1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-17 09:05:12


already; indeed; really; how

already adv.已经;都;早已;事先;充分地;足够地;不再需要更多

indeed adv.(用于回答问题时表示强调)当然;毫无疑问;的确是这样;(用于修饰形容词或副词以增强其意义)确实地;真正地实在;的确;(表示转折或对前面内容的补充说明)实际上;事实上

really adv.(强调观点等)确实;的确;全然;说实在的;实在;确实地;是吗;真是的;还真是;真实地;真正地;(表明事实或真相)事实上;实际上;非常;十分;很;完全;(在问句或否定句中引出否定回答以及在答话时表示感兴趣或惊讶)真的;真的吗;难道;(加强形容词或副词的语气)其实;诚然;确乎;显然;明显地

how adv.(用于询问方式方法)怎样;如何;以什么方式;以何种方式;(用于询问数量、程度)怎么;多;几;多少;(强调程度)多么;何等;以多大程度地;(指状况、情况)怎么样;好吗;无论如何;不管用什么方法

  • 曰:“是心足以王

    And then Mencius said, 'The heart seen in this is sufficient to carry you to the royal sway.

  • 夫尹公之他,端人也,其取友必端

    Now, Yin Gong Tuo is an upright man, and the friends of his selection must be upright also.

  • 如有所誉者,其有所试

    If I do sometimes exceed in praise, there must be ground for it in my examination of the individual.

  • 仁且智,夫子既圣

    Benevolent and wise - Master, you ARE a Sage.

  • 到那时再相劝或祈祷已然迟.

    It wil be late to counsel then or pray.

  • 吸烟之危害,可谓大,其严重性是不能低估的。

    Smoking does great harm to human and its gravity should not be underestimated.

  • 因个人利益喜好而生的障碍也就都消散无踪!

    The obstacle that personal interest and fondness produced vanishes.

  • 二处城池,全不费力,皆属刘玄德

    The 2 cities have come into Liu Xuande's possession without the least effort on his part.

  • 色斯举,翔而后集。

    Seeing the countenance, it instantly rises, It flies round, and by and by settles.

  • 生命仅有一次; 然而,有价值的生命一次足.

    You only live once. But if you live it right , once is enough.

  • 盖有之

    It is possible that such cases exist.

  • 学问之道无他,求其放心而已

    The great end of learning is nothing else but to seek for the lost mind.

  • 让家人吃饱、有地方安身就于愿足.

    Feeding the family and keeping a shelter over their heads is enough.

  • 一提“心脏衰竭”四字,外行人就联想到命不久的情景。

    The mere mention of the words "heart failure", can conjure up, to the layman, the prospect of imminent death.

  • 图书馆学研究对象的论争可以休?

    May we stop the debate of the research object of library science?

  • 天命不慆久

    Long has there been no doubt of Heaven's mandate.

  • 不曾多话,但一句问候温暖你我的心窝足!

    Wordless but common greetings from both are warm enough!

  • 乡人饮酒,杖者出,斯出

    When the villagers were drinking together, upon those who carried staffs going out, he also went out immediately after.

  • 及刘焉发榜招军时,玄德年已二十八岁

    Xuande was twenty-eight when Governor Liu issued his recruitment for volunteers.

  • 髑髅不坠,则化为人

    If the skull does not fall off, the fox will be transformed into a human: "' 4."

  • 盖有之.

    It is possible that such cases exist.

  • 不下雨则,下则倾盆大雨。

    It never rains but pours.

  • 不幸短命死,今也则亡,

    Unfortunately, his appointed time was short and he died; and now there is not such another.

  • 如此说来,变革之日可能已不远

    Alas, it might not be long before this changes.

  • 来而不往,非礼!

    A friend can not always stand on one side!

  • 子濯孺子曰:‘今日我疾作,不可以执弓,吾死夫!’

    Zi Zhuo Ru said, "To-day I feel unwell, so that I cannot hold my bow. I am a dead man!"

  • 推人以诚,则不言而信。——王通。

    To push people, not words and letters.

  • 昔者子贡、问于孔子曰:‘夫子圣乎?’

    Formerly Zi Gong asked Confucius, saying, "Master, are you a Sage?"

  • 具往,数风流人物,还看今朝。

    Have toward , count romantic person, also see today.

  • 实际上,那些个教训,也许危险之至

    Indeed, they can be downright dangerous.

  • 人们在一个湖中的芦苇丛中找到她时,她看上去十分虚弱,似乎命不久

    When people found her in the reeds (芦苇) of a lake, she looked too weak to survive.

  • 最近,两个孩子仍为他们敬爱的养母的不幸去世而悲伤不

    Both boys still pine for their loving adoptive mother, recently deceased.

  • 选用不当,不仅未能解决振动问题,反将使问题恶化!

    Choosing the wrong one can worse the vibration problem.

  • 温故知新,可以为师.

    Those who learn the new by restudying the old may be teachers.

  • 请留盘石上,垂钓将已!

    " Oh , to remain on a Broad flat rock And to cast a fishing - line forever! "

  • 关公曰:“兄长两次亲往拜谒,其礼太过。”

    "Twice, brother," Lord Guan said, "you have respectfully presented yourself." Such courtesy is too much.

  • 银铃般答词,“非死,是爱!”

    The silver answer rang, — "Not Death, but Love."

  • 但当经济已无法控制时,再采取正确的方法已为时晚

    Corrective measures only start to be taken when the economy has veered out of control. But by then it is far too late.

  • “垂拱为俾斯麦之君,难。”国王曾如是感慨。

    "It is hard to be king under Bismarck," sighed the sovereign.

  • 李先生, 咱们俩真是神交久.

    Mr. Li, we've really been soul - brothers for a long time.

  • 这么说来谁和谁都是有缘分的, 只是缘分大小不同而.

    Say to who and who are fate, but fate having different sizes.

  • 其实,逝去的充其量不过是四代人的平凡岁月, 口头流传也就足.

    Yet four lives of ordinary duration would suffice to transmit, from mouth to mouth.

  • 它不像演讲,因为作者长已,作品犹可追。

    Unlike speech, text survives when the writer is long gone.

  • 微管仲,吾其被发左衽

    But for Kwan Chung, we should now be wearing our hair unbound, and the lappets of our coats buttoning on the left side.

  • 孔明曰:“若如此,荆州危。”

    "That would jeopardize Jingzhou," said Kongming.

  • 终论最要紧的是爱而

    Greatest love of all from The greatest.

  • 司马昭之心,固已路人皆知.

    This Szuma Chao trick is obvious to every man in the street.

  • 如果一个囚犯告密,他就“命不久”。

    If a con snitches, he "isn't long for this world."

  • (比喻)往事已,痛苦也无补于事.

    It is no use crying over the spilt milk.

  • 学问之道无他,求其放心而已

    The great end of learning is nothing else but to seek for the lost mind.

  • 孟子曰:“吾今则可以见。”

    Mencius said, 'To-day I am able to see him.

  • 温故而知新,可以为师

    You can think of, i can do.

  • 也许是他命不久,那该有多浪漫啊。他命长着呢。真可惜。

    Maybe he's dying. That would be so romantic. He's not dying. Too bad.

  • 此言差,你们俩不都是A罩杯吗?

    That's not true. Aren't you both an A-cup?

  • 此言差,在沃尔格林时我称赞他们的药"甩众店于九霄云外",

    That's not true. At the Walgreens, I was "over the moon" for their store-brand antacids.

  • 丝毫不需要微积分,高中数学知识足

    Not even calculus, all you need is high school.

  • 我可以很容易的画出,一个血红细胞,就画个椭圆足,因为它看上去就是这个样子的

    Well, it was not very hard for me to draw this red blood cell here, it's just an oval, and one reason I draw it like an oval, is that that's basically what it looks like if you look at it.



yǐ ㄧˇ

     ◎ 文言助词(a.用于句末,与“”相同,如“由来久~”,“悔之晚~”;b.表示感叹,如“大~哉”)。

英语 particle of completed action

德语 Partikel (der klassischern chinesischen Sprache, ähnlich dem heute gebrauchten了lè, zeigt Vollendung eines Vorgangs an )​

法语 (finale)​ : c'est tout




(1) (形声。小篆字形,上面是“以”字,下面是“矢”。从矢,以声。“以”也可以理解为象矢飞逝的声音,是完成的语气。本义:语气词。是“了”)

(2) 表示完成时态 [already]


(3) 表示坚决、肯定 [indeed]


(4) 确实 [really]。如:吾老矣

(5) 表示感叹 [how]。如:毒矣哉;大矣哉



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of