully, Milton is able to justify the ways of God to men.

  • 这两个区别性的特质,导致了格外成功和成功的人之间的差别。

    These two distinguishing characteristics account for the difference between the extraordinarily successful and those who were successful.

  • 一个成功的生活一般就是这五步不断的重复。这是你的个人发展,你在各处都能看到这些步骤。这是自然法则。

    A successful life essentially consists of doing these five steps over and over again. This is your personal evolution, and you see this process everywhere. It's just a law of nature.

  • 因为毫无疑问美国是个很成功的国家,因此我们的潜意识中,存在选择性偏差

    Because the U.S. is an arguably very successful country, so we have, potentially, a bias in--it's called a selection bias.

  • 我们刚认识时,佩妮是个落魄的小演员,现在她是成功的医药代表。

    Penny was a struggling actress when we met, and now she's a successful pharmaceutical rep.

  • 他的香水闻起来真不错。它让你散发着金钱和成功的气息。

    And his fragrance smells really good. It makes you smell like money and success

  • 我想问你,我成功的谈判让卡洛琳和梅莉莎·米勒得以释放但你插手进你没让我完成任务,为什么?

    Here's my question. I successfully negotiated the release of Caroline and Melissa Miller. Then you stepped in. You didn't let me finish the job. Why?

  • 我觉得这个问题与,你的第一个问题紧密相连,就是“我们对于成功的错误理解“

    So I think this question is very much related to your first one about how we mistake what success really means.

  • 你们太棒了,你们都成功的走出了丛林。太棒了。

    And that's it. You've made it out of a jungle. Hurray.

  • 所以从某种程度上来说,他是自身成功的牺牲品。

    So, to some extent, he's been the victim of his own success.

  • 靠投机取巧是很难成功的,只有包含着运气,能力,意志和勤奋的所有因素才能角逐出,哪些农民会获取成功,哪些会遭受失败

    Most of the luck is bad; it's hard to succeed, and with some combination of luck, skill, determination and hard work all of that will decide which of these farmers will be successful and which will not.

  • 我不知道你这话是什么意思。这位是我非常成功的生意合作伙伴。

    I don't know what you're implying. Oh. Here is my very successful business partner.

  • 这些年轻人也是只要有银制灵药就能成功的例子吗?

    Some more examples of young men who simply need a silver suppository?

  • 他是个成功的商人,一个造船商。

    He seemed to be a successful businessman,a ship builder.

  • 帅呆了,那个包包会让你成功的。还能约到男人。

    I think you look great. Joey, that bag is gonna get you that part. And a date with a man.

  • 这是无法成功的

    And you don't do a very good job of it.

  • 但他向成功的道路却是变得越来越昏暗了。

    And because it was dimming his prospects for success.

  • 太典型了,对吧。一个成功的妻子,丈夫觉得自己的男子气概受到威胁了,所以他就偷腥去了

    It's classic, though, isn't it? The successful wife. The husband feels like his manhood is threatened, so he acts out.


吹笙 Blowing sheng

粤语 n. Cantonese; Cantonese language。

成功的 mix. blest; made。adj. successful; prosperous; triu

数学 n. mathematics; math; maths。adj. mathematical。

圣诞老人 Father Christmas; Santa Claus。

强迫 v. force; enforce; exact; compel; pressure; oblige

百度 n. Baidu。mix. baidu。

二人世界 n. lovers' world; two people's world — the world o

胸罩 n. brassiere; bra。

线圈比较器 Coil comparator

英语 n. English; Anglophone。adj. English; English-langu

采取行动 take action。

文山会海 idiom an overload of paperwork and meetings; exces

和风细雨 as gentle as a breeze and as mild as a drizzle—in

雪上加霜 idiom add insult to injury; make things worse; com