1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-21 12:42:28

be impossible of execution


cannot; be unable to; be incapable of; unable; incapable; powerless; inability; beyond; no way; no means of


implement; carry out; put into practice; execute; enforce; come into operation; practice; institute; practise; pursue; apply; implementation; execution; pursuance

  • 考虑到诸多因素,这在关岛基本上是无法实行的,但我们还是设法少用汽车。

    It’s almost impossible to do on Guam, for many reasons, though we did manage to go car-lite while we were there.

  • 考虑到诸多因素,这在关岛基本上是无法实行的,但我们还是设法少用汽车。

    It’s almost impossible to do on Guam, for many reasons, though we did manage to go car-lite while we were there.

  • 热拉尔多斯说:“据我所知,因为没有安全保障,欧盟实行了这项禁令,从欧洲过来的乘客因此无法直接从欧洲进入印尼。”

    "As long as I know the passengers from Europe are not able to continue direct from Europe to Indonesia because of the ban, because there is no insurance for that," he said.

  • 卫生部门作为气候变化的主要受害者获得了适当地位,并确保了为应对现已无法避免的挑战实行联合政策、战略和规定。

    This gives health its proper place as a principal victim of climate change and ensures joined up policies, strategies, and regulations for coping with challenges that are now inevitable.

  • 而不支持人工流产的人则认为此项禁令对于怀孕母亲们的健康来说是一个过于宽泛的例外了,如果实行的话,可能无法为任何形式的堕胎定罪。 这项禁令最终没有被实施。

    But pro-lifers say the ban had such a broad exception for the mother’s health that it would not have criminalised any abortions at all had it been enacted, which it wasn’t.

  • 希腊必须改弦更张:实行债务违约,并退出欧元区,否则,希腊人民无法看到光明的未来。

    Greece must change course to avoid a grim future for its people: it must default on its debt and exit the eurozone.

  • 当限制实行的时候,你会因为你的电子邮件信箱超出了限制容量而无法发出邮件——这被称为“电子邮件监牢”,这的确是浪费时间而且是令人沮丧的。

    While limits must be maintained, the inability to send messages because your system is over size limits - "e-mail jail, " is a source of waste and frustration.

  • 官方后来表明使用直升机向4号反应堆注水可能无法实行

    The authorities later said that using helicopters to put spray water on reactor no. 4 might not be feasible.

  • 倘若你无法获得某些行业天禀,就尽可能的以网站赞助形式让时势通讯为你实行。

    If you cannot get JVs - then try to incentivise webmasters for sponsored coverage on their newsletters.

  • 事实上,如果不将正义与宽恕同时实行,是无法完全恢复被破坏的秩序的。

    In fact, no one can restore the shattered order unless justice and forgiveness are combined.

  • 美国和英国说,这一点可能无法强制实行。

    The United States and Britain said it would be unenforceable.

  • 2007年提出的一项让汽车行业实行自由贸易的协议也被推迟,而协议各国(阿根廷、巴西、巴拉圭与乌拉圭)在多哈谈判中也都无法站在共同立场上。

    An agreement to bring in free trade in cars by 2007 has been postponed. The countries that form the pact (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) failed to adopt a common stance in the Doha talks.

  • 他断言,在当今社会,人们无法以传统作为实行一夫多妻制或是裹小脚的理由,同理,那些仅仅靠传统为论据是论证是站不住脚的。

    And he maintains that arguments which lean on tradition alone are inadequate, for the same reason that tradition cannot, nowadays, justify polygamy or footbinding.

  • 柏林动物权利保护协会在一份声明中说:“真正让我们担心的是,那些濒临险境的动物将会无法繁育后代,而这也会在很大程度上妨碍相关动物保护计划的实行。”

    "We're worried that these endangered animals won't breed any more, which would hamper animal protection programmes," Berlin's animal rights association said in a statement.

  • 这一限定条款在广东已经实行很多年,我们无法改变它。

    This limited rule have performance many years in Guangdong. we have no choose on it.

  • 多半让决定付诸实行时,多馀的时间和资源事实上无法让决定成立的。

    What it takes practice to see is that, most of the time, more of those items actually don't help the decision get made.

  • 你不该对NDA有顾虑,因为很多时候它无法强制实行或者难以印证。

    You shouldn’t worry about NDAs because they’re mostly unenforceable or unprovable anyways.

  • 如果在全国范围内实行统一的比例税率,这将使得许多小企业无法承受高昂的成本,而且雇员在追求差别工资的同时也会加剧通货膨胀。

    If introduced at the same flat rate throughout the country, this could be ruinously expensive for many small businesses, and stoke more inflation as employees seek to maintain their pay differentials.

  • 如果没有可行的系统和实行“快速战略”,你将无法找到你的顾客。

    With no real system and implementing "quick fix" methods will never help you find leads or customers for your business.

  • 目前的声光层析方案距离临床应用还差很远,主要是信噪比差,且无法实行活体检测。

    However, now this acoustooptical tomography has great distance from the clinical application due to both low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and impossibility to examine the patient in vivo.

  • 从简单的层面上讲,我们可以说在许多组织中,业务需求仍旧无法实行,这是因为IT工作没能与之恰当地对应起来。

    On a simple level, we can say that business requirements remain unfulfilled at many organizations because IT efforts do not properly address them.

  • 不得不使一个构想不全面的计划无法实行

    Had to put the kibosh on a poorly conceived plan.

  • 我认为,我们可能无法在全球范围内实行那样的的想法,清洁地球是一个很艰巨的任务。

    I think we might not get there with technology on a global scale - to clean up the globe is a lot to ask.

  • 《人民日报》原副总编辑周瑞金表示,长期实行一把手负责制很容易蜕变成无法无天的土皇帝。

    "People's Daily" deputy editor in chief Zhou Ruijin said, long-term implementation of a responsibility system is easily transformed into soil emperor defy laws human and divine.

  • 管理者必须提供支持,教导和建议并且冒这个风险可能使新想法无法实行

    Management has to provide support, coaching and advice - and take the risk that new ideas may not work.


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of