1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-27 14:22:42

Go further and further

  • 没有这些生活保障,克里斯托弗很可能会在犯罪的道路上越走越远

    Without those protective factors in his life, Christopher would be more likely to commit further, more serious crime.

  • 他们注视着她纤弱的身影越走越远,最后被黑暗吞没了。

    They watched her slight figure retreating until finally she was swallowed by the darkness.

  • 人们越走越远,以期趋近旷野和农村,但是旷野和农村却渐渐远去了.

    People go further and further away to reach open air and countryside which recedes from them.

  • 切记点滴的爱可以让你越走越远

    Remember that l little love goes o long way.

  • 我相信她,会在歌唱的道路上越走越远.

    I believe she will be singing on the road further and further away.

  • 不是因为我们不在一起了,也不是没话题聊了,而是我们都越走越远了。

    Not because we are not together, and no topic is not talked, but we are going farther and farther.

  • 玛格·丽特离开桑顿家。桑顿先生站在门口,看着马车越走越远

    Margaret leaves the house. Mr. Thornton stands in front of the door and sees the carriage go away.

  • 又是一年的离去,越走越远的回忆。

    Another year's departure, the farther away memories.

  • 我看着她沿公路越走越远,直至消失在黑暗中。

    I watched her walk down the road until she was swallowed by the darkness.

  • 然而,随着大家在解构的迷魂阵里越走越远,玛德琳的注意力却常常跑到伦纳德身上。

    As the class beat its way into the thickets of deconstruction, however, Madeleine's attention often wandered to Leonard.

  • 人们越走越远,以期趋近旷野和农村,但是旷野和农村却渐渐远去了.

    People go further and further away to reach open air and countryside which recedes from them.

  • 当他们走到树下越走越远,成为其他神经。

    As they walked further and further under the trees, the others became nervous.

  • 奥巴马说这有助于避免最高法院在偏向白人的问题上越走越远

    Obama said this should help keep the court from leaning too far to the white.

  • 别理会以上十条误导性的建议,你会在追逐梦想的路上越走越远的。

    Disregard these misguided bits of nonsense and you’ll be well on your way to fulfilling your dreams.

  • 凯瑟琳与埃德加的友情升温,但与西斯·克里夫却越走越远

    Catherine continues her friendship with Edgar, moving further from Heathcliff and closer to Edgar.

  • 最终这门人文科学越走越远

    Ultimately the truth about this human science goes deeper.

  • 那知他越走越远,始终没听到那女郎骑马追来。

    Surprisingly, as he went farther and farther, there still wasn't any sound of the girl chasing after him.

  • 这样做,行业危害与这个星球上最年夜的经济开支增添整体越走越远

    In doing so, the industries risk alienating the greatest growing spending bloc on the planet.

  • 我们强烈敦促有关方面停止相关部署进程,不要在错误道路上越走越远

    We strongly urge relevant parties to stop the deployment process and not to go further down that wrong path.

  • 宝,当你越走越远了,偶尔回头看看,我,我们,一直都在原地,守护着你,爱着你。

    Po, when you further and further away, and occasionally look back and I, we, have been in place to guard you, love you.

  • 他的心越走越远了西部。

    His mind got farther and farther west.

  • 人不转弯,越走越远.

    He goes far that never turns.

  • 他的木筏越走越远, 而河面也越来越窄了.

    His raft went farther and farther, and the stream surface became narrower and narrower.

  • 是弗雷德对浮华、奢靡生活的强烈欲望使他们越走越远

    It was Fred's lust for glitz and glamour that was driving them apart.

  • 是世界上最悲伤的字母,因为他们幸福过后,彼此越走越远

    X is the saddest in the world of letters, because their happiness after each other further and further away.

  • 这样你可以避免在错误的答案上越走越远,并重新回到正确的一边.

    That way, you can avoid talking about the wrong things and begin talking about the right.

  • 他们不愿意越走越远一直走到世界的尽头。

    They didn't want to march on to the end of the world.

  • 她说:他的态度让我们大吵一架,之后,我们就越走越远了。

    She says: 'We had a row about his attitude and after that he grew distant.

  • 这样做,行业危害与这个星球上最年夜的经济开支增添整体越走越远

    In doing so, the industries risk alienating the greatest growing spending bloc on the planet.

  • 这样你可以避免在错误的答案上越走越远,并重新回到正确的一边.

    That way, you can avoid talking about the wrong things and begin talking about the right.

  • 越走越远,尽管它会比这花费更少的时间的确是在一瞬间,让自己下降。

    Farther and farther, though it takes less time than this, really an instant, and lets herself fall.

  • 这样你可以避免在错误的答案上越走越远,并重新回到正确的一边。

    That way, you can avoid talking about the wrong things and begin talking about the right things.

  • 随着现政权在错误的路上越走越远,他们可能会让邻国面临危险。

    As the regime continues down this misguided path, things have a very real risk of going badly for many of its neighbours.

  • 每个级别的职位,你越走越远,从而增强了难度。

    Each level positions you further away thus increasing the difficulty.

  • 沿着这一思维逻辑,“现代派”小说最终在形式主义的道路上越走越远

    Along this logic, the Modernist Novel went further and further in the path of formalism.

  • 他们注视着她纤弱的身影越走越远,最后被黑暗吞没了。

    They watched her slight figure retreating until finally she was swallowed by the darkness.

  • 人们不得不越走越远去寻找更广阔的空间,乡村为他们不断地后退。

    People have to go further and further away to reach open air and countryside which continuously recedes from them.

  • 我们是一个碎列的错乱的物种,在毁灭的路上越走越远

    We are a fractured and frantic species… moving down a path of destruction.

  • 许多时候,正是由于想要坚持正确,反而使你们越走越远

    And there are many occasions where being right will take you far;

  • 它在分化成熟的道路上越走越远,覆水难收了

    It's gone down a path towards maturation that's very difficult to go back up.


同意 v. agree; agree with; accept; consent; consent to;

物理 n. physics; physical science; innate laws of thing

二月 n. February; the second month of the lunar year。ab

生病 v. fall sick; fall ill; sicken; ail; get sick; be

怎么读 How to read

春节 n. Spring Festival; the Spring Festival; Chinese N

复杂 adj. complex; involved; mixed; complicated; busy;

竹子 n. bamboo; bamboo plant; bamboo cane。

椅子 n. chair; seat。

乐观 adj. optimistic; positive; cheerful; hopeful; sang

大量 phr. a large number of; a large amount of; a large

秋天 n. autumn; fall。adj. autumnal。

一次 adv. once。phr. on one occasion; for the first time

袋鼠 n. kangaroo。

耳朵 n. ear; ears; lug; earhole; lughole。