1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-25 17:06:53
shù xué


mathematics; math; maths



mathematics pl-n.数学;数学计算;数学运算

math n.数学;算术;数理;计算

maths n.数学(同mathematics)

mathematical adj.数学的;精确的;计算的;逻辑的;理论的;按数学方法得出的;具有数学特性的;数学上的

  • 数学试卷和英语试卷很难。

    The papers in maths and English are very testing.

  • 英格丽德目前在那所中学教数学

    Ingrid is currently teaching mathematics at the high school.

  • 博文最喜欢的科目是数学

    Bowen's favorite subject is mathematics.

  • 数学考试实在令人憎恶。

    The maths exam was a real beast.

  • 数学物理学是一门难得难以想像的学科。

    Mathematical physics is an almost impossibly difficult subject.

  • 我们有个很出色的女数学老师,她帮我提高了水平。

    We had a very good mathematics mistress who pulled me up.

  • 数学曾一度被视为各门科学的基础。

    Mathematics was once dubbed the handmaiden of the sciences.

  • 他在大学里学过数学

    He studied maths at college.

  • 1/5的年轻人做日常的数学计算都费劲。

    One in five young adults was struggling with everyday mathematics.

  • 她打算上夜校学数学

    She planned to do maths at night school.

  • 她在数学方面自然地表现出色。

    She naturally excels in mathematics.

  • 这个孩子在数学上有天赋。

    This child is gifted in mathematics.

  • 她的专长是数学、地球科学和化学。

    Her speciality is maths, earth science, and chemistry.

  • 她觉得自己在数学方面无能。

    She feels incapable in mathematics.

  • 他教科学和数学这两门课。

    He taught science and maths.

  • 他把时间花在设计难以破解的数学难题上。

    He spent his time devising incomprehensible mathematics puzzles.

  • 帕尔默先生是一名退休的数学教师。

    Mr Palmer was a retired maths master.

  • 集合论是数学的一个分支。

    Set theory is a branch of mathematics.

  • 英格丽德目前在希姆拉公立学校教数学

    Ingrid is currently teaching Mathematics at Shimla Public School.

  • 基础课是英文、数学和科学。

    The core subjects are English, mathematics and science.

  • 一旦你理解了债务的数学计算,你就能解决它。

    Once you understand the mathematics of debt you can work your way out of it.

  • 数学的角度而言,这是有道理的。

    Mathematically, it made sense.

  • 新的数学测试将会是对老师们的严重惩罚。

    The new mathematics test will become the nemesis of teachers.

  • 必修课程为英语、数学和科学。

    The core subjects are English, mathematics and science.

  • 我们的数学老师是个恶霸,十足的野蛮人。

    Our maths teacher was a bully and a complete barbarian.

  • 他以数学优等成绩毕业。

    He graduated with honors in mathematics.

  • 我的数学成绩总是班上最后一名。

    I was always bottom of the class in math.

  • 令人吃惊的是,数学被评为他们喜爱的科目。

    Surprisingly, maths was voted their favourite subject.

  • 娜奥米的数学得了优等。

    Naomi got a distinction in maths.

  • 我在准备数学高级证书考试。

    I'm doing maths A level.

  • 组合数学是处理组合的数学分支。

    Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics dealing with combinations.

  • 她在埃克塞特大学毕业,获数学一级优等学位。

    She got a first in maths at Exeter.

  • 他教学生数学

    He tutors students in mathematics.

  • 学校将重点发展理科、数学和现代语言。

    The school will give priority to science, maths and modern languages.

  • 对于数学题,你可以用近似法省时间。

    With mathematical problems, you can save time by approximating.

  • 我做不了数学。我一做就大脑一片空白。

    I cannot do maths. I've got a mental block about it.

  • 该学位课程将为数学和统计学打下扎实的基础。

    The degree provides a thorough grounding in both mathematics and statistics.

  • 这个学位提供对数学和统计学全面的基础训练。

    The degree provides a thorough grounding in both mathematics and statistics.

  • 数学向来就不好。

    I was never any good at maths.

  • 英语、数学、信息技术和自然科学是必修课。

    English, Maths, ICT and Science are compulsory subjects.

  • 古埃及数学以十进制为基础。

    The mathematics of ancient Egypt were based on a decimal system.

  • 他上大学时专业是数学

    He studied math in college.

  • 他现在就读于萨里大学,攻读数学学位。

    He is now reading for a maths degree at Surrey University.

  • 他的言谈举止更像是一个全神贯注的数学教授。

    His mannerisms are more those of a preoccupied maths professor.

  • 我二年级时数学不及格。

    I flunked math in second grade.

  • 数学中,2加2等于4。

    In mathematics, 2 plus 2 equals 4.

  • 尹先生是我的数学老师。

    Mr. Yoon is my mathematics teacher.

  • 我的数学课为三个学分。

    My math class is worth three credits.

  • 这位未接受过正式教育的数学家对数字十分痴迷。

    This untutored mathematician had an obsession with numbers.

  • 他无法掌握数学的基本概念。

    He can't grasp the basic concepts of mathematics.

  • 拓扑学是数学的一个分支。

    Topology is a branch of mathematics.

  • 在校时我的数学跟不上。

    I got left behind at school with the maths.

  • 这是电场数学表达式的基础。

    This forms the basis for our mathematical expression for the electric field.

  • 学生上法语和数学课时按能力分成小组。

    Pupils are streamed for French and Maths.

  • 这在数学上是不可能的。

    It's mathematically impossible.

  • 如果用数学解释,给它一个数字,给它一个零。

    That's going to presumably be given--mathematically if we gave it a number, we'd slap a zero on that.

  • 我会适量的运用数学以达到最佳的效果,而不是为了数学而用数学

    I will use it in moderation and use it to the best effect possible rather than use it because it is there.

  • 你相信所有的数据分析吗?数学?没错。

    And you're going to trust all this to statistics? To maths? Correct.

  • 这里只是稍微用了点数学符号,还有简单的公式,大家都听懂了吗

    So this is a little bit of math, a little formality, but is everyone okay with that?

  • 我没什么机会继续学习数学和科学。我有时觉得有些很遗憾,

    I don't really have the opportunities to study math and science, which, to some degree, I think is regrettable

  • 我愈不像人类,愈能够领悟宇宙万物的知识,量子物理、应用数学,细胞核的无限潜能。

    It's like the less human I feel all this knowledge about everything; quantum physics, applied mathematics, the infinite capacity of a cell's nucleus.

  • 索尔和本德确实是非凡的数学家。

    Sol and Bender are extraordinary mathematicians.

  • 比尔詹姆斯的数学理论克服了这些弊端。

    Bill James and mathematics cut straight through that.

  • 数学?你说我数学好?好,这样吧,算了,你去追她,我们看谁能追到。

    Math. You're giving me math. All right, look you know what, forget about it, you go for the girl, we'll see who gets her.

  • 我说过生活不是个数学难题,是跟你们说过?,还是在我另外的课上?

    I talked about life is not like a mathematic problem ? with you or in my other class ?

  • 然后,我想想,我猜大概我四岁时我意识到了我是某种数学天才。解决一些挺难的数学问题。

    And then, let's see, I guess right around I was four, I figured out I was sort of a math prodigy. Solving pretty intricate math problems.

  • 假设要做一个数学测试,这是数学测试卷的正面。

    Imagine you have a math test and this is the front of the math test.

  • 很多人投入了时间,来做与数学或科学无关的事情,这真的太好了。

    so that's great that a lot of people have enough time to be in something that's not math or science related.

  • 你们在数学课中有机会,遇到解微分方程,我们在这化学课里就不解了,在今后的化学课程里,你们也会遇到解微分方程的时候。

    So, all you will have the opportunity to solve differential equations in your math courses here. We won't do it in this chemistry course. In later chemistry courses, you'll also get to solve differential equations.

  • 一位著名的数学家曾说过,“每一个问题都必定有一个正确的答案,每一个人们所回答的问题“

    A famous mathematician once said "Every question must have a correct answer " for every question one answer."

  • 重申一遍,这是以右利手为基础的研究结论,如果你是右利手,那么语言功能便定位于左半球,而数学运算与音乐则定位于右半球

    Again, this is a right-handed centric thing but if you're right-handed, language on the left, math and music on the right.

  • 解决办法之一,就是买一本我编写的教材,书名叫《数学基础训练》

    One solution for that is to get a copy of a textbook I wrote called Basic Training in Mathematics.

  • 只要对数学概率有着高超的掌握,加上对心理的洞察,以及对特定人的了解,就能极大削减未知变量的数量。

    An advanced grasp of the mathematics of probability, mapped onto a thorough apprehension of human psychology and the known dispositions of any given individual, can reduce the number of variables considerably.

  • 在我以前的学校,我是个数学怪人。

    At my other schools I was the freaky math girl.

  • 回归这个概念要追溯到数学家高斯,讨论的是从若干散点中切合出一条直线

    The concept of regression goes back to the mathematician Gauss, who talked about fitting a line through a scatter of points.

  • 数学概率”?你信了。“可行性变量”?

    "The mathematics of probability"? You believed that. "Feasible variables"?

  • 我们在寻找在数学和科学领域有巨大发展前景的女生,同时要有强壮的体格。

    We're seeking young ladies who show great promise in the fields of mathematics and science, as well as strong physical abilities.

  • 你需要33,32,对,32次,你也可以在家里自己计算,但数学算法的力量是无穷的,这就是科学家们所谓的计算机思维。

    It's 33, 32, it's only 32 times and you can check that math at home but here lies the power of algorithmic thinking, of computational thinking as they say.

  • 例如,如果你将来想从商,你现在就要学好数学和经济学。

    You know, if you are looking to go into business, learn math really well, learn economics really well.

  • 其中一个读过这篇文章的人,是个教高中生的老师,在瑞士的罗勒教数学

    They read. And one of the people that was reading this literature was a high school teacher who was teaching mathematics in Basil, Switzerland.

  • 这个方程的解法是,看起来像是写成数学符号就是,波函数。

    And the solution to this equation looks like this where it is written in terms of a quantity called a wavefunction.

  • 即使如此,当我想到让我永远,思考数学问题,或者说,让我永远思考哲学问题,显然和数学相比,我更钟情于它-,但这个提议也变得无趣。

    Yet even there, when I imagine an eternity of thinking about math--or for that matter, an eternity of thinking about philosophy, which I obviously like even more than math-- the prospect seems an unattractive one.

  • 最后,我跑去哈佛学了数学和物理,念完了应用数学和经济,跑去经商了。

    At the end of the day, I wound up starting in Math and Physics at Harvard, finishing an Applied Math and Economics and doing business.

  • 数学家破解了日本的密码,建造了原子炸弹。就是像你们这样的数学家。

    Mathematicians broke the Japanese codes and built the A-bomb. Mathematicians like you.

  • 所有你们可以看到我们得到了,一个非常复杂的方程,结果是它在数学上是,不可能解出确定的,薛定谔方程,当我们考虑更高的电子数目的时候。

    So you can see that we're starting to have a very complicated equation, and it turns out that it's mathematically impossible to even solve the exact Schrodinger equation as we move up to higher numbers of electrons.

  • 在《隐藏的真相》中,我在不涉及任何数学和物理知识的情况下向读者阐释了这一可能。

    In The Hidden Reality, I explore this possibility without presuming any knowledge of mathematics or physics on the part of the reader.

  • 有意思,高中的四分卫对阵四个数学呆子。

    Oh, terrific. High school quarterback against four mathletes.

  • 他教历史、英语还是数学

    He teach History, English or Math?

  • 别难过,我们各有优点,你比较有数学头脑。

    Don't feel bad man, we all have our strengths. You're better with numbers and stuff.

  • 因此,对于无限这个数学概念,或者是,像逻辑蕴涵这样的逻辑概念,超出了该年龄阶段儿童的理解范围

    So the mathematical notions of infinity or logical notions like logical entailment are beyond a child of this age.

  • 数学永远不会让你领会更高的真理。而你知道是为什么吗?因为它很无聊。

    Mathematics is never gonna lead you to a higher truth. And you know why? Cause it's boring.

  • 数学家赢得了二次大战。

    Mathematicians won the war.

  • 我觉得这是非常重要的,尤其是对于电磁学来说,它是一门很难懂的,很抽象的学科,包含很多数学在里面。

    And I think that's very important especially with electromagnetism, which is so numb toward if, so abstract and so much math flowing around.

  • 我觉得数学是最明显的,数学能很好地,适应这种方式。

    I think math is the most obvious one that would be suitable for adapting to this format.

  • 而和亚里士多德不同,作为数学家,柏拉图认为完美的城邦应有五千零四十个公民

    Plato, being a mathematician, as Aristotle was not, decided that the perfect polis would have 5,040 citizens.

  • 这是热力学第一定律的一个抽象,而且具有很强数学性的表述。

    This is an abstract and powerful mathematical statement of the first law of thermodynamics.

  • 我提早回家,因为他们已经没有能教我的数学了。我懂,他们也没有能教我的数学

    I came home early because they ran out of math to teach me. Oh, now I'm with you. Okay.

  • 这就是时候,用他们教你的,数学知识了。

    And this is one of the times when you are actually going to be able to use some of that math they teach you.

  • 而保罗的团队将该数学运算变成了现实。

    And Paul's team brought the mathematics to life.

  • 不需要考虑经济学的理论,用数学的方法怎么来求解啊

    Without worrying about the economics of it a second, how would we find that just as a math exercise?

  • 尤其要说明的是,我会有一点不属实在里面,我会滥用一点数学,但是,我会教会你们这个小把戏的。

    And in particular, I'm going to cheat slightly I'm going to use a little bit of abusive mathematics, but I'm going to show you a trick to figure it out.

  • 金融学中的理论,数学理论,能帮助我们构造金融工具,金融工具就像发动机,或者核反应堆一样,都是复杂的工具

    We have theories--mathematical theories-- that lead us to devise financial structures, which are complicated devices just like engines or nuclear reactors.

  • 逻辑学和数学都饱受摧残。

    Both logic and math are taking a serious hit today.

  • 总是能够让你能够使用数学程序库,那也是有用的,所以你不一定要把它记住。

    Always provides you with access to the math library because that's useful, too, so you don't always have to remember that.

  • 今天我还将跟你们讲这些,但今天的重点是,对上次口头表述内容中的热力学,第二定律,的数学推导,我们上次看到的。

    I'll show those again, but what I want to do mostly today is try to put a mathematical statement of the second law in place that corresponds to the verbal statements that we saw last time.


数学 shùxué

(1) [mathematics]∶研究现实世界的空间形式和数量关系的科学。包括算术、代数、几何、三角、微积分等

(2) [divination]∶即术数。古代关于天文、历法、占卜的学问



吹笙 Blowing sheng

粤语 n. Cantonese; Cantonese language。

成功的 mix. blest; made。adj. successful; prosperous; triu

数学 n. mathematics; math; maths。adj. mathematical。

圣诞老人 Father Christmas; Santa Claus。

强迫 v. force; enforce; exact; compel; pressure; oblige

百度 n. Baidu。mix. baidu。

二人世界 n. lovers' world; two people's world — the world o

胸罩 n. brassiere; bra。

线圈比较器 Coil comparator

英语 n. English; Anglophone。adj. English; English-langu

采取行动 take action。

文山会海 idiom an overload of paperwork and meetings; exces

和风细雨 as gentle as a breeze and as mild as a drizzle—in

雪上加霜 idiom add insult to injury; make things worse; com