1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-14 10:10:25
zhì náng tuán

brain trust; think tank

brain trust n.智囊团;顾问团;智囊;智囊机构

think tank n.智囊团;思想库;智库;专家小组

  • 是不是在说阿拉法特的导师 ( 能说是智囊团吗 ) 现在都纷纷被剥夺了权力吗?

    His ( Arafat ) traditional mentors were now set to divest themselves of him.

  • 智囊团的经济特质是显而易见的.

    The economic feature is obvious.

  • 当兰德在保护美国免遭军事进攻与核灾难的破坏上唱主角时,智囊团又将眼光放到了通信业。

    While RAND has played a major role in keeping America safe from military attacks and nuclear catastrophes, the think tank has also left its mark on the communications industry.

  • 一个英国的智囊团未来实验室,注意到了发生在英国澳大利亚南非的这种行为,并已作了评论。

    The Future Laboratory, a London-based think tank, has commented on the behavior, noting it in places like the United Kingdom, Australia and South Africa.

  • 但在国会山及华盛顿的智囊团中,已经有一些人按耐不住了。

    But on Capitol Hill and in Washington's think-tanks, some are more impatient.

  • 对于来自洛杉矶智囊团——理性基金会的亚当·萨默斯来说,解决方法很简单。

    To Adam Summers of the Reason Foundation, a think-tank in Los Angeles, the solution is clear.

  • 他曾是罗斯福总统 智囊团 成员.

    He once was a Roosevelt " brain truster ".

  • 美国的这个智囊团称,世界人口正在以不顾后果的速度耗尽地球资源。

    The world's population is burning through the planet's resources at a reckless rate, the US thinktank said.

  • 政府依靠智囊团来制定政策。

    The government relies on a think tank to formulate policies.

  • 去年,在布鲁塞尔的智囊团发表了一篇名为《为什么德国不会爱上欧洲》的文章。

    Last year the Bruegel think-tank in Brussels published an essay entitled "Why Germany Fell out of Love with Europe".

  • 那个由在詹姆斯•帕内尔领导下的迪莫斯智囊团所运作的公开左向工程就是可以看到的一个。

    The Open Left project run by the Demos think-tank under the guidance of James Purnell (a former cabinet member) is one to watch.

  • 他的智囊团在该问题上产生分歧.

    His advisers are split on the issue.

  • 智囊团是否提出过什么有用的意见 呢 ?

    What useful idea ever came out of a think - tank?

  • 但据印尼交通学会智囊团,自2001以来机检安全人员数量仅仅增加了10%。

    But according to the Indonesian Transport Society, a think-tank, the number of safety inspectors has risen by only 10% since 2001.

  • 以马歇尔为首的网络评估团队,通常被称为五角大楼的内部智囊团,成立于1973年。

    Marshall has headed Net Assessment, often called the Pentagon's in-house think tank, since its creation in 1973.

  • 智囊团成员伊莎贝尔·索希尔则估计失业率仍将高居不下,尽管产出正在恢复。

    But unemployment could stay high even as output recovers, reckons Isabel Sawhill of the Brookings Institution, a think-tank.

  • 阿德里安娜德凯罗斯杜是国际关系巴西中心的总协调员,也是一个智囊团,他说这个态度有帮助。

    Adriana DE Queiroz, Executive Coordinator at the Brazilian Center for International Relations, a think tank, says that attitude helps.

  • 但我们有比任何政治家的法案、任何候选人平台、任何智囊团的政策声明更强大的东西。

    But we have something more powerful than any politician's bill, any candidate's platform, any think tank's policy statement.

  • 总统面对着智囊团提出的相互冲突的意见。

    The president faces conflicting advice from his brain trust.

  • 该会的智囊团香港服务业联盟,专就服务业政策提供意见.

    Its Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries is a think tank on service policy.

  • 美国智囊团比其他国家更有影响力。

    American think-tanks are more influential than those in other countries.

  • 一个智囊团警告说由于父亲不能参与的分娩的过程,英国的生育服务对儿童是不利的。

    Maternity services across the UK are disadvantaging children from birth by "shutting out" their fathers, a think tank has warned.

  • 美国一个智囊团大西洋理事会,在最近的一项报道里警示道,巴基斯坦“来日已短”。

    A recent report for the Atlantic Council, an American think-tank, gave warning that "time is running out" for Pakistan.

  • 蜜歇旅社初涉酒店业的智囊团对“奢华”这种旧式理念兴味索然。

    The Michelberger brain trust, all new to the hotel world, has little interest in stereotypical ideas of luxury.

  • 欧尔班的支持者尤其认为,他们在国内的敌人能够用电话联系国的外新闻中心、智囊团和大使馆。

    Mr Orban’s people in particular think that their enemies at home have a hotline to foreign news desks, think-tanks and chancelleries.

  • 本周末,候选人的智囊团将开会制定初选战略.

    The candidate's brain trust is gathering this weekend to plan strategy for the primary election.

  • 我们需要一个智囊团来解决这个复杂的问题。

    We need a think tank to solve this complex problem.

  • 但是,一个国际智囊团公布的一份新报告说,阿富汗安全局势正在不断恶化,甚至包括首都喀布尔。

    But a new report by an international think tank said security is worsening in the country, even in the capital Kabul.

  • 作为一个发展的智囊团,代理人的商业房地产规划和业务能力也相对薄弱。

    As a development think tank, the agent for the commercial real estate planning and operational capacity is also relatively weak.

  • 他是智囊团成员之一.

    He's a member of the brain trust.

  • 自2006年选举后,哈马斯的智囊团就一直致力于计划走出全球孤立的境地。

    Since the 2006 elections, Hamas' brain trust has been trying to plot a path out of global isolation.

  • 就是麻省理工学院新的军事智囊团

    The new military think tank at MIT

  • 巴拉克.欧巴马的筹款优势一直是克林顿智囊团所头疼的头等大事.

    Mr Obama's superior fund - raising has been the main source of worry for the Clintonistas.

  • 罗斯福总统的智囊团帮助他筹划了许多政治举措.

    President Roosevelt's brain trust helped him to plan many of his political moves.

  • 曼哈顿研究院(一个保守的智囊团)的kay Hymowitz说这确实重要。

    Kay Hymowitz of the Manhattan Institute, a conservative think-tank, says it does.

  • 六月初他的智囊团将会公开亮相。

    In early June he will unveil his new team.

  • 与你求助的人结成智囊团.

    Ally yourself with others whose aid you need.

  • 在访问华盛顿特区一家农业方面的智囊团期间,她强调了长期拨款复苏非洲之角的重要性。

    She underlined the importance of spending on long-term recovery in the Horn of Africa during a visit to an agriculture think-tank in Washington. DC.

  • 这个智囊团专注于环境保护问题。

    This think tank focuses on environmental protection issues.

  • 但是他“建立智囊团基地”的努力并没有明确的方向。

    But his efforts to "build a knowledge base" do not signal a direction.

  • 这个智囊团的成员都是顶尖的专家。

    The members of this think tank are top experts.

  • “玻璃大厅论坛”是从事资本主义危机分析专门智囊团.

    To pose the question is in part to answer it.

  • 所以,圣莫妮卡的一个智囊团——兰特集团已经大胆地研究出一些可能的结果。

    So the RAND Corporation, a think-tank in Santa Monica, has bravely tried to project some effects.

  • 对于来自洛杉矶智囊团 -- 理性基金会的亚当·萨默斯来说, 解决方法很简单.

    To Adam Summers of the Reason Foundation, a think - tank in Los Angeles, the solution is clear.

  • 智囊团查塔姆研究所的保尔·史蒂文斯评论道,在美国,几乎一切都指明了页岩气工业的正确道路。

    In America, almost everything points in the right direction for the shale-gas industry, observes Paul Stevens of Chatham House, a think-tank.

  • 智囊团和大学中的研究机构是非赢利性组织,为不同学术领域的专家提供了平台。 译文2:智囊团和大学中的研究机构是不同学术领域专家栖息的非赢利性组织。

    Think tanks and university research institutes are nonprofit organizations (that have been developed to provide settings for experts in various academic disciplines).

  • 美国的一个智囊团的丹.埃里克森说“海地从来没有遭受如此大的危机,灾难恶性循环。

    “ Haiti has never come back from a crisis stronger,” says Dan Erikson of the Inter-American Dialogue, a think-tank. “It’s always come back worse.

  • 他们不只是埃达族的智囊团, 而且还是他们的审判长.

    They must act as the judges of the Eldar, and not just their intelligence agency.

  • 这家公司的智囊团提出了一个新的市场策略。

    The company's think tank proposed a new market strategy.

  • 他将自己所有的财富归功于他的 “ 智囊团 ”.

    He attributed his entire fortune to the POWER he accumulated through this " Master Mind. "

  • 智囊团CHE里的Ulrich muller说,这些反对大多是胡扯。

    Such objections are mostly nonsense, says Ulrich muller of CHE, a think-tank.

  • 亲爱的活入们,我很高兴加入PopCap的智囊团,我已经等不及吃光你们所有。

    Dear Alive Peeples, I am pleazed too join the big brainz at PopCap and can’t wait to meat you all.

  • 他们中多数人是私营金融公司的顾问,董事会成员,或者是他们的智囊团或受托人。

    Most had served as consultants to private financial firms, sat on their boards, or been trustees or advisers to them.

  • 林恩马尔科姆: 小道池田是独立的副主任智囊团, 环境研究所.

    LYNNE MALCOLM: Komichi Ikeda is deputy director of independent think - tank, the Environmental Research Institute.

  • 我深感荣幸,宰相大人,我是汗国智囊团的副摄政。

    I have that honor, Chancellor. I am Vice Regent of the Secretariat.

  • 而且通常情况,他的观点是对的,并不是向智囊团的意见妥协,而是根据自己的原则做决定。

    And that would often actually the right answer to take, is to not just compromise among your advisers, but use your own principles to make a decision.

  • 你们可以把我们收入你们的智囊团。不仅要收我们。还要臣服于我们的超群智慧。

    Well, you could include us in your little brain trust. You can more than include us. You can bow down to our superior intellect.


智囊团 zhìnángtuán

[brain trust] 指与制定计划和策略有关,并且时常没有官方的或被承认的地位的专家教授们



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of