1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-27 10:29:05
wén huà


culture; civilization; education; literacy; cultivation


cultural; educated; intellectual

culture n.文化;文明;修养;养殖;培养;栽培;(细胞、细菌等的)培养物

civilization n.文明;文化;文明社会;文明进程;文明世界;文明时期;(特定时期和地区的)社会文明;教化;开化

education n.教育;培养;教育机构;教育领域;教育学;教育界人士;有教益的经历

literacy n.读写能力;识字能力;文化程度;知识水平;教育水平;素养;能力

cultivation n.耕作;教化;培养;栽培

cultural adj.文化的;与文化有关的;与艺术、文学、音乐等有关的

educated adj.受过…教育(或训练)的;上过…学校的;有学识的;见多识广的;知识渊博的;文化程度高的;有文化修养的;有教养的

intellectual adj.智力的;聪明的;才智高的;高智商的;脑力的;思维的;理智的

  • 他们的文化背景赋予了他们一种冒险精神。

    Their cultural backgrounds gave them a spirit of adventure.

  • 文化因素常常对性别的角色有着重要的影响。

    Gender roles are often conditioned by cultural factors.

  • 每个国家都有自己独特的文化

    Each country has its own unique culture.

  • 我们在很大程度上都是本土文化的产物。

    We are all to a great extent the products of our culture.

  • 她渴望学习日本文化

    She's very keen to learn about Japanese culture.

  • 不同文化曾和平共存了很多年。

    The different cultures had coexisted peacefully for many years.

  • 整个意大利文化是围绕着饮食习俗的。

    The whole Italian culture revolves around the ritual of eating.

  • 这家人醉心于犹太文化

    The family was deeply involved in Jewish culture.

  • 诗人谈论了来自不同文化的仪式。

    The poet talks about a ceremony from a different culture.

  • 他也谈及了他对祖国文化前景的担忧。

    He also spoke of his fears for the future of his country's culture.

  • 他引导她进入对于其他文化的研究。

    He initiated her into the study of other cultures.

  • 了解衣服背后的文化

    Learn about the culture behind clothes.

  • 他们来自完全不同的文化

    They come from totally different cultures.

  • 旅游真正能使人开阔眼界,认识其他文化

    Travelling really opens your eyes to other cultures.

  • 在有些文化里,外科手术是被禁止的。

    In some cultures surgery is proscribed.

  • 我了解更多关于衣服背后的文化

    I know more about the culture behind clothes.

  • 其目的是教导商界人员学会欣赏不同的文化

    The aim is to inculcate businesspeople with an appreciation of different cultures.

  • 我在看一本有关中国茶文化的书。

    I'm reading a book about Chinese tea culture.

  • 在某些学校中存在着失败文化

    A culture of failure exists in some schools.

  • 在西方文化中,白色一向象征纯洁。

    White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures.

  • 我们生活在一种消费文化之中。

    We are living in a consumer culture.

  • 这让两种文化交织起来却不失去其各自特性。

    This allows the two cultures to intermingle without losing their separate identities.

  • 东西方文化之间存在着明显的差异。

    There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West.

  • 她不说日语并且不熟悉日本文化

    She speaks no Japanese and is unfamiliar with Japanese culture.

  • 移民在许多方面都对英国文化有所贡献。

    Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many ways.

  • 它们还展示了我国的传统文化

    They also show the traditional culture of our country.

  • 文化交流是各国之间建立联系的纽带。

    Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between countries.

  • 它被称为《丰富的文化》。

    It was called The Rich Culture.

  • 这个镇子是个文化荒原。

    The town is a cultural dead zone.

  • 我们生活在一个多元文化的社会中。

    We live in a multicultural society.

  • 当今文化中太缺少乐趣和轻松。

    There is just not enough fun and frivolity in culture today.

  • 这个故事以不同的形式出现在不同的文化中。

    The story appears in different guises in different cultures.

  • 2008年(截止9月30日),国务院在文化外交项目上的花费有1千万美元.

    The State Department spent $ 10 m on cultural diplomacy programmes in the year to September 30 th 2008.

  • 这种传统在我们的文化中是没有的。

    This tradition has no parallel in our culture.

  • 你能想到其他美国文化的象征吗?

    Can you think of other symbols of American culture?

  • 我喜欢学习中文语言和文化

    I enjoy learning the Chinese language and culture.

  • 我的建议是拥抱你所生活的文化

    My advice would be to embrace the culture that you live in.

  • 我们是一个伟大文化传统的继承者。

    We are the inheritors of a great cultural tradition.

  • 这部歌剧是西方文明的文化标志之一。

    This opera is one of the cultural totems of Western civilization.

  • 这两种文化具有许多相同之处。

    The two cultures have a lot in common.

  • 在我们的文化中,“死亡”是一大忌。

    Death is one of the great taboos in our culture.

  • 我好喜欢来博物馆,接受文化熏陶。是的。

    Oh, I love museums. Soaking up all the culture. Yeah.

  • 为何对我怀有如此敌意?别忘了你才是那个要将我国文化掩埋于历史之墓的人。

    Why am I your enemy when you're the one prepared to bury our culture in history's potter's field?

  • 我们了解您对中原文化和习俗的尊重,王子。

    Your respect for Chinese ways and culture is known to us, Prince.

  • 她确实有着西方文化所青睐的既匀称而又低脂肪的身段。

    She certainly has the symmetry and low body fat that western culture deems desirable.

  • 除了日本文化,哈佛还帮助我们,了解许多其他文化

    Harvard helped us to go into other cultures as well, not just learn a little bit about the Japanese culture.

  • 通过对艺术的推广,我们能够更好地理解对方的文化与文明。

    Through this promotion of arts we can better understand the culture and civilizations of the other people.

  • 何为文化素养?,文化素养远远不止一个人的读写能力,以及一个人的某些竞争技能。

    What is literacy? Literacy is more than the ability to read and write and some of your competition skills.

  • 这一点很重要,它提醒了我们,不能因为某种现象存在于我们文化中,或者存在于多个文化中,就认为它是无所不在的。

    So, this is an important reminder that just because we find something in our culture and just because it might well be pervasive doesn't mean necessarily that it's universal.

  • 克里国的疯子,对和平协定很不满,不把我们柴达文化消灭他绝不罢休。

    A Kree fanatic, outraged by the peace treaty, who will not rest until Xandarian culture, my culture, is wiped from existence!

  • 会失去我们的文化,得低头配合变成洛&福&艾律所。

    Losing our culture, co-opting ourselves by becoming Lockhart, Florrick/Agos.

  • 团结很困难,它有一点孤立,每一个地域的居民都发展起来,有了各自经济文化特点。

    Unity was difficult. Being somewhat isolated, the inhabitants of each region developed a distinctive economic and cultural character.

  • 您收看的是对话节目,内容涉及,宗教,道德,艺术,文化,伦理等领域。

    This is a show that features conversations about spirituality, morality, the arts, culture and ethics.

  • 人们扎根,随之漂流的都市,将他们从传统文化中剥离出来,同时也将那些传统的信仰与实践根除。

    The metropolis which uproots people, takes them away, takes them out of traditional cultures, also uproots traditional religious belief and practices.

  • 他是一种文化力量,一个,可以随时用来声援传统文化的人物。

    He's a literary power, a figure who could be called upon to supply the voice of tradition in itself.

  • 这项创新通过低成本的生产商品造就了现代消费文化

    That innovation is what made possible our modern consumer culture by enabling a low-unit cost for manufactured goods.

  • 如果有一个地方是北京饮食文化的灵魂,那一定就是这里。

    If there is one place that is the very soul of Beijing's food culture, this must be it.

  • 因此,这不仅仅是有关日本或其他文化,而是了解彼此的文化

    So it's not just Japan and their own culture, but to visit each other's cultures.

  • 如同意大利的作品反映出文艺复兴的精髓,荷兰画家的作品,同样映射出当时的社会文化特点

    What the Dutch painters painted reflects in the same way that Renaissance art reflected what was important to Renaissance Italy.

  • 我也想介绍一下,这种新文化素养,新兴的文化素养,我们称之为“民主文化素养“,也被称为政治文化素养。

    I also explain new kind of literacy, this new emerging literacy, what we recognize as new literacy, civic literacy, which also is referred to as political literacy.

  • 主题是史波克先生及他对我们文化的影响。

    It's about Mr. Spock and his impact on our culture.

  • 也许人们对这种冲突的表述有所改变,利益双方有所改变,文化景观有所改变,但这种争议永远存在。

    And the terms of the expression change, the parties to the conflict change, the sights change, but the controversy goes on.

  • 这是理解文化不是在纪念品店就能找到的一周。莱丽,什么是文化?我们的故事。

    This is a week to understand that culture isn't found at a souvenir shop. Riley, what's culture? Our stories.

  • 你的首要任务是履行义务而不是行使权利,对人民,对文化圈,对家庭,对政府都是如此。

    Your first thing is responsibility to fulfill your rights to your people, to your culture, to your family, to your government.

  • 现在我手中有一张表格,这个我会公开给大家,这里列出了世界上,具有较差文化素养的一些国家。

    I have a chart here, which I'll make available to, with a listing of nations with worse literacy record in the world.

  • 将双亲和单亲家庭的问题扩展了一下,“这些概念究竟在多大程度上,会因跨文化差异而有所变化“

    extending the issue of the two-parent versus one-parent family is, "To what extent are these notions validated " cross-culturally?"

  • 但是,归根结底,这种方式之所以,能够取得成功,是因为,人们意识到,“哦,这挺好的,我们的文化可以接受它“,“哦,这挺好的,我们的文化可以接受它“

    But essentially the only reason there was any way that that was an effective approach was because people basically realize "Oh this is a good idea and we agree with that as a culture."

  • 对,许多世代以来,我们文化中对侵略过度崇拜。

    Yes, our culture worshiped the aggressor throughout the ages.

  • 你去参加今晚海都举办的宴会吧,我想听听你对我们这些略逊色文化的看法。

    You shall attend my cousin Kaidu's feast tonight. I await your thoughts on a lesser culture.

  • 顺便说一下,这个经历并不是一直很愉快;,我自己不怎么喜欢文化论战,虽然,我最重要的工作很可能是在那个时期。

    By the way, some of it were not pleasant; the cultural wars I found very unpleasant, although it may have been the most important kinds of thing I did.

  • 看起来文化,不同的文化,包括美日文化的不同,南北美文化的不同,有不同的情感触发点,和应对的情感底线。

    It turns out that cultures, different cultures, including differences between America and Japan and the American South and the American North, have somewhat different emotional triggers and emotional baselines to respond to.

  • 我只是想介绍大家认识欧洲文化。只要不要介绍到我嘴里就好了。

    Well, I'm just trying to bring a little culture to the group. That's fine. Just don't bring it in my mouth.

  • 有共同语;,即古希腊文化为主,然后才是,本土文化和语言。

    It would have a certain koine to it; that is, a Greek overlay, over what may be also be there, the original indigenous kind of cultures and languages.

  • 胜利者所信仰的神,自然就取代了被征服民族的神,最终就产生了文化,宗教间的,同化和通婚现象。

    Conquered peoples would trade their defeated god for the victorious god of their conquerors and eventually there would be a cultural and religious assimilation, intermarriage.

  • 这些文化,是否可能在美国中部?

    Huh? Are, any of these cultures, per chance, in the Tri-state area?

  • 回首过去是中国文化由来已久的传统。

    Looking back to the past has long been a part of Chinese culture.

  • 整个文化周我都在找美国摊位,但是并没有。

    All through Culture Week, I've been searching the school for the America booth. And they don't have one.

  • 无论如何,朗伯,史瑞得到巴黎后完全被那里彬彬有礼的文化震撼了。

    In any case, Lambert Strether, as he arrives in Paris, has awakened to the sheer wonder of urbane culture.

  • 网络文化素养,科技文化素养,公民或政治文化素养,文化素养与文化及科技,密切相关。

    Our network literacy, our technology literacy, our civic or political literacy, literacy is neighboring to literacy itself, to technology.

  • 十几亿人口,丰富的文化,惊人的故事,作为东西两种文化的产物,我想帮助加速两者间的了解,帮助创造惊人的关系。

    A billion people, with rich culture, amazing stories, and as a product of both those cultures, I want to help faster understanding between the two and help create that incredible relationship.

  • 大家对"恶心"的标准不太一样,这些跟年龄、性别、文化甚至是个性有关。

    Perception of disgust is a combination of variables like age, gender, culture and even personality.

  • 著名的苏格拉底式辩论法,基本上,仍全盘维持旧时前苏格拉底式的,斗争与战斗文化

    The famed Socratic method of argumentation is basically all that remains of the older pre-Socratic culture of struggle and combat.

  • 但与此同时,我们的经历却非常不同,而这一点因为同学们各自不同的,文化背景又被扩大化。

    But at the same time we might have very different experiences and that was amplified with students coming from different cultures altogether.

  • 到底什么观点造,造就了这种文化,并使犹太人在后来幸存下来呢?

    So what is this radical new idea that shaped a culture and enabled its survival into later antiquity and really right into the present day in some form?

  • 但是现在我放到最后讲是因为:,它在提供我们文化的想象力方面地位如此特殊。

    I'm going to do that at the end for this reason: that it has such a special place in the imagination of our culture.

  • 然后我们把重点转移到了心理学,最后还讨论了社会和文化对文学的决定因素。

    We then promised to move to an emphasis on psychological matters, and finally social and cultural determinants of literature.

  • 弥尔顿在这段中注入了一个很强烈的思想,我也不清楚,我们怎么叫这种思想呢?这种性别的不一致和文化的相对性。

    Milton's infusing this passage with a powerful sense of -- I don't know, what can we call it? -- of gender nonconformity and cultural relativity.

  • 如果说我们有一种集体文化意识的话,在这个意识里,不管我们喜不喜欢米尔顿,我们都会认为他是强大的。

    But in our collective cultural consciousness, if there is a such thing, whether we like him or not we tend to think of John Milton as powerful.

  • 是啊,想要给我们这种粗人讲点文化知识。

    Yeah, to put some intelligence and culture to our brutal lives.


文化 wénhuà

(1) [culture]∶考古学上指同一历史时期的遗迹、遗物的综合体。同样的工具、用具、制造技术等是同一种文化的特征


(2) [civilization]∶人类所创造的财富的总和,特指精神财富,如文学、艺术、教育、科学


(3) [literacy]∶运用文字的能力及一般知识


人类在历史发展过程中创造的总成果。包括宗教、道德、艺术、科学等各方面。文明 2.教化


英语 culture, civilization, cultural, CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3]

德语 Kultur (S)​, Erziehung und Bildung (S)​

法语 civilisation, culture


厨房 n. kitchen; galley; cook house; diet-kitchen。

性欲 n. sexual desire; sex drive; libido。adj. sexual; e

韩国 n. South Korea。abbr. KOR。

幸运 adj. lucky; fortunate; providential; auspicious; p

num. three。n. three。adj. third。pref. tri-。

春天 n. spring; springtime。adj. vernal。

猕猴桃 n. kiwi; kiwifruit; kiwi fruit; Actinidia sinensis

对不起 int. sorry; pardon。v. forgive; feel sorry; let dow

十二月 December (Dec)。 twelfth month of the lunar year;

传统 n. tradition; heritage; convention; custom; mores;

没关系 idiom it doesn't matter; it's okay; it's ok; no pr

越走越远 Go further and further

一次交换 An exchange

文化 n. culture; civilization; education; literacy; cul

adj. small; little; minor; petty; slight; tiny; na