1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-10 10:12:41
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robot n.机器人;机械人;自动操作装置;自动化设备;机器般的人;<南非>自动交通信号机;[计算机]爬虫程序

  • 但是,目前的机器人能够识别形体,测量距离.

    But today robots can recognize forms and shapes and measure distances.

  • 你需要一个机器人帮你!

    You need a robot to help you!

  • 机器人将会照相。

    Robots will take pictures.

  • 机器人能做艰苦的工作。

    Robots can do hard work.

  • 机器人到底是什么呢?

    What exactly is a robot?

  • 在这个故事中,人类被机器人代替了.

    In the story human beings were replaced by robots.

  • 李不确定地走向机器人

    Lee walked toward the robot uncertainly.

  • 单调重复的工作,机器人可以代劳.

    Robots can relieve people of dull and repetitive work.

  • 机器人!清理我的脏乱!”

    "Robot! Clean up my mess!"

  • 工业机器人的发明应归功于那家公司。

    The invention of the industrial robot is credited to the company.

  • 每个家庭会有一个机器人吗?

    Will there be a robot in every family?

  • 机器人是现代工程技术的奇迹.

    The robot is a marvel of modern engineering.

  • 机器人正前来救援。

    Robots are coming to the rescue.

  • 他们是泰迪熊和机器人

    They're teddy bears and robots.

  • 请把这些机器人染成黑色。

    Colour these robots black, please.

  • 机器人需要某种“智慧”。

    A robot needs some kind of "smarts".

  • 我有两个机器人

    I have two robots.

  • 记者们去东京看机器人展。

    The reporters go to a robot show in Tokyo.

  • 这些机器人能辨别形状.

    These robots are capable of shape discrimination.

  • 问题的解决依赖机器人

    The answer depends on the robot.

  • 你认为机器人可能会独立思考吗?

    Do you think it is possible for a robot to think for itself?

  • 啊!我们俩都是机器人

    Ah, we are both robots.

  • 机器人将会唱歌。

    Robots will sing songs.

  • 这将有机器人出现。

    There will be robots.

  • 这是最新的机器人技术。

    This is the latest in robot technology.

  • 答案是机器人

    The answer is robots.

  • 机器人会骑自行车。

    Robots can ride a bike.

  • 机器人会有用吗?

    Will robots be useful?

  • 这些汽车是由机器人制造的。

    These cars are built by robots.

  • 机器人永远不会觉得累。

    Robots will never get bored.

  • 他凭一篇研究工业机器人的论文获得博士学位。

    He was awarded his PhD for a thesis on industrial robots.

  • 机器人会放风筝。

    Robots can fly a kite.

  • 这个机器人正设法逗顾客开心。

    The robot is trying to amuse its customers.

  • 未来机器人将会做蛋糕。

    Robots will make cakes in the future.

  • 大多数移动机器人仍处在设计阶段。

    Most mobile robots are still in the design stage.

  • 这个机器人能帮我扫地。

    The robot can help me sweep the floor.

  • 李拍了拍机器人的后面板。

    Lee patted the robot's back panel.

  • 每个家庭都会有一个机器人

    There will be a robot in every family.

  • 科幻小说常提到会说话的机器人.

    Science fiction stories often mention robots that can talk.

  • 机器人会下棋。

    The robot can play chess.

  • 发明工业机器人是那家公司的功劳。

    The company is credited with inventing the industrial robot.

  • 机器人可按程序设计模仿人的各种动作。

    The robot was programmed to mimic a series of human movements.

  • “ 伊索, 向右移动, ” 科尔文说.结果, 这架机器人就遵从命令移动.

    " Aesop, move right, " Colvin says, and the robot obeys.

  • 这些机器人过去一年都在试用当中。

    The robots have been on trial for the past year.

  • 大批领航员策划给腐烂的机器人打点。

    Lots of pilots plot to dot the rotten robot.

  • 机器人汽车会撞上其他东西。

    Robot cars will crash into other things.

  • 不,他是个机器人

    No, he is a robot.

  • 下一步机器人要做的就是亲自主刀做手术了.

    What's coming next are robots that do the actual cutting.

  • 你们会见到机器人罗宾。

    You will meet Robin the Robot.

  • 我在电视上看到一个机器人

    I saw a robot on TV.

  • 然而,机器人正前来救援。

    However, robots are coming to the rescue.

  • 西蒙的书简明扼要地概括了人工智能及其在机器人技术方面的应用。

    Simon's book provides a succinct outline of artificial intelligence and its application to robotics.

  • 它跟随着社交机器人

    It followed the social robot.

  • 看!机器人不能动它的手了。

    Look! The robot can't move its hands.

  • 他为什么不在这儿?他不是人类,他是个机器人。反对

    Why isn't he here? He's not human. He's a robot. Objection.

  • 人只是机器人

    We're just a robot.

  • 行行好吧,沃尔伍兹不肯出来,我们的机器人大战需要他呀。

    Come on. Wolowitz won't come out of his house and we need him for a robot battle.

  • 机器人又没伤他自尊。他就是欠骂。

    The robot didn't hurt his feelings. His feelings needed to be hurt.

  • 我儿子的一个玩具机器人就有这种功能

    My son has a little robot that can do that.

  • 有程序操控着机器人和导弹

    Something programmed the robot or the missile.

  • 等等,人造大脑是机器人之类的吧?没错。这么说你想把自己变成某种机器人?本质上是这样。

    Wait. Cybernetics is robot stuff, right? Correct. So you want to turn yourself into some sort of robot? Essentially, yes.

  • 在某种程度上就像指挥人类,机器人一样,从某种意义来说对电脑也是一样的。

    Much as you might instruct as a human, a robot, to do something to the extent that's currently possible.

  • 我已经记不起,剧中机器人的名字了

    I'm afraid I've forgotten the name of the robot that was on that show.

  • 你可以想象好些,微型机器人忙来忙去的,对么?

    You can imagine these tiny little robots wandering around, right?

  • 比如变成了外星人或者机器人,"谢谢",或者变成了火星人,中情局特工,或是训练有素的演员

    They've been replaced by aliens or robots "Thank you" by Martians, by CIA agents, by trained actors and actresses.

  • 这是我机器人项目的第七次检测。

    The seventh's test of my robotics project.

  • 那些机器人,或叫做计算机等等,只是自动地,机械地执行程序的命令代码

    And the robot or the computer or what have you is just automatically, mechanically following the code commands of the program.

  • 对啊,早就该来了,那你在干嘛呢?最好不是在造机器人女友。

    No, I know. It's long overdue. So, what ya doing? Better not be building a robot girlfriend.

  • 它诽谤了你的委托人吗?一个机器人怎会诽谤你的客户?

    And it defamed your client? How could a robot defame your client?

  • 说得再远一点,想象我们正在开发机器人,那种可以执行各种任务的机器人

    More gloriously, we could imagine building some kind of a robot that does a variety of tasks.

  • 如果大脑是我们的中央处理器,那么我们将会有深思熟虑的,有目的的行为,就像如此运作的机器人一样

    If the brain is our CPU, then we'll behave in deliberate, purposeful ways just like a robot will behave in deliberate, purposeful ways.

  • 当然有一种说法是,为什么不说人类也是,也是由外部指令控制着的机器人

    One possibility, of course, is, why not say that people are just robots as well and we get our commands from outside?

  • 也许人们就是被上帝控制的机器人

    Maybe people are just robots commanded from outside by God.

  • 这是一个微型机器人

    This is a microbot.

  • 嘿,过得怎么样?互联网瘫痪半个小时了。还有,谢尔顿可能是机器人

    Hey, what's going on? Internet's been down for half an hour. Also, Sheldon may be a robot.

  • 不过那并不意味着我们比,机器人更高级

    But that doesn't mean that there's anything more to us than there is to the robot.

  • 实际上他将动物称之为"野兽机器",他认为,非人类动物全是机器人,但人类是不同的

    In fact, he called them "Beast machines" and said animals, nonhuman animals are merely robots, but people are different.

  • 好吧,我来问你,当我得知我是机器人,我要受限于阿西莫夫的"机器人三定律"吗?

    Okay, let me ask you this, when I learn that I'm a robot, would I be bound by Asimov's three laws of robotics?

  • 显然我们的某个精神方面,情绪方面,才我们最为担心的,机器人能感觉到爱吗

    But there's clearly a side of our mental life, the emotional side, where we might really worry, could a robot feel love?

  • 这边人们可以自然而然地说,这些计算机程序,这些机器人能感受情感

    The natural inclination here is to say, "These computer programs, these robots are feeling emotion."

  • 认为机器人可以做到这一点,似乎再自然不过

    It seems pretty plausible to think robots could do that.

  • 当时的机器人需要用水力来带动

    They were robots powered by hydraulics.

  • 于是机器人就会开始全速前进,大声疾呼,"危险,罗宾逊指挥官"

    And the robot would start whizzing and binging and shout out, "Danger, Commander Robinson!"

  • 谢尔顿,如果你是机器人,我知道但你自己不知道,你希望我告诉你吗?

    Sheldon, if you were a robot, and I knew and you didn't, would you want me to tell you?

  • 我是个侦探,和我的机器人拍档,一起打击犯罪。

    Yeah, I'm a detective and I solve crimes with the help of my robot partner.

  • 克莱尔检查机器人菲尔故障的同时,我来先致个辞。

    Okay, so, while Claire fixes robot Phil, I make toast.

  • 霍华德,我们还是搞机器人吧。拜托,莱纳德,现在不是时候。

    Howard, why don't we just work on the robot? Please, Leonard, not now.

  • 而且这一反驳指出,机器人是被编程的,机器人必须遵照程序做事

    And robots, the objection goes, are programmed; they necessarily follow their program.

  • 消极"用在机器人身上,似乎再自然不过

    Seems natural to ascribe depression to Marvin, the robot.

  • 你是说机器人将统治人类?

    So you're saying the robots are coming to get us?

  • 灵魂的支持者开始想要抗议,听着,我们不是机器人

    The fan of the soul begins to want to protest, "Look, we're not just robots.

  • 机器人好像一直都很担忧

    It seemed as though the robot was worried.

  • 怎么回事?机器人杀手,我们造的。

    What the hell? Killer robot. We built it.

  • 看情况,当我得知我是机器人,我有能力承受吗?

    That depends. When I learn that I'm a robot, will I be able to handle it?

  • 你的微型机器人好像要去哪。

    Your tiny robot is trying to go somewhere.

  • 那让机器人找他去。

    Well, then have the robot go and get him.

  • 书中有一个叫马文的机器人,我想可以用"消极"一词来概括他的特点

    There's a robot in those books, Marvin, who's --depressed, I think is the simple word about it.

  • 你可以假想二元论反驳说,在热追踪导弹,或是机器人的例子里,尽管他们各尽其职,但也只是恪守命令

    You could imagine the dualist coming back and saying, "Look, in the case of the heat-seeking missile or the robot for that matter, although it's doing things, it's just obeying orders.

  • 几年前一名澳大利亚人由于幻想他的父亲,变成了机器人而将他父亲的头砍了下来

    One man in Australia a couple of years ago was under the delusion that his father was replaced with a robot and cut off his head.

  • 另一种不同的回应,为什么我们不能拥有制造机器人机器人

    A different response, of course, is why couldn't we have robots that just build more robots?

  • 看上去像一个移动的棉花糖,别见怪。我是机器人,我不会见怪。

    Looks like a walking marshmallow. No offense. I am a robot. I can not be offended.

  • 当我试图让你们理解,物理学家怎样思考精神,我用了电脑,和机器人的例子。

    When I try to get you to grasp how physicalist think about the mind, I use examples about computers and robots and the like.

  • 当史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格,想让我们认为,电脑和机器人是有感情有道德的,他没有让我们看到这个。

    when Steven Spielberg tried to get us to entertain the notion that computers and robots are sentient moral beings he did not show us one that looked like this .

  • 他把自己的想法告诉另一个机器人,后者的情绪也变得低迷

    He talks to another robot, depresses the other robot.




免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of