1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-06 12:17:48


admire; hope; rely on; face upward; look up to; raise the head to look


upward; high

admire v.欣赏;赞赏;钦佩;仰慕;赞美;羡慕;称赞;对…感到钦佩;对…给予高度评价;对…表示敬佩

hope v.希望;期望;指望;期待(某事发生或成真)

rely on vphr.依靠;依赖;信赖;指望;取决于

look up to vphr.(尤指对年长者)敬仰;尊敬;仰慕;钦佩;把…看作榜样

upward adv.向上;上升地;向更高处;朝着更高的方向;逐渐增加地;向上游地

high adj.高的;(离地面)很高的;上层的;价值高的;海拔很高的;高音的;高尚的;有某高度的;超乎寻常的;十分赞同的;开始变质的;含某物多;有醉意的

  • 仰尘

    ceiling 天棚;天花板

  • 仰攻

    attack from the lower point to the higher point 由低地向高处进攻

  • 仰给

    rely on 依靠别人供给

  • 仰人鼻息

    be slavishly dependent;act on the orders of;depend on sb.'s whims and pleasures;live at sb.'s mercy. 比喻依靠别人而生存,只能看人家的脸色行事

  • 仰承

    rely on 仰仗;依仗 term of respect 指按对方意见办事

  • 仰拱

    inverted arch 见“倒拱”

  • 仰角

    angle of elevation 在竖直平面内的水平线与向上递升线段(如从观察者到目标的连线)之间的角度

  • 仰不愧天

    feel no shame before God 抬起头来无愧于天下。指自省没有做过坏事,可以问心无愧

  • 仰赖

    rely on 依靠;依赖

  • 仰慕

    admire;respect 敬仰思慕

  • 仰八叉,仰八脚儿

    fall on one’s back [口]∶身体向后摔倒,仰面朝天地躺着

  • 仰光

    Rangoon 缅甸联邦首都。全国最大商港,人口250万

  • 仰面

    face upward 抬脸向上

  • 仰韶文化

    the Yangshao culture of 6000-7000 years ago 中国黄河流域史前典型文化之一,因最早(1921年)发现于河南渑池仰韶村得名,分布范围较大,持续时间较长。亦称“彩陶文化”

  • 哲学的任务就是要探讨真、善、美、四者统一的理想而健全的自由人格。

    The task for philosophy is to probe the perfect free personality which combines truth, kindness, beauty and loyalty.

  • 请不要坐在椅子上往后, 你会把椅子弄坏的.

    Please don't lean your chair back, you'll break it.

  • 起苦闷的脸,乞求帮助。

    She raised her stricken face and begged for help.

  • 第四次我们在谈笑间,骤然,他上身,为我仔细天解歹集合的鞋带。

    The forth time we met and chatted pleasantly, he squatted suddenly and helped me tie the shoelaces.

  • 提倡礼乐复兴,以敬天爱地之心接仁、孝、礼三滴甘露,达到天人合一境界。

    Rite promote rehabilitation, in order to respect mother Yang received the heart of benevolence, filial piety, ritual three drops of nectar, to Heaven realm.

  • 一定要选择对你最好的姿势,无论是侧睡、睡还是伏睡。

    Always choose the position that works best for you, whether you're a side, back, or stomach sleeper.

  • 坐着深深地呼气。

    He sat back and exhaled deeply.

  • 我向后得过度了,扭伤了脖子.

    I bent back too far and hurt my neck.

  • 我恐惧,或我在寻找。

    I fear, or I find Yang.

  • 靠在转椅上,十指交叉枕在脑后。

    He leaned back in the swivel chair and locked his fingers behind his head.

  • “我认为他们在巡视这所房子,”罗宾小声说,身躺在地毯上。

    "I think they're patrolling the house," whispered Robin, lying on her back on the rug.

  • 靠在椅背上。

    I leaned back in my chair.

  • 斯通微微一笑,起头。

    Stone smiled and cocked his head.

  • 保持轻松的尸式,将注意力专注于脸部。

    Remaining in your easy Shavasana, turn your attention to the face.

  • 焊对焊工的体力要求很高。

    Overhead welding demands a lot of physical strength from the welder.

  • 那匹马前蹄腾空向后,把骑手摔了下去。

    The horse reared and threw off its rider.

  • 她把头一,哈哈大笑起来。

    She tipped her head back and laughed loudly.

  • 1898年,路易斯·雷诺三兄弟在法国比古创建雷诺汽车公司。

    In 1898, Louis Renault in France, three brothers Yang ancient than the creation Renault.

  • 他正在学习如何进行焊。

    He is learning how to do overhead welding.

  • 她把头往后一, 大笑不止.

    Flinging back her head, she laughed and laughed.

  • 再次起微笑,重现生活。

    Looked up and smile again, to reproduce life.

  • 以前发现了不同的技巧来防止睡。

    There were different techniques invented to prevent sleeping on the back.

  • u躺在重量训练椅座上,抓住杆子,双手所抓位置比肩稍宽。

    Lie on a weight bench on your back. Grip the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

  • 这匹马向后一,摔下骑手并撞倒站在它旁边的一个年轻人。

    The horse reared, throwing its rider and knocking down a youth standing beside it.

  • 如果习惯睡时,可将膝盖弯曲或在膝盖下放置枕头,以减缓肌肉的拉力。

    When if the habit is admired, sleeping, can curve knee or the pillow is placed below knee, with pulling force of slow down sarcous .

  • 起头害怕眼泪掉下。

    I looking up the sky afraid the tear drops.

  • 我一坐下,他向后一,长出了一口气。

    As soon as I sat down, he leaned back and exhaled.

  • 她是那样虚弱和疲劳,只得靠在安乐椅上.

    She was so weak and exhausted that she had to lie back in the easy chair.

  • 身躺下,胳膊放在头下面。

    She lay down on her back, arms behind her head.

  • 焊是一种需要技巧的焊接方法。

    Overhead welding is a technique that requires skill.

  • 图书管理员把头往后面一,尖着嗓子哈哈大笑。

    The librarian threw back his head and laughed shrilly.

  • 我向后想看得清楚些, 可却从椅子上摔了下来.

    I leaned back to get a better view, and fell off the chair.

  • 睡会让舌头滑落到咽喉部位,减小了呼吸道的面积,一定程度上阻塞了空气流通。

    When you sleep on your back, your tongue falls backwards into your throat which can narrow your airway and partly block airflow.

  • 还有一个组合可能会让大家笑得前后翻,但我还是不要在这里重复了。

    There was one combination that came out that had us rolling in laughter, but I can't repeat it here.

  • 她身子向后一,两只胳膊交叉放在脑后,眼睑垂下,望着炉火。

    Leaning back, she folded her arms behind her head, and looked at the fire under drooping LIDS.

  • 阿曼德正在长沙发上看书,穿着袜子的脚丫搭在沙发扶手上。

    Armando's on his back on the couch, his socked feet up on the arm, reading.

  • 焊时需要特别注意安全。

    Special attention to safety is needed during overhead welding.

  • 一旦飞机被阻挡了,正确的反应该是减缓上并且提高速度。

    Once a plane is stalled, the correct response is to lower the nose and increase speed.

  • 他躯体的形态,直立和向苍天,告诫他应思考天上的事物。

    His bodily form erect and looking heavenwards admonish es him to mind the things that are above.

  • 他一脖喝完苏格兰威士忌,砰的一声把杯子放下。

    He polished off his scotch and slammed the glass down.

  • 玛丽把头向后,以便能看着他。

    Mari tilted her head back so that she could look at him.

  • 萨姆懒洋洋地往后着,肘部支在身后的长椅上。

    Sam slouched back and propped his elbows up on the bench behind him.

  • 你能浮吗?

    Can you float on your back?

  • 脸对着暴风雨的天空

    My face I hold to the stormy heaven

  • 躺下来。

    Please lie down on your back.

  • 躺下,双手各抓一个哑铃或者拉缆。

    Lie on your back and grasp a dumbbell or cable handles in each hand.

  • 这个项目需要大量的焊工作。

    This project requires a lot of overhead welding.

  • 如果躺屈膝就最好不过了。

    It's best if you lie down on your back and bend your knees.

  • 即遵照

    Hope you will obey and do accordingly.

  • 躺在床上,每一次呼吸都十分困难。

    He lay on his back, breathing with great difficulty.

  • 玛丽把头向后,以便能看到他。

    Mari tilted her head back so that she could look at him.

  • 你睡觉是着还是趴着?

    Do you sleep on your back or your front?

  • 把头向后,让肉从你的喉部滑下去。

    Tilt your head back and let the meat slide down your throat-hole.

  • 马内特小姐,等一个长得和他幸福的父亲一样的小家伙起脸看你时...

    Oh, Miss Manette, when the little picture of a happy father's face looks up in yours...

  • 这时候出现了一群猪,着鼻子走过水渠,他只好用一个急刹车,目送着最后一只猪大摇大摆地跨过水沟,消失在另一端。

    The head of a string of pigs appeared, snout-up, over the ditch, and he had to screech to a stop and watch the rear of the last pig disappear shaking into the ditch on the other side.

  • 对不起,来冰敷吧,把头起来。

    All right, all right, well I'm sorry, we'll put some ice on it. Keep put your head back.



yǎng ㄧㄤˇ

  • 脸向上,与“”相对:~首。~望。
  • 敬慕:久~。敬~。
  • 依赖:~承。~赖。~仗。~人鼻息。
  • 旧时公文用语。上行文中用在“请、祈、恳”等字之前,表示恭敬;下行文中表示命令:~即尊照。
  • 服下,指服毒:~药(服毒药自杀)。~毒。
  • 姓。


áng ㄤˊ

     ◎ 古同“”,情绪高。

英语 raise the head to look; look up to, rely on, admire

德语 auf jdn. , etw. angewiesen sein (V)​,bewundern, repektieren, zu jdn. hinauf schauen (V)​,hinauf sehen, das Gesicht nach oben richten (V)​,sich auf jdn. , etw. verlassen (V)​,sich auf jdn. stützen (V)​,Yang (Eig, Fam)

法语 regarder vers le haut,respecter,admirer,compter





(1)“昂”。高 [high]。如:仰仰(同“昂昂”。气概轩昂的样子);仰首伸眉(意气高昂的样子)

(2) 另见 yǎng




(1) (会意兼形声。从人,从卬,卬亦声。卬,小篆字形。一个人站着,一个人跪着,跪者抬头看站者,为抬头仰望的“仰”的本字。后借为“我”,遂加“人”“仰”“卬”“仰”古今字。本义:抬头,脸向上)

(2) 同本义。跟“俯”相对 [face upward]






无敢仰视。——· 刘向《列女传》

遂于树下仰取叶。——三国· 邯郸淳《笑林》

仰视天。——· 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》

椎髻仰面。——· 魏学洢《核舟记》

(3) 又如:仰企俯思(抬头盼望,低头思念。有仰慕之意);仰脸(抬头,脸向上方);仰瞻(仰望;追慕)

(4) 敬慕。钦佩或高度敬重 [admire]


(5) 又如:仰从(服从;遵命);仰服(敬服,钦佩)

(6) 切望 [hope]旧时公文中上级命令下级的惯用辞,意为切望



(7) 依赖;依靠 [rely on]




(8) 又如:仰人度日(依靠别人供给衣食来维持生活);仰成(依赖别人取得成功);仰哺(依靠他人哺养、供养)

(9) 物体面朝上 [upward]


(10) 亦指把覆合着的物体翻过来,使底部朝上。如:仰一口大铜钟;仰瓦(凹面向上的瓦)

(11) 另见 āng



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of