1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-27 10:17:02
zhōng guó





China n.中国;(china)瓷;瓷土;瓷料;瓷器;瓷餐具;瓷器制品

CHN abbr.中国(即China,是中国在联合国注册的国家代码)

  • 前总统到中国进行了私人访问。

    The former president paid an unofficial visit to China.

  • 中国的经济飞速向前发展。

    China's economy galloped ahead.

  • 他没有太认真地考虑去中国的这个想法。

    He toyed with the idea of going to China.

  • 中国,蝙蝠被视为吉祥物。

    In China bats are thought of as being very lucky.

  • 他们问了许多有关中国的问题。

    They asked a lot of questions about China.

  • 中国的茶在哪里生产?

    Where is tea produced in China?

  • 你可以把它带到中国

    You can take it to China.

  • 中国民众热衷于购买新企业的股票。

    People in China are eager to buy shares in new businesses.

  • 中国的少数民族构成总人口的不到7%。

    China's ethnic minorities constitute less than 7 percent of its total population.

  • 他动过去中国的念头,但并没当真。

    He toyed with the idea of going to China.

  • 那架喷气式飞机未经允许闯入中国领空。

    The jet entered Chinese airspace without permission.

  • 中国人民珍视他们的独立和主权。

    Chinese people cherish their independence and sovereignty.

  • 中国将会利用其影响力帮助推进和平进程。

    China would use its influence to help push forward the peace process.

  • 外交部长与中国外交部长举行了会谈。

    The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese counterpart.

  • 该产品上贴有“中国制造”的标签。

    The produce was labelled "Made in China."

  • 中国一直令我心驰神往。

    China has always fascinated me.

  • 他们继续从中国获取丝绸。

    They continued to get their silks from China.

  • 我想念中国的每一个人。

    I miss everyone in China.

  • 她做了个关于她在中国访问的有趣报告。

    She gave an interesting talk on her visit to China.

  • 纺车是中国人的一项发明。

    The spinning wheel was a Chinese invention.

  • 今晚他们将挑战一对中国选手,争取进入明天的决赛。

    Tonight they take on a Chinese pairing in their bid to reach the final tomorrow.

  • 中国比澳大利亚更大。

    China is bigger than Australia.

  • 中国的国庆节是什么时候?

    When is China's National Day?

  • 新闻记者来自中国等遥远的地方。

    Journalists came from as far afield as China.

  • 中国杂货店里你可以买到现成的。

    You can buy it ready-made at Chinese groceries.

  • 他们从中国进口商品。

    They import goods from China.

  • 他整个一生都在中国做医生。

    He had spent his entire life in China as a doctor.

  • 他发起了某项后来改变了中国面貌的行动。

    He started something that was to change the face of China.

  • 这艘船将继续呆在中国领海之外。

    The ship will remain outside Chinese territorial waters.

  • 中国民间传说中,蝙蝠是好运的象征。

    In Chinese folklore the bat is a symbol of good fortune.

  • 厨师、工作人员和经理都是中国人。

    The chef, staff, and managers are all Chinese.

  • 中国已留出二百多亿美元用于石油勘探。

    China has earmarked more than $20 billion for oil exploration.

  • 在市中心有一家中国菜的外卖餐馆.

    There's a Chinese takeaway in the centre of town.

  • 我喜欢我在中国的学校。

    I liked my school in China.

  • 中国农民在他们自己的土地上耕作。

    Chinese peasants farm their own plots.

  • 外交大臣将要访问中国

    The Foreign Minister is to visit China.

  • 我在中国有一个新朋友。

    I have a new friend in China.

  • 中国被称为“崛起中的经济强国”。

    China has been described as an 'emerging economic powerhouse'.

  • 她的中国朋友们说这位女皇是他们值得敬仰的祖先。

    Her Chinese friends referred to the Empress as their venerable ancestor.

  • 马克·吐温来过中国吗?

    Did Mark Twain come to China?

  • 一批中国玉器

    a collection of Chinese jade

  • 中国队在体操比赛中包揽了所有的奖牌。

    China made a clean sweep of the medals in the gymnastics events.

  • 日本和中国的许多茶都是绿茶。

    Many Japanese and Chinese teas are green teas.

  • 陈是某个中国神学领域的新入门者。

    Chen was an initiate of a Chinese spiritual discipline.

  • 中国力求在20年内将其收入翻两番。

    China seeks to quadruple its income in twenty years.

  • 这艘船将继续停留在中国领海之外。

    The ship will remain outside Chinese territorial waters.

  • 中国以茶闻名,对吗?

    China is famous for tea, right?

  • 这家公司看来很有把握在中国取得重大突破。

    The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in China.

  • 中国再次成为一个世界性的强国。

    China has once again emerged as a world power.

  • 在蛰伏了几个世纪后,中国开始惊艳世界。

    After centuries in seclusion, China is now revealed.

  • 许多中国人,尤其是领导人,决策者们,意识到这不能持续很久。

    I think a lot of people, especially the Chinese leaders, the decision-makers, realized that that's not going to last very long.

  • 而如今,中国的数据是这样的,印度的数据就是这样的

    But in China the numbers look like this, and in India they look this.

  • 好吧,希望你能好好跟他解释,那些打到中国的电话。

    Okay. Good luck explaining all the calls to China.

  • 其中单与中国的就高达2,500亿美元,你们怎么看待这些数据?

    50 billion of that accounted by a trade and balance with China alone What do you do with those data?

  • 希望能够通过该项目在为中国网民,提供搜索的质量,迅速赶超别人。

    We wanted to quickly catch up and surpass everyone in terms of search quality for Chinese users.

  • 当我们成功融资120万美元回到中国,相比其他新兴互联网公司,这些钱简直就是九牛一毛。

    When we brought US$1.2 million back to China, it was like peanuts comparing to a lot of other Internet startups in China.

  • 这种城市化进程遍及整个中国

    This urban transformation is spread across China.

  • 作第一个和中国做生意的人,您想象过吗?

    To be the first to trade with China, can you imagine it?

  • 你在中国的时候。中国。认识茱莉时。茱莉?

    When you were in China. China. Meeting Julie. Julie.

  • 那你为什么把米尔金送去中国

    Then why did you send Milkin to China?

  • 这段时间是元首来访,比如中国的主席,诸如此类。

    These days are devoted to a state visit from the president of China something like that.

  • 趋势越来越明显,非洲,中东地区,一直往东到印度再到中国,一条巨大的商业渠道,巨大的投资线路。

    So increasingly now, Africa, Middle East, all the way over to India and then to China, huge trade routes, huge investment routes.

  • 我发现,这在很大程度上增加了,他们对公司的认识,因为某位董事会做一个小时陈述,这是我们在中国的业务“

    And I found that that increases their knowledge and understanding of actually what the company does tremendously, because somebody comes in, presents for an hour, "Here's what we're doing in China."

  • 中国业已加入太空竞赛,肇始于2008年,首位中国航天员的太空漫步。

    China has entered the space race from the first Chinese astronaut to walk in space in 2008.

  • 我正在采访中国移民儿童和欧洲儿童,看看他们是如何学习的。

    I am interviewing Chinese immigrant children and European children to see how they learn

  • 你能不能告诉我们,中国是怎么样的?

    Can you tell us, what was China like?

  • 七夕节来自一个中国的传说。

    The Star Festival is an all-Chinese myth.

  • 你在中国发生了什么事?

    So what the hell happened to you in China?

  • 烟草的历史十分有趣,与我们这里讲的内容相关,像中国这样国家的烟草工业,也发现了这种潜在情况,因而,吸烟率就好像肥胖率那样,在中国,印度尼西亚,博茨瓦纳,乌拉圭这些国家中直线上升

    The tobacco history is extremely interesting and relevant here The tobacco industry in countries like China saw the potential as well, and hence, smoking rates like rates of obesity have been skyrocketing in China and in countries such as Indonesia, Botswana, and Uruguay.

  • 新技术是关键。不仅对中国的城市交通系统是如此,对于把中国人送出中国更是如此,甚至冲出地球。

    New technology is key to not only the transport systems in China's cities, but also to transporting the Chinese to places beyond the confines of China, and even out of the planet.

  • 这是中国对好莱坞的回击:中国坞。

    China's answer to Hollywood: Chinawood.

  • 人人都爱。美国人,西班牙人,欧洲人……人人都爱中国食物,

    and everybody loves that. The Americans, the Hispanics, the Europeans... Everybody loves Chinese food,

  • 实际上,俄罗斯在1918年前,中国在1949年前设有股票市场,那么投资者会得到怎样的回报呢

    Well there actually was a stock market in Russia before 1918 and in China before 1949, so what happened to investors?

  • 砰,击毙了那个中国人。

    Boom, shoots the Chinaman dead in two seconds.

  • 对全中国的学徒们仍有着莫大的吸引力。

    And it still attracts kung fu apprentices from all over China.

  • 在星光大道上,你会发现德鲁·巴里摩尔的星星在中国剧院前。

    On the Walk of Fame, you're going to find Drew Barrymore's star in front of the Chinese theatre.

  • 事实上,有证据表明在几千年前,印度和中国的医生就在使用一种,类似于疫苗的东西

    In fact, there's evidence that even thousands of years ago, Indian and Chinese healers were using a form of something that we would recognize as vaccination.

  • 与此同时,很大的发展中经济体,像中国、印度和巴西,

    At the same time, there are very large developing economies like China and India and Brazil

  • 中国,百度占据着,绝大部分的流量份额,这是一个很吸引人的地方。

    And you know we have a very dominant traffic share over there, so it's really a very good spot to be in.

  • 最后,周晓兰是第五位助教,她来自中国的湖北省

    Finally, Xiaolan Zhou is our fifth teaching assistant and she's also from China, Hubei Province.

  • 我要去中国了。天呐,你说一件事…

    I'm going to China. Jeez, you say one thing, and....

  • 这是全球现象-,不论是中国,英国还是澳大利亚,或美国。

    And that is global-- whether it's China, whether it's in the UK or Australia, or the United States.

  • 我们可以在中国慢慢改进。

    We have plenty of time for improvements in China.

  • 中国需要创新,需要更多高附加值的产品。

    We need to innovate. We need to have more value-added things in the Chinese economy or in the GDP composition.

  • 特别像中国还有印度这样的国家,它们的排放量一直很高,

    especially countries such as China and India where there are so many emissions

  • 结果在中国没有人符合要求,因为那是没人致力于技术研究。

    Then I found that I couldn't find anyone in China because nobody at that time really focused on technology.

  • 中国,他们不去教堂。也没有宗教?

    And in China, they never go to church. No religion, too?

  • 我喜欢中国他们知道怎么能管得住人。

    I like China. See, they know how to keep people in line.

  • 所以对我来说,中国人、韩国人、匈牙利人、犹太人或者其他各种国籍的人,

    So for me, Chinese, Korean, Hungarian, Jewish or all kinds of nationalities,

  • 中国轻工业强,印度一直在第三产业,中国是劳动密集型?,-劳动密集型。

    China has been in light manufacturing, ... and India has been on the service sector Labor intensive? -Labor intensive.

  • 这不是说中国人,没有秘传的记谱方法,也不是说印度人,没有秘传的记谱方法

    That's not to say that the Chinese don't have an esoteric form of musical notation, that the Indians do not have an esoteric form of musical notation.

  • 可以看到在中国的春节期间,该吃的吃完了,该庆祝的也庆祝完了,中国人就喜欢到这样的地方来玩,这叫做庙会。

    Now, on New Year, you see, in China, when all the feasting and celebrations are over, the people of China like to come to one of these, which is a Temple Fair.

  • 嗯,他在中国做什么?谁?你爸爸。他没在中国做什么,他去世了,我妈妈再婚了。

    What is he doing in China? Who? Your Dad. He doesn't do anything in China. He's dead, my mother remarried.

  • 或者你失去对数学的原有兴趣,变成那种,对中国诗词感兴趣的人。

    Or, you like math now but then you lose your taste in math, and you become the kind of person perhaps who's interested in Chinese poetry, whatever it is.

  • 这就是沿海城市深圳,位于中国东南部。

    This is the coastal city of Shenzhen in southeast China.

  • 卡尔·伊坎先生:嗯,我认为,中国是这些原产品的大买主。

    Mr. Carl Icahn: Well, yeah. I mean China is a great buyer of all of these commodities.


中国 Zhōngguó

[China] 古代华夏族建国于黄河流域一带,以为居天下之中,故称中国。后成为我国的专称。全称中华人民共和国。面积9600000平方公里,人口12亿(1994),首都北京


中国 zhōngguó

(1) [Central Plains]∶指中原地区





(3) [capital]∶京城






厨房 n. kitchen; galley; cook house; diet-kitchen。

性欲 n. sexual desire; sex drive; libido。adj. sexual; e

韩国 n. South Korea。abbr. KOR。

幸运 adj. lucky; fortunate; providential; auspicious; p

num. three。n. three。adj. third。pref. tri-。

春天 n. spring; springtime。adj. vernal。

猕猴桃 n. kiwi; kiwifruit; kiwi fruit; Actinidia sinensis

对不起 int. sorry; pardon。v. forgive; feel sorry; let dow

十二月 December (Dec)。 twelfth month of the lunar year;

传统 n. tradition; heritage; convention; custom; mores;

没关系 idiom it doesn't matter; it's okay; it's ok; no pr

越走越远 Go further and further

一次交换 An exchange

文化 n. culture; civilization; education; literacy; cul

adj. small; little; minor; petty; slight; tiny; na