1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-20 09:19:43
bù shǒu


radical; section header; indexing component

radical adj.根本的;彻底的;基本的;激进的;彻头彻尾的;革命性的;创新的;意义深远的;激进主义的;根源性的;全新的

  • 作为一名弦乐演奏者,要看懂这些指挥的身体语言可以通过观察声部首席的演奏。

    As a section player, learn how to interpret these physical gestures by examining the playing of your principals.

  • 在中国襄阳,这个曾经的南部首都,古老的声波标志着一个大花园的入口。

    Located in Xiangyang, China, an old capital of the South, the Soundwave marks the entrance to a large garden.

  • 目前的识字教学中, 部首的名称较混乱.

    In the present Chinese characters teaching, the radicals'appellations cause much confusion.

  • 这是自2003年以来亿万富翁俱乐部首次缩减规模。

    It is the first time since 2003 that the billionaires' club has contracted.

  • 片假名源于汉字的偏旁部首,主要是用来表示外来语或强调的。

    Katakana originated from the radicals of Chinese characters, and is mainly used to express foreign loanwords or emphasis.

  • 第三,突破《说文》的部首编排体系,改用六书统领所收之字;

    Thirds, using Liushu arranging system in stead of radicals by which Chinese characters are arranged.

  • 中秋节也被称为女人的节日,月(汉字部首)象征着优雅与斑斓。

    The August Moon Festival is often called the Womens Festival. Themoon (Chinese character on right) symbolizes elegance and beauty.

  • 这是一部首轮电影, 所以我们必须去大型电影院观赏.

    The movie is in it's first run, so we'll have to go to a big theater.

  • 复习目前所学之教材,练习讨论汉字、说出部首和笔画名称等。

    Review of material so far. Practice talking about characters, naming radicals, naming strokes etc.

  • “我们身处于高度竞争的环境中,”Suntech商业部首席安德鲁.毕比告诉利昂。

    “We're in a hyper competitive environment,” Andrew Beebe, Chief Commercial Officer for Suntech, told Leone.

  • 我一开始也不明白,其实这道题是要考同部首的词语。

    I start to also do not understand, actually this problem is to test with radical words.

  • 你可以根据部首查找汉字.

    You can look up a character under its radical.

  • 最后两笔当作为部首和独立汉字时书写顺序相反.

    The last two strokes are reversed for being radical or independent Hanzi.

  • 在连续手写中文中,有偏旁部首离得较远的单字,单字之间可能会存在粘连、重叠。

    There are characters with apart far radicals and touching and overlapping characters in continuous handwriting Chinese.

  • 荷兰人范·安霍特则在四场比赛中全部首发,目前球队排名第八。

    Dutchman Van Aanholt has started all four league games for the Sky Blues, who are currently eighth in the table.

  • 你可以根据部首查找汉字.

    You can look up a character under its radical.

  • 通过部首或语义元素的组合,单个复合词可以表达复杂的概念关系,通常具有抽象的普遍性。

    By the combination of radicals or semantic elements, single compound words can express complex conceptual relations, often of an abstract universal character.

  • 拉里走马上任前,人们曾在两段电视新闻中看到伦敦中部首相府邸的黑门外,有只老鼠蹿来蹿去。

    Larry's appointment comes after a rat was spotted in two television news bulletins scurrying around outside the black door of the prime minister's residence in central London.

  • 查询你想学的汉字,你马上可以学到这个汉字的结构,部首,书写笔划,组词,解释,例句,还能校正发音。

    Look up the character you want to learn, then you will learn the character's structure, radical, demo, phrase, explanation, example and pronunciation at the same time.

  • 将从东部首都地区搬到温哥华。

    Move westward from national capital Ottawa to vancouver.

  • 侧重表意功能的为文字学原则部首,侧重检字功能的则为检字法原则部首

    Radical of philology principles is intended to focus on ideographic nature and radical of indexing principles lays emphasis on indexing.

  • 分析部首表意性是有意义的。

    Analyzing ideographic nature of radical is meaningful.

  • 有些字归入两个部,以某个部首字的变体作偏旁的字仍归入该部。

    Some characters are lined in the above two parts. The character with the variant of certain radical character as the side character is still lined into that radical part.

  • 通过对汉语的偏旁部首和英语的词根词缀的对比分析可以窥探两个民族的不同思维形式。

    The Chinese character components and the English roots and affixes are the different Patterns of word - formation, …

  • 相比之下,尽管中文也有组成汉字的那些共用的偏旁部首,却没有相应的字母。

    In comparison, Chinese has nothing that corresponds to an alphabet, though there are recurring components that make up the characters.

  • 城市南部首当其冲的居民说,一些道路扭曲并有桥梁毁坏,楼房“象果冻般晃动”。

    Residents in the south of the city, which appeared to have borne the brunt of the quake, said roads had crumpled and a bridge had been damaged.

  • 什么是部首?。

    What are radicals?

  • 部首检字法简介“是本书最后一项教学内容,也是本书所要达到的一个重要教学目标。

    The Radical Indexing System for Chinese Characters, though presented the last, is also an important component of this book.

  • 你可以根据部首查找汉字。

    You Can look up a character under its radical.

  • 在1975年,一个主要的广告贸易集团在其内部首次举办了关于生态营销的研讨会。

    In 1975, a major advertising trade group held its first workshop on ecological marketing.

  • 伊拉克接二连三的爆炸事件已造成至少35人死亡,其中27人位于巴格达南部首都迪瓦·尼耶。

    A spate of bombings in Iraq killed at least 35 people, 27 of them in Diwaniya, south of Baghdad, the capital.

  • 当多个汉字组合在一起(叫做部首和偏旁)时真的很难丫。

    When multiple characters are gathered together (called radicals) it gets very difficult.

  • 最后两笔当作为部首和独立汉字时书写顺序相反.

    The last two strokes are reversed for being radical or independent Hanzi.

  • 即使是在今天编纂的各种字典、词典, 其中的部首仍然绝大多数直接来自《说文》的540部首.

    Even in today's various dictionaries, the Bushous among them are mainly from directly or indirectly. III.

  • 囚犯们有的被刺伤,有的被砍伤,而有的头部首创,伤势。

    Inmates suffered injuries ranging from stab wounds and slashes to head trauma.

  • 由《说文》540部首字分别探讨了意象思维方式、整体思维方式 、 天人合一观和偶对思维方式.

    The thinking modes reflected on 540 Bushou characterstheare association , integrity , combination between heaven & people, symmetry.

  • 她是美国西北部首批将该技术从试验阶段投入到实际应用的生物学家之一。

    She is one of the first biologists in the northwestern United States to take the technology from the testing phase to actually using it.

  • 最后,文章从书写汉字、聚合汉字、提示类属等方面阐明了部首对于汉字认知的重要意义。

    Finally, in terms of writing, aggregating and clue to meanings, this paper discusses the importance of Radicals to the cognitive procedure of Chinese characters.

  • 石刻包含28个鲜明的部首和符号, 一些曾被重改过三四次.

    The block contains 28 distinct glyphs or symbols, some of which are repeated three and four times.

  • 你知道这个字的偏旁部首吗?

    Do you know the radical of this word?

  • 从方言的角度解释部首字。

    Explanation from the dialect view.

  • 日本财政部首先寻找私营部门的解决办法来应对其银行业危机以便可以不动用需要通过投票才能使用税款的方法。

    Japan's Ministry of Finance first sought private-sector solutions to its banking crisis so as not to arouse voter anger by using taxpayers' money.

  • 她的全部首饰被洗劫一空。

    She was robbed of all her jewels.

  • 还有白松疱锈病菌,是西伯利亚本土物种,1920年在太平洋西北部首次发现。

    And white pine blister rust, a native of Siberia first seen in the Pacific Northwest in 1920.


部首 bùshǒu

[radicals in Chinese characters] 中文字典中,各字依其字形结构,加以分部排列,每部的第一字便是部首,现也称所据分部的共同笔划为部首


英语 the key or radical by which a character is arranged in a traditional Chinese dictionary

德语 Radikale,( nach denen die chinesischen Zeichen in den klassischen Wörterbüchern eingetragen sind (Sprachw)​

法语 clé d'un sinogramme


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of