1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-17 12:02:34
pō wéi


rather; quite; considerably; fairly; significantly; somewhat

rather adv.宁愿;宁可;(纠正所说的话或提供更确切的信息)更确切地说;相反地;反而;而是;(常用于表示轻微的批评、失望或惊讶)相当;颇为;(与动词连用以减弱语气)有点;稍微;实际上;事实上;而不是;最好;倒不如;相当地;在某种程度上

quite adv.完全;彻底;绝对;十分;非常;相当;相当地;很;颇;实际上;对;确实;真正地;正是;的确;一直;始终;或多或少;在很大程度上;在某种程度上

considerably adv.相当地;非常;颇;非常地

fairly adv.公正地;公平地;公平合理地;相当地;适度地;确实;实际上;简直;完全;坦率地;清楚地

significantly adv.显著地;意味深长地;值得注目地

somewhat adv.有点;稍微;有几分;在某种程度上;颇;相当;多少;略微


rather; quite; considerably; fairly; significantly; somewhat

  • 这次讲话的语气颇为乐观。

    The tone of the speech was upbeat.

  • 正文开头的文字让我们颇为担心。

    The first words of the text filled us with misgiving.

  • 其他的学校可能基于不同的条件有着颇为不同的规定。

    Other schools might have somewhat different rules based on different conditions.

  • 他的讲话颇为冗长。

    He was making quite a long speech.

  • 这是令人颇为担忧的一天。

    It has been a somewhat fraught day.

  • 谈到烹饪,法国人会颇为得意并且极端排斥外国菜。

    The French are proud and highly xenophobic when it comes to cooking.

  • 布莱尔颇为直接地说:“这是我的房子。”

    "This is my house," Blair said rather pointedly.

  • 罗斯听起来颇为烦恼。

    Rose sounded deeply troubled.

  • 这是第一个颇为古怪的结果。

    Here's the first rather curious result.

  • 他说他的女儿颇为满意。

    He says his daughter is quite content.

  • 柠檬树:颇为秀美。

    The lemon tree: very pretty.

  • 十天前,我受到了一些颇为严厉的批评。

    Ten days ago, I received some pretty harsh criticism.

  • 我得说那件事也让我颇为震惊。

    I must say that rather shocked me, too.

  • 这些观点在许多波兰人中颇为流行。

    Those views were popular among many Poles.

  • 颇为唐突地回答了问题,我认为他相当粗鲁。

    He answered rather shortly; I thought he was quite rude.

  • 其他艺术家翻唱他的歌曲,一定使他过上了收入颇为可观的生活。

    He must make a decent living from other artists covering his songs.

  • 教区长的故居已被精心修复,里面的陈设也颇为雅致。

    The rectory has been sensitively restored and tastefully furnished.

  • 牛浸布是一种颇为柔软,多孔的棉织物.

    Oxford is a rather soft and porous cotton fabric.

  • 道格拉斯让人捉摸不透,他体贴周到,对女孩子颇为殷勤,而且慷慨大方。

    Douglas was a complex man, thoughtful, gallant, and generous.

  • 他们好像相处得颇为融洽。

    They seemed to be getting along fine.

  • 据说这令高盛的高层颇为不悦。

    Executives at Goldman Sachs are said to be unamused.

  • 基辛格:这与我的体会颇为相似。

    Kissinger: That is very comparable to my experience.

  • 泰勒蓝紫色的眼睛、白皙的皮肤和乌黑的头发本身就颇为迷人,但艾科夫说,正是这三种特质的结合增添了她的魅力。

    Taylor's violet eyes, white skin, and raven hair may be captivating on their own, but Etcoff said that it was the combination of them that boosted her allure.

  • 这家医院的主要地方颇为沉闷,但是儿科病房却很有生气。

    The main part of the hospital is pretty dismal but the children's ward is really lively.

  • 以上观点引出一些颇为有趣的问题。

    The current argument raises some interesting issues.

  • 我在这些事情上已经成了一个颇为愤世嫉俗的人。

    I have come to be very much of a cynic in these matters.

  • 我觉得他的举止令人颇为厌恶。

    I find his manner very off-putting.

  • 有时那些当权者颇为傲慢嚣张。

    At times the arrogance of those in power is quite blatant.

  • 蝙蝠隼是热带地区颇为常见的猛禽。

    The bat falcon is a fairly common raptor in the tropics.

  • 美国分析家们对评估企业间电子商务的市场规模颇为谨慎。

    American analysts have been somewhat cautious in estimating the size of the B2B market.

  • 这一过程有着颇为诡异的涵义。

    The process has some rather bizarre implications.

  • 他系着一条颇为显眼的领带。

    He was wearing a rather brash tie.

  • 看上去这是一个颇为简单的游戏。

    It looks like a pretty simple game.

  • 在那所学校的5年过得颇为平静。

    The five years at that school passed fairly uneventfully.

  • 阿特利聪明过人,对局势的把握颇为高明。

    Attlee was extremely intelligent and his grasp of the situation was masterly.

  • 他的政见颇为坚定。

    He has very strong political opinions.

  • 如果是这样,那看来颇为有效。

    If so, it seems to be working.

  • 有几分,在某种程度上,颇为

    Ad. to some degree; rather

  • 不过,沃森将如何对待这个颇为讽刺的评价呢?

    But what would Watson make of this smart-alecky remark?

  • 该委员会对认为其越权的指责颇为敏感。

    The Commission is sensitive to accusations that it is overstepping its authority.

  • 女儿久未来信,父母颇为悬念。

    Their daughter hadn't written to them for a long time, and they were rather worried.

  • 她记得自己曾是一个颇为专横的小姑娘。

    She remembers being a rather bossy little girl.

  • 讨论颇为温和地开展起来。

    The discussion started off mildly enough.

  • 我们去海滨玩却因天气不太好而颇为扫兴。

    The weather rather spoiled our trip to the seaside.

  • 约翰在场使她颇为尴尬。

    John's presence caused her considerable discomfort.

  • “我告诉过你普雷斯克毫不知情的,”肯普颇为不耐烦地说道。

    "I told you Preskel had no idea," remarked Kemp with some asperity.

  • 我们的假日适逢下雨,颇为扫兴。

    H. The rain rather spoiled our holiday .

  • 我在汽车工厂的工作颇为单调乏味.

    My job at the car factory is rather monotonous.

  • 她对自己目前的境遇感到颇为满足。

    She is quite content with her present fortune.

  • 这颗果实与甘栗颇为相像。

    The fruit is rather like a sweet chestnut.

  • 他的唱法颇为特殊.

    His style of singing is rather unique.

  • 阿蒂对待大多数女性颇为冷淡。

    Artie treated most women with indifference.

  • 好,我们继续,写一个颇为有趣的,程序。

    So let's go ahead and write a slightly more interesting program.

  • 他似乎颇为绝望,不明这本书,是否真能产生功用。

    He seems to be rather despairing about whether this book is actually going to have any affect.

  • 因此在大学中,认为自己了解很多,这种心态颇为流行。

    So the sense that one actually is pretty adept in knowing is one that tends to predominate in the university.


颇为 pōwéi

[rather] 很——用在表示心理状态的动词或形容词前面,表示程度很高,但还未达到最高点



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of