1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-15 08:59:33
zǒng lǐ


prime minister; premier; chancellor; Taoiseach (prime minister of the Irish Republic)



premier adj.第一的;首位的;首要的;最好的;最重要的;首屈一指的;一流的;最著名的;最成功的

chancellor n.大学校长;名誉校长;议长;(德国或奥地利的)总理

p.m. abbr.下午(postmeridiem的缩写)

  • 劳工党总理 杰夫·盖勒普 提议花费3.5亿美圆种植耐盐植物.

    The Labor Premier , Geoff Gallop , proposed a $ 350 million desalination plant.

  • 总理的办公室位于首都。

    The prime minister's office is located in the capital.

  • 总理在会议上讨论了经济问题。

    The prime minister discussed economic issues at the meeting.

  • 国务院总理宣布了一项新的经济政策。

    The Prime Minister announced a new economic policy.

  • 国务院总理会见了各国领导人。

    The Prime Minister met with leaders of various countries.

  • 总理今天发表了重要讲话。

    The prime minister gave an important speech today.

  • 总理将访问邻国。

    The prime minister will visit the neighboring country.

  • 总理的决定影响了全国。

    The prime minister's decision affected the entire country.

  • 国务院总理在会议上发表了重要讲话。

    The Prime Minister gave an important speech at the meeting.

  • 总理在议会上就新政策发表了讲话。

    The prime minister addressed the parliament regarding the new policy.

  • 国务院总理强调了教育改革的重要性。

    The Prime Minister emphasized the importance of educational reform.

  • 尊敬的默克尔总理,马凯副总理,女士们先生们,各位领导,女士们,先生们,很荣幸能在CeBIT演讲。

    Dear chancellor Merkel, Deputy Prime minister Makai, Ministers, ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor to speak here in the CeBIT.

  • 你本想让总理受伤住院,以此来救他一命。就像你打算做的那样。

    You thought you put him in the hospital, take him out of harm's way. The same thing you tried to do.

  • 以防你没有奉命行事,一个人负责暗杀总理,另一个杀了你,这是一个考验。

    In case you didn't follow through. One man to kill the Chancellor, the other one to kill you. A test.

  • 要我去跟总理谈谈吗?

    Do I need to speak to the Prime Minister?

  • 我奉命前来刺杀总理,以重新赢得他们的信任。

    I was sent to kill the Chancellor to regain their trust.

  • 你今晚在歌剧院干什么?除了暗杀总理还有别的吗?

    What were you doing at the opera tonight? What? Aside from killing the Chancellor.


总理 zǒnglǐ

(1) [premier;chancellor]∶某些国家的政府首脑

(2) [prime minister]∶总理大臣的简称。议会政府的行政首脑

(3) [president]∶某些政党的领导人

(4) [exercise general supervision over]∶全面主持管理





免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of