1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-19 16:41:40


but; yet; however; nevertheless; nonetheless; if; while; whereas


refuse; decline; step back; drive back; repulse; rebuff


but; yet; however; instead


repulse; rebuff

but conj.但是;而;然而;不过;相反;除尽管如此

yet adv.到目前为止;迄今为止;迄今;至今;尚且;仍旧;仍然;再次;还;又;此外;更;甚至更;然而;不过;尽管那样;谈论尚未发生但可能发生的事;从现在起直至某一时间

however adv.然而;尽管如此;不过;无论如何;不管怎样;不论多么;以任何方式;不管用什么方法;不管到什么程度;不论怎样

nevertheless adv.尽管如此;然而;不过;仍然

nonetheless adv.尽管如此;虽然如此;即便如此;尽管那样

if conj.如果;假如;假若;要是;即使;虽然;纵然;(用于间接疑问)是否;当;每当;每次;无论何时;只有;只要

while n.一段时间;片刻;暂时;一会儿;时期;时光;间隔;阶段

whereas conj.(用以比较或对比两个事实)尽管;但是;相反;反之;然而;而;却;(用于正式文件中句子的开头)鉴于;考虑到

refuse v.拒绝;拒绝给予;谢绝;回绝;抵制;推却;不接受;拒收;(马)拒绝(跨栏或其他障碍物)

decline v.减少;下降;衰退;拒绝;谢绝;婉拒;婉言拒绝;衰落;使衰弱;使变形;变格

step back vphr.退后;退一步;后退;置身事外(思考);减少参与;降低影响

drive back 驱车回;开车返回

repulse v.排斥;击退;驱逐;拒绝;回绝;拒绝接受;断然拒绝;坚决回绝;使反感;使厌恶

rebuff v.断然拒绝;回绝;抵制;拒绝接受

instead adv.代替;顶替;反而;却;相反地;作为替换;作为替代;而不是

  • 却之不恭

    It would be impolite to decline 却:推辞,拒绝。对别人的馈赠或盛情邀请加以拒绝,就显得对人不恭敬。常与“受之有愧”连用

  • 却说

    now the story goes 旧小说的发语辞,“却说”后面接着的多是重提上文说过的事

  • 却病

    cure a disease;get rid of disease 防止生病;消除病痛

  • 却步

    shy;hang (step) back 退缩,躲闪后退 withdraw 撤退

  • 却月

    semicircular moon 半圆的月亮

  • 她虽然处处出于善意,往往事与愿违。

    She's full of good intentions but they rarely work out.

  • 阿司匹林药片治疗方法简便,效果非常显著。

    Aspirin is a simple but highly effective treatment.

  • 他怒视着我,一言不发。

    He glowered at me but said nothing.

  • 他宣传一神论,相信转世再生。

    He recommended monotheism but believed in reincarnation.

  • 她推了推门,门一动不动。

    She pushed at the door but it wouldn't budge.

  • 他曾经是个富人,但现在衣衫褴褛。

    He used to be rich, but now he is in rags.

  • 有些力量是无形的,但非常强大。

    Some forces are invisible, but very powerful.

  • 我们驱车向东去罗斯托克,但地图给我指错了方向。

    We drove east to Rostock, where my map led me astray.

  • 这辆汽车不大,然而出奇地宽敞。

    It's a small car, yet it's surprisingly spacious.

  • 时间飞逝,可我们远远没有完成。

    Time was cracking on and we were nowhere near finished.

  • 他是个苛刻的批评家,但是个非常善良的人。

    He was a stern critic but an extremely kindly man.

  • 对许多人来说,他们期盼已久的还乡之行令他们大失所望。

    For many, their long-awaited homecoming was a bitter disappointment.

  • 虽然地税在细节上复杂得要命,但在本质上很简单。

    Though off-puttingly complicated in detail, local taxes are in essence simple.

  • 他累极了,睡不着。

    He was extremely tired but sleep eluded him.

  • 她出了名,牺牲了她的婚姻。

    Her fame was bought at the expense of her marriage.

  • 奇迹就是看似不可能,发生了。

    A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway.

  • 实际上我认识她,但是我身着工作服,与她擦身而过的时候没被认出来。

    I actually knew her, but in overalls I passed unrecognised.

  • 然而许多问题未被察觉。

    Many problems, however, escape detection.

  • 我们服的药相对来说药性温和,但是我们在把它们变成毒药。

    We're taking relatively benign medicines and we're turning them into poisons.

  • 他试图说出一个字,但他的声音失败了。

    He tried to utter a word, but his voice failed him.

  • 我的生活在遇见他之前忙碌空虚。

    My life was very hectic but empty before I met him.

  • 这间小屋虽小,十分迷人。

    The cottage is tiny, but it's charming.

  • 她长于教学,拙于管理。

    She's a good teacher but a poor manager.

  • 他开着电视,但节目未被观看。

    He left the TV on, but the show went unwatched.

  • 已是深夜,他们依然在放音乐。

    They insist on playing their music late at night.

  • 初月的光芒虽然微弱,但很美丽。

    The light of the new moon is faint but beautiful.

  • 但在其他商店纷纷关门倒闭之时,大型超市的强劲扩张势头依旧不减。

    But as other shops fold, the march of the superstores continues.

  • 我听到有声音,听不清他们在说些什么。

    I heard the voices, but couldn't make out what they were saying.

  • 他想帮助朋友,但力不从心。

    He wanted to help his friend, but his ability was not equal to his ambition.

  • 她聪慧绝顶,工作缺乏条理。

    She is highly intelligent but her work lacks organization.

  • 只有35名员工,要为3万多顾客服务。

    There are only 35 staff to serve 30,000-plus customers.

  • 那部戏被捧为杰作,可我大失所望。

    The play was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it very disappointing.

  • 锡箔包装纸好看难用。

    Foil wrapping paper is beautiful but difficult to use.

  • 他明知会激怒她,故意那么做。

    He did it on purpose, knowing it would annoy her.

  • 他明明错了,还嘴硬不承认。

    He was clearly wrong, but he was still stubborn and wouldn't admit it.

  • 时光飞逝,我们的友谊依然如初。

    Time flies, but our friendship remains the same.

  • 虽然是淡季,这家酒店客满了。

    Although it was off season, the hotel was fully occupied.

  • 我眼看着事情发生,无力相助。

    I saw what was happening, but I was powerless to help.

  • 她的衣服干净落后于时尚了。

    Her clothes were clean but dowdy.

  • 电影以写实开头,然后发展成为荒诞的幻想。

    The film starts off realistically and then develops into a ridiculous fantasy.

  • 这套公寓不大满漂亮,尽管已相当陈旧。

    The apartment was small but attractive, if rather shabby.

  • 这可能是人所共知的事实,但我不知道。

    It may be a well-known fact, but I didn't know it.

  • 他试图保持冷静,但内心在激动。

    He tried to stay calm, but inside he was seething.

  • 他患有癫痫,拒绝药物治疗。

    He was epileptic and refused to take medication for his condition.

  • 然而他的死太没有必要了。

    But his death was so needless.

  • 尽管表面看似镇静,我内心非常慌乱。

    In spite of my outward calm I was very shaken.

  • 他外表冷漠,心地十分善良。

    Beneath his gruff exterior, he's really very kind-hearted.

  • 我们经过一两处住所,无意停下。

    We passed one or two dwellings, but were not disposed to stop.

  • 她紧闭双眼,无法忍住眼泪。

    She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears.

  • 这些表达方式经常相互替代使用,但它们的含义有所不同。

    These expressions are often used interchangeably, but they do have different meanings.

  • 我们儿时的生活虽然贫穷过得很愉快。

    We led a poor but happy enough existence as children.

  • 她主动帮忙,遭到断然拒绝。

    Her offer of help was met with a sharp rebuff.

  • 我去踢球踢了个空。

    I went to kick the ball and I completely missed it.

  • 他试图修理水槽,但把工作搞砸了。

    He tried to fix the sink but managed to botch the job.

  • 尽管他只是在咕哝,可是他的措词让罗德妮恼火。

    Although he was only grumbling, his choice of words made Rodney angry.

  • 首先是,上帝的承诺是确定无疑的,但实现的方法和时机都是不可知的。

    The first is, that while God's promise is sure, the manner and the timing of its fulfillment is quite unpredictable.

  • 另一方面来说,不太可行,说他们还活着,直观上就不对。

    On the other hand, it doesn't seem so plausible, it doesn't seem intuitively right, to say that they're alive.

  • 我已经告诉过你,“让我的孩子离开,他要崇拜我“,但是你不让他走。

    I have said to you, "Let my son go, that he may worship Me," yet you refuse to let him go.

  • 假如我们自己总是惶惶不可终日,还做着顾问的工作,而不做自己喜爱的工作,就像我们总抱怨的。

    And if we're stressed out all the time and working in counseling, never doing what we love, we're always complaining.

  • 上帝说,罪恶在门外召唤;,它能控制你,你不能成为他的主人,《创世纪》第4章第7节。

    He says, "Sin couches at the door; Its urge is toward you Yet you can be its master," Genesis 4:7.

  • 她什么餐馆都能订到位,只能找拉杰做她的丈夫吗?

    She can get into any restaurant, but the best husband she can find is Raj?

  • 为什么癌症现在是美国人的头号杀手,甚至没有在一六六五年的名单中出现

    Why is cancer one of the leading killers in the U. S. now but wasn't even on the charts in 1665?

  • 虽然他们后来能够有人格功能性,但是现在没有。

    Although they will be engaged in P-functioning later on, it's not true right now that they can engage in P-functioning.

  • 科学能帮助我们了解外在的事物,但内在世界不行。

    Science can teach us more about what is out there, but not what is in here.

  • 上帝与人类陷入一场永恒的战争,谁也不占上峰,但是他们相遇时一直会引起改变。

    God and humans lock in an eternal struggle, neither prevailing, yet both forever changed by their encounter with one another.

  • 看到很多企业家来到,我们在帕洛阿尔托市的办公室,只是一个劲地说,不动脑子,我感到十分惊讶。

    I'm still stunned to see how many entrepreneurs come to our offices in Palo Alto and it's all output and there's no thoughtfulness.

  • 不是很好的俗语,用在今天很贴切。

    It's not a great saying but it certainly is fitting today.

  • 但是请注意,即使语法有着难以置信的不足,我们依然可以创造出无限数量的句子

    But notice, even if there is incredible constraints on grammars, still--we could still produce an infinite number of sentences.

  • 有什么了吗?我们有信号,不能锁定坐标。

    Anything yet? We have a signal, but there's no frame lock.

  • 我们在这门课里可以学到的一点是,我们拥有很好的理论,但在实践中总是不能应用得当。

    Well, one of the lessons of this course is we have a wonderful theory, but we don't manage it well, mostly.

  • 他本来能杀了我,选择了手下留情。

    He could have killed me, but instead he showed me mercy.

  • 乔治最好的朋友来了,但是没有人和我一起玩。

    George has his best friend here, but I've got no one to play with.

  • 小宏,我们很想帮忙,但是爱莫能助。不,你们潜力无穷。

    Hiro, we want to help, but we're just us. No. You can be way more.

  • 这个理念至关重要,但实施起来难上加难。

    It's an important ideal, but sometimes difficult to fulfill.

  • 对灭活的疫苗没有那样强烈反应,这也是索尔克氏疫苗为何,必须大剂量注射的原因

    Doesn't respond as well to killed vaccines, and that's why the Salk vaccine has to be injected at a high dose.

  • 我本希望你自己能明白,但你对我撒谎。

    Now, I hoped you'd reach that conclusion on your own. But instead, you lied to me.

  • 但是桃子打不败太狼。

    But a peach cannot defeat Tai Lung!

  • 关于来生的这幅画面是建立在正统基督教,对永生的信仰上的,肉体归于泥土,灵魂会像启明星一样升上天空。

    This image of the afterlife is founded on the orthodox figure for eternity. The body stays to the earth while the soul, like the day-star, rises to the sky.

  • 不知道上帝在想:“好,但是就这样好了”。

    Little did she know God was thinking, " Okay, but that's it."

  • 人们说他漫长的一生,便一定会说他饱读诗书,但他的思想比他的阅读丰富得多。

    He had read much, if one considers his long life, but his contemplation was much more than his reading.

  • 而之后惊奇地发现,跟他们交谈的是个女人,这让孩子们感到很有趣,也就对这些工作越来越感兴趣。

    So they were quite amused that it was a woman that was speaking to them and telling them about how hard life was, doing that kind of work.

  • 我们事实上反而在,尊重他们所说内容的真实性,从未想过这到底是不是真的。

    We are honoring instead the integrity of what they're saying without thinking about whether or not it might be true.

  • 这非常糟糕,但不容辩驳。

    Which is too bad, but it's not debatable.

  • 我们赢了战争,失去了地球,地球饱受污染。

    We won the war, but lost the planet, left it contaminated.

  • 有时候有些同学说话轻声轻语,这样说话本身没什么,但我有时听不太明白。

    I sometimes have trouble with students who talk very softly which is alright in itself and sometimes very sweet.

  • 但您的一生,得以转化成另外一种美,尽管伴随着苦痛,-是的。

    Yet somehow it was transformed into, what it's turned into, a beautiful thing, although not without pain. -Yes.

  • 康德在很多方面,尽管他并不认识西德尼,遵循了西德尼的理论,尤其是这一点,就像你们看到的。

    In many ways Kant, without knowing anything about Sidney, nevertheless follows from Sidney particularly in this, as you'll see.

  • 他一定很紧张,没有失态。

    He must have been nervous, but he never faltered.

  • 在当时人们把大胡子当做虔诚的象征,彼得叫人把胡子都刮了

    At a time when beards meant a great deal religiously, he's telling the men to shave off their beards.

  • 就在最好的投资机会来临的时候,人们对股票市场看空的程度,刚好达到顶峰

    Just at the point of maximum opportunity people were at the point of maximum bearishness about the equity markets.

  • 但回溯一下那些在《荷马史诗》中被称为,巴赛勒斯的人,并不像波斯王那样强大

    But we quickly see that the people referred to as Basileus in Homer are not like the great King of Persia.

  • 他们各不相同,但他们有着一个共同的目标。

    They're all different. But they all share the same goal.

  • 你们的话好像是懂我了,但你们的口气像在批评我。

    The words sound like you get it, but your tone is throwing me.

  • 你父亲的葬礼你都没来,为这件事来?

    You don't come for your father's funeral, but you come for this?

  • 他们既不需要国王也不需要女王,但他们信赖这么一个人。

    And they needed neither king nor queen but trusted in one another.

  • 因此如果我们看它的键长的话,它实际上比单键更短,比双键更长。

    So if we look at its length, it's actually shorter than a single bond, but longer than a double bond.

  • 她的目的是通过诗歌所能记录,达到不能解释的,变幻莫测的力量,来和被统治的世界相处。

    Her aim is to get along in a world that is dominated by shifting forces that can be registered and reacted to by poetry, but not explained.

  • 所以,诗学是一个充满争议的著作,它并不是由亚里士多德创作的,非常重要。

    In other words, in a way it's a disputed text and it is not written by Aristotle, but it's also a foundational text.

  • 我试着佯装淡定,毫不管用,我开始做噩梦。

    I tried to be casual about it, but it didn't take. I started having bad dreams.

  • 我当时吓坏了,但是你出现了。

    I was terrified. But then, you appeared.

  • 人数刚够坐满一间小饭馆而已,但他们称之为“镇民大会“

    There's only enough of them to fill a decent sized dining room, but they call themselves the "town meeting."

  • 由于风险承担曲线,我们需要雇佣数万名员工,但是,雇不到。

    The risk tolerance curve for the tens of thousands of people that we needed to hire, you just couldn't quite get them.

  • 这里列出了蛋白质没写其日摄取百分比,你注意到了食品标签里一个有趣的现象

    It lists the protein but not the percent daily value, so you noted something interesting about the food label.

  • 这些技能是我们司空见惯的,当时很奇怪人们一般没有注意到它们。

    That's something that we see again and again and it's remarkable how little common sense is often applied.


què ㄑㄩㄝˋ

  • 退:~步(因畏惧或厌恶而后退,如“望而~~”)。退~。
  • 退还,不受:盛情难~。
  • 表示转折:我来了,他~走了。
  • 去掉:失~。了(liǎo)~。

英语 still, but; decline; retreat

德语 aber, jedoch, dennoch ,zurückweisen, ablehnen, ausschlagen

法语 mais,cependant




(1) (形声。本作“却”,俗字作“却”。从卩,谷( què )声。卩( jié),象人下跪的样子,即腿骨节屈曲的样子。从“卩”与脚的活动有关。本义:退)

(2) 同本义 [step back;retreat;withdraw]










曳笏却立。——· 柳宗元《柳河东集》


(3) 除;去 [get rid of]


(4) 避;避免 [avoid]



(5) 拒绝 [refuse]


(6) 回转;返回 [turn back]


(7) 反复 [repeat]




(1) 用在偏正复句的正句中,提出跟偏句相反或不一致的动作、行为或状况,表示转折,相当于“但”、“但是”、“可是” [but]

一连数日,施恩来了大牢里三次,却不提防被 张团练家心腹人见了。——《水浒传》

(2) “反而”“然而” [at the same time]



用在动词后,相当于“掉”,“去” [off;out;away]



(1) 固然 [admittedly]




却看妻子愁何在。——· 杜甫《闻官军收河南河北》

却坐促弦弦转急。——· 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》






(5) 恰;正 [just]


(6) 刚刚 [a moment ago]




免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of