1 简明释义:

时间: 2024-12-17 09:03:02


chew; masticate; munch; chomp


chew; mastication; chewing

chew v.咀嚼(食物);嚼碎;细嚼慢咽;反复思考;仔细考虑;反复咀嚼(问题或想法)

masticate v.咀嚼;嚼碎;咬嚼;细嚼;磨碎

munch v.咀嚼;用力嚼;出声咀嚼;大声地吃;津津有味地嚼

chomp v.大声地吃(或咀嚼);咬紧(食物);格格作响地嚼;啃咬

mastication n.咀嚼;粉碎

chewing v.咀嚼;嚼碎;(chew的现在分词形式)

  • 嚼用

    living expenses [方]∶缴裹儿;日常生活的开支,花费

  • 嚼泡泡糖

    chew gum

  • 用力嚼

    chew vigorously

  • 嚼舌

    wag one’s tongue 瞎说;没有事实根据地议论 argue meaninglessly with 作无谓的争辩。也说“嚼舌根”、“嚼舌头”

  • 嚼舌根

    [wag one's tongue]比喻说是非,或者说废话 又作“嚼舌头”

  • 嚼子

    bit (of a bridle) 横勒在牲口嘴里的小铁链,两端连在缰绳上,以便驾驭

  • 嚼口香糖

    chew gum

  • 嚼花生米

    crunch peanuts

  • 不烂,酱汁黏稠,味道也不自然。

    The meat was chewy and the sauce was glutinous and tasted artificial.

  • 米饭未煮熟,很难

    The rice was undercooked, making it hard to chew.

  • 切斯特猎豹着一大块切达干酪。

    Chester Cheetah chews a chunk of cheep cheddar cheese.

  • 一份新的报告指出,口香糖可能给健康带来危害。

    A new report suggests that chewing gum may be a health hazard.

  • 每次奢侈地咬一口柔滑的烤蔬菜和耐的面包皮,我饥饿的灵魂都几乎尖叫。

    My starving soul nearly screamed with each voluptuous bite of silky roasted vegetables and chewy crust.

  • 这肉不动。

    The meat was too chewy.

  • 乔的另一个怪癖是他不停地硬糖。

    Joe's other peculiarity was that he was constantly munching hard sweets.

  • 他认为鸡胸肉太老,而小鸡的鸡腿肉很嫩很好

    Chest meat, he asserted, is too stringy, whereas the drumstick of a young chicken is delicate and easy to chew.

  • 你最好几颗咳嗽糖,来治治你的感冒。

    It would be better for you to chew a few cough drops to get rid of that cold you have.

  • 他边边重复道。

    He repeated as he chewed.

  • 我让你一会儿,但你必须还给我。

    I'll let you chew it awhile, but you must give it back to me.

  • 他嘴里着一根麦秆,靠到栅门上。

    He was leaning over the gate chewing on a straw.

  • 我在大口法式长面包时咬掉了一颗牙!

    I lost a tooth while chomping on a French baguette!

  • 只有这样,才可能吃到有劲的白色的火鸡肉。

    Only then will it be possible to eat chewy white turkey.

  • 她自己咽食物的声音非常大。

    The sound of her own chewing and swallowing were explosively loud.

  • 尝过之后,他把它碎,闭上眼睛,吞了下去。

    After tasting it, he chewed it well, closed his eyes, and swallowed it.

  • 我拿起一粒药丸,把它碎。

    I took one of the pills and chewed it up.

  • 把马齿苋想成是生菜的一个伟大的替代品:叶和茎是脆的、耐、多汁,而且它们有淡淡的柠檬味。

    Think of purslane as a great alternative to lettuce: the leaves and stems are crisp, chewy, succulent, and they have a mild lemony taste.

  • 她吸了块冰块到嘴里,嘎嘣嘎嘣地大声着。

    She sucked an ice cube into her mouth, and crunched it loudly.

  • 她在课堂上口香糖,受到了告诫。

    She was admonished for chewing gum in class.

  • 他喜欢在课间泡泡糖。

    He likes to chew chewing gum during breaks.

  • 他们迟到,口香糖,和同桌说话,必须受到训斥,并被送到同样是高年级学生的班主任那里。

    They are late, chew gum, talk to deskmates and have to be reprimanded and sent to the headteacher who is also a senior pupil.

  • 牛排硬得不动,豌豆就像子弹。

    The steak was tough and the peas were like bullets.

  • 幸好它不像有些比萨饼那样上面涂满了难的奶酪。

    Thankfully, it wasn't smothered in stringy cheese like some pizzas.

  • 慢慢口香糖以享受它的味道。

    Chew the gum slowly to enjoy its flavor.

  • 一个女孩在口香糖。

    One girl was chewing gum.

  • 好比在你过这个口香糖后跟人们说话,大家都不想和你聊。

    Like when you speak to people after chewing this gum, people just don't want to talk to you.

  • 有时他会倒我们喂给他吃的食物,因为他无法吞咽。

    Sometimes he regurgitates the food we give him because he cannot swallow.

  • 大卫干劲十足地着尽是软骨的牛排。

    David chewed energetically on the gristly steak.

  • 请不要在公共场合口香糖。

    Please do not chew gum in public places.

  • 他喜欢在上课时口香糖。

    He likes to chew chewing gum during class.

  • 我不能在那里捉苍蝇,我不能口香糖。

    I can't ketch a fly in there, I can't chaw.

  • 他坐在椅子上,着烤面包片。

    He sat in a chair munching his toast.

  • 牛排老得不动,豌豆像子弹一样硬。

    The steak was tough and the peas were like bullets.

  • 这肉不烂。

    The meat was stringy.

  • 我不在公共场合口香糖。

    I do not chew gum in public.

  • 他不停地烟草。

    He chews tobacco constantly.

  • 他喜欢慢慢地食物。

    He likes to chew his food slowly.

  • 你要是非常想吃巧克力,那就根角豆条解馋吧。

    If you do yearn for chocolate, try a carob bar instead.

  • 当老师看见那个女生时,她坐在座位上,脚伸到过道里,嘴里拼命地着口香糖。

    That schoolgirl was sitting with her feet stretched far out into the aisle, and was busily chewing gum, when the teacher espied her.

  • 我喜欢在饭后薄荷叶。

    I like to chew mint leaves after meals.

  • 她喜欢在学习时泡泡糖。

    She loves to chew bubblegum while studying.

  • 果不其然,天气允许的时候,他会回来再一点。

    Sure enough, when the weather allowed, he would come back and chew a bit more.

  • 丹尼尔仰靠在沙发上,还在着苹果。

    Daniel leaned back on the sofa, still chewing on his apple.

  • 我喜欢在喝奶茶时珍珠。

    I love to chew on boba while drinking my milk tea.

  • 在最后一刻,拉琼斯先生的马车的那匹愚蠢的、漂亮的白母马莫丽,矫情地走了进来,嘴里着一块糖。

    At the last moment, Mollie, the foolish, pretty white mare who drew Mr. Jones's trap, came mincing daintily in, chewing at a lump of sugar.

  • 格蕾琴费劲地着那块带软骨的牛排。

    Gretchen chewed energetically on the gristled steak.

  • 他总是在口香糖。

    He is always chewing gum.

  • 丹尼尔倚在沙发上,嘴里还在着苹果。

    Daniel leaned back on the sofa, still chewing on his apple.

  • 卢克大声着鸡肉三明治。

    Luke munched the chicken sandwiches.

  • 这块肉太硬了,不动。

    The meat is too tough to chew.

  • 这肉太难了。

    The meat was too chewy.

  • 我们坐在那儿,喝着葡萄酒着橄榄。

    We sat drinking wine and nibbling olives.

  • 你知道我为什么这么做吗,星“”?我懒得理你。因为我想这么做。智障。

    You know why I did it, Star-Munch? I'm not gonna answer to Star-Munch. I did it because I wanted to! Dick.

  • 你真能讲,听人舌头我就口渴。

    You're a talker. Listening to talkers makes me thirsty.

  • 没大有,当然,要说缺点的话,我就是太过于喜欢考拉熊了。我也不知道怎么回事,每当看到它们在桉树上大时,我整个人都融化了。

    Not much. Although, I can be faulted for being overly fond of Koala bears. I don't know what it is, when they start munching on eucalyptus, I just melt inside.

  • 好啦,今年不逼你吃鸡脯鱼啦。我根本不,直接当药丸吞。

    All right, this year, you don't have to eat the tur briska fil. I don't even chew it. I swallow it like pills.

  • 这里, 慢慢地它,想像那种味道。感觉到了吗? 一点点。

    Here. Chew it slowly. Only think about the taste. See? Not really.

  • 例如,为何不花18小时口香糖燃烧200卡路里?

    For example, why not chew gum for 18 hours to burn off those 200 calories?

  • 我要做压缩饼干,盐煮猪肉,因为是特殊的日子,还要做可式树汁块。

    I am making hardtack, boiled salt pork, and because it's a special day, a chewable gob of tree sap.

  • 不,如果他想吃我们的话,他会把我们碎了,然后从那里咽下去。这就是传说中的拉风的坐骑。

    No, if he was eating us, he'd be chewing us up and we'd be going down there. This is what you call riding in style.

  • 说到个人成长,我最近尝试吃了瑞士甜菜。我只没咽,但艾米说这样就很棒了。

    Oh, speaking of personal growth, I recently tried eating Swiss chard. You know, I didn't swallow it, but Amy said it counted.

  • 了那么多戒烟口香糖,为什么又开始抽了?

    Why would you start again after chewing all that quitting gum?

  • 昨天一整天我都在冰,看到披萨的时候我差点吐了。而且我办不到自己一个人去药店买验孕棒。

    And I was chewing on ice all day yesterday and I almost threw up when I looked at pizza and I cannot bring myself to go to the drugstore and get a pregnancy test.

  • 弗洛伊德用口腔期人格,来解释为什么会有人暴饮暴食,口香糖或是抽烟。

    Freud uses it as an explanation for why somebody might eat too much or chew gum or smoke.

  • 在你过这个口香糖后跟人们说话的时候,大家都不想理你。

    Like when you speak to people after chewing this gum, people just don't want to talk to you.

  • 说到这个,你大概在想,为什么你要坐在这里着难吃的奶酪、三明治,和一个穿着里克·施密茨球衣的家伙喝着橙汁。

    Speaking of which, you're probably wondering why you're sitting here eating a bad cheese sandwich and drinking orange juice with a guy in a Rik Smits jersey.

  • 你的朋友告诉你,“我一直在这种口香糖,它吃起来棒极了。”

    And your friend is telling you, "You know, I've been chewing this gum and it tastes really good."

  • 天啊,太给力了,她连都不用,省时又省心。

    Oh, man, that's so cool. She doesn't even have to chew. I mean, think of all the time you'd save.



jiáo ㄐㄧㄠˊ

 ◎ 用牙齿咬碎:细~慢咽。味同~蜡。


jué ㄐㄩㄝˊ

 ◎ 义同(一),用于某些复合词:咀~。


jiào ㄐㄧㄠˋ

 ◎ 〔倒(dǎo)~〕反刍,牛等动物把粗粗咀嚼后咽下去的食物再反回到嘴里细细咀嚼。

英语 prattle, be glib

德语 kauen ,kauen

法语 mâcher,mâcher





(1) (形声。从口,爵声。本义:以牙磨碎食物)

(2) 同本义 [chew]






(4) 剥蚀、蛀蚀、冲蚀或冰川侵蚀 [erode]

水嚼沙洲树出根。——· 真山民《朱溪涧》

(5) 干杯 [drink a toast]





(7) 比喻吃用 [spend]


(8) 乱说话 [chatter;talk nonsense]


(9) 吟赏,玩味 [play with]


(10) 唠叨 [chatter]


(11) 另见 jiào;jué





(1) ——“倒嚼”( dǎojiào):即牛羊等动物的反刍

(2) 另见 jiáo;jué




(1) 义同“嚼( jiáo ),用于某些复合词和成语 [chew;masticate]





(2) 另见 jiáo;jiào



免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of