1 简明释义:


时间: 2024-12-12 09:13:45
cǎi pái


rehearsal; run-through


rehearse; do a dress rehearsal

rehearsal n.排练;排演;预演;练习;复述;重复;叙述;演习;复习

run-through n.排练;练习;预演;演练;通读

rehearse v.排练(戏剧、音乐等);排演;练习;默背;背诵;重复;反复练习;反复说明;详述;列举;反复讲述

  • 你几乎可以说,这些选举是真正选举前的一次彩排

    These elections, you could almost say, are a dress rehearsal for the real elections.

  • 带妆彩排的时候,演员们变幻出一幅活生生的锦绣画卷。

    The actors were metamorphosed into a living tapestry of color at the dress rehearsal.

  • 也许你的小型婚宴需要在银鳟预定彩排晚宴或者欢迎会。

    Small wedding parties may want to book their rehearsal dinner or reception at Coho.

  • 这些观众举止随便,仿佛这场音乐会是一场非正式的彩排.

    The audience behaved indecorously as if the concert were an informal dress rehearsal.

  • 彩排期间上演的烟花表演特别壮观。

    The fireworks show displayed during the rehearsal was especially spectacular.

  • 我们今天下午有一场彩排

    We have a rehearsal this afternoon.

  • 彩排的这个片段来看,出席的运动员和政要将参加一场壮观的开幕式。

    Judging by this footage from the rehearsal, the athletes and dignitaries in attendance are in for a spectacular opening showcase.

  • 最好还是坚持执行我彩排过的剧本:“请问,能商议价格么?”

    Best to stick to the rehearsed script: 'Can we negotiate, please?

  • 他们正在为演出进行最后的彩排

    They are doing the final rehearsal for the show.

  • 而另一些“大事”进行过彩排

    Other events get dress rehearsals.

  • 你只是想按写好的剧本彩排罢了。

    You want rehearsals for a script that's already been written.

  • 乔布斯的演示之所以看起来如此简单是因为他花了大量时间来彩排

    Steve Jobs makes it look easy because he spends hours rehearsing.

  • 星期二晚上,开幕式的演员进行了一次完整的带妆彩排

    The performers for the opening ceremonies, going through a full dress rehearsal on Wednesday night.

  • 你几乎可以说,这些选举是真正选举前的一次彩排

    These elections, you could almost say, are a dress rehearsal for the real elections.

  • 导演对这次彩排非常满意。

    The director is very satisfied with this rehearsal.

  • 在大尺度时间的进化舞台上, 生态学可以看做一场漫长的带妆彩排.

    In this light of evolutionary time, ecology can be seen as one long dress rehearsal.

  • 今天火箭发射场上的演练是明天正式发射的彩排.

    Today's practice at the rocket site was the dress rehearsal for tomorrow's launching.

  • 彩排现场豪华的灯光效果将北京奥运主场馆“鸟巢”内部映衬得一片鲜红。

    The story said the extravagant light show of the rehearsal also featured the inner shell of Beijing National Stadium, known as the Bird's Nest, lit in a vibrant red.

  • 几天以后,他们将会进行一个倒计时彩排

    They will then take part in a dress-rehearsal countdown a few days later.

  • 而另一些事情是可以事先“彩排”的,冰岛南部的岛山冰川火山爆发就是如此。

    Other events get dress rehearsals. The eruption of Eyjafjallajokull in the south of Iceland was one of these.

  • 通常,正式演出之前都会有三场彩排

    Usually three rehearsals are held before a performance.

  • 人生没有彩排, 每天都是现场直播.

    No dress rehearsal in our life, every day was a field pickup.

  • 有时在讲话之前,会提前彩排

    I sometimes rehearse things before speaking.

  • 在正式演出前的完全彩排

    A full rehearsal shortly before the first performance.

  • 彩排录像在2009年制作成音乐会纪录片《就是这样》,并在全球热映。

    Footage of the rehearsals was made into Jackson's posthumous concert movie "This is it" in 2009 and it became a global box office hit.

  • 彩排进行得不太顺利.

    The dress rehearsal didn't go too well.

  • 彩排中,这出戏的不足之处才暴露出来.

    The weakpoints of the play became apparent in dress rehearsal.

  • 杰克逊最后为人所知的影像是他投入到伦敦季的彩排

    The last known video shows him at a rehearsal for the London season he was about to embark on.

  • 有一天在澳门的彩排也成了新闻栏目排名第二的节目.

    On one day just the dress rehearsal for the relay in Macao made the second lead.

  • 那个剧今天下午四点钟彩排

    The play rehearsal is on at 4pm today.

  • 这几天我必须要彩排了。

    I have to dress rehearsal in these few days.

  • 彩排时演员们都穿上正式演出时的服装.

    At a dress rehearsal the actors wear the clothes they will wear in the performance.

  • 周六有一次彩排,每位演员都会单独出现。

    On Saturday there is a rehearsal, and every single presenter shows up.

  • 这个仪式是在古奥林匹亚废墟中举行的着装彩排的一部分。

    The ceremony was part of a full dress rehearsal carried out amid the ruins of Ancient Olympia. (AP Photo/Dimitri Messinis)

  • 这只是一个彩排,但所有人群都聚集在白金汉宫门口。

    This is only a rehearsal, but already the crowds have gathered outside Buckingham palace.

  • 在这次积极的彩排几周后,这位年轻的律师确实赢了。

    A few weeks after this positive dress rehearsal, the young lawyer did win.

  • 但是我看到那么多模特要接受采访,有很多的演出和彩排,我很意外。

    I was surprised to see so many models being interviewed and so many performances and rehearsals taking place.

  • 在这次积极向上的总彩排之后过了几周,这名年轻的律师确实赢得了官司。

    A few weeks after this positive dress rehearsal, the young lawyer did win.

  • 许多人的生活好像是某个未来日子的彩排.

    Many people live as if life were a dress rehearsal for some later date.

  • 许多人的生活好象是某个未来日子的彩排, 并非如此.

    Many people lives as if life is a dress rehearsal for some later date. It isn't.

  • 比如说你在一个乐队里,正准备为演出彩排

    Jo: So let's give an example. Let's say I play in a band and we were practising or rehearsing.

  • 4月14日,伦敦海德公园,皇家骑兵团成员参加带妆彩排进行复审。

    Members of the Household Cavalry take part in a dress rehearsal for the major gGeneral's review in Hyde Park in London on April 14.

  • 他们在彩排吔,我们去看看吧!

    Let's go for the rehearsal!

  • 我们被一起请去观看彩排.

    All of us were invited to sit in on the dress rehearsal.

  • 我们一起去了所有的彩排

    We went to all the dress rehearsals together.

  • 要是什么事情也没有发生,就算是进行一次对觉察到的较大威胁的彩排

    If nothing happened, they'd had a rehearsal for a perceived larger threat.

  • 人生在世,其实只是彩排,为未来公演之日作准备。

    Life on earth is just the dress rehearsal before the real production.

  • 彩排时她闷闷不乐.

    At the dress rehearsal she was disconsolate.

  • 人生没有彩排,只有现场直播。

    Life is like live TV show. There is no rehearsal.

  • 诸位请看,我们正在彩排夏卢莫的新剧《汉尼拔》。

    Rehearsals, as you see, are under way, for a new production of Chalumeau's "Hannibal".

  • 彩排时,演员们都很认真。

    The actors were very serious during the rehearsal.

  • 在周六晚上,有一个全晚装彩排

    On late Saturday night, there is a full dress rehearsal.

  • 当我第一次拿到奖的时候,我一点感觉都没有,对我来说就像一次彩排

    So when I first got it I didn't feel it at all, it was like a rehearsal for me.

  • 人生不是一次彩排, 今天是你唯一能把握的.

    It is not a dress rehearsal, and that today is the only guarantee you get it.

  • 周三早上最后一次的婚礼彩排在这里举行。

    A final wedding rehearsal took place there on Thursday morning.

  • 他曾多次来看过表演彩排,但他却不想知道效果是怎么做出来的。

    And he came to many, many rehearsals of the show, and he didn't want to know how anything worked.

  • 我刚彩排完过来,

    I just came from a rehearsal,

  • 我前往中国国家电视台,中央电视台,这天是他们第一天带妆彩排,来看一下如此大制作究竟是为什么。

    I have come to the National state TV broadcaster, China Central Television, on the day of their first dress rehearsal, to discover what goes into putting on such a huge production.

  • 我刚从班里彩排完。

    I actually just came from a rehearsal for my directing class.

  • 我们要暂时休息一下,把彩纸屑扫一扫,带妆彩排的时候可没说会用这个。

    We'll now take a break to sweep up the confetti that was definitely not mentioned in dress rehearsal.

  • 嘿, 你们俩怎么样?还好啦。这不,我们正坐着呢,就我们俩,无所事事。 我们在为明天做彩排呢。

    Hey, guys, how's it going? Fine. We're sitting here, alone, doing nothing. It's our rehearsal for tomorrow.

  • 随便什么地方?是这样的,我今晚想早点休息。明天还有很重要的彩排。这才是正确的选择。斯隆。

    Somewhere? You know, I'm just gonna lay low tonight. It's a big rehearsal tomorrow. It's the right thing to do. Sloane.

  • 我在和凯西彩排过了。

    I've been rehearsing with Kelsi.

  • 你来不来?当然来,太好了,周二去你那里彩排

    So are you in? Yeah, sure, why not? Great, we rehearse on Tuesdays at your place.

  • 今天,我在伦敦城市中学男校彩排

    Today, I was doing a rehearsal at City of London Boys' School,

  • 今天有彩排晚宴。我一定会赶过去的。

    Wait. Wait. Wait. You can't start today. Today's the rehearsal dinner. Oh no, I'll be done by then.

  • 总会有一个苏格兰人。这是最后的彩排了。这场包括两千多位演员的活动就是由洪忠兴组织举办的。

    There's always one. There's just time for some final rehearsals. Organizing this whole operation, including over 2,000 performers, is Mason Hung.

  • 在九龙,安迪·郭创办了功夫郭和舞龙舞狮队,这样的表演队在中国有几百家。我前来探班,看他们为节日庆祝所做的最后彩排

    In Kowloon, Andy Kwok leads the Kwok Kung Fu and Dragon Lion Dance Team, one of hundreds across China. I have come to see the team's final preparations or the festivities.


彩排 cǎipái

[full dress rehearsal] 在正式演出前或大型群众活动正式举行前化装排练



英语 dress rehearsal

德语 Generalprobe (S, Mus)​

法语 répétition costumée


免费 adj. free; complimentary; gratis; courtesy。v. be f

愚不可及 phr. unbelievably foolish; extremely stupid; incre

安然无恙 be safe and sound; (escape) unscathed; (escape) i

pref. non-; un-; in-; il-; im-; ir-; dis-; a-; de-

匙子 n. spoon。

责难 v. criticize; blame; censure; reproach; condemn; d

却步 v. hesitate; flinch; recoil; retreat; shrink back;

无期限 open-dated。

却之不恭 idiom impolite to refuse; refuse with regret; decl

n. apple。

汗流浃背 phr. sweat profusely; be drenched in sweat; be soa

少女 n. maid; maiden; miss; chick; girlhood; damsel; la

n. young man; son; young animal; whelp。

adj. varied; various; assorted; miscellaneous。num.

n. Buddha; Buddhism; Buddhist statue; an image of